THE RADICALISED RABBI is a blog on Judaism and its very useful ideas and the blogger a Secular Koranist and a revolutionary. You don't have to be Jewish to find Jewish ideas very useful in tidying up your thinking and turbo-charging your powers of reasoning to the extent that you can even predict most events and disasters. The West is heading for disaster with its insane policy of Transnational Progressivism, turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah attracting the same punishment.
Sunday, 27 December 2020
Saturday, 26 December 2020
Rabbi Mizrachi says Iran is better to raise Jewish children in than Israel
Thursday, 24 December 2020
Tuesday, 22 December 2020
We CHOOSE to believe FOR MORAL AND POLITICAL REASONS when we exercise faith
Is Judaism Left Wing or Right Wing?
Sunday, 20 December 2020
Saturday, 19 December 2020
The nature and purpose of having moral/religious/political principles
Thursday, 17 December 2020
Wednesday, 16 December 2020
Censorship provokes more antisemitism
Why God made Jews His Chosen People
Rabbi Sacks on the fatherlessness of unhappy British children
Doooovid on Hanukkah 2020/5781
Tuesday, 15 December 2020
Predicting the new moral and political system of the West
Why so many Westerners are militant atheists who hate God
If Westerners now reject Christianity because of the way their ancestors were forcibly converted and then intimidated by the Christian totalitarianism of the Inquisition and heretic burning into remaining Christian, that is understandable. After centuries of abuse by the Church, they rejected it as soon as it became respectable to do so.
The fact that so many of them are now militant atheists with barely concealed contempt for the adherents of the Abrahamic faiths is more a rejection of the absurdity of the Trinity and their corrupt Church than hatred of God, though they do not necessarily consciously realise this.
Militant atheists fall under the category of people who think liberalism is better than any of the Abrahamic faiths when it has obviously failed while refusing to discuss whether the First Amendment was based on quran.com/2/256 and give credit where credit is due who also refuse to read the Koran if only to tell me which verse they hate the most, especially if they are academics.
The Trinity is dead and the kulturkampf killed it
Much of the New Testament is vague extremist nonsense. Rational and honest monotheists Jew and gentile should have rejected Christianity after the success of Islam but insteads chose to hide the defects of a religion that practised idolatry and blasphemy. This is in itself evidence of moral failure. Too bad Jews and Muslims never officially protested against this as soon as they could and even now refuse to engage on the subject. They need not fear the wrath of Christians because it is doubted that even the Pope or Archbishop of Canterbury really believe that Jesus is also God. To all intents and purposes, the Christian who literally really believes Jesus is God is already extinct.
Would becoming a Secular Koranist make you more attractive to women?
"Secular Koranism: protecting masculine men from immoral women."
The fundamental ideological difference between atheists and monotheists
What is dialectical/historical materialism?
I understand this as Hegel saying the equivalent of "stuff happens to compound the effect of whatever it is that is affecting you as a society either in a good or bad way, I dunno, history will tell".
Marx used Hegel saying this to support his argument that eventually, we will *progress* to a workers' paradise if you implement my ideas.
Neocon neoliberal Francis Fukuyama said that if everyone in the world uses liberal democracy, the world would *progress* towards the end of history when all nations of the world will reach an earthly heaven of liberal democrats.
But liberal democracy failed on 3/11/2020.
Communism and Liberalism come under the category of progressivism.
Proponents of sharia would be anti-progressive in that they believe following God's laws alone and not presuming to *progress* towards anywhere in particular except to keep God's laws would get them closer to heaven on earth.
How are we to judge the soundness of these different arguments?
Hegel and Marx > God?
God > Hegel and Marx?
Hegel > Marx?
Marx > Hegel?
Neonconservatism/Neoliberalism > Nationalism?
Nationalism > Neonconservatism/Neoliberalism?
God > Nationalism?
Nationalism > God?
Monday, 14 December 2020
Josh: "The Messiah is not the Magic Man, he is just the person with the most compelling argument."
Thursday, 10 December 2020
Is Western philosophy definitely dumber than the Torah and Koran put together?
Wednesday, 9 December 2020
The First Amendment is based on 2:256 of the Koran
The White House Koran belonged to Thomas Jefferson and it was he who drafted the Virginia statute of religious freedom which later became the First Amendment.
When Nietzsche said in the 1870s that "God is dead and we have killed him", he meant Liberals had killed the Trinitarian belief that Jesus is God in the Kulturkampf.
But Liberalism is know killing itself by stealing the election from Trump.
When Liberal Democrats have to cheat, lie and steal to get the election result they want, it means they neither believe in their own principles nor follow them.
This unprincipled corruption is sensed by China who is now kicking America's Australian poodle to see what Washington will do next, after the Americans finally decide who their President is on 20 January 2021.
Whoever is is deemed to have won the election by the Supreme Court will be regarded as a lame duck and so would any President who inherits her position from a lame duck President.
Wednesday, 2 December 2020
Unprincipled politicians and philosophers
Why Westerners don't care that Christianity and Liberalism are kaput
If you say Christianity is kaput, Westerners wouldn't care because the overwhelming majority of them are not confirmed Christians and are in fact atheists. If you tell them Liberalism is "obsolete" as President Putin did in 2019, most Westerners would also be indifferent because they do not identify as members of the liberal elite.
However, if you tell them that the moral and political system of the West has broken down, they might sit up and take notice.
It is interesting that even philosophers who identify as liberal don't feel able to defend liberalism which is why liberals prefer to sneer, censor and disengage rather than answer questions. Liberal philosophers in academia are now merely covering up for the failure of liberalism and those who do not identify as liberal would fear to challenge it because they don't want to be "cancelled". The point is there are no philosophers with any principles they are prepared to state or defend which means in practice most Western men are nihilists who are no better than cattle who can only be motivated by bribes or threats.
Tuesday, 1 December 2020
The meaning of life
AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews
4:00 Why no feedback? 5:00 Over 1000 views Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00 Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...

The attempt to deplatform Rabbis Mizrachi and Reuven (who think liberalism is evil) by Rabbi Slifkin8:00 Alarmed by ‘death threat’ video, Orthodox Jews try to de-platform fiery ‘folk preachers’ https://forward.com/news/451636/mizrachi-reuv...
1) Which verse of the Koran infringes the Noahide laws? 2) Why is it impossible that God would first reveal the Torah to Jews first and t...
Our moral system ie religion tells us what to believe and what we should and shouldn't do. All religions are moral systems. Secular pol...