Thursday, 10 December 2020

Is Western philosophy definitely dumber than the Torah and Koran put together?

I think we can all agree - Jews and gentiles, atheists and monotheists - that the Bible and Koran are wiser than Western academic philosophy, can't we?  Modern Western philosophy is the collection of stupidity and nonsense designed to plug a God-sized hole after Liberals killed God in the Kulturkampf of Germany and the rest of the Trinity-rejecting West. 

11:00  Most Christians have never heard of Tertullian and it is not helpful to beat about the bush with these Christians because they won't get it. You can be shouting at them that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy for years and years and they will still pretend not to get it, because there are no so blind and deaf as those who refuse to see or hear.  

The Archbishop of Canterbury is so theologically ignorant he didn't even know he was supposed to believe in the absurdity of the Trinity or just forgot about it when he was trying to do his man of the people thing with his sleeves rolled up the way Blair liked to do.  

Rabbinical opinion is divided on whether Christianity is Noahide.  

If you want the Western governments to have more sensible policies that support social conservatism you need to go to the root of the problem, and you need to tell them Christianity is kaput.  

If you don't think your shoulders are broad enough to do this, pass it on to your Chief Rabbis to say that Christianity is kaput because it was a practical joke played on Christians as well as unprincipled Jews and Muslims who should have pointed this  out to Christians the moment it became safe for them to do so.  

Because of the First Amendment, It would be safe for Jews in America to say that Christianity is the least of the Noahide of all the gentile religions. If you are too frightened to say that to Christians, you can pick a fight with Chabad by telling them to tell the  US government to forget about Education and Sharing Day from  now on if it does not explicitly mention the Noahide laws.  

Did you know Rabbi Sacks actually wrote a whole book on morality for gentiles without once mentioning the Noahide laws?  

16:00  Healing the conflict amongst the Abrahamic faiths over the centuries cannot be done unless rabbis demand that the Disputation of Paris be revisited and it takes place while Islamic scholars observe and comment.  

34:00  This so-called covenant is a BARGAIN. Understand it as such. The Koran is the divine version of Trump's Art of the Deal. 

35:00  God loves those who understand His laws enough to argue with Him about them.

46:00  China had a terrible legal system called legalism and its law were deeply unfair and harsh. No justice, no peace. 

Because the Qing Dynasty was corrupt and incompetent, the Mandate of Heaven was withdrawn from it. 

I met Rabbi Sacks at the talk he gave on this.

59:00 Gender relations in Judaism

1:04:00  Female prophets in Judaism

1:11:00  God can be reasoned with. Hopefully Yoram Hazony can be reasoned with too.

Seriously, how long are Jews and Muslims going to put off telling Christians that Christianity is kaput and that the West is as Christian as a human skeleton used to be human?  Because the Western moral system is broken, the Western political system is now also broken, and guess who they will blame whether Jews (who were made God's Chosen People to set and uphold standards for gentiles) warn them or not?  Damned if you do, damned if you don't, but you should still do the right thing, shouldn't you? I have a narrative that could be made acceptable to non-Muslim gentiles who believe in God and don't want to be guilty of the idolatry and blasphemy of worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of Hashem and would like to put it to you. You owe it to yourself to hear me out, so stop running away.   

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