Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Why Westerners don't care that Christianity and Liberalism are kaput

If you say Christianity is kaput, Westerners wouldn't care because the overwhelming majority of them are not confirmed Christians and are in fact atheists. If you tell them Liberalism is "obsolete" as President Putin did in 2019, most Westerners would also be indifferent because they do not identify as members of the liberal elite.  

However, if you tell them that the moral and political system of the West has broken down, they might sit up and take notice.  

It is interesting that even philosophers who identify as liberal don't feel able to defend liberalism which is why liberals prefer to sneer, censor and disengage rather than answer questions. Liberal philosophers in academia are now merely covering up for the failure of liberalism and those who do not identify as liberal would fear to challenge it because they don't want to be "cancelled". The point is there are no philosophers with any principles they are prepared to state or defend which means in practice most Western men are nihilists who are no better than cattle who can only be motivated by bribes or threats.

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