Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Why God made Jews His Chosen People

24:00  The practice of child sacrifice can be explained by our desire not to have as many children as the times we have sex.

1:05:00  When God speaks and Man does not listen, He can always say to subsequent generations "I told you so and your punishment was caused by your ancestors' immorality and heedlessness."

Jews and gentiles were created to punish each other for disobedience to His laws.  

It is the easiest thing for God to make Jews His Chosen People and keep them in existence - as Zeus kept Prometheus alive to have his liver eaten every day - to suffer persecution from gentiles for as long as they do not do what He chose  them to do: promote the Noahide laws by ranking the four gentile religions in the correct order. Rabbis are to present their agreed ranking to the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury inviting them to explain to Jews and Muslims why Christianity is not guilty as charged of idolatry and blasphemy. 

Jews could also be asking themselves this question: if you're going to be punished whether you do the right or wrong thing, why not just do the right thing? 

Why are Muslims still capable of martyring themselves, while Jews disdain to do so?  

Have their morals been corrupted by liberalism?

Should Jews and Muslims make a joint complaint to Western liberal establishment that their morals are being corrupted by the globohomo of liberalism? 

Do Jews in fact worship the clay feet of liberalism, just like the gentile, because they are too afraid of committing the "heresy" of questioning it and suffer the consequences of being "cancelled"? 

Jews will be blamed by gentiles whenever they are oppressed by their own government. This is both a fact of life and a law of human nature.  

If Jews are indeed God's Chosen People, then they had better do what God chose them to do, or suffer the divine consequences of disobedience stated in Deuteronomy 28. All they are being asked to do is to rank the four gentile religions and then present their agreed findings to the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury as soon as possible.    

There was a Disputation of Paris. A Disputation of London where the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury are summoned to defend the Trinity would be of theological interest to all the Abrahamic faiths globally. Perhaps God will even accept a Disputation by Zoom.

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