Saturday, 19 December 2020

The nature and purpose of having moral/religious/political principles

Principles really come from religion because religious principles are really moral principles. A person would be judged by how much he follows the rules of his community and in ancient times his community would also be his religious community. The smallest viable community is the tribe in the countryside. City-states would be the next level up, then the nation state and then empire.

Chinese legalists have been experimenting with the law as the algorithm for humans since ancient times and they are the antithesis of Confucian ideas of a benevolent ruler whom the people love and want to please without being commanded to do so. Legalists were in fact practitioners of "Oderint dum metuant." But Imperial China fell when the Mandate of Heaven was withdrawn from the Qing Dynasty.

While the Chinese would probably be prepared to admit that they are not perfect, Modern China is more in unconsciously in conformity with Noahide and Islamic principles than the West that is being actively satanic with its gay marriage and transgenderism.

When the West was successful, it too was being unconsciously in conformity with Noahide and Islamic principles too.

The purpose of any moral system is of course to keep the group in existence and apart from others.  
The law in China is now more a synthesis of Confucianism and Legalism based on certain ideas of the West such as equality before the law, the rule of law, the rules of natural justice etc that the West has now forgotten in its neurosis, psychosis and dementia caused by its sexual and moral corruption.

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