Tuesday, 23 March 2021

On Hashkafa

4:00  Different traditions of Jews
5:00  Noahide laws
6:00  Diaspora rabbis
7:00  Grenade in the ballroom
8:00  Leadership qualities
9:00  Minority rights
10:00  Degenerate liberals
11:00  Liberal Jews
12:00  Lashon Hara
14:00  Principles
15:00  Christianity is blasphemy and idolatry.
16:00  Using logic is not good enough. 
17:00  Fact and opinion
18:00  Discretion
19:00  2021 Israeli elections
20:00  Jewish ethnostate
21:00  Hashkafa
22:00  Secular Koranism
23:00  Blasphemy
24:00  All idolatry blasphemy, but not all blasphemy is idolatry.
26:00  Hidden idolatry
27:00  Blasphemy eg Mary Mother of God
28:00  Causing offence to black people

29:00  African Americans, Asian Americans, European Americans, Antarctican Americans, American Americans

30:00  IC race codes

35:00  Hidden idolatry will prevent you from distinguishing between relevant and irrelevant considerations.

37:00  Koran
39:00  Secular Koranism and Hashkafa
42:00  American Americans, Asian Asians, Antarctican Antarcticans
44:00  Gregorian calendar
45:00  Moral system
46:00  Employers
47:00  Principles
48:00  Psychometric tests
49:00  Race
50:00  Jews come in four colours.
51:00  The rule of law, a supreme authority and the concept of a higher power
53:00  The most powerful being conceivable and the afterlife
54:00  E Michael Jones disapproves of reincarnation.

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Who are the 14 rabbis listed in Rabbi Mizrachi’s blacklist of non-kosher rabbis?

  Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, a controversial Haredi outreach speaker, along with his protégé Rabbi Yaron Reuven, publicized a "blacklist...