Thursday, 18 March 2021

Orthodox rabbis in Israel doing kiruv and Muslims in Hizb ut-Tahrir suffering from hidden idolatry

2:00  The narrative of Jews and the Abrahamic God
3:00  Idolatry and blasphemy is death for Jews.
4:00  Party lists
6:00  Yaron Zelekha

That there are three religious parties (the more religious political parties the greater the evidence of division amongst religious Israeli Jews) in Israel is evidence that there is no short or medium term danger of Israel becoming a Torah theocracy executing gentile Israelis for idolatry and blasphemy.

If Israel became a theocracy, it would be more likely to become a sharia theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism than a Torah theocracy just because there are so many Israelis who are secular Jews who would not appreciate being executed for breaking the Sabbath as well as being beheaded for idolatry and blasphemy. Neither of these offences are a capital offence in the Koran. 

13:00  Rabbi Kahane

14:00  Noahide laws

15:00  Islam the most Noahide and Christianity the least

16:00  Hidden idolatry

17:00  Their Idol of the Fear of Offending Christians and their Idol of Islamophobia distracts rabbis from carrying out their religious obligation of tikkun olam ie teaching the Noahide laws properly.

18:00  The shame and humiliation of Orthodox rabbis in Israel who have taught the Noahide laws so badly that Christians can come to Israel to convert Jews to Christianity

19:00  Jews who don't know that Jews were executed by Moses for worshiping the Golden Calf

35:00  The corrupt bargain of Christianity

36:00  The Archbishop of Canterbury didn't know he was supposed to be a Trinitarian.

37:00  Westerners did not enjoy freedom of belief until the First Amendment. 

38:00  Rabbinical ranking of the four gentile religions

39:00  The Doctrine of the Trinity

40:00  Confirmation ceremony

41:00  My leadership in Jewish and Muslim affairs

42:00  Jews and gentiles flee from me because they fear my questions.

43:00  Christianity is the antithesis of Judaism. 

44:00  Both Jews and Muslims suffer from hidden idolatry. 

45:00  Antisemitism

46:00  Israeli Jews if forced to adopt a theocracy would use sharia because it is less restrictive and has significantly fewer death penalties than the Torah.

47:00  The real reason why Jews were given a higher status than gentiles

48:00  Islam will be the beneficiary of the correct rabbinical ranking of the four gentile religions.  

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