Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Rabbis failing to properly and effectively teach the Noahide laws must be the cause of Jewish suffering


As you can see, Rabbi Singer is very angry at the Christian Bible, talking about "fraud", "criminals", "the stinking King James" and jailing the author of Matthew if he were still alive! 

However, there is no need to waste time disputing the order and meaning of words in Christian scripture supposedly used by Jews for Jesus and similar organisations to persuade Jews ignorant of their tradition against idolatry to become Christian when we already know the following:

1)  God forbade idolatry and blasphemy in the Ten Commandments and the Seven Noahide laws also forbid it.

2)  The  Christian narrative is that Jesus was convicted and crucified for blasphemy.

3)  The Christian practice for 2000 years has been to worship a Jew executed for blasphemy as the co-equal of the Abrahamic God that he was alleged to have blasphemed against.

4) It is not genuine belief in one narrative rather than another that is operating on the minds of Israeli Jews minded to convert to Christianity but its corrupt bargain: that of promising them heaven if they believe or pretend to believe that Jesus is God. Secular Jews reject Islam as a way to heaven because it is too much trouble and will cause friends and family to make jokes about them joining Hamas.

5) Ranking the four gentile religions with Islam top of the tree and Christianity bottom of the heap will make that point to Jews and gentiles all over the world, once and for all.

6) Rabbis ranking the four gentile religions correctly will make China and Russia more likely to become Muslim in the future making WW3 less likely.

Let us hope rabbis will be making up for the lost time which can be measured in centuries!

The soonest Jews could have nudged Christians away from Christianity was when Islam began to be successful in the Middle East.

The soonest Jews in America could have legally pointed out the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity was after the First Amendment was passed in 1791.

The soonest Jews in Europe could have legally pointed out the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity was when they had the protection of the European Convention of Human Rights.

The most recently in modern times rabbis were reminded of their mission and the purpose for which God made Jews His Chosen People was when Rabbi Schneerson said Jews had a duty to gentiles to teach them the Noahide laws.


However, despite Education and Sharing Day having been established in 1978 by the US government, the Noahide laws have not been taught properly and the evidence of this is that Christians in America dare to come to Israel to convert Israeli Jews to the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity. Indeed, this has only triggered antisemites like Vincent Bruno who want to cancel it.


There is certainly an argument for cancelling it because Education and Sharing Day might be mistaken for a "kosher certificate" that America is a nation of righteous gentiles when it is in fact the opposite of being Noahide. Indeed, these days, it could be said to be peopled by the ideological Amalek.


To believing Jews and Muslims, the pandemic must be a sign of God's impatience with rabbis refusing to rank the four gentile religions so that secular Jews as well as gentiles know the rank of their religion according to the Noahide laws. As for Christians more invested in their idolatry and blasphemy than the correct worship of God, it must be assumed that they are in fact atheists and nihilists using their religion as a means of acquiring status in this life only.

Rabbis safely ensconced in eretz Israel must now work up the courage to denounce the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity and have no excuse now to not do so.

All that is required for rabbis with social media accounts is to post the following without further comment and encourage their supporters to do so:

  1. Islam
  2. Buddhism
  3. Hinduism
  4. Christianity

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