Saturday, 24 July 2021

Are both Jews and gentiles suffering from an identity crisis and is liberalism to blame?

"The religious affiliation of Israeli Jews varies widely: a social survey for those over the age of 20 indicates that 55% say they are "traditional", while 20% consider themselves "secular Jews", 17% define themselves as "Religious Zionists"; 8% define themselves as "Haredi Jews". While the ultra-Orthodox, or Haredim, represented only 5% of Israel's population in 1990, they are expected to represent more than one-fifth of Israel's Jewish population by 2028."

Do you think people like that might suffer from identity issues?

If Jews are having identity issues caused by liberalism, are they fit for the purpose for what God made them His Chosen People?

If they are not fit for the purpose of what God chose them to do, should gentiles be concerned?  

If Jews are losing their identity, won't it mean gentiles too will lose their identity and eventually go mad?  

Isn't our greatest fear that of losing our identity and forgetting who we are so we no longer know what we are supposed to do?  

The Bible and Koran affirms the principle of national identity. Global liberalism wishes to prevent this, which is why Trump and his supporters are being treated as heretics and insurrectionists for rejecting the supposed benefits of neoconservatism (endless foreign wars) and neoliberalism (uncontrolled mass immigration). 

If Jewish identity is also being destroyed by liberalism, isn't it time for us to stop living under the shadow of the French Revolution? 

When asked if he thought the French Revolution was a good idea in 1974, Chou Enlai responded that it was too early to say. It is perhaps not too late in 2021 to finally reject the wish list of the French Revolutionaries who did not know that good rational government cannot consist of obeying a wish list of children who do not know what is good for them.   

Liberty is what we should enjoy after all the necessary laws are in place and the necessary laws are the Noahide laws that Jews are no longer fit for the purpose of teaching to themselves, far less gentiles. 

If Israel itself is not Noahide, Jews have no authority to tell teach the Noahide laws to anyone, and this is probably why rabbis are ashamed to discuss the Noahide laws that they are supposed to be properly teaching to gentiles as part of their religious obligation of tikkun olam ie repair of the world.

Since most Jews no longer want to live as observant Jews, they must at least live as righteous gentiles if they are not to offend the God who made them His Chosen People. 

The most Noahide gentile religion is Islam and the least Christianity.

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