Friday, 16 July 2021

Secular Koranism as yet not explained on the Perfect Storm

2:31:00  I explain why I think Secular Koranism will help Muslims do their dawah better.
2:32:00  Jews and the Noahide laws
2:33:00  Christians associate partners with God.
2:34:00  How is Christianity not idolatry and blasphemy?
2:35:00  The New Testament is the word of mortal and fallible men. 
2:36:00  The Council of Nicaea
2:37:00  Christians don't give a damn that they are guilty of idolatry and blasphemy. 
2:38:00  Josephus and Jesus

2:42:00  Sadducees and Pharisees
2:44:00  Human sacrifice
2:45:00  Christian missionaries

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Who are the 14 rabbis listed in Rabbi Mizrachi’s blacklist of non-kosher rabbis?

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