Monday, 5 July 2021

Debate about zionism and fundamental principles

Claire Khaw
​I would be interested to know your views on whether you think Islam is a Noahide religion and whether Israel conforms to the minimum moral standards of the Noahide laws.

Claire Khaw
​Which Mizrachi is Josh referring to? Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi?

Claire Khaw
​Do you think Israel should be a theocracy to receive the blessing of Hashem?

Claire Khaw
​I don't think anyone is denying the right of Jews to a homeland. It is only the conditions Israelis are allowed to occupy Israel as far as God, Israel's neighbours and the Ummah are concerned.

Claire Khaw
​It could certainly be argued that the desire for return to the homeland began from the moment of the exile of Jews.

Claire Khaw
​If Israel were to become a theocracy, then no one would have a problem with this, except perhaps the Americans bearing in mind what happened to Rabbi Kahane.

Claire Khaw
​No one is expecting Israelis to become a Torah theocracy with its 36 capital offences, not even Muslims, but I imagine they would be completely mollified if Israelis lived under sharia.

Claire Khaw
​Since it is generally acknowledged that Islam is Judaism Lite, then sharia would be a walk in the park for observant Jews. Of course, half the Jews in Israel are in fact secular ie heretical Jews.

Claire Khaw
​The Torah is quite clear about what is to be done with non-observant Jews: death for those who break the Sabbath. As far as Hashem is concerned, no non-observant Jew shall be suffered to live.

Claire Khaw
​The Koran, you will be interested to know, is Zionist as you can see from 17:104. Its position is civic nationalist because it refers to a co-mingled crowd living in Israel ie a one-state solution.

Claire Khaw
​My solution to the problem of secular ie heretical Jews in Israel rejecting the idea of Torah theocracy would be my "Islam Lite" solution of Secular Koranism.

Claire Khaw
​If Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism, then Islam is divine civic nationalism. If Islam is "Judaism Lite", then Secular Koranism is "Islam Lite".

Claire Khaw
​We already know that what is kosher is halal, but what is halal is not kosher. In every regard Judaism has higher and more restrictive standards compared to the more easy-going Koran.

Claire Khaw
​Going by scripture therefore, living under sharia would be a walk in the park for any observant Jew, but doubtless the secular heretical Jews would object to living under any kind of theocracy.

Claire Khaw
​However, if forced to choose between a Torah theocracy and the "starter theocracy" that is the "Islam Lite" of Secular Koranism, doubtless the secular heretical Jews would choose the latter.

Claire Khaw
​It is unimaginable that atheists forced to choose between two kinds of theocracy would choose the one with 36 capital offences. I propose that this matter be settled in a referendum.

Claire Khaw
​Were Secular Koranism to be adopted by Israelis, Israel would technically be a theocracy and if God exists, He would be better disposed towards Israelis and Jews after they abide by God's laws.

Claire Khaw
​Were this to happen, Israel would be hailed as the first modern state to adopt a theocracy whose example would be followed by Western nations. If America followed, the rest of the West would too.

Claire Khaw
​This would be an excellent way to fulfill the destiny of Israel as "light unto nations" and, perhaps, eventually "a kingdom of priests".

Claire Khaw
​The closest to the priests of this kingdom would be rabbis, whose religious obligation it is to teach properly the Noahide laws to guide gentiles away from the abomination of idolatry and blasphemy.

Claire Khaw
​The best way of teaching properly the Noahide laws to gentiles would be for rabbis to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws.

Claire Khaw
​Ranking the gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws would produce this ranking: 1) Islam 2) Buddhism 3) Hinduism 3) Christianity

Claire Khaw
​1) Islam (because it is "Judaism Lite") 2) Buddhism (because it is atheist) 3) Hinduism (because it is idolatry) 3) Christianity (because it is both idolatry and blasphemy)

Claire Khaw
​It is necessary rabbis rank the 4 gentile religions in this way because Christians need to be told in no uncertain terms that Christianity is kaput so that they also adopt Secular Koranism.

Claire Khaw
​If everything happens for a reason and suffering is punishment for sin, the global pandemic suggests idolatrous blasphemous Christian nations most astray from the Noahide laws are being punished worst

Claire Khaw
​Since it is a law of human nature that gentiles will always take it out on Jews when they suffer from their oppressive governments, it would be in the interests of Jews to promote Secular Koranism.

Claire Khaw
​I believe there is a Jewish saying that before the disease, the cure exists, the cure of Secular Koranism exists before the next round of predictable antisemitsim when gentiles blame Wokeness on Jews.

Claire Khaw
​Nationalism is the rejection of the "benefits" of neoconservatism and neoliberalism.

Claire Khaw
​I have proposed that nationalism be defined as government in the national interest to rehabilitate it as an intellectually and morally respectable political ideology of universal application.

Claire Khaw
​It has been said by Orthodox Jews that Reform Jews brought on themselves the Nazi pogrom because of their heresy.

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