Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Can Jews agree on what is authentic Judaism?


Authentic Judaism is what the scripture of Judaism says, therefore authentic Jews are the people closest to this practice. 

7:00  Quality is to be preferred over numbers.

Hinduism has inferior scripture.  

8:00  Organised religion is superior to disorganised religion. 

9:00  Orthodox Jews > Reform Jews

10:00  More non-observant Jews than observant Jews, more inauthentic Jews than authentic Jews.
11:00  Maimonides
12:00  Non-observant Jews are not even supposed to be in existence according to the Torah. 
13:00  The high status of being God's Chosen People
17:00  High status and low status Jews
18:00  Rabbis are teachers of Jews.
19:00  Doooovid the alt-right rabbi
20:00  Jews have the religious obligation of tikkun olam and Kiddush Hashem.
21:00  Tikkun olam = ridding the world of idolatry by recommending Islam to gentiles
22:00  Jews and Muslims are afraid of their Christian overlords.
24:00  Western gentiles are too degenerate to challenge the matriarchy.
26:00  The futility of discussing politics
27:00  Category errors
28:00  Doooovid
29:00  Tisha B'Av
30:00  If God exists, everything happens for a reason. 
31:00  Judaism is a religion that makes a point of learning from one's mistakes. 
34:00  Jews and gentiles created to police each other's behaviour
35:00  Muslims are not doing what they are supposed to be doing. 
36:00  efdawah seem reluctant to engage with rabbis. 
37:00  Nobody cares what Christians think.
38:00  Kiddush Hashem = martyrdom
39:00  Younger and elder brother analogy
42:00  Jews suffer because they failed to teach the Noahide laws, gentiles suffer suffer because they fail to obey the Noahide laws.
45:00  Jews outsourcing their religious obligation to Muslims
50:00  Evil
51:00  The purpose of religion
52:00  Identity politics
59:00  Liberalism destroying Israel.
1:00:00  Banning usury is better than being merely Noahide

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