Thursday, 23 December 2021

Claire Khaw praises Christianity for a change

2:00:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.
2:01:00  Shih Tzu

2:02:00  Inbreeding
2:03:00  The pill is linked to rising illegitimacy. 
2:05:00  How do we know we are being eugenic or dysgenic until our civilisation falls? 

2:06:00  Christianity was very clear about forbidding fornication, adultery and sodomy while previous civilisations were not eg the Ancient Greeks, the Ancient Romans who practised pederasty. 

2:08:00  How does Vincent know he is right?

2:09:00  Yin and Yang
Is imperialism always wrong?
Aren't great civilisations great empires?
Aren't great empires about imposing the rule of law?
Shouldn't the rule of law be about obeying God's laws?
Isn't the imposition of the rule of law assisted by belief in God?

2:10:00  Incest
2:11:00  Lot's incest with his daughters

2:12:00  Rabbinically-guided Noahidism would be rejected by gentiles who are not Islamophobes.

2:13:00  Islam is in competition with rabbinically-guided Noahidism.  
2:14:00  John Gischala
2:15:00  Incest
2:16:00  Ptolemies
2:18:00  Alpha male leaders of a nation easily acquire a harem. 
2:19:00  Rape
2:20:00  Chaos and criminality in a dysgenic society with a degenerate culture of free love
2:21:00  Societies that did not practise monogamy are now extinct.

2:22:00  If we are illegitimate, we were dysgenically conceived by our two sex offender parents. It would be dysgenic to allow two sex offenders to have offspring with each other. 

2:25:00  Would Vincent have been a different person if his parents had stayed married to each other?

2:26:00  Coercive control

2:27:00  Our social hierarchy should have married parents as most high status, non-parents as lower status and unmarried parents as sex offender and therefore lowest status. 

2:28:00  Parents of only children should be entitled to conversion therapy. 

2:29:00  If lewd acts between men and lewd acts between women were sexual offences, then LGBT people would be treated as sex offenders. 
2:30:00  Intersectionality is already scary.

2:32:00  History of Hell
2:33:00  Matriarchy is free love, which is degenerate. 
2:35:00  The product of an incestuous union
2:36:00  Vincent can already have sex with as many men as he wants.
2:38:00  Cousin marriage was how the European royal families kept themselves in existence. 

Monday, 20 December 2021

Giving it both barrels - the coup de grâce for Western civilisation as we know it

Our divided society

2:00  The Black Death was not the end of European civilisation, but Covid will be because of the extreme effeminacy, senescence and degeneracy of morally compromised sex-addicted European men. 

3:00  There is no difference between being mad, or stupid or evil because the consequences are exactly the same. If you fall off a tall building because you stupidly neglected to put up railings, the consequence is exactly the same as if you thought you could fly and jumped off it, or if some evil person pushed you off for the fun of seeing you fall to your death. 

4:00  Without Judaism, Jews would not exist. 

5:00  China confirms that a one-party republic must be the way forward.

George Washington disapproved of political parties because they are divisive. 

For 18 years, the American Republic was a one-party state under the Federalist Party. 

6:00  Lockdown is evidence that the female preference is being prioritised.

7:00  Old men become old women.

Unprincipled atheist Western men in their 40s who identify with liberalism and wish to do well in the liberal establishment are worse than useless because those of them who have achieved any kind of success will not be sacrificing it for principles they do not have. 

8:00  Status for Western Man means enjoying extramarital sex either with women not their wives or other men.  

9:00  The alt-right are full of unmarriageable low status bachelors no rational woman would ever consider marrying, known as incels. They might as well be the Untouchables in the Hindu caste system, but they are worse off than even these Indians because they do not recognise the nature of their predicament because I will not be allowed on Millenniyule 2021 to point this out.

I mention Millenniyule because it is the YouTube channel that the formerly mainstream James Delingpole was featured as a guest, which means it must be the biggest YouTube channel discussing these matters in Britain. 

However, for the same reasons I am ignored by the liberal establishment, I will also be deprived of a platform on this channel, because the alt-right do not appreciate being told by a female and a foreigner what their problem is, even if no white male can be found to give it to them with both barrels right between the eyes.  

10:00  Catch 22 

The sick man denies that he is ill.  

11:00  Theocracy is the antithesis of matriarchy. 

Because the West is a matriarchy, this means there is no alpha male leader properly in charge of any Western nation, and therefore buck-passing Western civilisation will die of bystander apathy.

12:00  Degenerate, sexually corrupt and therefore intellectually corrupt unprincipled effeminate Western men know that their continuing status in the matriarchy means pandering to the female  preference.

The risk-averse female preference is to reject the taking of the calculated risk that men know they must take if they are to get anything done. 

13:00  The effeminate and corrupt conspiracy to ignore Truth, Logic and Morality ie Secular Koranism.

14:00  Because Western Man no longer submits to Truth, Logic and Morality, he does not feel the moral imperative to engage with me. Neither the media outlets nor the Dissident Right with channels bigger than mine are capable of engaging with Secular Koranism. Instead, they prefer to blame Jews who are now so degenerate they are not capable of engaging with my ideas either.  

15:00  Secular Koranism was conceived in 2009. 

Unprincipled and shameless lying Western men believe in nonsense eg that voting will get them better government because the dementia they are suffering from makes them deny the fact that their government gets worse every time they vote. 

They are really no different to Aztec priests sacrificing even more humans to appease their god when their problem was their own stupidity, insanity and lunacy.  

16:00  Would the government completely reversing on Covid please or dismay us?

17:00  What made the West become a matriarchy?

18:00  Why the female preference is prioritised

19:00  Marriage is eugenic, bastardy dysgenic.  

21:00  Coup de grace

25:00  Secular Koranism

Saturday, 18 December 2021

Jordan Peterson distracts Mohammed Hijab from denouncing the Trinity

2:00  Hijab's educational qualifications

9:00  Mohammed Hijab points out the absurdity of the Trinity. 

10:00  Peterson asks dumb question of whether Hijab thinks there is "a divine spark in human beings" to distract him from warming to his theme on the absurdity of the Trinity. 

Peterson asks another dumb question "What is the characteristic of the human relationship with God?" 

Obedience to His laws, obviously. 

"What is the central structure within human beings that makes human worthy of respect in the sight of God or worthy of value in the sight of God?"

It is assumed that the Abrahamic God loves humanity or He would not have bothered making laws for humanity to follow.  

11:00  Man is to submit to Truth, Logic and Morality and obeying God's laws is the demonstration of this submission. 

14:00  Fitra

"Why bother with the propositional arguments then?"

What propositional arguments? 

16:00  Apparently, Richard Dawkins frames the argument for atheism in propositional terms and this is bad for theists. 

JP: "What purpose does belief in God serve?"

Believing in God would make it easier for us to obey His laws for longer, obviously, making the world a better place prolonging the existence of our civilisation. 

We must first believe that good will triumph over evil to even fight evil in the first place. If we assumed we would fail from the beginning, we would submit to it without challenge. 

18:00  Instinct to worship and instinct to imitate? Imitate what?

JP burbles nonsensically producing the following word salad:

The instinct argument is an interesting one and this is why I was pressing you to some degree on the issue of the definition of worship. I don't see much difference between the instinct to worship and the instinct to imitate and I do believe that there's compelling evidence psychological and biological that we human beings have a remarkably strong instinct to imitate and the question is what is it that we're oriented to imitate and I  think if you look at the developmental psychology literature for example, it seems to be the case that if a child has an intact nervous system and they have one or two good models around them that they'll be drawn towards those good models and imitate them and develop quite healthily even under rather stressful circumstances and you know that instinct to imitate also underlies phenomena like the experience of awe and the experience of charisma and that charisma you know has an effect on attentional function and on the proclivity to behave and so I think the propositionalized arguments deliver the religious ideas over to the propositional camp and that's dominated already by scientists in many ways. It's it's a losing battle I don't think it's the right one. So one thing the West and Islam agree on although i think Islam is part of the West by the way because we're all People of the Book. The triune god in the Christian sense is still subordinate to a higher order unity and so there is a powerful movement towards monotheism in Judaism and Christianity and Islam and that seems to be a point of some agreement. We're also people who've made a decision collectively in some mysterious manner that a book should sit at the basis of culture, a specific book that's been aggregated in a strange way in a mysterious way and so we also agree on that and so that's a starting place at least and obviously there's been a lot of interpenetration of ideas between Islam and Judaism and Christianity. The prophets in Islam are the same prophets that go through the three major Western monotheistic religions so that's a fair bit of commonality and so that's a good place to start building bridges and so Islam is stringently monotheistic and then the submission idea. God is ineffable in a sense and so what does submission mean exactly and how is that related to worship and how is that related to the good let's say on a practical level.

19:00  What "propositional argument" is "dominated by scientists" and why is it "a losing battle"? 

21:00  What does submission mean exactly?

It means obedience to God's laws, obviously. 

25:00  What "spiritual doctrine of Christianity"?

It is impossible to explain nonsense on stilts. 


Nietzsche announced the death of god in the late 1800s and you know what the consequences of that have been at least to some degree and of course Dostoevsky was talking about exactly the same things at pretty much exactly the same time but the philosopher of religion Eliad in his historical investigations indicated that the death of god is something that has happened to many cultures in many places over many times. It's not a unique event in let's say western history and his explanation for that at least in part was that as there's a movement towards unification under a monotheistic umbrella which is perhaps a precondition for the union of diverse people. One of the consequences of that is that that central unifying value becomes so abstracted because it has to cover such a multiplicity that it flies away. He called that deus abscondis if i remember correctly, the idea that the spirit just flies away because it no longer has an attachment to the world and one of the ways that Christianity solved that if you think about it from a psychological perspective was by was by insisting upon the presence of God in a canonic form right in an emptied form in a partially emptied form in the person of Christ in a particular place at a particular time and it's it's a variant of the prophetic idea although taken to its absolute extreme the prophetic idea is that there are people who are marked out in history marked out by God by their relationship with what's highest in some spectacular manner and so i guess one of the things I would say about the Islamic resistance to the idea of the divinity of Christ is that there is an emphasis on Islam on the special status of prophets of certain prophets and their particular special relationship with God which seems to elevate them above other men in some important sense and drawing a line precisely  between that claim and the claim of divinity incarnate is not an easy matter.

29:00  "Spark of divinity" means charisma according to Peterson. Hijab never asked the point of Peterson's dumb question. Are all charismatic people divine? Hitler was known to be charismatic, wasn't he? 

31:00  The attributes of God: omnipotence, omniscience, being supreme and eternal as well as being morally perfect. 

Hijab sings and chants in Arabic, very tedious. JP hints he thinks it is tedious and inappropriate considering he knows no Arabic and actually finds it irritating as many people would. 

37:00  Peterson explains why Islam frightens the West.

39:00  Hijab says he opposes liberalism.

44:00  Islamophobes prefer to have a crucified prophet crucified for blasphemy to die for their sins than a successful military and political leader.  

45:00  Western Man, Jordan Peterson is terrified of Islam imperialism when he is the beneficiary of three Christian global empires, suggesting that Christians can dish it out, but can't take it when the boot is on the other foot.  

47:00  Jordan Peterson is shocked that empire is acquired by war and that Muhammad's friends and family died!

51:00  Islamophobes like calling Muhammad "warlord".

52:00  Islam is undeniably an imperial religion but it is Christians who have had three global empires, who fought a European Wars of Religions and who started two World Wars. Why is Jordan Peterson behaving as if the natural order of universe must be that only white Christians are allowed to acquire empire? Isn't his hatred and fear implicitly racist and/or Islamophobic? 

53:00  The Koran is the ancient Art of the Deal and a Book of Bargains. 

57:00  Totalitarianism is burning heretics at the stake for denying the Trinity and criminalising people for exercising the faculty of discrimination. 

58:00   Islam accommodates Christians and other religions and did so under the Ottoman Empire. 

1:00:00  JP: "Let he who can tell the best story win." 

The story of Islam is more plausible than the absurd story of a deceased Jew born of a virgin mother who died on the cross being also the Abrahamic God who created the Universe. 

According to this ridiculous narrative, God impregnated a virgin who gave birth to Him in order to save humanity from Himself.  

1:04:00  The Koran tells Muslims to keep their word.

1:05:00  Sectarianism and the civil war in Islam

1:06:00  What constitutes Islam "putting its house into order"? Securing full spectrum global domination?  

1:07:00  Just because there is more than one interpretation of an event does not mean that the event did not happen.  

1:10:00  The Sykes-Picot Agreement was not explicitly mentioned. 

1:11:00  Lebanon

1:12:00  GDP of Muslim countries

1:14:00  Ottoman Empire

1:18:00  "An authoritarian interpretation" - all laws are authoritarian

1:20:00  Authoritarian certainty must always be tested by free speech. 

Wednesday, 15 December 2021

8th Koraniyule 2021 with Joseph Atwill, author of Caesar's Messiah

2:00  Flavian Dynasty
5:00  The Herods and the Hasmoneans
7:00  Josephus
8:00  Jesus the Passover Lamb of the Gospels
10:00  The New Covenant and the Pentecost
11:00  Roman Jewish War
12:00  Destruction of the Temple
14:00  Military achievements of the Flavians
15:00  Imperial cult
Feudal system
16:00  Constantine the Great
17:00  Coloni
19:00  Pontius Maximus
20:00  The Aeneid
22:00  The military dictatorship of Flavians
23:00  Pliny
25:00  Messianic movement
26:00  King of the Jews
27:00  The militaristic Dead Sea Scrolls
28:00  A new religion and a different kind of Judaism
29:00  Jesus is not mentioned in the Talmud.
30:00  Josephus not a real person?
32:00  Predictions and prophecies
34:00  Son of Man
35:00  Twelve apostles
36:00  Typology
44:00  Jews worship the Abrahamic God while gentiles worshiped a Jew until the Koran was revealed and Islam was established.
45:00  Vanity legacy for Flavians
46:00  Son of Man was Titus Flavius, according to Atwill. 
48:00  Deified Roman Emperors
53:00  Curious about Christianity
54:00  The Essenes
55:00  Cyprus
56:00  Bar Kokhba rebellion
59:00  Cult of the Vestal Virgin
1:04:00  Stoicism and Seneca
1:05:00  Seneca had 10,000 slaves.
1:06:00  The apostle Paul 
1:07:00  The divine right of kings
Mandate of Heaven
1:08:00  We are controlled by laws and moral systems. 
1:09:00  All moral systems have a narrative. m
1:10:00  The beliefs of Joseph Atwill
1:11:00  God's laws in the Torah and the Koran
1:12:00  A matter of interpretation
1:13:00  Jesus and Donald Duck
1:14:00  The Gospels
1:15:00  Jesus in Islam
1:16:00  Islam does not hate Jesus the way Judaism does. 
1:17:00  Do Christians actually Jesus whom they claim to love to die for their sins?
1:20:00  The New Testament is not claimed by Christians to be divine.

1:25:00  Atwill has read the Koran.
1:27:00  The Pharisees
1:27:00  Sanhedrin trial of Jesus

1:30:00  Jews still hate Jesus and are forbidden to enter churches which are places of abomination where idolatry is practised. 

1:32:00  Holy Spirit
1:34:00  Nicene Creed
1:35:00  Doctrine of the Trinity
1:36:00  Atwill is agnostic.
1:38:00  George Washington was not Christian and was closer to being Muslim. 

1:40:00  The American Declaration of Independence implicitly acknowledged God as the Creator of Man created with the equal opportunity of becoming Caliph.

1:41:00  Masons were proto-Muslim. 

1:42:00  The American Revolution was a natural reaction to the divine right of kings. 

My theory on the purpose of Masons

1:43:00  Why Christianity failed
1:44:00  Liberalism which replaced Christianity is now also kaput.
1:45:00  Isaiah
The religious obligation of Jews to exterminate Amalekites
1:46:00  Samson and David
1:47:00  Theocracy
1:48:00  Buddhism in Indonesia
To go beyond the Abrahamic faiths
1:50:00  Voltaire: "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him."

Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Explaining Secular Koranism to Muslim YouTuber Omar Jarallah

1:00  Christianity

2:00  Social conservatism supports marriage.

The distinction between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference. 

3:00  Reading the Koran in 2006

The American Republic was founded on Islamic principles.  

4:00  Because you can only be Christian if you believed Jesus is God, it was necessary for the Americans to separate church and state. Islam guarantees freedom of belief with which means freedom of belief is in fact a human right as far as the Koran is concerned. It is the defective nature of Christianity that impelled the Founding Fathers to separate church from state while Islam requires that the state implement Koranic principles since it accepts the logic of your laws being in harmony with your chosen political system, whatever it is. Islam without sharia is a car without an engine. 

The Declaration of Independence acknowledges God and His Creation.

The American Revolution represents the rejection of Christianity and monarchy, and two further revolutions - the French and Russian Revolutions - confirmed this rejection.  

6:00  There is no divine authority for the Doctrine of the Trinity and therefore no divine authority for the Nicene Creed.  

7:00  Feminism and LGBT rights would be curtailed by the Koran. 

8:00  Unmarried parents would be treated as sex offenders by 

9:00  Demographics is destiny. 

10:00  It is in the national interest to maintain the quality of the national gene pool.  

11:00  Ethno-nationalism

12:00  Trump had non-white supporters in low wage jobs who agreed with his stance on immigration. 

Because so many Trump supporters who identified as antisemites, Islamophobes, white supremacists and white nationalists, it was easy for a biased liberal media to weave the narrative that Trump was himself a white nationalist and a neo-Nazi.  

13:00  Secular Koranism

14:00  White Sharia

15:00  Five of the Founding Fathers rejected the Trinity which means they rejected the idea of the divinity of Jesus - something that would have been treated as blasphemy and resulted in them being burned at the stake until the last man was executed for blasphemy in 1697.

The last person to be burned at the stake for blasphemy was Edward Wightman in 1612. 

16:00  Was America even a Christian nation? Justice Brewer had to assert this in 1892 but is this true of American in the 21st century? Do you have the right to call yourself Christian if you are not a confirmed Christian?

17:00  Secular Koranism was conceived of in 2009.

19:00  Islamic rules of warfare

20:00  Neoconservatism and the Geneva Convention

21:00  Masculinity

The sexually sated male is politically inert. 

23:00  Christianity is a minority pursuit in the West.  

24:00  Cultural Christians

25:00  The nature and purpose of religion

26:00  Social conservatism means the forbidding and punishing of extramarital sex. 

27:00  Feminism is the Sacred Cow of Western Liberals.

28:00  Spree killing incels like Elliott Roger would not have been so angry if other bachelors like him were incels too.

29:00  Transgenderism is driving everyone mad. 

30:00  Transgenderism in Iran

31:00  Sex change operations were pioneered in Switzerland

32:00  There is no copyright to the Koran.  

35:00  Drawing Muhammad

36:00  Idolatry

37:00  Freedom of belief under Secular Koranism

38:00  Those flag and gun photos

39:00  What I said to Victoria Derbyshire that got me expelled

40:00  Unwanted and defective infants put on a death pathway

42:00  Infanticide in Islam

46:00  Omar's devoted wife

48:00  Adoption

49:00  I want to be associated with nationalism in order to rehabilitate and universalise it. 

51:00  Publicity stunt

52:00  My relations with Jews, Christians, Muslims, antisemites, Islamophobes and nationalists

54:00  The Noahide laws

55:00  The Koran is silent on stoning.

56:00  Married parents would enjoy a higher status to non-parents, and non-parents would enjoy a higher status than unmarried parents who would be treated as sex offenders.

58:00  Married parents > LGBT "married" couples

1:00:00  Imperialism eventually leads to degeneracy.

Livy: "We can neither bear our vices nor their cure." 

1:01:00  The national character reflects the national average age and the more powerful sex. The Western national character is now Karen.  

1:02:00  The national character as an old or young man or woman who is married or unmarriageable

1:03:00  The key to national survival is having enough men of fighting age who respect their elders with the wisdom of their ancestors.

1:05:00  Respecting the institutions of marriage and the family

Social retardation caused by most children being illegitimate brought up by their unmarried mothers

1:06:00  Gender relations

1:07:00  Marrying for money and citizenship

1:08:00  The worse things get, the better it will be for Secular Koranism.

1:09:00  A one-party state

1:10:00  The operation of democracy

1:12:00  He who pays the piper calls the tune. 

1:14:00  Hindu caste system

1:15:00  Income inequality

Capitalism used to understand that the middle classes were a necessary buffer class to prevent their society from tipping over into Communism, but those who support capitalism appear to have forgotten this rule.  

1:16:00  The Fourth Estate is now the First Estate. 

A nationalist is capable of discussing the abstraction that is the long term national interest

If you desire national sovereignty for your nation, and you noticed that Iran gained national sovereignty after becoming a theocracy when previously it was only a Western puppet under the Shah, then you would see as a nationalist that theocracy gave Iran national independence. 

Otherwise, you are just one of those antisemites and Islamophobes complaining about immigration who call themselves nationalists, but are in fact incapable of discussing the national interest in an honest and rational way.  

If you cannot discuss whether Christianity is kaput because you fear to give offence to the Christian members of your family and associates who identify as cultural Christians, you are not really a nationalist either.  

It is surely in the national interest to have a moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality and this must mean being at least effective at ensuring that most parents in your society are married parents to prevent the degeneracy of rising crime, lowering standards of education and behaviour as well as ever lowering IQ scores.

If you are not capable of discussing this either, you are not really fit for the purpose of discussing the national interest and therefore not really a nationalist. 

A nationalist, as far as a I am concerned, should at least be fit for the purpose of discussing what is or isn't in the national interest without blaming Jews, Muslims or non-whites for the failure of their government.  

They would at least be capable of discussing abstractions such as morality, the national interest, degeneracy, theology and other related matters.  

In all my years of associating myself with people who call themselves nationalists, none have been able to do any of the above without disengaging when the taboo of questioning their moral and political system ie Christianity, Liberalism and Democracy was breached.

All they can do is focus on their dislike of particular groups, and use their dislike as a reason to blame their disliked groups. Their sacred cows remain the religion of their ancestors which is so kaput that what was used to plug that God-sized hole - Liberalism - is now also kaput.  

Different groups of nationalists would divide themselves possibly using the north-south divide to join the two main factions of either blaming Jews or blaming Muslims while complaining about immigration.  

None are capable of having a rational discussion because they are morally compromised or do not have the ability to discuss such abstracts which are in the field of metaphysics.  

Interestingly, no public intellectual above such hoi polloi is prepared to engage on these matters either, which is conclusive evidence of the moral and intellectual corruption that now pervades the West.  

Does this make things easy or hard for me?  

It is surely easy to stand tall in a land of pygmies. In a land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.  

I never thought just living in the West would raise me to such dizzy heights.

Monday, 13 December 2021

The marine technocracy of the Austronesians v God's Chosen People

4:00  The Austronesian peoples were the technocrats of their time.
8:00  Jews
14:00  Easter Island
21:00  The iconoclastic statue-toppling of the Easter Islanders

22:00  The Easter Islanders never lived in city-states and barely developed their writing. Literacy is key to allowing the transmission of knowledge from one generation to the next.

23:00  Europeans had the rule of law.
24:00  Successful imperialism can only exist with the rule of law based on a moral system. 
25:00  Religion is a form of human organisation. 

The amnesia and dementia of the Easter Islanders who had forgotten their origins and could no longer do what their ancestors did

26:00  Idolatry is its own punishment. 

Friday, 10 December 2021

Kamala Harris and Rabbi Sacks: Hanukkah for the Hellenized Jew

Rabbi Sacks was an assimilated rabbi. He attended a Church of England primary school and was reading philosophy at Cambridge.  

6:00  Tax farming the Greek way

Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Character Growth - Self, Others & God - Rabbi YY Jacobson

3:00  Nietzsche: "[The] God [of Christianity] is dead and we [liberals] have killed him [with liberalism]."

4:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions have been rejections of Christianity and monarchy. What does Rabbi Jacobson think of the West becoming an Islamic Republic and taking out the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity with the trash?

17:00  Our innate primal drives are to be embraced and harnessed. 

The role of the Yetzer Hara
Midrash (Bereshit Rabbah 9:7) states:

"Without the evil inclination, no one would father a child, build a house, or make a career."

26:00  The things we could live without

27:00  "To be alive is to be an ambassador for the divine."

Monday, 6 December 2021

Identity issues

2:00  Egalitarianism
3:00  Marriage and gender relations
4:00  Genuine solution > snake oil
5:00  Ralph
6:00  The fluid identity of Ralph
7:00  Richard Spencer on Brundle's YouTube channel streamed from a hotel room when his wife put her foot down
8:00  My stable political identity
9:00  Christianity and Democracy are sacred cows that must be slain.
10:00  Denial
11:00  Ralph's viewers and subscribers
12:00  The clarity and coherence of my ideas
13:00  The failure of the moral and political system of the West
14:00  Cloth-eared blind men who subscribe to Ralph's channel
15:00  Are we the slaves of God?
17:00  Principled behaviour impossible without a functioning moral system
18:00  Too cool for rules
19:00  The English class system
21:00  A Christian promoting the ideas of an atheist Jew
Noahide laws
22:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
23:00  The Noahide laws
24:00  The London Beth Din
26:00  Ranking the four gentile religions
28:00  Jews should resign after ranking Islam the most Noahide of the gentile religions. 
30:00  Jews are frightened of Christians like Ralph. 
32:00  Easter
33:00  Christmas
34:00  Our national identity
36:00  The utility of Christianity
38:00  Dune
39:00  The Foundation series by Isaac Asimov

Asking the London Beth Din about converting to Judaism

To: The London Beth Din
Sent: Monday, 23 April 2018, 17:04:30 BST
Subject: For the attention of Dayanim Abrahams, Binstock, Gelley and Simons

Dear Rabbis Abrahams, Binstock, Gelley and Simons

You may find my application for conversion a little unusual. 

I am applying directly to each of you because I fear that any attempt I make to get a Letter of Recommendation from my local Orthodox rabbi will be unsuccessful.

While I have met Rabbi Sacks twice and have a Facebook friend who is a rabbi, I suspect no Letter of Recommendation from them will be forthcoming either.  

I believe the reasons are because I am a nationalist and a political activist. While I have advocated nothing that would offend against the Noahide laws, the general attitude towards me seems to be that of deep wariness.  This may be to do with a series of gun and flag photographs found online that I imagine would offend Jewry but which I hasten to assure you were intended to identify myself with nationalism so that I can make the following points:

1)  If Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism, then Islam must be divine civic nationalism.

2)  Christianity is idolatrous and offends against the third Noahide law, while Islam satisfies all seven.

3)  Jews have a religious duty to remind the gentile when his laws fall dangerously below the minimum moral standards of the Noahide laws because it is part of their tikkun olam.  Secular Koranism more than satisfies these standards.

4)  Because of rising antisemitism, Jews are understandably fearful of saying anything to provoke the gentile.  However, once I become an Orthodox Jewess, I will be able to throw myself in front of the bullets shot by outraged gentiles intended for Jewry on your behalves as one of you in an act of Kiddush Hashem.  

5)  While acutely aware of the obvious idolatry of Christianity for so many centuries, I do see that you could not for obvious reasons quite bring yourselves to point this out to Christians when they took their religion seriously in fear that it would provoke their customary violence and intimidation. In any case, you cannot now bring yourselves to point this out the Post-Christian in the current atmosphere of rising antisemitism now that he no longer believes in anything other than sex and drugs and rock and roll as well as gay marriage and transgenderism.

6)  It has been said that Islam is "Judaism Lite". If this is so, then Secular Koranism is intended to be "Islam Lite" and, with this in mind, I conceived of Secular Koranism.  Secular Koranism is not a belief system, but a legal system that guarantees freedom of belief with, would make it unconstitutional to tax a citizen more than a flat rate income tax of 20%, shame immoral women who produce illegitimate offspring and then badly parent the next generation of unemployable criminals with and is intended to restore patriarchy which will not be too difficult once good moral men and women who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring co-operate with each other with a view to drawing a line very firmly under so many decades of degenerate culture. 

It is my considered view as a rational and moral woman that feminism that produces the sexual immorality that is undermining Western civilisation, and I would like this matter highlighted and publicised in my campaign to promote the Noahide laws among gentiles with the assistance and support of what I hope will become my Kehillah Kedoshah.  

To this end, I thought the quickest way would be to write to you individually in the hope that you will believe me to be a suitable candidate for conversion after meeting me and then write Letters of Recommendation on my behalf.  

I trust my blog will display what little knowledge of Judaism I have so far managed to acquire.

Yours sincerely

Claire Khaw


22 May 2018

Dear Claire


Thank you for your email of 23 April 2018, as addressed to the Dayanim, in which you express your interest in converting to Judaism. As you suggest,I have indeed found the background of your approach to us "a little unusual". You certainly have a prominent online presence to rival that of many public figures. 

As a matter of longstanding policy, we are able to consider conversion applications only from those living in an area with a vibrant, supportive and halakhically observant Jewish community. This is in order to gain an appreciation for the manifold demands (as well as rewards) of an uncompromising halakhic lifestyle. Unfortunately, your area cannot (presently) be described in these terms. In any case, the path of conversion to Judaism is a long and potentially arduous one, the successful conclusion of which can in no way be guaranteed.

As one who is clearly familiar with - and respects - the Noahide laws, I would remind you that according to our tradition one need not be (or become Jewish) in order to be considered worthy in the eyes of G-d. As the Talmud teaches, "the righteous of all Nations have a share in the World to Come." In this connection I can recommend The Path of the Righteous Gentile by Chaim Clorfene (Targum Press), which is available through online retailers. You may also like to visit

May I extend my best wishes for personal fulfilment and satisfaction in your search for truth. 

Yours sincerely

Rabbi Rashi Simon
Gerut Coordinator 
London Beth Din

Muslim Terron Poole and I disagree on the proper Islamic attitude to take towards Christians

Imam Marc Manley:

You mean allyship between Jews and Christians? Muslims are not People of the Book (Ahl al-Kitāb). That is a designation the Qur’ān makes specifically about Jews and Christians. This is a subversive attempt to dilute the religion of Muslims and misguide them by drawing illegitimate similarities between Muslims and non-Muslims. #CraigConsidine is leading this charge and sadly many Muslim institutions, predominantly “immigrant” in bent, are furthering this. What’s even more regrettable is the the Qur’ān, the book increasingly neglected by Muslims, calls for this, verbatim:

‎قُل يا أَهلَ الكِتابِ تَعالَوا إِلىٰ كَلِمَةٍ سَواءٍ بَينَنا وَبَينَكُم أَلّا نَعبُدَ إِلَّا اللَّهَ وَلا نُشرِكَ بِهِ شَيئًا وَلا يَتَّخِذَ بَعضُنا بَعضًا أَربابًا مِن دونِ اللَّهِ ۚ فَإِن تَوَلَّوا فَقولُوا اشهَدوا بِأَنّا مُسلِمونَ
“Say, ‘People of the Book! come to a proposition which is the same for us and you – that we should worship none but Allah and not associate any partners with Him and not take one another as lords besides Allah.’ If they turn away, say, ‘Bear witness that we are Muslims’.”

This is from Sūrah ‘Āl ‘Imrān, verse 64

In this verse, Allāh commands the Prophet ﷺ to invite the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) to Islām. And to establish what the terms of that coming together, that “common word”, will be based on: the worship of Allāh (God), alone and without partner, son, or equal. And if that invitation is refused, that the Muslims are to retain their distinction, not reduce themselves to being the same as Jews or Christians, who are unapologetically, and unequivocally, misguided! 

But as we see, Muslim orgs are increasingly thirsty for acceptance instead of striving in the way of Allāh (yes, jihād!, though you are scared to even say the word) to carve out your own dignified existence and invite others to the Truth

Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy and those who don't care about this are being unprincipled, aren't they?

It is also necessary that Christians be finally disabused that Christianity is in any way fit for the purpose of maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality when the church in the West is now a Creature of the Liberal State spreading the moral sewage of globohomo.

But keep drinking the Kool Aid, unprincipled Muslims, and keep ignoring the command in if you are more afraid of offending your Christian overlords than Allah. You are showing exactly where your instincts lie and it is not with either the instructions in the Koran or God.

Muslims fearful of offending their Christian overlords in fact fear nothing since there are no believing Christians anyway. Is there really anyone in existence really claiming to believe that Jesus is co-eternal, co-substantial and co-equal to Allah ie that it was a deceased Jew who created the Universe? And if there are, it is surely time to shoot down their absurdity in flames. Those who fear to do so can only be called unprincipled cowards afraid of people no longer in existence.

Terron Poole to Claire Khaw 

you too, right along with this Imam, really have lost the plot. You're approach of extreme hostility towards Christians isn't pragmatic at all. It might be attractive to those who engage in Muslim-Christian polemics, but I don't think you'll get any further than brain wrestling with people. My instincts just don't lie with the shit you or this Imam is talking about.

Claire Khaw to Terron Poole 

The "plot" is to obey if you are Muslim, is it not, if you have one at all? Your "plot" is to be on friendly terms with members of your family who are still Christian as well as your Christian friends, obviously. There is another verse in the Koran that warns you against this sort of thing, but you will doubtless think that your pragmatism is better than any Koranic principle you are in fact called on to follow as a Muslim.

Yes, my intention is to show hostility towards idolatry and blasphemy because it is beyond obvious that Christianity is kaput. There is no need to compromise with any clapped out ideology that is both morally and intellectually bankrupt which is now the Creature of the Liberal State incapable of defending or recognising any principle.

There really is no need to compromise with anyone whose belief system is obviously absurd and whose practice of idolatry and blasphemy has clearly been forbidden in the Ten Commandments.

Terron Poole to Claire Khaw 

OK cool. If you really believe what you're saying than show me fruits from your own labour. Because I'm saying, from experience and looking at your situation, that what you're on about is of no utility to me. I don't see the vision in what you're saying.

Claire Khaw to Terron Poole 

You have converted to Islam because you saw the absurdity and failure of Christianity. Perhaps you would like to explain the logic of your proposal to doing a deal with a morally and intellectually bankrupt moral system that is morally and intellectually indefensible. At least have the honesty to acknowledge that you do not wish to offend Christian members of your family and social circle rather than pretending you do not see the logic of my position.

Westerners need to accept that Christianity has failed to contemplate its replacement, don't they?
If you are too fearful of pointing this out for social and career reasons, that is more your problem than mine.

The noble lie

Why believe in an active living God instead of an indifferent deity?

What if no deity exists at all in the whole of the universe?

Because if we want to worship any deity at all, it makes no sense to worship anything less powerful than the most powerful deity conceivable, does it?

Why would you worship a dead and indifferent deity who created the Universe and then died?  

But what if the Abrahamic God - believed to be omnipotent, omniscient, supreme, eternal and perfectly moral who gave humanity the Noahide laws to follow and is supposed to occasionally answers prayers - does not even exist?  

Lies are useful and the Abrahamic God, being the most powerful idea conceivable, is very useful indeed, as an instrument of government and the regulation of the morals of those who presume govern us. 

To make it work for all of us, we have to believe it and buy into it.

On Ralph Masilamani accusing me of being anti-English and why he hates Thomas Carlyle

Why is Ralph Masilamani too afraid to mention my name properly? 

He refers to my "abject hatred of Christianity". It is true that I feel moral and intellectual revulsion at the absurdity, idolatry and blasphemy of the Doctrine of the Trinity requiring Christians to worship a deceased Jew as co-equal, co-substantial and co-eternal with the God of Israel and Allah. 

I don't think any Westerner I know believes in this. Most of them are so theologically ignorant they do not even know they are supposed to believe in this. Those who claim to believe in God are not clear if they believe in the Abrahamic God who gave the Torah to Moses on Mount Sinai and don't seem to think it matters, but actually it does because this belief or lack of it has moral and political consequences.  

If you believe in the existence of the Abrahamic God, then you must also accept the narrative of the Abrahamic God and His attributes of being omnipotent, omniscient, supreme, eternal and perfectly moral. This means if you think the God of Israel and Allah exists, then you must logically and necessarily feel morally obliged to follow His laws either as a Jew or a gentile following the Koran. The New Testament must be rejected because the word of mortal and fallible men must be trumped by the Word of God in either the Torah and the Koran. The religions of the Torah and Koran - Judaism and Islam - are both agreed on the oneness of God and both reject the idolatry and blasphemy of Trinitarian Christianity. 

It is make up your mind time.

If you say you believe in another deity, what is this deity?

Do you reject the Abrahamic God because He has made Jews His Chosen People? Is that really the reason?  

If you are formerly Christian and have a problem with Jews, it may be because you find the fraud of the Trinity on yourself, parents and ancestors so outrageous as to make you reject the Abrahamic God, lock, stock and barrel.  

But Christianity is not the only Abrahamic faith for gentiles.  

And perhaps it was necessary for God to make Jews His Chosen People to make His point about which religion honest and rational ought to choose if they were being honest and rational and avoiding the prohibitions of idolatry and blasphemy.

Why was it necessary for God to make Jews His Chosen People? 

Because it was necessary to humble gentiles into not questioning His motive just because they cannot see the wisdom of it. Gentiles have no standing to emancipate Jews as atheists, because only God would have the standing to do so, and Jews should not have accepted this freedom from gentiles and begun to assimilate into gentile society. 

Gentiles see Jews as being unfairly privileged by their governments or by the imperial power compared to themselves, but is this really so?

If these gentiles envy Jews so much, it is open to them to convert to Judaism in the way men who want to become women transition into becoming a transgender woman. So why don't they? Probably because it is too much trouble and because they don't really want to lead a life of Jewish restrictions.  

Perhaps it is enough for them to just complain to each other from time to time that it is not fair. 

Perhaps this could be likened to a poor student wanting to have the status of a good student but declining to study hard or submit his assignments on time.  

If Jews are indeed the aristocracy of humanity, then this status comes with responsibility and duty. If they fail to discharge this duty, they are also punished more harshly in this life and the afterlife and this we know through their history of being persecuted by gentiles and the fact that the Torah has 36 capital offences while the Koran for gentiles hardly mentions the death penalty at all.  

From the existence of Jews, we can deduce that one of the reasons God made them His Chosen People was perhaps to be an irritant to gentiles. An irritant is intended to serve as a warning to gentiles, to question their religion and perhaps also the interpretation of their scripture.  

The fact that they appear to be indestructible may be evidence of divine protection and this divine protection could be interpreted as evidence of God - the Abrahamic God who created the Universe and revealed the Torah and the Koran - the one who did not say Jesus was God and did not support any Christian claim with divine revelation. The New Testament is not the word of God, merely that of mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance making an absurd claim. 

Christianity is the antithesis of Judaism, but Islam is the synthesis of Judaism and Christianity.

If you are looking for a new religion worshiping the most powerful deity conceivable as a gentile because your Christianity is kaput, Islam is the obvious choice, unless you are too afflicted by antisemitism and Islamophobia to take the cure. 

Ralph claims I am anti-English. That is possible in the sense that I would not be unconditionally and unquestioningly for any race, including my own. A better question would be to ask what I am loyal to, and the answer is of course my convictions and beliefs, which I believe are based on Truth, Logic and Morality.

Ralph also speculated that I might bear a grudge against the English because of the Opium Wars and the looting of the Summer Palace in 1860.

Why would I, when whatever wrong done to China by the British last century has already been put right and recovered from, when China is now clearly better governed and technologically more advanced than the West?  

I am myself a product of the British Empire and pride myself on knowing the roots of my ideas: they are global and eclectic and I trust based undisputed fact and flawless logic. 

If Islam is Judaism Lite, then Secular Koranism is Islam Lite. 

If Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism, then Islam must be divine civic nationalism.    

I have concluded that Christianity is kaput and was in fact kaput centuries ago. Christianity is so kaput that it was rejected in three successive revolutions: the American, French and Russian Revolutions. It is in fact so kaput that what replaced it - Liberalism - is now also kaput. 

Judaism and Islam come with an official handbook from a Hypothetical Supreme Authority. 

Christianity suffers from having a defective scripture and the New Testament is only the word of mortal and fallible men who were not even Jesus, let alone God. 

Liberalism has failed because it is not an ideology that governs in the national interest. Liberalism is more interested in propagating itself for its own sake than in promoting the national interest, and it is for this reason that Trump and his supporters identify as nationalists and therefore as rejecters of liberalism. This explains neatly why they are now treated as heretics and domestic terrorists by the American Deep State that is now propping up what passes for liberalism in the 21st century. Liberalism in the 21st century has now degenerated into sexual liberation and family breakdown, the cause of corruption, criminality and chaos. We know this because the Western political establishment is now suffering from dementia to such an extent that it is not interested in even explaining itself to those it governs and only conspires to silence them with censorship and threats. 

If nationalism is defined as government in the national interest, then nationalism is a natural and universal aspiration of all who live under any government in the world, since it would only be rational to want our government to govern in the national interest. 

What is in the national interest? 

A moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality ie ensuring that most parents in your society are married parents would be in the national interest and this the English do not have. The continuing existence of our race, society, civilisation, nation and empire depends on how the next generation is reared and the quality of the national gene pool. We already know that most British parents are not married parents. This means Britain is now a  matriarchy.  

Matriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring.

Patriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of married parents who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring. 

All advanced civilisations are patriarchies.

All primitive, declining, extinct and soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies. 

The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents

The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents

It should be clear to any honest, rational and moral person what kind of society their nation ought to be if they want to their group to remain in existence and apart from others, enjoying national sovereignty, border control and good government.  

But the English do not have leaders who are honest, rational and moral, do they?  

To have principled politicians, they would need to have a moral system that supports marriage and family values and to correct the fact that they do not have this, they would have to adopt the "Islam Lite" that is Secular Koranism which includes in its package the guarantee of freedom of worship in, the basis of the First Amendment. 

The fact that I can find no one to engage with on this matter of any moral and intellectual authority is evidence of their broken moral and political system. As far as I know, there is no one in nationalism proposing a solution other than the one that they know they are not allowed to say: the accelerationism that would lead to a quicker collapse so violence can be used by the Dissident Right against their perceived political enemies after law and order collapses. 

For the avoidance of doubt, I support nationalism which I define as government in the national interest. It would be in the British national interest to acknowledge once and for all the failure of Christianity and Liberalism and contemplate their replacement with something better: I have in mind an integrated moral and legal political system governed by the principles of Secular Koranism as a one-party theocracy. 

While this is undeniably radical, what else would work?

And if the person I engage with begins to pretend that the solution to their complaint is not after all necessary because it is too radical, does that not betray the feminine vice of denial as well as a deepening neurosis?

Either there is a problem, or not. 

Either my proposals would solve the problem, or not.

Either there is a problem, or not. 

If the problem is matriarchy, then the solution must be patriarchy. 

If the destination is patriarchy, then the vehicle must be theocracy. 

If not, what else?

Christianity was always about the Christian monarch having the divine right to rule under the advice of Cardinals or Archbishops subject to the authority of the Pope.

After the break from Rome, the monarch became his own conscience. 

After the powers of the Crown have been so curtailed as to make the monarch unable to choose his own religion without losing the right to succeed to the throne and thus being deprived of an essential human right conferred by the Koran ie freedom of belief, it is time to ask ourselves whether it is now time to finally reject the institution of Christian monarchy and embrace the idea of an Islamic Republic. 

A Caliph is a constitutional dictator, which must surely be better than an absolute dictator. 

A Caliph is not a king and therefore has no right to bequeath his leadership role to his male relations. 

If China were an Islamic Republic, then Xi Jinping would be Caliph.  

After all, whether or not you believe in God, the Koran is the best available guide to mankind whose laws have the widest application, is it not? It has something for everyone: the rich and the poor, men and women, the old and the young, the majority and the minority, citizens currently alive and future generations of their descendants. 

I already know that even the most rabid hate-filled Islamophobes are stumped when I ask them a better guide than the Koran. Would it be Mein KampfThe Communist Manifesto? Mussolini's Doctrine of Fascism? Jordan Peterson telling infantilised and feminised Western men how to be more masculine? 

The Torah is only for Jews, and the New Testament is only the word of mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance proclaiming an obvious absurdity.  

It would be in the interests of the English to replace their broken system with something that actually works to maintain minimum standards of sexual morality. If I cannot get any meaningful engagement on this from the English other than the infantilised mewling of men who have for years been chorusing at me their collective reaction of "We don't like it, we don't wanna, you can't make us", I must logically and necessarily up the ante until I get a meaningful and substantive response, mustn't I?

If it means putting it in such terms that they are in doubt about what I think of the failure of Christianity and Liberalism, then so be it. I already know that Jews and Muslims in the West are still too afraid of giving offence to their Christian and Liberal overlords to make this point clearly and consistently enough for the point to be taken. And that was why I found myself reluctantly stepping into the breach.

18:00  Calling me "Claire Chow" again. Why the fear of calling me by my proper name?  

26:00  "Secular Chowism"

38:00  "Jew on a stick"

46:00  "Secular Ching Changism"

48:00  Claire Chong

49:00  Accused of "violating" Jews, Christians and Muslims

52:00  Ralph claims I am anti-English.

53:00  Jordan Peterson

1:06:00  "Secular Ching Chowism"

1:11:00  Patriarchy is non-existent in the West, which is why we now have full spectrum feminist hegemony.  Ralph has yet to notice this. 

1:13:00  "The Christian God" is not the Abrahamic God, is it?

1:33:00  Hero worship

2:32:00  Thomas Carlyle

Why does Ralph hate Carlyle so much? 

Was it because Carlyle rejected Christianity and praised Muhammad?

Without leadership, nothing can be done. If we choose a principled and competent leader, then we must be loyal to him and obey him to increase his chances of success, must we not? If we withhold our loyalty, he may even fail and we would be indirectly harming ourselves.

Hardly anyone was loyal to Trump. 

The Englishmen I know distinguish themselves through being skint, stupid and scared as well as being drunk, drugged and suffering from a range of mental health issues the most common of which are Narcissistic Personality Disorder and manic depression. They also have a nihilistic and atheist culture of casual betrayal and that of stabbing each other in the back and the front on a whim, presumably because they view their future as hopeless and can only entertain and indulge themselves while they live by casually destroying the work and reputations of others.  

Masculinity is a state of mind prepared to defend masculine principles. Most Western men will have no idea what a principle is, because moral principles can only come from religious principles and such principles can only come from a moral system whose existence and principles are officially acknowledged by right-thinking members of society as well as reflected in the law. 

If there are no longer any right-thinking members of society in existence because they have been cancelled by the culture of hate speech, then that is yet another reason to fear for the future.  

Islam at least understands that our laws should be in harmony with our chosen moral system while Judaism and Christianity have no such understanding at all.  

If no Western Man who is a public intellectual is prepared to engage on this subject at all in the West, then the problem is indeed is what I have been saying it is all along: the double whammy of having both your moral and political system failing at the same time.   

Sunday, 5 December 2021

I'm such a good sport I allow Ralph and Domingo to challenge my moral authority

4:00  Christian nationalism was Christian imperialism.
5:00  Athens and Sparta exhausted themselves in war. 
6:00  The burned and bloody of Christianity and its failure
8:00  Ralph's modus operandi
9:00  Nick Griffin pandering to Irish nationalism
10:00  Roman Catholicism
11:00  The Abrahamic God
12:00  The definition of idolatry and blasphemy, Mary and Jesus
14:00  Three global Christian empires, the difference between organised and the Eastern religions
15:00  Materialism v Metaphysics
16:00  Greek mythology: Titans and Olympians
17:00  Titans
20:00  Miscegenation
21:00  Abrahamic God
22:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
23:00  Conceptual idolatry
God is the policeman in your head.
25:00  Therapeutic prayer
26:00  Christianity
27:00  Heretic burning and the institution of marriage
28:00  Fathers of legitimate children
Apartheid was for the benefit of poor whites in South Africa.
30:00  The treachery of white people to other white people
31:00  Empires are multicultural and multiracial.  
32:00  Rome
33:00  Belgium
34:00  Border control
35:00  The monoculture of a global empire
36:00  Christianity and Liberalism
37:00  Trump's heresy
38:00  Britain's greatest achievement
39:00  Imperial decline and the female preference is risk averse
40:00  The power and glory of Secular Koranism
41:00  Letting it all collapse
42:00  Islamophobia
43:00  Ralph 
45:00  I am a good sport, unlike Ralph.
47:00  Promoting Secular Koranism since 2009
The sacred cows of the West
48:00  Christians winning the ideological war with violence
50:00  Cloaking antisemitism and Islamophobia with Christianity
52:00  Moral Foundations Theory
53:00  Secular Koranism
54:00  The idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity
55:00  The Book of Rules that is the Koran. 
57:00  Paul the heretical Jew
59:00  The sin is its own punishment.
1:00:00  The power of the institution of marriage
1:01:00  The last person to be executed for blasphemy in Britain was in the late 1600s.
1:02:00  The Age of Enlightenment
1:04:00  Henry II
1:05:00  Henry VIII
1:06:00  If only Henry VIII had been Muslim
1:09:00  Jordan Peterson v Mohammed Hijab
1:10:00  The Abrahamic God would have a view on the Trinity.
1:11:00  Doublethink
1:12:00  The Wars of the Reformation
1:13:00  Five of the Founding Fathers were not Trinitarians. 
An Islamic Republic
1:14:00  Why monarchy is inevitable
1:15:00  China became a republic and hasn't looked back since.
1:17:00  The wrong religion
1400 years after the revelation of the Koran
1:18:00  The Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury are Creatures of the Liberal Estate.
1:19:00  Liberalism is now failing.
1:20:00  No functioning moral system in the West.
1:21:00  Speakers Corner
1:22:00  How to deal with Christians
1:23:00  Doctrine of the Trinity
1:24:00  The First Amendment
1:25:00  Islam rejects the priesthood and the monarchy.
The Islamic roots of the American Republic
1:26:00  China, the one-party state and the rule of law
1:27:00  The cure exists before the disease
1:28:00  Sophistry
1:29:00  Nietzsche
1:30:00  The nature and purpose of social hierarchy
1:31:00  TJump's objective morality
1:32:00  Christianity
1:42:00  Idolatry
1:45:00  Marriage before children
1:44:00  Confirmed Christians
1:45:00  Western Man adopting Secular Koranism and improving Islam
1:48:00  Abortion and social conservatism
1:50:00  Justice Kavanaugh
1:53:00  Abortion in America
1:54:00  Western Women 
2:00:00  Christianity has run its course.
2:02:00  The opportunity cost of not following Islam
2:03:00  The Crusades
2:04:00  Justin Welby is illegitimate.
2:05:00  DOMINGO joins.
2:07:00  Koraniyule
2:11:00  Jews
2:12:00  The culture is liberal.
2:13:00  Judaism
2:14:00  Jews
2:15:00  Israel
2:19:00  Idolatry
2:20:00  God's Chosen People
2:22:00  My alleged Anglophobia
2:24:00  Secular Koranism
2:25:00  I am here to help!
2:26:00  Westerners are like Aztecs.
2:28:00  Heavy hand of censorship 
2:30:00  The Talmud
2:31:00  Pilpul
2:32:00  Jews are few.
2:33:00  The Passion of Christ
2:36:00  Not Jews, just Israeli citizens.
Rabbi Tovia Singer
2:37:00  God's Chosen People
2:38:00  Britain were on their way out of Palestine Mandate,
2:39:00  Israel
2:40:00  Temple Judaism v Rabbinical Judaism
2:44:00  Liberalism
2:45:00  AIPAC
2:46:00  Jews
2:48:00  Feminists and Jews
2:49:00  Christian beliefs
2:53:00  RALPH joins.
2:54:00  Sighing
2:55:00  Idolatry
2:56:00  Moral authority
3:04:00  Weaponising the Koran
3:06:00  Moral system
3:07:00  Agnosticsm
3:09:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.
3:11:00  TJump
3:12:00  The right moral system
3:13:00  Does Domingo believe in the Abrahamic God?
3:14:00  Domingo's religion of antisemitism
3:20:00  Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism.
3:26:00  Moral authority
3:29:00  I base my moral authority on the Koran.
3:33:00  Christians repenting of their idolatry and blasphemy
3:34:00  Jews no longer fit for the purpose of teaching the Noahide laws.
3:36:00  Light of the world, light unto nations.
Jerusalem is a city on a hill.

Saturday, 4 December 2021

On being accused of suffering from a Messiah Complex

On the matter of whether I do in fact suffer from mental health issues such as a messiah complex, megalomania, delusions or narcissistic personality disorder, I suppose anything is in theory possible. My radical idea that is the antithesis of the current political orthodoxy is easily understood.  

For this reason , it would be naive of me not to expect massive resistance to my idea and already irrational people to conflate something unpopular with something that is in theory unworkable.

Obviously, I do not think my theory is in theory unworkable. In fact, I think it is the only solution that would work, in theory and in practice.  

Therefore I am quite at ease dealing with objections from people I know who are suffering from Islamophobia and allow  them to question and challenge me. The most common feature of this condition is having an irrational hatred and fear of Muslims and Islam even when they know that their current political orthodoxy has failed and have no better idea.  

If asked what religion the West is associated with, people would answer Christianity.  

If asked what political ideology, people would say liberalism. 

If asked what political system, they would say liberal democracy.  

What I propose is their replacement with an integrated moral and legal political system that is distinctly my conception which incorporates the First Amendment, which I know is unrivalled because no one else has proposed any solution that is capable of being summed up in a sentence. The person closest to doing this is Ralph Masilamani and his solution is basically incoherent in that he believes in fighting more elections and using Christian nationalism as Nick Griffin does which is conclusive evidence that they have neither understood the problem, much less arrived at a cure.  

While claiming to be a Christian nationalist, Ralph relies on the ideas of a philosopher of an atheist Jew Jonathan Haidt whose Moral Foundations Theory is nothing more than a psychological explanation of how different political groups perceive to be right or wrong with the intention of manipulating their opinion to win elections. 

Why should I expect success when it is only me and a few people who support Secular Koranism?
Because even if I do not succeed in my lifetime, I am the one in theory closest to it, all things being equal.  

If this means I have delusions of grandeur, then so be it. I do not deny that my solution is radical and ambitious nor is it only confined to one country because the entire West suffers from the same problem as well as any non-Western country that follows this model.  

I am aware that all the prophets of God were in some way revolutionaries and do not deny that my ideas are revolutionary. So if I succeed, at best my reward will be to have been credited with achieving a kind of prophethood. I am also aware that the Bible is littered with the stories of failed prophets.

As for doing something else with my life instead of this, that is frankly unimaginable. If I had had a successful legal career, I would not be giving it up to associate with social and political leprosy and therefore I would be one of the political establishment sneering at nationalists.

As for my road map to success, I truly believe that all that is required is for someone honourable in a position of influence to understand what I am trying to do, agree with what I am doing and facilitate its propagation in mainstream media.  I do not think that is in theory impossible.  

I like to think I have the instincts of a journalist and have been feeding the media stories that they would be seizing with both hands and running with, if only they were still in the business of reporting the news and human interest stories as well as analysing events. That they no longer do this is evidence of their neurosis, corruption and hypocrisy.  

The only way of breaking this deadlock is to get the people of who conceive of the Abrahamic God correctly to give it to the Western political establishment with both barrels about the unviability of Christianity and liberal democracy in the 21st century now that Islam is the most advanced model of ethical monotheism which is an adaptation of the divine ethno-nationalist religion of the world's most ancient and powerful tribe, apparently kept in existence and protected by the Abrahamic God to serve a humanitarian cause: being an irritant to gentiles.  

Why would anyone unless they were stupid or suffering from some phobia insist on using a horse and carriage when modern technology has available vastly superior modes of transport?

I have long ago given up on Christians because no one can remain Christian unless they believe Jesus is God.  Anyone who persists in doing so after being challenged by my usual questions (ie How is Christianity not idolatry and blasphemy? If it is not idolatry and blasphemy to worship Jesus if he is indeed God, how is Jesus the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe?) is basically corrupt or suffering from a phobia and not really worth engaging with. 

My definition of corruption is ignoring and denying Truth, Logic and Morality.  

So in a way, the way forward for me is easy, broad and straight because my political activism is merely the repetition and propagation of these simple questions and ideas.  

As things worsen because errors are not corrected, people will logically and necessarily move closer to my position, as long as I stand firm on it.

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

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