Tuesday, 14 December 2021

A nationalist is capable of discussing the abstraction that is the long term national interest

If you desire national sovereignty for your nation, and you noticed that Iran gained national sovereignty after becoming a theocracy when previously it was only a Western puppet under the Shah, then you would see as a nationalist that theocracy gave Iran national independence. 

Otherwise, you are just one of those antisemites and Islamophobes complaining about immigration who call themselves nationalists, but are in fact incapable of discussing the national interest in an honest and rational way.  

If you cannot discuss whether Christianity is kaput because you fear to give offence to the Christian members of your family and associates who identify as cultural Christians, you are not really a nationalist either.  

It is surely in the national interest to have a moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality and this must mean being at least effective at ensuring that most parents in your society are married parents to prevent the degeneracy of rising crime, lowering standards of education and behaviour as well as ever lowering IQ scores.

If you are not capable of discussing this either, you are not really fit for the purpose of discussing the national interest and therefore not really a nationalist. 

A nationalist, as far as a I am concerned, should at least be fit for the purpose of discussing what is or isn't in the national interest without blaming Jews, Muslims or non-whites for the failure of their government.  

They would at least be capable of discussing abstractions such as morality, the national interest, degeneracy, theology and other related matters.  

In all my years of associating myself with people who call themselves nationalists, none have been able to do any of the above without disengaging when the taboo of questioning their moral and political system ie Christianity, Liberalism and Democracy was breached.

All they can do is focus on their dislike of particular groups, and use their dislike as a reason to blame their disliked groups. Their sacred cows remain the religion of their ancestors which is so kaput that what was used to plug that God-sized hole - Liberalism - is now also kaput.  

Different groups of nationalists would divide themselves possibly using the north-south divide to join the two main factions of either blaming Jews or blaming Muslims while complaining about immigration.  

None are capable of having a rational discussion because they are morally compromised or do not have the ability to discuss such abstracts which are in the field of metaphysics.  

Interestingly, no public intellectual above such hoi polloi is prepared to engage on these matters either, which is conclusive evidence of the moral and intellectual corruption that now pervades the West.  

Does this make things easy or hard for me?  

It is surely easy to stand tall in a land of pygmies. In a land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.  

I never thought just living in the West would raise me to such dizzy heights.

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