Monday, 6 December 2021

Muslim Terron Poole and I disagree on the proper Islamic attitude to take towards Christians

Imam Marc Manley:

You mean allyship between Jews and Christians? Muslims are not People of the Book (Ahl al-Kitāb). That is a designation the Qur’ān makes specifically about Jews and Christians. This is a subversive attempt to dilute the religion of Muslims and misguide them by drawing illegitimate similarities between Muslims and non-Muslims. #CraigConsidine is leading this charge and sadly many Muslim institutions, predominantly “immigrant” in bent, are furthering this. What’s even more regrettable is the the Qur’ān, the book increasingly neglected by Muslims, calls for this, verbatim:

‎قُل يا أَهلَ الكِتابِ تَعالَوا إِلىٰ كَلِمَةٍ سَواءٍ بَينَنا وَبَينَكُم أَلّا نَعبُدَ إِلَّا اللَّهَ وَلا نُشرِكَ بِهِ شَيئًا وَلا يَتَّخِذَ بَعضُنا بَعضًا أَربابًا مِن دونِ اللَّهِ ۚ فَإِن تَوَلَّوا فَقولُوا اشهَدوا بِأَنّا مُسلِمونَ
“Say, ‘People of the Book! come to a proposition which is the same for us and you – that we should worship none but Allah and not associate any partners with Him and not take one another as lords besides Allah.’ If they turn away, say, ‘Bear witness that we are Muslims’.”

This is from Sūrah ‘Āl ‘Imrān, verse 64

In this verse, Allāh commands the Prophet ﷺ to invite the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) to Islām. And to establish what the terms of that coming together, that “common word”, will be based on: the worship of Allāh (God), alone and without partner, son, or equal. And if that invitation is refused, that the Muslims are to retain their distinction, not reduce themselves to being the same as Jews or Christians, who are unapologetically, and unequivocally, misguided! 

But as we see, Muslim orgs are increasingly thirsty for acceptance instead of striving in the way of Allāh (yes, jihād!, though you are scared to even say the word) to carve out your own dignified existence and invite others to the Truth

Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy and those who don't care about this are being unprincipled, aren't they?

It is also necessary that Christians be finally disabused that Christianity is in any way fit for the purpose of maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality when the church in the West is now a Creature of the Liberal State spreading the moral sewage of globohomo.

But keep drinking the Kool Aid, unprincipled Muslims, and keep ignoring the command in if you are more afraid of offending your Christian overlords than Allah. You are showing exactly where your instincts lie and it is not with either the instructions in the Koran or God.

Muslims fearful of offending their Christian overlords in fact fear nothing since there are no believing Christians anyway. Is there really anyone in existence really claiming to believe that Jesus is co-eternal, co-substantial and co-equal to Allah ie that it was a deceased Jew who created the Universe? And if there are, it is surely time to shoot down their absurdity in flames. Those who fear to do so can only be called unprincipled cowards afraid of people no longer in existence.

Terron Poole to Claire Khaw 

you too, right along with this Imam, really have lost the plot. You're approach of extreme hostility towards Christians isn't pragmatic at all. It might be attractive to those who engage in Muslim-Christian polemics, but I don't think you'll get any further than brain wrestling with people. My instincts just don't lie with the shit you or this Imam is talking about.

Claire Khaw to Terron Poole 

The "plot" is to obey if you are Muslim, is it not, if you have one at all? Your "plot" is to be on friendly terms with members of your family who are still Christian as well as your Christian friends, obviously. There is another verse in the Koran that warns you against this sort of thing, but you will doubtless think that your pragmatism is better than any Koranic principle you are in fact called on to follow as a Muslim.

Yes, my intention is to show hostility towards idolatry and blasphemy because it is beyond obvious that Christianity is kaput. There is no need to compromise with any clapped out ideology that is both morally and intellectually bankrupt which is now the Creature of the Liberal State incapable of defending or recognising any principle.

There really is no need to compromise with anyone whose belief system is obviously absurd and whose practice of idolatry and blasphemy has clearly been forbidden in the Ten Commandments.

Terron Poole to Claire Khaw 

OK cool. If you really believe what you're saying than show me fruits from your own labour. Because I'm saying, from experience and looking at your situation, that what you're on about is of no utility to me. I don't see the vision in what you're saying.

Claire Khaw to Terron Poole 

You have converted to Islam because you saw the absurdity and failure of Christianity. Perhaps you would like to explain the logic of your proposal to doing a deal with a morally and intellectually bankrupt moral system that is morally and intellectually indefensible. At least have the honesty to acknowledge that you do not wish to offend Christian members of your family and social circle rather than pretending you do not see the logic of my position.

Westerners need to accept that Christianity has failed to contemplate its replacement, don't they?
If you are too fearful of pointing this out for social and career reasons, that is more your problem than mine.

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