Monday, 6 December 2021

On Ralph Masilamani accusing me of being anti-English and why he hates Thomas Carlyle

Why is Ralph Masilamani too afraid to mention my name properly? 

He refers to my "abject hatred of Christianity". It is true that I feel moral and intellectual revulsion at the absurdity, idolatry and blasphemy of the Doctrine of the Trinity requiring Christians to worship a deceased Jew as co-equal, co-substantial and co-eternal with the God of Israel and Allah. 

I don't think any Westerner I know believes in this. Most of them are so theologically ignorant they do not even know they are supposed to believe in this. Those who claim to believe in God are not clear if they believe in the Abrahamic God who gave the Torah to Moses on Mount Sinai and don't seem to think it matters, but actually it does because this belief or lack of it has moral and political consequences.  

If you believe in the existence of the Abrahamic God, then you must also accept the narrative of the Abrahamic God and His attributes of being omnipotent, omniscient, supreme, eternal and perfectly moral. This means if you think the God of Israel and Allah exists, then you must logically and necessarily feel morally obliged to follow His laws either as a Jew or a gentile following the Koran. The New Testament must be rejected because the word of mortal and fallible men must be trumped by the Word of God in either the Torah and the Koran. The religions of the Torah and Koran - Judaism and Islam - are both agreed on the oneness of God and both reject the idolatry and blasphemy of Trinitarian Christianity. 

It is make up your mind time.

If you say you believe in another deity, what is this deity?

Do you reject the Abrahamic God because He has made Jews His Chosen People? Is that really the reason?  

If you are formerly Christian and have a problem with Jews, it may be because you find the fraud of the Trinity on yourself, parents and ancestors so outrageous as to make you reject the Abrahamic God, lock, stock and barrel.  

But Christianity is not the only Abrahamic faith for gentiles.  

And perhaps it was necessary for God to make Jews His Chosen People to make His point about which religion honest and rational ought to choose if they were being honest and rational and avoiding the prohibitions of idolatry and blasphemy.

Why was it necessary for God to make Jews His Chosen People? 

Because it was necessary to humble gentiles into not questioning His motive just because they cannot see the wisdom of it. Gentiles have no standing to emancipate Jews as atheists, because only God would have the standing to do so, and Jews should not have accepted this freedom from gentiles and begun to assimilate into gentile society. 

Gentiles see Jews as being unfairly privileged by their governments or by the imperial power compared to themselves, but is this really so?

If these gentiles envy Jews so much, it is open to them to convert to Judaism in the way men who want to become women transition into becoming a transgender woman. So why don't they? Probably because it is too much trouble and because they don't really want to lead a life of Jewish restrictions.  

Perhaps it is enough for them to just complain to each other from time to time that it is not fair. 

Perhaps this could be likened to a poor student wanting to have the status of a good student but declining to study hard or submit his assignments on time.  

If Jews are indeed the aristocracy of humanity, then this status comes with responsibility and duty. If they fail to discharge this duty, they are also punished more harshly in this life and the afterlife and this we know through their history of being persecuted by gentiles and the fact that the Torah has 36 capital offences while the Koran for gentiles hardly mentions the death penalty at all.  

From the existence of Jews, we can deduce that one of the reasons God made them His Chosen People was perhaps to be an irritant to gentiles. An irritant is intended to serve as a warning to gentiles, to question their religion and perhaps also the interpretation of their scripture.  

The fact that they appear to be indestructible may be evidence of divine protection and this divine protection could be interpreted as evidence of God - the Abrahamic God who created the Universe and revealed the Torah and the Koran - the one who did not say Jesus was God and did not support any Christian claim with divine revelation. The New Testament is not the word of God, merely that of mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance making an absurd claim. 

Christianity is the antithesis of Judaism, but Islam is the synthesis of Judaism and Christianity.

If you are looking for a new religion worshiping the most powerful deity conceivable as a gentile because your Christianity is kaput, Islam is the obvious choice, unless you are too afflicted by antisemitism and Islamophobia to take the cure. 

Ralph claims I am anti-English. That is possible in the sense that I would not be unconditionally and unquestioningly for any race, including my own. A better question would be to ask what I am loyal to, and the answer is of course my convictions and beliefs, which I believe are based on Truth, Logic and Morality.

Ralph also speculated that I might bear a grudge against the English because of the Opium Wars and the looting of the Summer Palace in 1860.

Why would I, when whatever wrong done to China by the British last century has already been put right and recovered from, when China is now clearly better governed and technologically more advanced than the West?  

I am myself a product of the British Empire and pride myself on knowing the roots of my ideas: they are global and eclectic and I trust based undisputed fact and flawless logic. 

If Islam is Judaism Lite, then Secular Koranism is Islam Lite. 

If Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism, then Islam must be divine civic nationalism.    

I have concluded that Christianity is kaput and was in fact kaput centuries ago. Christianity is so kaput that it was rejected in three successive revolutions: the American, French and Russian Revolutions. It is in fact so kaput that what replaced it - Liberalism - is now also kaput. 

Judaism and Islam come with an official handbook from a Hypothetical Supreme Authority. 

Christianity suffers from having a defective scripture and the New Testament is only the word of mortal and fallible men who were not even Jesus, let alone God. 

Liberalism has failed because it is not an ideology that governs in the national interest. Liberalism is more interested in propagating itself for its own sake than in promoting the national interest, and it is for this reason that Trump and his supporters identify as nationalists and therefore as rejecters of liberalism. This explains neatly why they are now treated as heretics and domestic terrorists by the American Deep State that is now propping up what passes for liberalism in the 21st century. Liberalism in the 21st century has now degenerated into sexual liberation and family breakdown, the cause of corruption, criminality and chaos. We know this because the Western political establishment is now suffering from dementia to such an extent that it is not interested in even explaining itself to those it governs and only conspires to silence them with censorship and threats. 

If nationalism is defined as government in the national interest, then nationalism is a natural and universal aspiration of all who live under any government in the world, since it would only be rational to want our government to govern in the national interest. 

What is in the national interest? 

A moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality ie ensuring that most parents in your society are married parents would be in the national interest and this the English do not have. The continuing existence of our race, society, civilisation, nation and empire depends on how the next generation is reared and the quality of the national gene pool. We already know that most British parents are not married parents. This means Britain is now a  matriarchy.  

Matriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring.

Patriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of married parents who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring. 

All advanced civilisations are patriarchies.

All primitive, declining, extinct and soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies. 

The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents

The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents

It should be clear to any honest, rational and moral person what kind of society their nation ought to be if they want to their group to remain in existence and apart from others, enjoying national sovereignty, border control and good government.  

But the English do not have leaders who are honest, rational and moral, do they?  

To have principled politicians, they would need to have a moral system that supports marriage and family values and to correct the fact that they do not have this, they would have to adopt the "Islam Lite" that is Secular Koranism which includes in its package the guarantee of freedom of worship in, the basis of the First Amendment. 

The fact that I can find no one to engage with on this matter of any moral and intellectual authority is evidence of their broken moral and political system. As far as I know, there is no one in nationalism proposing a solution other than the one that they know they are not allowed to say: the accelerationism that would lead to a quicker collapse so violence can be used by the Dissident Right against their perceived political enemies after law and order collapses. 

For the avoidance of doubt, I support nationalism which I define as government in the national interest. It would be in the British national interest to acknowledge once and for all the failure of Christianity and Liberalism and contemplate their replacement with something better: I have in mind an integrated moral and legal political system governed by the principles of Secular Koranism as a one-party theocracy. 

While this is undeniably radical, what else would work?

And if the person I engage with begins to pretend that the solution to their complaint is not after all necessary because it is too radical, does that not betray the feminine vice of denial as well as a deepening neurosis?

Either there is a problem, or not. 

Either my proposals would solve the problem, or not.

Either there is a problem, or not. 

If the problem is matriarchy, then the solution must be patriarchy. 

If the destination is patriarchy, then the vehicle must be theocracy. 

If not, what else?

Christianity was always about the Christian monarch having the divine right to rule under the advice of Cardinals or Archbishops subject to the authority of the Pope.

After the break from Rome, the monarch became his own conscience. 

After the powers of the Crown have been so curtailed as to make the monarch unable to choose his own religion without losing the right to succeed to the throne and thus being deprived of an essential human right conferred by the Koran ie freedom of belief, it is time to ask ourselves whether it is now time to finally reject the institution of Christian monarchy and embrace the idea of an Islamic Republic. 

A Caliph is a constitutional dictator, which must surely be better than an absolute dictator. 

A Caliph is not a king and therefore has no right to bequeath his leadership role to his male relations. 

If China were an Islamic Republic, then Xi Jinping would be Caliph.  

After all, whether or not you believe in God, the Koran is the best available guide to mankind whose laws have the widest application, is it not? It has something for everyone: the rich and the poor, men and women, the old and the young, the majority and the minority, citizens currently alive and future generations of their descendants. 

I already know that even the most rabid hate-filled Islamophobes are stumped when I ask them a better guide than the Koran. Would it be Mein KampfThe Communist Manifesto? Mussolini's Doctrine of Fascism? Jordan Peterson telling infantilised and feminised Western men how to be more masculine? 

The Torah is only for Jews, and the New Testament is only the word of mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance proclaiming an obvious absurdity.  

It would be in the interests of the English to replace their broken system with something that actually works to maintain minimum standards of sexual morality. If I cannot get any meaningful engagement on this from the English other than the infantilised mewling of men who have for years been chorusing at me their collective reaction of "We don't like it, we don't wanna, you can't make us", I must logically and necessarily up the ante until I get a meaningful and substantive response, mustn't I?

If it means putting it in such terms that they are in doubt about what I think of the failure of Christianity and Liberalism, then so be it. I already know that Jews and Muslims in the West are still too afraid of giving offence to their Christian and Liberal overlords to make this point clearly and consistently enough for the point to be taken. And that was why I found myself reluctantly stepping into the breach.

18:00  Calling me "Claire Chow" again. Why the fear of calling me by my proper name?  

26:00  "Secular Chowism"

38:00  "Jew on a stick"

46:00  "Secular Ching Changism"

48:00  Claire Chong

49:00  Accused of "violating" Jews, Christians and Muslims

52:00  Ralph claims I am anti-English.

53:00  Jordan Peterson

1:06:00  "Secular Ching Chowism"

1:11:00  Patriarchy is non-existent in the West, which is why we now have full spectrum feminist hegemony.  Ralph has yet to notice this. 

1:13:00  "The Christian God" is not the Abrahamic God, is it?

1:33:00  Hero worship

2:32:00  Thomas Carlyle

Why does Ralph hate Carlyle so much? 

Was it because Carlyle rejected Christianity and praised Muhammad?

Without leadership, nothing can be done. If we choose a principled and competent leader, then we must be loyal to him and obey him to increase his chances of success, must we not? If we withhold our loyalty, he may even fail and we would be indirectly harming ourselves.

Hardly anyone was loyal to Trump. 

The Englishmen I know distinguish themselves through being skint, stupid and scared as well as being drunk, drugged and suffering from a range of mental health issues the most common of which are Narcissistic Personality Disorder and manic depression. They also have a nihilistic and atheist culture of casual betrayal and that of stabbing each other in the back and the front on a whim, presumably because they view their future as hopeless and can only entertain and indulge themselves while they live by casually destroying the work and reputations of others.  

Masculinity is a state of mind prepared to defend masculine principles. Most Western men will have no idea what a principle is, because moral principles can only come from religious principles and such principles can only come from a moral system whose existence and principles are officially acknowledged by right-thinking members of society as well as reflected in the law. 

If there are no longer any right-thinking members of society in existence because they have been cancelled by the culture of hate speech, then that is yet another reason to fear for the future.  

Islam at least understands that our laws should be in harmony with our chosen moral system while Judaism and Christianity have no such understanding at all.  

If no Western Man who is a public intellectual is prepared to engage on this subject at all in the West, then the problem is indeed is what I have been saying it is all along: the double whammy of having both your moral and political system failing at the same time.   


  1. Ralph Masilamani6 December 2021 at 06:33

    That's the second public humiliation you faced as I expose how fraudulent you are and the depth and breadth of your ignorance.

    Your hatred for Christians, Brits and Europeans is clear for all to see.

    Hide like a coward behind a blog no one will read

    Yours Truly
    The Christian Inquisition

    1. Ridiculous staTEMENT. More than 75 million people support Trump and still look forward to him running again in 2024. He was a great President-threw a monkey wrench into the self-serving games of the political establishment and accomplished exceptional things for the benefit of the people. We love him. Sometimes rough and crude in implementing his wonderful policies in support of our Constitution and Bill of Rights which are being undermined daily by Biden and his seditious treasonous crew.

    2. Trump should be promoting Secular Koranism.

  2. What was the alleged first "public humiliation" I faced? I am afraid I didn't notice.

    What is the nature and purpose of my fraud?

    What is the ignorance to which you refer?

    My knowledge of theology is as extensive as yours is narrow.

    I hate what you are doing to people whose religion and political system have failed: selling your snake oil to them just because you enjoy pandering to their stupidity, ignorance, antisemitism, Islamophobia, racism and denial.

    It makes you feel good that you can play the part of the white middle class public schoolboy they want to lead them because they are prepared to overlook the fact that you are not if they wilfully make themselves deaf and blind.

    You are lead fantasist leading the other larping fantasists that lack the reason and historical understanding to see that not only is Christianity kaput, what it was replaced by - Liberalism - is now also kaput.

    You can threaten me all you like, but truth stands clear from error.

  3. Ralph Masilamani6 December 2021 at 07:55

    Both humiliations were recorded for posterity.

    Your illness wrapped in ego prevents you from seeing this.

    You have only one way out. Repent, atone and seek forgiveness.

    Or die alone in delusion and pain.

    Until the next lesson

    The Christian Inquisition

  4. Claire Khaw-you are correct on may things except you refuse to recognize that Islam is violent- oppresses women- and violates Noachide Laws on a daily basis. Yes- belief in the Trinity is a violation- but what about the other Noachide seem to ignore them. In practice-in this period of history, Christianity is closer to the Noachide Laws than Islam.

  5. You say God, if he exists.. I have not the slightest doubt that God exists and that Judaism is the most rational of all beliefs. Otherwise, I agree with almost all your points above.

  6. If you were serious about refuting my arguments, you would put them in writing, but your charlatanism tells you that you can give the impression that you have won because you have a greater number of unmarriageable men you pander to and who therefore support you than me who panders to no one at all.

    Instead, I lay it on the line and give it to them with both barrels, particularly Christians whom I know have a conceptual difficulty in conceiving of the idolatry and blasphemy they are required to practise by the Doctrine of the Trinity.

    As for my "humiliations", you need to describe them rather than merely claim I have been humiliated without stating the matter of my alleged humiliation.

    You also need to explain the nature of my alleged illness. If it is a mental health issue you think I am suffering from, may I remind you that you are not a trained psychiatrist?

    Also, even trained psychiatrists do not venture to give a diagnosis without first examining the patient, because it would be most unprofessional to do so.

    In any case, you are unable to state what I have said that is untrue, illogical or immoral.

    I have only one way out of what?

    For what do I need to repent?

    As for dying, no one can really control where or when we die, either alone or in good company, in pain or not. Is cursing me with a painful death for not ceasing to promote the only viable solution for the failure of Christianity and Liberalism in the West in keeping with the Christian values you claim to believe in and practise?

    You really must bear in mind that Jews and Muslims are agreed on the oneness of God and regard Christians as being guilty of the idolatry and blasphemy of associating partners with God, a grave sin indeed.

    As you must already know, the penalty for idolatry and blasphemy for Jews is death included in the 36 capital offences of Judaism.

    Muslims are also commanded to admonish those who claim that God has begotten a Son by

    According to the Koran, belief in the Trinity is an unpardonable sin so I hope for your sake that you will find the time and space to repent of this mortal sin when you are not making YouTube videos denouncing me. By the time you finally meet your maker, it will be too late and that is why I advise you to give up your Jesus-worshiping ways in good time well before you pop your clogs.

    To shirk, or worship others along with Allah, is a sin that Allah does not forgive.

  7. Ralph Masilamani6 December 2021 at 12:33

    2 videos. 2 refutations. 2 recordings.

    Rather than rant I suggest you listen to them repeatedly in the odd chance they may help educate you.

    The person who diagnosed you is one of the most brilliant clinical psychiatrists in the UK. I yield to his expertise.

    My only obligation is to point you to the path of salvation through repentance.

    The 2 nails that crucified the credibility of your view was sufficient

    A third and final nail would just be cruel.


  8. What was the name of this "most brilliant" clinical psychiatrist in the UK who has diagnosed me with what mental health issues?

    Repent of what though?

    My conception of God if He exists would be in harmony with the Jewish and Muslim conception of the oneness of God because it is the most logical. May I also remind you that Christianity is the odd one out in the three Abrahamic faiths since it believes in the threeness of God?

    Ploughing through the swamp of your verbiage, it is best summed up as you believing that Christianity is correct because you are Christian while Judaism and Islam are wrong because you are neither Jewish nor Muslim.

    While in this life and on this earth humans must necessarily agree to disagree on the correct conception of God, may I remind you that when you do finally meet your maker the same conditions will not apply? It is only to be expected that God if He exists will have a definite view on whether He is also Jesus or not and whether His mum is Mary, who was a virgin at the time of his birth, or not. The indications are that God if He exists will not be agreeing with Christians that He is also the crucified Christ born of Virgin Mother, because there is no scriptural evidence whatsoever said to be from God that He ever claimed this.

    Remember that the Doctrine of the Trinity was only cooked up at the Council of Nicaea, 300 years after the death of Jesus.

    The Doctrine of the Trinity was cooked by a bunch of bishops who couldn't even agree, called to a Council by an emperor who wasn't even Christian.

    The New Testament is only the word of mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance making an absurd claim.

    Logic and reason would already tell you that the Word of God must logically and necessarily trump the word of mortal and fallible men proclaiming an absurdity. Unfortunately, because you are a cradle Catholic, you will understandably find it hard to correct yourself because of your indoctrination since childhood as well as your indulgence in the sin of pride, idolatry, blasphemy as well as the desire to pander to the lowest common denominator of your morally and intellectually challenged viewers who are only using the cloak of Christianity to dignify their antisemitism, Islamophobia and racism.

    For your sake, I hope you will repent, but will not lower myself as you have done to cursing and threatening.


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