Saturday, 30 April 2022

Daniel Sienkiewicz's Jewish stream

1:04:00  I join.
1:05:00  Academic Agent entertaining Christianity, Rousseau and tired old crap.
1:08:00  Natural and the Boomer Truth Regime
1:09:00  Hitler
1:10:00  Managerialism
1:11:00  The left
1:12:00  Academic Agent dares not reject Christianity.
1:13:00  Iron Duke
1:14:00  Eddy Butler on Jonathan Bowden
1:15:00  Islamophobia
1:16:00  The bone of contention is religion.
1:17:00  White European ethno-nationalists
1:18:00  Excluding non-white people such as Jews and Muslims
1:19:00  The Abrahamic God is the most powerful being conceivable.
1:20:00  "Our race is our religion."
1:21:00  "Our religion is our DNA."

2:22:00  SAM SAMUELS joins.

Discussing Jewish eschatology, antisemitism, life in Israel and Christianity with Sam Samuels

1:00  Sabbath
2:00  Temple, synagogue or shul?
3:00  Religious worship in Israel
4:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
Religious extremism
5:00  Christianity
6:00  Ingathering of diaspora Jews
8:00  Uncertainty is paralysing.
9:00  Divine nudges and pushes
10:00  Antisemites
12:00  My leaking roof analogy
13:00  People motivated only by their emotions
14:00  Christianity 

15:00  I leave the stream to Sam Samuels.
16:00  Signs of the Mashiach
17:00  Financial calamity, Ukraine, WEF
18:00  Zbigniew Brzezinski
21:00  Larry Fink, Yuval Harari, CEO of Pfizer are prominent Jews.
22:00  Michael Schumer
23:00  Covid19
24:00  Sterilisation and Moderna
25:00  Least affected people are inbred groups such as Jews, Amish and royals.
29:00  Vladimir Zelenko 
35:00  Population exchange
If you are not sure of your Jewishness, don't come to Israel. 
38:00  Mega-tsnunami predicted by the rabbi to take out Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
39:00  How Sam met the rabbi
40:00  Telepathy
42:00  Dr Xavier
46:00  Sam's trip to the Dead Sea
47:00  Religious Jews
Everything happens for a reason.
48:00  Wishy-washy Jews
50:00  Chabad
53:00  Sam initiated his divorce.
54:00  Solving the problem ourselves without the Messiah
55:00  Christians were riding high until they stopped practising marriage 50 years ago. 
56:00  Catholic Church was where to go if you are a gay male Catholic.
57:00  Sexual activity amongst in male only environments
58:00  Jesus
59:00  Akhenaten
1:00:00  Secular Koranism
1:02:00  Seven Deadly Sins
1:03:00  Rabbi Yaron Reuven on Christianity
1:04:00  Absolution
1:05:00  Pie in the face
1:06:00  Payback time
1:07:00  Christians don't understand their own history.
1:08:00  The Vatican issued edicts permitting Jews to practise usury.
1:10:00  Jews in England
1:12:00  Edomites and Esau
1:14:00  Gentiles corrupting Jews
1:15:00  Jesus acquits gentiles of their sins. 
1:16:00  The Christian narrative: "Jesus died for your sins." The narrative of antisemites: "Jews corrupted your morals".
Ancient behavioural psychologists in the Roman Propaganda Department
1:17:00  The Koranic narrative of Jesus is that he did not die on the cross.
1:18:00  Jews can be light unto nations and a kingdom of priests by ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws.

How Jews could have avoided the Edict of Expulsion if only they had done what they were chosen by God to do: teach the Noahide laws to Christians so Christians understand why Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy. 

1:19:00  The Reformation
E Michael Jones
1:20:00  Blaming Jews
1:21:00  Gay parades in Tel Aviv
1:22:00  Women will dress modestly and sodomites refrain from sodomy when Mashiach arrives.
1:25:00  The end of free will
The evil inclination
1:26:00  The evil inclination will gradually diminish. 

The role of the Yetzer Hara
Midrash (Bereshit Rabbah 9:7) states:

"Without the evil inclination, no one would father a child, build a house, or make a career."

1:32:00  Exchange of populations in Israel

1:33:00  Rabbi Kahane

Muslims were sent to punish Jews. 

1:34:00  Deviant transgressive Jews

1:35:00  More is expected from Jews.

A lascivious atmosphere created by lesbian Israelis at the Haifa Central Bus Station and on the bus

1:36:00  Arab Bedouin with a look of rage

1:37:00  Lesbianism not forbidden in the Torah.

1:39:00  Do not force your slave girls into prostitution if they wish to remain chaste.

1:40:00  Halal live sex shows

1:40:00  Pederasty

1:41:00  Christianity raised standards of sexual morality in Europe. 
1:42:00  The age of consent in the Vatican was raised to 18 from 12 in 2013. 
Adam Green
1:43:00  Catholic victims of child sexual abuse
1:44:00  Islam dispenses with a priesthood. 
1:45:00  William Tyndale
1:47:00  The West is a degenerate matriarchy.
1:48:00  I am praised for being a good listener.
1:49:00  If Sam didn't believe the Messiah is coming, he would also adopt my methods. 

1:50:00  I make the arguments for patriarchy better than men. 

Westerners won't accept my authority as a female and racial foreigner.  
Would they accept the authority of a married father with adult children if he were a senior politician?

1:51:00  Sexualising children
1:52:00  Getting children hooked on extramarital sex early
1:53:00  Gillick Competence
1:54:00  Jimmy Savile

1:56:00  Johnny Rotten

Friday, 29 April 2022

Discussing Jews who have "gone native" with Sam Samuels

2:00  State propaganda
3:00  Roman Empire
4:00  Modifying Judaism
5:00  Jews who have gone native condoning idolatry
8:00  Shekhinah
10:00  Spinoza
11:00  Vulnerable Jews in the diaspora
13:00  Harder life for Jews in Israel
17:00  Antisemitism will compel Jews back to Israel.
Gentiles programmed to antisemitism when they suffer government oppression.
18:00  Christianity and Islam
19:00  Islamophobia in Jews and gentiles
20:00  Religion should be judged according to its scripture.
21:00  The Christian bargain with barbarian European kings
22:00  Those invested in the status quo
23:00  The Anglican Church was established in order to Henry VIII's creature.
24:00  Cuius regio, eius religio.
25:00  American Revolution
27:00 WAS supremacy began when the Anglo Saxons kicked out the Spanish from the New World after the Spanish American War. 
28:00  Being a victim of our success
30:00  Britannia Rules the Waves.
32:00  Jews inciting antisemitism
40:00  Amanda Spielman
41:00  E Michael Jones
42:00  Rabbi Tovia Singer
44:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
45:00  Wishy washy Jews
46:00  Jews converting to Islam in the diaspora to escape divine wrath?
48:00  Two options for Jews
49:00  Light unto the nations
50:00  Developing a zeal for the land
53:00  The ending of friendly co-existence
55:00  Some Jews are collaborators.
56:00  Vatican II and E Michael Jones
57:00  The problem of liberal Jews
58:00  Jon Stewart

1:08:00  Jews are the puppets and the fall guys. 
1:09:00  Many interpretations of how things are going to be when Mashiach arrives
1:10:00  Sam Samuels born in Israel.
1:14:00  John Gischala
1:16:00  Christianity
Clif High is not Jewish.
1:17:00  Sigma males have prophet potential?
1:19:00  Civilisational collapse
1:20:00  Revolutions
1:22:00  Jews are dodo birds or lemmings.
Rabbi Mizrachi
1:24:00  Jews in Kiev eating cheese and tomato sandwiches.
1:28:00  What's happening to Jews in Ukraine could happen to Jews in the West?
1:29:00  Great Reset
1:31:00  Dual Covenant
1:33:00  Cultural genocide
1:34:00  Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi could be Mashiach!
1:36:00  A great humbling
Hezbollah and Hamas

Two Jews discuss antisemitism and the Christian view of Jewish suffering

Ralph Retort
4:00  Nick Fuentes
5:00  Politically Provoked
E Michael Jones
6:00  Nachmanides
8:00  Jews killing their own women and children to prevent them from being converted to Christianity
9:00  E Michael Jones
10:00  Westborough Baptist Church
Jay Dyer
11:00  Nick Fuentes
12:00  Alt-lite
13:00  Richard Spencer
14:00  Antisemitism in the Republican Party
17:00  Michigan and Rashida Talib
19:00  George Soros, degeneracy, Jewish influence
20:00  Trump
23:00  "Just because it is true doesn't mean it isn't antisemitic."
24:00  Liberals who happen to be Jews
25:00  Liberal Jews should be called heretical Jews. 
26:00  E Michael Jones
27:00  Jewish privilege
Kevin MacDonald
28:00  Pat Buchanan
29:00  Doooovid accuses Charles of being an apologist for Conservative antisemites.
30:00  Steve Bannon
31:00  ADL has politicised antisemitism and suggested that anyone who isn't on the left is an antisemite.
Andrew Breitbart was a Jew.
32:00  Jews who provoke antisemitism.
33:00  Establishment Jews
34:00  Steve Grossman
35:00  Liberal Jews
37:00  Are liberal Jews dumb?
38:00  Charles Moscowitz defends Trump.
40:00  The majority of American Jews are liberal. 
41:00  Jews pretend to think Trump is an antisemite because it is in their own self-interest?
43:00  Naftali Bennett
45:00  Hamas
52:00  Doooovid accuses Charles Moscowitz of sucking up to Jay Dyer.
53:00  Dual Covenant Theory
54:00  Execution of Jesus
55:00  Michael Bloomberg wasted his money campaigning for office. 
56:00  American Zionism
59:00  Poll on Holocaust
1:03:00  Antisemitic followers of E Michael Jones and Jay Dyer
1:04:00  Joseph Cohen, Adam Green and E Michael Jones
1:07:00  Jews should be converted to Christianity
1:08:00  E Michael Jones is a supersessionist.
1:21:00  Jesus
1:22:00  Jewish suffering and the Christian view of Jews
1:27:00  E Michael Jones

Thursday, 28 April 2022

Discussing Amalek and their genetic inheritance with Sam Samuels

Clif High
7:00  Amalek
Joseph Atwill
13:00  Amalek concept of is pantheist.
14:00  Nihilism
15:00  Adolf Hitler
16:00  Nazis are Amalek.
17:00  Moral and spiritual enemies of Jews
17:00  Spinoza
18:00  Pantheism
19:00  Amalekites believed God has abandoned His Creation, like a dead bat dad.
20:00  Shapeshifting Amalekites
21:00  Reincarnation
24:00  Amalekites are more than a metaphor.
26:00  Joseph Atwill
34:00  Hitler may have been a Rothschild. 
38:00  Bill Clinton's mother was a hooker and his father may have been a Rockefeller. 
46:00  Golda Meir misled by Kissinger and Biden during the Yom Kippur War.
50:00  Alexander Haig
51:00  JOHN GISCHALA joins.
55:00  Fifth Columnists
56:00  Converts and subversives
57:00  Reincarnation
1:00:00 Measure someone by their adherence to principles.
1:01:00 Marrying out as a Jew puts you in danger of marrying Amalek.
1:02:00  Margaret Sanger, Thomas Malthus, Herbert Spencer, Darwin
1:03:00  Americans having to take a blood test before they were allowed to marry.
1:05:00  Marriage is eugenic.
1:07:00  When Americans tried to breed a better race
1:09:00  Degeneracy
1:10:00  China
1:11:00  Dialectical materialism
1:13:00  Our spiritual needs
Pliny describing the eruption of Vesuvius
1:14:00  Britain and Germany
1:15:00  The synthesis of National Socialism opposing International Communism
1:16:00  Trotsky's granddaughter
1:21:00  The Fourth Estate
1:22:00  CNN
1:23:00  You know a politician is lying when his lips are moving. 
Punishing Americans with Biden
1:24:00  The Fourth Estate is now the First Estate.
1:25:00  Ben Shapiro
1:26:00  Being called names
1:27:00  Egalitarianism
1:28:00  The Cult of Reason and Supreme Being
1:30:00  Jacobins and Illuminati
1:31:00  Hierarchy is absolutely necessary.
1:32:00  Revealed scripture
1:33:00  Patriarchy
1:34:00  The more the laws, the more corrupt the state. 
We can neither bear our vices nor their cure.
History enacts itself in tragedy and repeats itself as farce. 
1:35:00  Jewish leftists
1:39:00  Liberal democracy
1:41:00  God gave Jews an incentive to accept the Torah.

Which will people choose - Secular Koranism or Noahidism?

Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Discussing Bruno Bauer, Christians and the arrival of the Mashiach with Sam Samuels

1:00  Antisemites
2:00  Bruno Bauer
4:00  Hitler
6:00  Antisemite who wrote the Jewish Question
7:00  Compromising with Christianity

15:00  Holocaust Remembrance Daily
16:00  Tridentine Mass given by Bishop Williamson
18:00  Catholic Church praying for the conversion of the Jews
19:00  Christian missionaries converting Jews
22:00  Second Coming
23:00  Full ingathering
24:00  Imminent collapse
25:00  Exile has ended.
26:00  God forcing Jews to return to Israel.
27:00  Tovia Singer
28:00  Book of Isaiah and Daniel
29:00  Cannibalism story
30:00  Stencil and cultural appropriation
31:00  Pantheism
32:00  The unity of creation
Book of Job and theodicy
33:00  Rabbi Singer's Let's Get Biblical
34:00  Hebrew
35:00  Isn't a maiden a virgin?
36:00  Wife of Isaiah
Women becoming Noahides
37:00  Paula Wallace
38:00  Sola scriptura
39:00  Jews to return to Israel
40:00  Things in Britain
41:00  Food prices have doubled overnight.
42:00  World Economic Forum, Davos and Trudeau
New Zealand and Australia
43:00  Illegitimate Israeli Prime Minister
44:00  Bribery, Masons and Biden
45:00  Build Back Better
Ukraine and Joseph Atwill
46:00  Blaming Russia for inflation
47:00  Four elections in two years
48:00  Theocracy and Mashiach
49:00  Iranians
50:00  What if the Mashiach doesn't feel like coming?
51:00  Mashiach
52:00  Escalation
54:00  Scamming
55:00  Collectivisation and approval ratings
Political affiliations
56:00  Trump
Bill Clinton
57:00  Clinton and Bush 1992
58:00  Bob Dale
59:00  Lockdown 
social experiment
1:00:00  David Icke
1:01:00  David Cuomo
1:02:00  Deliberately allowing Covid to run through homes for the elderly
1:04:00  Scandinavian polyamory
1:05:00  Casual sex
1:06:00  Intersectionality
1:08:00  Abolition of no fault divorce
1:10:00  Homosexuals who want to leave a legacy
1:11:00  Muslims
1:12:00  Pope kissing the Koran
1:13:00  Idolatry
1:16:00  Illegitimacy and criminality
1:17:00  Mashiach and tikkun olam
1:18:00  The suffering servant
Noahide laws
1:19:00  Slavery and servitude
1:21:00  Noahides
1:22:00  The Trinity
Anti-religious types
1:23:00  Social conservatism
White genocide
1:24:00  A culture of casual sex
Abolishing no fault divorce
1:25:00  Moral chaos
1:26:00  Jews 
1:27:00  Assimilated Jews
Damned do if you do, damned if you don't.
1:28:00  Liberalism and traditionalism
The religious marrying younger
1:29:00  The government
1:30:00  Be fruitful and multiply
1:31:00  Very rough infant baptism
1:32:00  Major transition and paradigm shift
1:33:00  John Gischala
1:34:00  Pole-shifting
Mercury pushed off its orbit
Magnetic pole reversal
1:35:00  Planet will ring like a bell.
1:36:00  Astronomy
1:37:00  Mashiach, idolatry and depravity
1:38:00  The last stop and teshuvah
1:39:00  Rabbis
1:40:00  Jewish communities in the diaspora
1:41:00  Jews returning to Israel
1:42:00  Why God might be angry
E Michael Jones
1:43:00  Reprobates
1:45:00  Jews not doing what they are supposed to do.
1:46:00  Legally trained Ben Shapiro on Jews
1:47:00  Christians
1:48:00  Full ingathering of Jews
"The world will be corrected by the hand of God."
1:49:00  Jews quitting
1:50:00  The baton can be passed by Jews to Muslims.
Population exchange

Discussing the Christian narrative, Yuval Harari and Rabbi Sacks with Sam Samuels

2:00  Sam Samuels' background
4:00  The absurdity of the Trinity
5:00  The New Testament is an insult to Jews.
6:00  Jewish agenda to teach the Noahide laws
8:00  Interviewing Joseph Atwill
9:00  Evil spread in the name of Christianity
10:00  Divine right of kings promoted by Christianity
11:00  Three global Christian empires 
12:00  Constantine the Great
13:00  You are not an idolater if you are an adherent of Judaism or Islam. 
14:00  We live in the best of all possible worlds, according to Leibniz. 
15:00  Theodicy
16:00  "Blessed is the Judge of Truth."
17:00  Jewish obligation to thank God even for misfortune
18:00  Our connection through the British Empire and the English language
20:00  There is a silver lining in every cloud: because of the Holocaust, Jews got Israel. 
21:00  Christianity
23:00  Flavius Josephus
24:00  Aristotle
25:00  Cranks and quacks
26:00  The Aeneid by Virgil

29:00  Josephus
30:00  Paul
31:00  2000 years of lies and deceptions on the divine right of kings
33:00  Jewish collaborators like Herod
34:00  Abrahamic came from Edessa and Laban
35:00  Turncoat Jews
Cultural appropriation
36:00  E Michael Jones
37:00  Salem Witch Trials, burning heretics at the stake and the Reformation 
38:00  The sin of idolatry is its own punishment.
39:00  SCOTUS had to decide that America was a Christian nation.
40:00  Founding Fathers were deists, not Trinitarians.  
41:00  Jews were Christ-killing scapegoats
42:00  Jewish revolutionaries
43:00  Catholic Church sponsored Hitler.
44:00  Lenin
45:00  Rothschilds intermarried into European royal families.
46:00  European Jews
47:00  Genetic evolution
48:00  Jewdar
Jesus never existed. 
49:00  Christians reject the idea that they have been duped for over a hundred generations. 
50:00  E Michael Jones
End Times
51:00  Scapegoating is a Jewish idea.
Juval Noah Harari
Russell Brand and Yuval Noah Harari


1:15:00  Rabbi Schneerson
1:17:00  Loud-mouthed vulgarian
1:18:00  Critic of Yuval Noah Harari
Altruists, benefactors and philanthropists
1:20:00  Joseph Atwill and Dorothy
Klaus Schwab
1:21:00  Black Rock
1:22:00  Rothschilds described as "sellouts".
1:26:00  Civilisational suicide
1:27:00  Vicars of God
Pontifex Maximus
1:29:00  Reformation
1:31:00  Pilate
James the Just
1:32:00  Jesus in Islam
1:34:00  "Jesus is a saint Muslims venerate."
1:35:00  Edict of Thessalonica 380
1:39:00  Do people claiming to be Christians really believe Jesus is God?
1:40:00  The Torah/Koran > The New Testament
1:42:00  E Michael Jones
1:44:00  1697 and 1612
1:45:00  Salem Witch Trials and Nathaniel Hawthorne
1:46:00  Edomites forcibly converted to Judaism.
1:48:00  Joseph Atwill
1:49:00  Adam Green
Himmler was a Hindu. 
1:50:00  Hitler died a Catholic. 
1:51:00  Islamophobia incurs the opportunity cost of not being rightly-guided by the Koran.
1:52:00  Mandate of Heaven
1:54:00  Identity politics and Roman standards
1:57:00  God is dead.
1:58:00  The sin is its own punishment. 
1:59:00  Christianity is the weakest link.
2:00:00  Atheists and perverts
2:01:00  "Thank you, God, for giving us this learning opportunity."
2:02:00  Jefferson Bible
2:04:00  Idolatry
2:05:00  Social and moral reasons for changing our religion
2:06:00  A Few Good Men

2:10:00  E Michael Jones
2:11:00  Mathematicians and logos
2:12:00  The Messiah is coming?
2:13:00  Cuban Missile Crisis, WW3, Ukraine
2:15:00  Joseph Atwill
Major degeneration of culture

Discussing masculinity and how to choose the best possible national leader with Daniel Sienkiewicz

1:00  Aaron Amihud
2:00  Ukraine
3:00  Jewish oligarch and neocons
4:00  Operation Clean Break and Robert Kagan
6:00  Jewish involvement
Zelensky broadcasts
7:00  Female support for Zelensky
New Labour 
8:00  The female voter
Ukrainian women have already lost Ukraine.
9:00  Zelensky was a comedian.

National leaders should be married fathers of adult children of good standing. 

11:00  Ukraine is the bread basket of Europe.
12:00  Germany and Russia
13:00  Red lines and Cuban Missile Crisis
Monroe Doctrine 1823
14:00  Ukraine is Russia's backyard. 
Putin has many American supporters.
15:00  WW3
16:00  Paul Craig Roberts is a self-hating American.
17:00  Putin is acting in the Russian national interest.
18:00  Baltic States
19:00  "the kosher folks"
20:00  Buffer state

Ukraine is not a NATO member. 

21:00  Neocons and "kosher folk"
US foreign policy and American imperialism
22:00  Victoria Nuland
23:00  John Mearsheimer
24:00  Low birth rate in Europe
25:00  Thailand
The sin of spilling seed
26:00  Kant's principle of universalisability
European sex tourists in Thailand
27:00  Ladyboys
29:00  Malaysia is a Muslim country.
30:00  Chinese
32:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz has been known to say nice things about me.
Stephen J James
33:00  Academic Agent
Gender identity
34:00  Masculinity is a state of mind prepared to defend patriarchal moral values. 
35:00  Unionisation
European genetics
36:00  The masculine role
37:00  Agreeing on the problem and solution

38:00  Western men can't even defend a principle because they no longer know what moral principles are or  or what they are for.

39:00  Western men can defend themselves as a race without explicitly identifying themselves as white. 

40:00  I am removed from the stream.

42:00  I begin my monologue.

43:00  Antisemitism
44:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz is an antisemite. 
45:00  White nationalists despise Daniel Sienkiewicz.
46:00  Expulsion and extermination can be deduced. 
47:00  Social and political reality

48:00  Antisemites are analogous to blaming the occupants of a house for being Jews when the roof leaks rather than calling the roofers.

The Reformation

49:00  The First Amendment is based on

50:00  Daniel Sienkiewicz
Tribal wars and tribal gods
51:00  Religions and deities
The Abrahamic God

52:00  Forget the narrative, just concentrate on the prohibitions against idolatry and blasphemy contained in the Noahide laws.

53:00  Christianity should be ranked the least Noahide of all gentile religions. 
54:00  Christian religious leaders

55:00  What if the Messiah doesn't feel like coming just yet?
56:00  The cure of Secular Koranism exists before the complete failure of Christianity and liberalism. 

Me on MSM

57:00  WW3

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Amy Wax LIVE for a Q&A chat

6:44 PM
Claire Khaw
​@DvidTheGnome Secular Koranism would shock and awe liberals.

6:44 PM
​into fake conservativism

6:44 PM
​The left wants the right dead or destroyed.

6:45 PM
Claire Khaw
​@DvidTheGnome Conservatism is kaput cos Christianity is kaput and Jews of America must give it to Christians with both barrels about the Noahide laws forbidding the idolatry and blasphemy of Xtianity.

6:45 PM
Claire Khaw
​@99IronDuke Social conservatives in America need Secular Koranism with American Characteristics to push back on intersectionality.

6:46 PM
Claire Khaw
​I believe Amy Wax meant to say globohomo.

6:46 PM
​yes without Christianity its just one move to the left after another

6:46 PM
​@Cotto-Gottfried At some point you should have David Cole on. He is on YT.

6:46 PM
​conservatism is incapable of reversing course

6:47 PM
​@Claire Khaw You still pushing that crap?

6:47 PM
​at best it's just a sort of brake pedal for liberalism

6:47 PM
​which is worse in a way

6:47 PM
Claire Khaw
​@99IronDuke Secular Koranism is the only solution I have heard of. What else is there?

6:47 PM
​I keep remembering that dark story in Ellison's Invisible Man, about the rampant predation in the black family.

6:48 PM
Dr. Bob
​The engineering departments and medical schools are now starting to be inundated with ideas that came out of the ethnic/gender studies departments

6:48 PM
​secular koranism is one of the most unappealing things ive ever heard of

6:48 PM
​@Claire Khaw Real Western civilisation.

6:48 PM
Dr. Bob
​We have our own DEI department in my hospital

6:49 PM
​yikes bob

6:49 PM
​big time yikes

6:49 PM
Dr. Bob
​@DvidTheGnome It is worse than you know.

6:50 PM
​i mean there are churches around me with trans flags out front

6:50 PM
Claire Khaw
​@DvidTheGnome A gravely ill patient has no right to enjoy the cure to his disease.

6:51 PM
​so i guess it shouldnt be shocking that medicine is getting infested with this new form of leftism

6:51 PM
Dr. Bob
​Dr. Wax is totally right about the millenialism but not the pre-trib dispensational variety but oddly enough Calvinist/Augustinian POST-milenialism

6:51 PM
Claire Khaw
​@99IronDuke Define "real Western civilisation".

6:51 PM
Dr. Bob
​The Fundamentalists in the early 20th century cited the Post-millenialism of certain Reformed academics as the issue when combined with Higher Criticism

6:52 PM
Dr. Bob
​That was the Fundamentalist-Modernist controversy

6:52 PM
​Slavery was the common human condition of all races in the whole world until Europeans, led by the British, put a stop to it in the early 19th Century.

6:52 PM
Claire Khaw
​Time to acknowledge that the American empire is suffering from denial, neurosis, amnesia and dementia.

6:52 PM
Dr. Bob
​When J.G. Machen and the last conservatives were expelled from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1929

6:53 PM
​Slavery is making a big comeback in modern, independent Africa.

6:53 PM
Dr. Bob
​Liberalism/Marxism is really just a Christian heresy

6:54 PM
Dr. Bob
​@99IronDuke Also in Arabia (it is just not called that anymore)

6:54 PM
​@Claire Khaw That is a big question, but it is not any form of Islam or anything related to Islam.

6:54 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Cotto-Gottfried When you finally work up the courage have me on, can you also arrange for an Orthodox rabbi to be the other guest?

6:55 PM
Claire Khaw
​@99IronDuke You have no answer other than Secular Koranism, and I have been promoting it since 2009. Time to call it a day and acknowledge that Christianity is kaput. Jews need to say that though.

6:55 PM
Dr. Bob
​@99IronDuke There was a story a few years ago about the daughter of some Gulf State oil sheik who was forcing her Philippine house maid to work 7 days a week with and saw no problem with that.

6:55 PM
​cotto makes a good point

6:56 PM
​@Dr. Bob Not surprised.

6:56 PM
Claire Khaw
​I think the problem here is that @Cotto-Gottfried, like other alt-right YouTubers, fear to alienate their Islamophobic viewers and subscribers.

6:56 PM
​@Claire Khaw I am never going to agree with you girl, if indeed you are a girl.

6:56 PM
Intergalactic Pessimist
​ARISTOTLE noted in 'Politics' that any elite will import its own clients and auxiliaries and then use them as tools against said elite's social enemies. ytytytyt

6:57 PM
Dr. Bob
​@99IronDuke Don't feed the troll

6:57 PM
Intergalactic Pessimist
​ARISTOTLE noted in 'Politics' that any elite will import its own clients and auxiliaries and then use them as tools against said elite's social enemies.ytytyt

6:58 PM
Claire Khaw
​@99IronDuke I am known to Eddy Butler who appeared on your channel to discuss Jonathan Bowden. I have met both of them. I was in the same room with Enoch Powell and met his widow.

6:58 PM
Miot Yuori
​Gentrification is a sin just as white flight

6:58 PM
Intergalactic Pessimist
​ARISTOTLE noted in 'Politics' that any elite will import its own clients and auxiliaries and then use them as tools against said elite's social enemies.

6:59 PM
Claire Khaw
​Nationalism should be defined as government in the national interest.

6:59 PM
​@Cotto-Gottfried Please have David Cole on at some stage, he writes for Taki Magazine and has a YT channel.

6:59 PM
Intergalactic Pessimist
​ARISTOTLE noted in 'Politics' that any elite will import its own clients and auxiliaries and then use them as tools against said elite's social enemies. DIVERSITY = IMPORTING CLIENTAGE.

6:59 PM
​Will check this out, Duke.

6:59 PM
​@Claire Khaw Eddy Butler is a nice chap.

7:00 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Cotto-Gottfried When you invite me on, please make sure everyone concerned has read George Washington's Farewell Speech.

7:00 PM

7:00 PM
Claire Khaw
​@99IronDuke Have you met Eddy?

7:01 PM
​@Claire Khaw Only on my stream on Jonathan Bowden. He seems a very nice chap.

7:02 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Cotto-Gottfried On another matter, I am probably the greatest expert on antisemitism at the moment. I have both the theological and cultural reasons.

7:03 PM
Claire Khaw
​@99IronDuke I'll tell him you said that and see if he is available to post in the chat now.

7:04 PM
​@Claire Khaw I would love to have Mr Butler on another stream when he is free.

7:05 PM
Claire Khaw
​@99IronDuke Ill see what I can do to brief him about Secular Koranism so you can ask him about it, tee hee!

7:05 PM
​i cannot imagine marrying someone of another race and also being invested in anti racist politics

7:05 PM
​what a disaster

7:06 PM
Claire Khaw
​@99IronDuke Eddy is probably having his dinner now.

7:06 PM
​your home life would seem very unhealthy

7:06 PM
​@Claire Khaw I will not be asking him about that.

7:06 PM
​Could well be, although a little early.

7:06 PM
​He's a typical cuckold

7:07 PM
Claire Khaw
​@99IronDuke So you'll have me on to ask me about Secular Koranism yourself?

7:07 PM
​Imagine living with KB Jackson

7:07 PM
​@Claire Khaw Yes, when Hell freezes over.

7:08 PM
​She hates White people, that's clear

7:08 PM
Alex Delarge
​lol who's wife are they talking about?

7:08 PM
​I beg to differ

7:08 PM
Alex Delarge

7:08 PM
Glib Medley
​More from Amy about white-Asian couples, please

7:08 PM
​Fat women, never, ever.

7:08 PM
​Kentanji is a barely tame Ubangi stomper

7:08 PM
​she is very hard to look at.

7:08 PM
Claire Khaw
​@99IronDuke Can't be long now! We can always discuss military history or Von Clausewitz.

7:09 PM
Glib Medley
​@Alex Delarge The new SCOTUS pick

7:09 PM
Dr. Bob
​The Obama 2008 election spelled the end of WASP America

7:09 PM
​@Claire Khaw You are a well known troll and I am merely being polite.

7:09 PM
Alex Delarge
​the black-white class-based marriage gap is principally a white female phenomenon

7:09 PM
​What? Did Paul just say that Js see themselves as marginal?

7:09 PM
Alex Delarge
​ah okay @Glib Medley

7:09 PM
Glib Medley
​She's the wife

7:10 PM
Alex Delarge
​it wouldn't surprise me if upper-class and upper-middle-class white males exhibit higher rates of marriage with black females

7:10 PM
Dr. Bob
​It was the nail in the coffin of a 40 decade onslaught that began with the Civil Rights movement in the mid 1960s

7:10 PM
Alex Delarge
​for white females, that trend is reversed - it's decidedly low class

7:10 PM
Alex Delarge
​Jumanji Jackson! @Glib Medley

7:10 PM
Claire Khaw
​@99IronDuke I am a moral and political philosopher and a social and political scientist. Oh, and also a political activist.

7:10 PM
Alex Delarge
​she's not terribly attractive

7:10 PM
Dr. Bob
​If only Dr. Wax knew how deep the Wokeism has infiltrated even evangelical congregations

7:10 PM
Alex Delarge
​South Asians (Indians) are awful

7:10 PM
Alex Delarge
​they're envious and hateful

7:10 PM
​@Alex Delarge They don't, don't believe TV and Hollywood.

7:11 PM
Alex Delarge
​they hate whites, they guilt trip whites

7:11 PM
Alex Delarge
​and yet, these Indians seek out white mates, they're obsessed with us

7:11 PM
​Envy explains everything.

7:11 PM
Alex Delarge
​black-white marriage? @99IronDuke

7:11 PM
Claire Khaw
​White guilt is really colonial guilt. Democracy spreads corruption and entrenches it.

7:11 PM
Glib Medley
​Amy's really homing in on the Curry Question

7:11 PM
Alex Delarge
​I don't think there's a strong class pattern for white males (in relation to black females)

7:12 PM
​@Alex Delarge It is actually fairly uncommon.

7:12 PM
Alex Delarge
​whereas white females who date/marry black males are almost exclusively trashy

7:12 PM
Alex Delarge
​it is indeed uncommon

7:12 PM
Claire Khaw
​The Chinese have gotten over the Opium Wars, but the Indians are still suffering from being the world's biggest democracy.

7:12 PM
Alex Delarge
​but to the extent that it happens, it's probably a bit more common among upper/upper-middle white males

7:12 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Glib Medley Long time no see.

7:12 PM
Alex Delarge
​East Asians are much more sociable and normal

7:12 PM
Alex Delarge
​they're easy to socialize, they're team players

7:13 PM
Alex Delarge
​that said, East Asian men have serious problems

7:13 PM
Alex Delarge
​it's unfair to place East Asian men in competition with European men

7:13 PM
Alex Delarge
​we take all of their women

7:13 PM
Alex Delarge
​and they're rightly bitter about it

7:13 PM
Dr. Bob
​The Mainline churches have been dead since the 1960s

7:13 PM
​The British stopped Sutee, Hindu widow burning and the Thugee cult of Kali that murdered thousands of Indian travellers for hundreds of years. Awful the British.

7:13 PM
Alex Delarge
​East Indians have to be one of the most wretched and obnoxious migrant groups in existence

7:14 PM
Claire Khaw
​Westerners of every race hate themselves. It's not just white people. I'll explain more when you have me on @Cotto-Gottfried

7:13 PM
Glib Medley
​Hello @Claire Khaw

7:14 PM
Alex Delarge
​they're overflowing with poisonous envy

7:14 PM
Dr. Bob
​Or she should move to the South

7:14 PM
Dr. Bob
​and find a fundamentalist church

7:15 PM
Alex Delarge
​lol Jews weren't involved in slavery?

7:15 PM
Alex Delarge
​that's revisionist nonsense

7:16 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Glib Medley I just streamed a conversation between a Woke antisemitic gaily married polytheist gentile and an Israeli Jew who is a father.

7:15 PM
Alex Delarge
​the Sephardim were very much involved in slavery

7:16 PM
Claire Khaw
​We just copy the behaviour of our leaders.

7:16 PM
​The fact that they are in power is the very cause of our "predicament".

7:16 PM
Dr. Bob
​Slavery was reintroduced to Europe via Spain who learned it from the Muslims

7:16 PM
Dr. Bob
​Constantine had outlawed slavery. Modern slavery was a product of the Islamic expansion

7:17 PM
Claire Khaw
​Are Jews white is still a live question, isn't it?

7:17 PM
​I don't understand how or why anyone can hate themselves as white and still less as Anglo-Celtic.

7:17 PM
Josh G
​Professor professor I had in law school. So proud of you. Never change.

7:18 PM
​The left wouldn't even exist in this form without Js

7:18 PM
​@Dr. Bob Slavery was common in the Dark Ages.

7:18 PM
Claire Khaw
​Jews and their identity crises, eh?

7:20 PM
​I am waiting and hoping to see Professor Gottfried's lovely dog.

7:20 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Cotto-Gottfried Non-whites in the West are feeling inferior to non-whites outside the West. Can white people restore the moral order with Secular Koranism, please?

7:20 PM
Wojak Woes
​Thank Jacob Javitts and Ted Kennedy

7:21 PM
Alex Delarge
​Indians are the most noxious, unpleasant migrant group I've ever met

7:21 PM
Alex Delarge
​I really dislike them

7:21 PM
Alex Delarge
​they're eager participants of disseminating anti-white garbage

7:21 PM
Alex Delarge
​they are behaving badly

7:21 PM
Intergalactic Pessimist
​ARISTOTLE noted in 'Politics' that any elite will import its own clients and auxiliaries and then use them as tools against said elite's social enemies

7:22 PM
Alex Delarge
​is Amy a race realist?

7:22 PM
Alex Delarge
​in terms of HBD/genetics?

7:22 PM
Dr. Bob
​@99IronDuke Serfdom, which was bond-slavery but not the kind of slavery that involved Africans

7:22 PM
Alex Delarge
​apt description of East Indians @Intergalactic Pessimist

7:22 PM
Dr. Bob
​@99IronDuke Slavery was outlawed within Christendom until the Age of Exploration

7:23 PM
​@Dr. Bob No the Norse, and others had actual slavery.

7:23 PM
​That's why they are burning the churches down

7:24 PM
Alex Delarge
​Macron is based and RP

7:24 PM
​Too bad you 3 are exceptions

7:25 PM
​@Dr. Bob England under the Anglo-Saxons did not even have serfdom, William the Bastard tried to impose it, but the Black death killed that off fairly quickly.

7:25 PM
Dr. Bob
​@99IronDuke Note, I said within Christendom. The Norse were pagans. In the remnants of the Christian Roman Empire post-Constantine and lands converted to its faith, slavery was outlawed

7:25 PM
Alex Delarge
​Le Pen has a low ceiling

7:25 PM
Alex Delarge
​and her brand of populism is kind of stale - the French should take the lead in reforming/militarizing the European Union

7:25 PM
Dr. Bob
​@99IronDuke The Black Plague was indeed instrumental in the rise of the Middle Class

7:26 PM
Alex Delarge
​Brexit has been a failure

7:26 PM
​That's the power of media

7:26 PM
Alex Delarge
​Boris Johnson is resurrecting Blair-era immigration policy

7:26 PM
Alex Delarge
​he'll be importing hundreds of thousands of Africans, Arabs and Indians

7:26 PM
​Dr Bob, in England and later Britain slavery was hardly ever legal.

7:26 PM
Alex Delarge
​at least within the EU, the numbers were lower and disproportionately Slavic

7:27 PM
Alexander Grant
​I get the feeling that le pen was actually too left wing for many voters, economically speaking

7:27 PM
Alex Delarge
​now Britain is free to flood itself with Africans

7:27 PM
Alex Delarge
​Le Pen ran on a platform of banning Breton lol

7:27 PM
Alex Delarge
​she wanted to ban Breton from being used in public/primary schools, along with another language (I forget which one)

7:27 PM
Alex Delarge
​talk about being an idiot politically

7:28 PM
Dr. Bob
​@99IronDuke Exactly. Only in the colonies was it ever prevalent. Even then, Europeans, especially in the Anglophone world, were Johnny come-latelies to the slavery party

7:28 PM
Alex Delarge
​and she's wasted her career running away from her father's legacy

7:28 PM
Alex Delarge
​I can't stand Le Pen

7:28 PM
Claire Khaw
​How about having Yoram Hazony on your channel with his National Socialism?

7:28 PM
Alex Delarge
​Zemmour is much more interesting

7:28 PM
Dr. Bob
​@99IronDuke And were in the game for the shortest period of time

7:28 PM
Alex Delarge
​lol @Claire Khaw

7:28 PM
Alex Delarge
​Hazony is terrible

7:29 PM
​@Alex Delarge Alexander Johnson allows 700,000 legal mostly third world immigrants a year and will increase that with a recent trade deal with India. Britain will be dead as a Anglo-Celtic nation 2069

7:29 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Alex Delarge Why do you think Hazony is terrible?

7:29 PM
Alex Delarge
​yes, that's in line with that I've been reading - it's appalling! @99IronDuke

7:29 PM
Alex Delarge
​truly insane stuff

7:30 PM
Alex Delarge
​he's screwing the people who gave him a resounding majority worse than Tony Blair did

7:30 PM
Claire Khaw
​Can white people please restore moral order in their white homelands? Secular Koranism is here to help!

7:30 PM
​@Alex Delarge I totally agree.

7:30 PM
Alex Delarge
​@Claire Khaw it's a weird brand of Kosher nationalism and he refuses to talk about or emphasize ethnicity

7:31 PM
Alex Delarge
​if Britain is an example of what happens when you leave the EU, countries should strive to avoid leaving the EU

7:31 PM
Alex Delarge
​including France

7:31 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Alex Delarge Hazony is intellectually incoherent, because he is scared.

7:31 PM
​@Alex Delarge It has nothing to do with that at all.

7:31 PM
​lol is never good for you

7:31 PM
Alex Delarge
​Hazony has no business lecturing Americans or hosting conferences about nationalism

7:31 PM

7:32 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Alex Delarge If I were British Prime Minister, I would be leading a European exodus out of NATO and the EU.

7:32 PM
Alex Delarge
​their leaving the EU did impact immigration streams/visas @99IronDuke

7:32 PM
Alex Delarge
​arguably they have more latitude now to inundate themselves with non-Europeans

7:32 PM
Alex Delarge
​I'm in favour of a reformed EU, if that's possible

7:33 PM
Alex Delarge
​the idea of Europe existing without some sort of federal structure seems a bit odd

7:33 PM

7:33 PM
Dr. Bob
​Thanks, Dr. Wax!

7:33 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Alex Delarge Nationalism should be defined as government in the national interest.

7:33 PM
​ty for stream

7:33 PM
Kathryn K
​There's Otto!

7:34 PM
Alex Delarge
​agreed, broadly @Claire Khaw

7:34 PM
​@Alex Delarge The globohomo so called 'elites' conned Brexit, that was mostly a anti mass immigration vote, but the Brexit vote did not have to lead to more mass third world immigraton.

7:34 PM
Alex Delarge
​the nation is inextricably ethnic/racial

7:35 PM
Alex Delarge
​there is a kind of civic interest, but a serious leader must balance the interests of various ethnic groups while giving primacy to the dominant/founding group

7:35 PM
Alex Delarge
​diminishing or marginalizing the founding nation of a country is a kind of crime

7:36 PM
Alex Delarge
​Hazony has no problem with this - he'd happily replace European-Americans with Africans and mestizos

7:36 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Alex Delarge Secular Koranism takes your concerns on ethnicity into account. Come and talk to me some time with your questions.

7:37 PM
Alex Delarge
​@99IronDuke I might be overstating the consequences of leaving the EU, there isn't necessarily a direct/legal implication, but wouldn't you agree that the UK is moving in the wrong direction?

7:38 PM
Alex Delarge
​being in the EU at least reminds a given member-state that it is in fact European, not some global outpost for Africa

7:38 PM
Alex Delarge
​mulattas are cuties for sure

7:38 PM
Alex Delarge
​mulattas and quadroons

7:38 PM
Claire Khaw
​Jim Goad once called me "homely".

7:38 PM
​@Alex Delarge Sure UK is moving in the wrong direction, like every single other Western nation.

7:38 PM
Kathryn K
​Thanks Gentlemen. Would love to hear more from Dr. Wax in the future.

7:39 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Cotto-Gottfried Happy to help you produce content.

7:39 PM
Alex Delarge
​hasn't it accelerated since departing? @99IronDuke

7:39 PM
Alex Delarge
​maybe it's coincidental, I don't think it's a pure coincidence

7:39 PM
Wayne Simmons
​missed it again. : (

7:39 PM
​@Alex Delarge Not really, Blair did that.

7:39 PM

7:40 PM
Alex Delarge
​the numbers came down (and shifted to Poland) during the mid/late-2000s and 2010s though

7:40 PM
Alex Delarge
​they didn't come down enough

7:40 PM
Alex Delarge
​and now they're going back up and out

Monday, 25 April 2022

Talking to John Gischala about clothes, fashion, curiosity, free lunches and faith

1:00  Fashion
2:00  Skinny jeans
5:00  Early 1990s
6:00  Star Wars scene
8:00  Expectations
12:00  Safe space
13:00  Progress, planes, trains and automobiles
14:00  Loss of identity
15:00  Spiritual needs
16:00  Low status people of build back better
Happy slave
17:00  Do our ruling classes have a plan?
18:00  Nick Griffin on the stupidity of MEPs
19:00  Racism and nationalism
20:00  Why can't I complain?
21:00  When rules change so quickly
22:00  Bernie Sanders
24:00  Hate watchers
Sam Samuels
25:00  Being a Muslim convert
26:00  Secular Koranism
27:00  The same God
28:00  Children of Israel
29:00  Sikhism
30:00  Zoroastrians
31:00  Jews and Muslims are agreed on the oneness of God.
32:00  Theology and political ideology
33:00  Spirituality
35:00  No competing ideas
36:00  Secular Koranism is the middle way.
37:00  Jews ranking the four gentile according to their conformity with the Noahide laws

The idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity

40:00  Islamophobes
41:00  Converting to Judaism
47:00  Secular Koranism
48:00  Marriage 
50:00  Religion and politics
51:00  Denial
52:00  American Republic
53:00  Monarchy
54:00  The American Republic is foundationally Islamic.
55:00  There is no compulsion in belief. 
56:00  Adam and Eve
58:00  Pandora's Box, Lot's Wife and Orpheus
59:00  Parents do kick their children out of the house.
1:00:00  There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.
1:02:00  This life is an examination hall.
1:03:00  Suicide forbidden.
1:05:00  Righteousness
1:08:00  Is Islam really easier than Judaism?
1:12:00  A relationship with God
1:15:00  God is the policeman in your mind.
1:16:00  Redemption
1:18:00  The people
1:24:00  Muslims and mosques
1:25:00  Online community
1:29:00  Extracurricular activities

Many antisemites have daddy issues and problems with authority


7:00  Traditional and non-traditional families
8:00  The only viable family is the traditional family.
9:00  Authority
10:00  Patriarchy is hierarchy.
11:00  Mandate of Heaven, divine right of kings and legitimate authority
12:00  The Abrahamic God
13:00  Antisemites invariably have daddy issues ie problems with authority.
14:00  Antisemites have a learning disability, a mental health issue or a defect of character.
15:00  Atheist antisemites are narcissists.
16:00  Antisemites are immune to reason. 
17:00  The patient has no right to enjoy the cure. 
18:00  An existential eddy of neurosis
19:00  Normie or nationalist?
20:00  When did you hate Jews?
21:00  The Abrahamic God
22:00  Prophets of God
23:00  Jonah
24:00  Where are the good men in our global village of Sodom and Gomorrah?
25:00  Nick Griffon on Ed Dutton
26:00  Simon Harris
27:00  Nick Griffin is in theory the ideal person to engage with because he has a law degree and has read the Koran.
29:00  Secular Koranism is like Pandora's Box.
30:00  My unique qualities
31:00  Nationalists are like toddlers in denial.  
32:00  The religious practice of antisemites, Islamophobes and racists
33:00  Infantilised men in denial that Christianity is kaput
34:00  Infantilised Western men suffering from arrested adolescence, amnesia and dementia. 
35:00  Mainstream media and fringe have adopted the same policies of denial.
36:00  Academic Agent
37:00  Wish list politics v road map politics
39:00  Subscribers to YouTube channels can make their feelings clear.
40:00  Cowardly Western men
The Mossad v Vincent Bruno
42:00  Grown men behaving like frightened children
43:00  Alexander Mercouris
44:00  Married fathers as national leaders
45:00  Demographics is destiny. 
The Marriageable v The Unmarriageable
46:00  Fighting age men 18-41
Women of child-bearing age 16 to 35
48:00  Parents afraid of children
49:00  Joel Davis and The Distributist
50:00  Nick Griffin
52:00  2.4% of the US population are Jews.


55:00  British Dominions
56:00  Antisemites and Islamophobes is an identity.
59:00  Gough Whitlam sacked by Governor General and Australia handed over to the CIA
1:01:00  Christian nationalism
1:02:00  Mandate of Heaven
1:03:00  China gave up monarchy last century.
1:04:00  A one-party state is a bigger pool of political talent than the male relations of the current monarch.
1:05:00  NATO is the milk cow of the Military Industrial Complex.
1:06:00  The corruption of the elite and underclasses are devouring the productive elements of society. 
1:07:00  Narcissism
1:08:00  Unethical pantheism
1:10:00  Moral system
1:11:00  Joel Davis, Millennial Woes and Thomas Baden-Riess
1:13:00  Libertarianism

Amalek discusses the Noahide laws with married Israeli father

2:55:00  The Mossad joins.
2:56:00  Secular Jews v Orthodox Jews
2:58:00  Israeli Jews are mostly not kosher. 
2:59:00  The Mossad is atheist. 
3:01:00  The Mossad agrees with some Muslims.
3:06:00  Rabbi Schneerson
3:07:00  Idolatry
3:08:00  Light unto nations
3:10:00  Pampered Americans with nothing to worry about so they start obsessing about Jews. 
3:11:00  Vincent Bruno identifies as Amalek.  
3:13:00  Gay Jews in Tel Aviv
3:15:00  Sodomites using surrogates to have illegitimate children.
3:16:00  "Democracy relies on family structures."
3:19:00  "If homosexuals are not oppressed, they rise to the top of society and take over."
3:23:00  "There are gays everywhere in Israel." 
3:27:00  Liberalism
3:28:00  "The Noahide laws come from the Torah."
3:29:00  The Talmud and the Rambam
3:33:00  "Tel Aviv is the gay capital of the Middle East."
3:35:00   Vincent Bruno's subversive agenda
3:36:00  "Society is built on families."
"How does Adam Green even tolerate you?"
3:37:00  "Did anyone force you to be gay?"
3:38:00  "You destroy everything."
3:39:00  "Liberty is built on families."
"Stay away from my kids."
"America was created by Christian men."
3:40:00  The Second Law of Thermodynamics
3:41:00  "Why do you talk like this?"
"Do you live in Gayland?"
3:42:00  "Observant Jews make their own lives harder."
3:43:00  "The family is what created America."
3:44:00  Surrogacy is worse than prostitution. 
3:45:00  "Everything in life is a sacrifice."
3:46:00  Vincent wants a woman as his baby-making machine. 
3:47:00  "How old are you? You are damaged goods."
3:48:00  "There are a lot of people who think crazy stuff."
"Gay people subvert society."
3:50:00  The anti-gay backlash to come
3:52:00  Drag queens in schools
3:53:00  "Don't push it."
4:00:00  "The Romans were degenerates."
4:01:00 "Western civilisation was built on Jewish morality." 
"Judaism is a way of life, not a religion."
"We learn from everyone."
"You stole everything from us."
4:02:00  "The whole world knows our history."
4:02:00  Bar Mitzvah
4:03:00  "Judaism in America is almost dead."
4:04:00  "Secular people like me will come for you."  
"Parents will become violent towards you [Vincent Bruno]."
4:05:00  A display of Israeli masculinity
4:06:00  "You American sickos will not subvert Israel."
4:07:00  "What have you done for your gay community?"
Actually, Vincent Bruno is trying to find a way for homosexuals to keep themselves in existence without having to marry and pay for their wives and children. 
4:08:00  "Are you on medication?"
4:09:00  "You are cutting the branch you are sitting on and calling it evolution."
"You don't understand that your freedom costs other people their freedom."
4:10:00  "Israel is the most liberal country in the Middle East."
4:13:00  The Noahide laws built society. 
4:14:00  "Generations of gentile kings swore on our Bible."
4:15:00  "We just need to change the breeding system, and that's it."
4:16:00  "Monogamous families are the reason why you have democracy."
4:18:00  Order is maintained by energy. 
4:21:00  Children need stable parents committed to their care. 
4:22:00  The consequences of divorce for children
4:23:00  Sacrifice is required to get something worthwhile.
4:24:00  Divorce and children
4:25:00  Their biological parents are best for children.
4:33:00  Beyondism, Islam and Christianity
4:34:00  Experimenting with family structures
4:35:00  Feminism
4:38:00  "Why do you want to destroy everything?"
4:39:00  Gay people have a different sensibility.

Vincent is like a squirrel offering foxes nuts. 

4:40:00  Polygamy
4:42:00  Breeding homosexuals
4:44:00  "Jews owe everything to gentiles."
4:45:00  Israel was advanced when Europeans could barely read or write.
4:47:00  Israeli patents
4:48:00  "Your Presidents swear on our Bible."
4:49:00  Noahide laws
4:51:00  Obsessing over Jews
4:52:00  Demented and evil because abused as a child
5:05:00  Likudnik
5:13:00  "The good things in America were built by Christians."
5:19:00  Raymond Cattell's Beyondism
5:23:00  Italians
5:24:00  Immigration
5:28:00  Trannies
5:29:00  Trannies are mentally ill, probably. 
5:32:00  Setting and upholding standards
5:34:00  Women in the army
5:39:00  Jews are not imperialists. 
"Anyone can be a rabbi."
5:49:00  Masculinity and hierarchy in the army
5:51:00 "Family men built society."
5:54:00  Women opening businesses in Saudi and Pakistan
5:55:00  "Your society is disintegrating thanks to people like you."
5:57:00  "You are like a cancer in society."
5:58:00  "Women were never controlled by men."
5:59:00  "Men have struggled to make women more independent of men and raised their status." 
6:02:00  "Men do everything for women."
6:03:00  "Americans are obsessed about Israel because they have no idea about problems."
6:06:00  "Israelis will learn from the mistakes of Americans and avoid them."
6:08:00  Healthy Israeli birth rate 3 children per Israeli couple mostly married. 
6:10:00  Most popular TV show in Israel is a cooking programme.
Vincent Bruno not considered normal even as a gay man. 
6:13:00  Israel is a kingdom of priests. 
6:15:00  "Most American Jews don't like Chabad."
6:17:00  Doooovid
6:20:00  "America is subverting the culture of the rest of the world."
6:21:00  Le Pen may have lost, but the desire for what she represents remains. 
6:22:00  The Noahide laws
6:24:00  Islam, idolatry and the Rambam
6:26:00  Gay marriage
6:28:00  American Embassy in Iraq
China wants to take Taiwan from America.
6:29:00  Vincent behaving like a lapsed Catholic being obsessed with Jews like Nick Fuentes.
6:30:00  Americans are making the British go crazy.
6:31:00  The English

Friday, 22 April 2022

The four sacred cows of the West

2:00  Faturechi
3:00  Jews
4:00  Antisemites reject Christianity for pre-Christians. 
5:00  Antisemites worship their idol of antisemitism which means hatred is their practice. 

6:00  Antisemites reject the Abrahamic God because they hate Jews even as they complain about Jews and Muslims who worship the Abrahamic God. What can they be missing from the lives of these antisemites if Jews and Muslims can have a higher status than they do in their own gentile non-Muslim majority country?  

7:00  Antisemites who cry crocodile tears over the idolatrous Canaanites because Jews conquered Canaan and they hate hate Jews

Why would you pretend to cry over civilisations practising idolatry you never knew about just because Jews conquered them? Because you hate Jews! 

8:00  Rejecting the Abrahamic God means rejecting three global Christian empires. Isn't empire an achievement? If you are a white supremacist, isn't white supremacy predicated on military supremacy,  and empire predicated on military supremacy?

9:00  Jews and Muslims are hated by antisemites and Islamophobes because Jews and Muslims have a higher status than antisemites and Islamophobes in their gentile non-Muslim majority nation.  

10:00  By blaming everything on evil Jews that they equate with Satan or even God, antisemites raise Jews in status high above themselves. The perpetrator always enjoys a higher status to the victim until he is brought to justice.

12:00  The Abrahamic God is supposed to reward good and punish evil. Antisemites either have to accept God's decision in making Jews His Chosen People or reject Him altogether and be without a functioning moral system which is the cause of their inability to organise themselves politically because they are apparently unable to understand the nature and purpose of a moral system or pretend they do not understand.  

13:00  Low status low education low information antisemites question the wisdom of the Abrahamic God in making Jews His Chosen People.

14:00  Many Jews don't want to have been chosen by God. 

15:00  Islam is Judaism Lite.

17:00  Lesbianism is not an offence in Judaism.

21:00  Most of the 36 capital offences are sexual offences.

22:00  Gentiles who feel themselves to be victims of Jews have the option of appealing to the Abrahamic God who is supposed to be morally perfect.  

23:00  If you believe in the Abrahamic God, you would have to believe that He is morally perfect. A morally perfect God is superior to a morally imperfect God.Why would you worship a lesser God than the Abrahamic God? You would have to be actively evil or incapable of logical thought because you hate Jews so much you can't think straight.  

The explanation for the end of Christian civilisation is that it is cursed by God because of its idolatry and blasphemy.  

Even if you think Jews destroyed Christianity, the fact remains that Christianity with its Trinitarian deity cannot defeat the Unitarian deity that is the Abrahamic God worshiped by Jews and Muslims.

If you can't beat them, join them, or die on the hill of a dead Jew on a stick or the post-Christian paganism of Post Christian Westerners who return to the corpse of a pre-Christian pantheon. 

Indeed, the Trinitarian deity is caught in a pincer movement between the Unitarian God of the Jews and Muslims.  

Christianity is basically busted but Christians are in denial, don't care or really don't know.  

24:00  All priesthoods are corruptible. 

The Church of England was established to be a Creature of the State whose head would always be the monarch. 

26:00  British monarchs no longer have freedom of belief while their subjects do.  

28:00  This generation should be kicking out Christianity and liberalism.

29:00  Because Western men have no agreed moral system, they are incapable of organised and effective political action.   

30:00  Antisemites are content to share antisemitic content and support each other's antisemitism, but they have no plan.  

31:00  Christianity, Liberalism, Antisemitism and Islamophobia are the Four Sacred Cows of the West.  


2022 - 380 = 1642

1642 divided 16 - 102 generations of Europeans have been lied to by the Church

33:00  Liberalism was a reaction against Christianity. 

34:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions were rejections of Christianity and monarchy.

35:00  A republic has a wider and deeper pool of political talent.

37:00  A people's democratic dictatorship

39:00  Restoration

40:00  The Puritans

42:00  Thinking is work too.  

43:00  Confirmation bias of antisemites

44:00  Hart-Cellar Act

45:00  Because antisemites worship the evil of the Jew, they can never deny it.  

46:00  Jews cannot be blamed for liberalism.  

48:00  Antisemites and Islamophobes unmoved by Truth, Logic and Morality

49:00  The Abrahamic God is the Hypothetical Supreme Authority even for atheists.

50:00  Idolaters are illogical. 

51:00  The perfectly moral Abrahamic God

52:00  A moral and political choice to establish a one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism

53:00  The Four Sacred Cows of Christianity, Liberalism, Antisemitism and Islamophobia

54:00  The imperative of a group moral system

55:00  The purpose of a moral system is to keep a group in existence.

56:00  The incompetence of Daniel Sienkiewicz and his fear of alienating women

59:00  The wrong religion and political ideology

1:00:00  Western identity

Minimum moral system of the Noahide laws

1:01:00  Idolatry

1:02:00  The opportunity cost of idolatry

1:03:00  Islamophobe cannot think of a better guide to humanity.

1:04:00  Not my job to threaten or bribe anyone

1:05:00  The sin is its own punishment. 

1:06:00  Jews are known for their ability to think in the abstract and their powers of deduction. 

1:07:00  My proposal to Alison Chabloz that she rejected.

1:08:00  I don't give Jews an easy ride.

1:09:00  36 capital offences of Judaism

1:10:00  Secular Koranism

1:13:00  Antisemites worshiping their idol of antisemitism

1:14:00  Lifetime religion only

1:15:00  13 Principles of Judaism

1:16:00  Roosh

1:17:00  Western civilisation hinges on whether the numbers of marriageable people are greater or fewer than the numbers of unmarriageable people.

1:18:00  Alison Chabloz

1:19:00  Jews will use the legal system to deal with their haters.

1:22:00  The three things I think of antisemites

1:23:00  Category errors

1:24:00  Holocaust denial laws

1:25:00  Thoughtcrime

1:27:00  Antisemites who worship a Jew

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #20 Policy on the aged and the acquisition of wisdom

3:00  SK policy on the elderly 5:00  A talent seeking programme for the elderly 6:00  Living exhibits 8:00  Promoting wisdom 10:00  Ideologi...