Friday, 15 April 2022

Yoram Hazony wants Europeans to fight Russia and America to fight China in WW3. How is this good for Jews?

3:00  America is an empire.

7:00  "Liberalism against tyranny"? Can a nationalist be a liberal?

8:00  "Our liberal allies"? Isn't liberalism antithetical to nationalism?

8:00  "Liberals against tyranny" - Isn't American imperialism tyranny?

9:00  "A Liberal is not a Conservative"? The Conservative has always been the junior partner to Liberalism.

10:00  Europe doesn't need to be defended from Russia.

11:00  "[European culture] is dependent on the United States" - Is that why the culture is rotten?

11:30  Could Putin be described as a Russian nationalist?

16:00  Isn't Israel an American Protectorate?

17:00  "Why do we bother having elections?" Why indeed!  Time to take representative democracy out with the trash and restore the Sanhedrin, perhaps?

22:00  "Europe has been infantilised."

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