Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Snorkelblog on the Noahide laws

7:00  Faturechi

12:00  Faturechi a Jew supporting Catholicism.
13:00  Self-hating Jew
14:00  21 Jump Street
16:00  Implied accusation of sex offending
17:00  High school culture

18:00  Noahide laws
19:00  Comply or die
21:00  Avoiding arbitrary justice, idolatry and blasphemy
22:00  Fight fire with fire. 
23:00  Jewish restrictions and doublethink
24:00  Emancipation of Jews by Napoleon
25:00  Doooovid
26:00  Multiple Truth Hypothesis and Jewish identity

27:00  Town and country
28:00  Lifestyle choice
28:00  Cities are centres of vice
29:00  Bible and Corn Belt
31:00  City churches
32:00  Problem of Christianity
33:00  Rules, laws and principles
35:00  The definition of sexual immorality and idolatry
36:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
37:00  The only religions acceptable to God is Judaism and Islam.
38:00  Islam is the most Noahide gentile religion.
39:00  The opportunity cost of rejecting the Koran

40:00  Noah
41:00  Genesis
43:00  The many capital offences of Judaism
48:00  Ludicrous beliefs of Christianity
49:00  Doctrine of the Trinity
50:00  Constantine the Great and the Nicene Creed
51:00  Council of Nicaea, Trinitarians and Arians
52:00  Edict of Thessalonica of 380
53:00  Divine right of kings
54:00  Henry VIII
55:00  Henry II
57:00  Cuius regio, euius religio
58:00  King John and the Glorious Revolution 1688
1:00:00  When Christianity stopped working 
1:01:00  Swinging Sixties, Sex and Feminist Revolution

1:02:00  How to get the Messiah to come
1:05:00  Jews are meant to thank God for misfortune. 
1:06:00  Everything happens for a reason and suffering is punishment for sin.
1:07:00  Jews sliding into idolatry
1:08:00  Hidden idolatry
1:09:00  God's Chosen People
1:11:00  Iconoclasm
1:13:00  Globalism
1:14:00  Idolatry
1:15:00  Empires are acquired by war.
1:16:00  Revealed scripture
1:17:00  Historical materialism, dialectic materialism
1:18:00  Being God's Chosen People
1:19:00  Christianity
1:20:00  Leadership
1:21:00  Secular Koranism
1:22:00  What has Secular Koranism to offer White Nationalists?
1:23:00  Islam Lite for White Nationalists
1:24:00  Marriage is eugenic.
1:25:00  Marriage is required for moral regeneration.
1:26:00  Marriage
1:27:00  Elon Musk
1:28:00  No fault divorce
1:29:00  Nobody voted for immigration either.
1:30:00  Keith Joseph
1:32:00  Margaret Thatcher
1:33:00  Divorce
1:34:00  Disraeli and the Gates of Toledo
1:35:00  The Muslim Marriage Contract
1:36:00  Divorce starts at 50/50
1:37:00  Antifeminist political activists refuse to support the abolition of no fault divorce.
1:39:00  No fault divorce in China and Japan
1:40:00  Roman Empire and pederasty
1:42:00  Christianity raised standards of sexual morality
1:43:00  American French and Russian Revolution rejection of Christianity and monarchy
1:44:00  Treating unmarried parents as sex offenders
1:45:00  White Sharia
1:46:00  Moral regulation of the political establishment by religion
1:47:00  Abu Dhabi
1:48:00  Marriage
1:49:00  Paternal and parental authority
1:50:00  Apartheid
1:53:00  Nietzsche
1:54:00  The female voter
1:55:00  Females tend to favour lower standards of sexual morality.
1:56:00  Matriarchy
1:57:00  National Socialism
1:58:00  Public opinion is represented by the Fourth Estate.
1:59:00  Hitler's greatest mistake
2:00:00  Kristallnacht
2:01:00  Mein Kampf
2:01:00  War finance
2:01:00  Imperial wars
2:03:00  Eva Braun
2:04:00  Christa Schroeder
2:06:00  Lebensborn
2:09:00  Marriage is eugenic.
2:10:00  Unmarried marriage
2:11:00  The institution of the family
2:12:00  It only takes a few minutes to impregnate a woman.
2:13:00  A foreign God
2:14:00  Jews and gentiles were divided to police each other's behaviour.
2:15:00  Freedom
2:18:00  Would Constantine the Great have chosen Christianity if Islam had been available?
2:19:00  The British do not have a constitution.
2:20:00  The men have turned to women.
2:21:00  Why must the European adopt the Abrahamic God?
2:23:00  The Great Mosque Xian
2:24:00  God is an instrument of government.
2:25:00  Monotheism
2:27:00  "The truth aspect"
2:28:00  Descendants and posterity
2:29:00  Legal immigration
2:33:00  God is the policeman inside your head.
2:34:00  Social disapproval
2:36:00  Why did God allow three Christian global empires to rise?
2:37:00  The Noble Savage

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Who are the 14 rabbis listed in Rabbi Mizrachi’s blacklist of non-kosher rabbis?

  Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, a controversial Haredi outreach speaker, along with his protégé Rabbi Yaron Reuven, publicized a "blacklist...