Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Doooovid on Passover 5782/2022

2:00  Hametz
12:00  The man who abandoned his house because he forgot to clean his house for Passover
16:00  Passover in the secular state of Israel

31:00  Theocracy, Sanhedrin and the Third Temple
32:00  Smicha
35:00  Hasmonean Dynasty
36:00  Sanhedrin
40:00  Rabbinical power of life and death over Jews in Spain
45:00  Universally accepted rabbi
46:00  Open miracle required to get Jews to agree on a rabbi
47:00  The number of judges in the Sanhedrin
50:00  Secular Koranism
51:00  Choosing a rabbi using the rules of the Papal Conclave
52:00  Shopping around for a rabbi who agrees with you
53:00  Shaving and driving on the Sabbath
54:00  Jared Kuschner 
55:00  Big Three: murder, adultery and idolatry
56:00  Jews before their emancipation
57:00  Spinoza
59:00  Pantheism is idolatry.
1:01:00  Death penalty
1:04:00  Kiddush Hashem
1:05:00  Idolatry is worse than death.
1:06:00  Business and safety
1:06:00  Jews should look like Jews from a distance.
1:11:00  Residency
1:13:00  Talmud
1:22:00  Halakha
1:25:00  Beth Din
1:28:00  Freedom of worship
Ir nidachat
1:31:00  Puppet rabbis of the state
1:32:00  Death penalty
1:33:00  Naftali Bennett and Rabbi Kahane
1:36:00  Jewish identity
1:38:00  God and the extremist interpretation of Judaism
1:39:00  Draft dodging
1:40:00  Joseph Cotton
1:44:00  Zionism is idol worship
1:47:00  Ten Plagues
1:49:00  Free will
1:50:00  Miracles and Moses
1:51:00  Abraham doubted God
1:55:00  Armageddon
1:57:00  Job and Ecclessiastes
2:00:00  Prophets predict
2:02:00  Moses in an unmarked grave
2:03:00  Parting of the Red Sea
2:04:00  Faith
2:06:00  Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur
2:07:00  "Passover is the Rosh Hashana of faith."
2:08:00  4 cups of wine on Passover
2:10:00  Martyrdom and Kiddush Hashem
2:11:00  Martyrdom is different to victimhood.
2:12:00  Big Three
2:21:00  Active and passive kind of martyrdom
2:24:00  Zionism and the heresy of Reform Judaism
2:25:00  13 Principles of Judaism
2:26:00  Stamford Hill
2:27:00  I point out that if God exists, He would disapprove of Israel. Doooovid completely ignores this. 
2:28:00  "I was struggling with the Yetzer Hara."
2:30:00  Rabbi Mizrachi's "Holocaust Denial"
2:31:00  Mixed marriages cause antisemitism.
2:32:00  Jews with blue eyes and blond hair
2:34:00  Antisemites like OV and Brundlefly
2:35:00  Individual and institutional antisemitism
2:36:00  Philosemitism causes antisemitism.
2:37:00  Orthodox Jewess run over by a black man on a rampage. 
2:38:00  Crypsis 
2:39:00  Assimilated Jews are sources of antisemitism.
2:40:00  Mamzerim provoke antisemitism if they provoke God's wrath because marrying out is disobedience to God. 
2:42:00  If antisemitism is an evil, and God creates evil, it must be to punish disobedient Jews.
2:43:00  Joseph Cohen
2:47:00  Doooovid as an intercessor between Jews and gentiles
2:50:00  Half Jews like Joseph Cohen
2:51:00  Jews in Hollywood 
"Honour from gentiles is no honour."
2:53:00  Jews in LA
2:55:00  Catholics
2:59:00  Disciplining the Jews
3:00:00  Intermarriage
3:02:00  Heretical Jews are scouts for the religious Jews.
3:03:00  Islam
3:07:00  Maimonides
Noahide laws and Snorkelblog
3:10:00  Deuteronomy 28 curses Jews
3:12:00  Why do Jews run away from Judaism?
3:13:00  Islam is Judaism Lite, Secular Koranism is Islam Lite. 
3:16:00  Claiming Jewish privileges without being subject to its responsibilities would surely be subject to punishment in the afterlife.
3:17:00  Count the Jews
3:18:00  ADL
3:19:00  Jewish scripture harsher on Jews than gentiles. 
Are gentiles programmed to hate Jews when they suffer oppression?
3:20:00  Jews bear the suffering of humanity.
3:22:00  Jews are liable for the ills of the world. 
3:23:00  "When a Jew in Jerusalem misbehaves, there is violence in Paris."
Jews are a divine irritant to gentiles.  
The Management
3:24:00  I am indeed blaming Jews for not properly teaching the Noahide laws to gentiles. 
3:25:00  Doooovid invites me to convert to Judaism. 
3:26:00  Don't Jews need better advice on how to be better Jews?
3:27:00  Noahide laws
3:28:00  Christianity
3:30:00  Repairing the world is ending Christianity.
3:31:00  It is important that gentiles learn from Christianity. 
3:32:00  "Thinking like a goy"
3:33:00  Emunah and bitachon
3:34:00  Acting on belief
3:35:00  "Thinking like a Christian"
3:36:00  Christians don't really believe Jesus is God. 
3:37:00  "We will do before they understand."
3:38:00  Jews and Muslims are distinguished by their practices, but Christians only claim to believe but do whatever they like. 
3:39:00  The practice of teaching Christians against the idolatry
3:40:00  Beliefs and actions
3:41:00  Doooovid is Hindu.
3:42:00  Hinduism is an ethno-religion.
3:43:00  Capitalism is not a belief system. 
3:44:00  Hindu panentheism
3:45:00  Holy Spirit
3:46:00  Passover and Exodus
3:48:00  If Jews were allowed to practice idolatry, they wouldn't be any Jews. 
3:49:00  Ten Commandments
3:53:00  The Sabbath
3:54:00  Judaism is a belief system. 
3:58:00  Christians can do anything they like as long as they claim to believe Jesus is God. 
3:59:00  It is the duty of Jews to teach the Noahide laws against idolatry and blasphemy. 
4:00:00  The failure of Christianity
4:01:00  Christians lie that they believe.
4:02:00  Europeans pretended to believe Jesus is God because they believed denying the divinity of Jesus would result in punishment. 

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Who are the 14 rabbis listed in Rabbi Mizrachi’s blacklist of non-kosher rabbis?

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