THE RADICALISED RABBI is a blog on Judaism and its very useful ideas and the blogger a Secular Koranist and a revolutionary. You don't have to be Jewish to find Jewish ideas very useful in tidying up your thinking and turbo-charging your powers of reasoning to the extent that you can even predict most events and disasters. The West is heading for disaster with its insane policy of Transnational Progressivism, turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah attracting the same punishment.
Friday, 30 December 2022
Jews were chosen by God to promote Islam
Thursday, 29 December 2022
Democracy discussed by Ralph Masiliamani
How to make Islam Western
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"Secular Koranism is essentially a type of continuation of the old order with insisting on a new understanding of the founding fathers. In effect , they were the charismatic thinkers and still are and Islam would be the natural outcome of their thinking.
American Muslims have to cast off foreign authority of the faith. Secular Koranism provides an avenue of synthesizing the US constitution and Islam to make Islam as extension of American (or Western culture as Christianity did) without being conquered by a foreign philosophy.Islam becomes an extension of Western civilization itself. Therefore Western Civilization is not destroyed.It’s a different way of thinking, but certainly the same idea as happened with Christianity. Christianity was a foreign faith that was adopted in a way that rejected foreign domination. It therefore became an extension of Western Civilization."
Wednesday, 21 December 2022
The Hindu and American Caste System
Kshatriyas - warrior caste (Military Industrial Complex)
Vaisyas - merchant class (Corporate America)
Shudras - labourers (American proletariat)
Dalits - Untouchables (White Nationalists)
Secular Koranism is the American Way
Secular Koranism is essentially a type of continuation of the old order with insisting on a new understanding of the founding fathers. In effect , they were the charismatic thinkers and still are and Islam would be the natural outcome of their thinking.
The American Republic should return to its Islamic roots
Tuesday, 20 December 2022
Mujahid explains the zealotry of the Khawarij
Monday, 19 December 2022
Vincent Bruno and I discuss ir nidachat and Noahidism v Islam
Saturday, 17 December 2022
How I propose to resolve Western identity issues
Wednesday, 14 December 2022
1:00 The difference between theory and reality is action. 2:00 Secular Koranism is correct in principle because it is based on sound reasoning. 3:00 The beginning of the beginning is America adopting Secular Koranism with American Characteristics. 4:00 The unwritten constitution of the British 5:00 Our laws should be in harmony with our constitution. 6:00 Rights can be created and destroyed overnight. 7:00 Low status white converts to Islam are mostly too low status to support Secular Koranism because they are terrified of being kicked out of their immigrant mosques after having already alienated their Islamophobic friends and family by converting to Islam. 8:00 I invite challenges to Secular Koranism. 9:00 Westerners could interpret the Koran just as well if not better than brown Muslim immigrants from shithole Muslim countries. 11:00 White Muslim converts live as a minority within a minority in the West. 12:00 Secular Koranism is the ideal cover for the potential Muslim convert. 14:00 Constitutional amendment to make the Commandments of Allah the supreme law of the USA 15:00 Repealing laws that are against the Commandments of Allah 16:00 An examination for Koranic Knowledge 19:00 quran.com.24.2 26:00 E Michael Jones 29:00 David Irving
Social conservatives of the West should choose either Secular Koranism instead of rabbinically guided Noahidism
Have you ever heard someone say "White Sharia"? This is a term used by the dissident far right to describe basically something close to Islamic Sharia which would be correct on women and gays, but it has a twist in that it is also used to enforce White Nationalism. There really is nothing in Islam that would support this kind of program really so this would be an aberration of Islam, and it would not likely gain support from the wider Islamic community.
However, Noahidism is different, Noahidism actually promotes ethno-nationalism. According to Judaism, when Noah and his three sons exited the ark, the children they had amounted to 70 tribes or nations. These were the different ethnic groups of the world, each divided into their own nation. God gave each group their own distinct identity so that they could positively affect the world in a unique way. With each group giving their unique expression to human civilization, they would all work in harmony to make a better world. This is what would have happened if they had continued to follow the Noahide Laws, but they didn't
Though the Sanhedrin over in Israel is unofficial, it is still respected and many Noahides go there to pledge their allegiance to the Sanhedrin. According to the Sanhedrin, HaShem's plan is for all of the world's ethnic groups to have their own nation, and that mass migration between nations is the plan of the secular "New World Order" (Yes, if the Rabbis admit the NWO exists so can we). While Hashem does not forbid interracial marriage, and this is a decision which is made by the individual, mass race-mixing is not HaShem's plan for humanity. He wants different ethnic groups and races to exist.
Today, especially in the west, there is increasing ethnic strife due to mass immigration. As the different races mix in America, more discontent and violence occur. While America will likely never be sorted out ethnically, Europe is actually the indigenous home to white people, and so each nation in Europe could more easily slow don't its immigration and work to increase the native population. Of course, Noahide ethnon-nationalism is not limited to white people, all races of the earth should be living in ethno-nationalism.
In Judaism, these nations are the "70 gates" by which the non-Jews enter the World To Come, 70 expressions of Noahidism which are created unique by the unique ethnic expression of the tribe from which it came. When all the tribes of the earth have their own home and their own culture, and are all Noahide, we will have peace
Two constitutional amendments to make America a one-party theocracy
- SCOTUS to read the Koran with a marker pen marking out in red all the verses they identify as commandments of Allah, listing and numbering them putting them in a Bill and getting Congress to pass a constitutional amendment making the Commandments of Allah the Supreme Law of the United States of America
- marking out in blue all the threats and promises of Allah to exclude them from legislation
- marking out in yellow all the stories to exclude them from legislation
- incorporating the farewell speech of George Washington into the constitution (that would be the second constitutional amendment) and using his warning against political parties as authority for the proposition of banning all political parties and the establishing the National Party of America with the principle of governing in the American National Interest within the constraints of obeying the Commandments of Allah
- making a list of all US laws found to be against the Commandments of Allah and having them repealed by Congress whose members are not members of any party other than the National Party of America
Monday, 12 December 2022
Noahidizing the world with Claire Khaw
- laws
- stories
- promises and threats of God
Sunday, 11 December 2022
Britain's "Unwritten Constitution" is the Emperor's New Clothes
The mind of the neurotic white nationalist
Saturday, 10 December 2022
Questions for YouTubers on the Dissident Right
- Is there an unspoken agreement amongst nationalists not to discuss Secular Koranism?
- If so, why do nationalists have this conspiracy of silence?
- Is there a guide to humanity better than the Koran?
- If so, what is it?
- Is the only way to beat Jews to become Muslim?
- Why did he study theology at university?
- Did he ever consider consider joining the priesthood of the Church of England?
- What does he think of the Finnish Prime Minister?
- Is Christianity kaput?
- Is Islam more believable than Christianity?
- Is Christianity idolatry?
- Does he believe in God?
- Has he read the Koran?
- Would the British have a fighting chance of dealing effectively with their internal and external enemies if Britain became an Islamic republic?
- Is he a republican or monarchist?
- Do nationalists hate and fear Claire Khaw because she is literally the only person in the world with a viable solution that is morally and intellectually respectable?
- Who does he think is the most effective white advocate?
- Is it humiliating for white nationalists to have a female and non-white be better at white advocacy than white men?
- What does he think of Claire Khaw’s answer to the JQ?
- Are white nationalists intellectually intimidated by Claire Khaw?
- Is Claire Khaw a force for good or evil?
- Which white nationalist is not intellectually intimidated by Claire Khaw enough to discuss her ideas with her or even her ideas without her?
- What does he think of Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy compared to Christianity?
- What does he think of Islam as a group evolutionary strategy compared to Christianity?
- Is Christianity capable of being reformed?
- Are you white supremacist if you don’t think white people need a religion because you think your race can be your religion?
- Can your race be your religion?
- Why are low status low income low information people more likely to be antisemites, Islamophobes and racists?
- Would Islam make Westerners better people?
A rational way of rationing healthcare?
Friday, 9 December 2022
Sam Samuels on antisemitism and Jews who kowtow to Christians like Laura Loomer and Shmuley Boteach
Thursday, 8 December 2022
How Jews and gentiles can correct themselves
No to rabbinically guided Noahidism
The lies and failures of Christianity can be easily corrected by the American Republic adopting sharia
- The moral lesson to be extracted from the fall of the Roman Empire is that Christianity failed in its purpose to make it endure.
- The moral lesson to be extracted from the English Civil War is that Christianity failed to support the divine right of Charles I to keep his head.
- The moral lesson to be extracted from the Wars of the Reformation is that they would have been unnecessary if Europe had already been Muslim.
- We can deduce from Henry II threatening to convert to Islam to the Pope that he was not happy with the lot of an English king under the Catholic Church. https://www.historyextra.com/period/medieval/king-henry-ii-muslim-monarch-england-convert-islam/
- We can deduce from rumours about King John promising to convert to Islam on condition of Muslim assistance that there was a perceived danger of him converting to Islam too. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/669703/summary
- We can deduce that if Henry VIII had been Muslim, there would have been no need for the English Reformation because he would not have needed the Pope's permission to marry up to four wives and sire a male heir through at least one of them.
- We can deduce that if the Founding Fathers did not object to being compelled to pretend that they believed in the absurdity that Jesus is God, they would not have started a revolution to reject the government of George III and Christianity as the official religion of the American Republic.
- The moral lesson to be extracted from the French Revolution is that Christianity failed to protect the divine right of Louis XVI to keep his head.
- The moral lesson to be extracted from the Russian Revolution is that Christianity failed to protect the divine right of Nicholas II to keep his life.
- We can deduce that Puritanism was a rejection of the established Church of England because its free and easy ways was considered corrupting by the Puritans.
- We can deduce that Quakerism was a rejection of the Trinity while still allowing Quakers the option of affirming the Trinity if they so wished or needed to do so in order to avoid being burned at the stake.
- We can deduce that if the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe took the trouble of forbidding idolatry and blasphemy in His Commandments, that punishment would follow if He exists.
- We can deduce that Jews are meant to take the crime of idolatry and blasphemy very seriously indeed if Jesus was crucified for it after having been convicted of it by the Sanhedrin.
- If idolatry is the worship of anything that isn't God, we can deduce that the worship of Jesus as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah is idolatry and blasphemy.
- We can deduce that idolatry and blasphemy are grave offences if it says in the Torah that they attract the death penalty.
- If Judaism and Islam are agreed on the oneness of God, then Christianity must be the odd one out because Christians associate partners with God, described in the Koran as an unforgivable sin. https://www.learnreligions.com/shirk-2004293
- If the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe and who forbade idolatry and blasphemy exists, we can deduce that He would be offended to have the Catholic Church claiming that He has a mother who was a virgin at the time of His birth.
- Because the subjects of Christian monarchs were executed for blasphemy when they questioned the divinity of Jesus, we can deduce that the Church did not have any convincing answers as to why Jesus is also God or why Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy.
- Because the Founding Fathers were educated men who grew up in the Age of Enlightenment after the Protestant succession was secured following the English Reformation, we can deduce that they did not appreciate being required to pretend that they believed in the absurdity that Jesus was the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe.
- Because we know that Christianity operating at full throttle burned heretics at the stake, we can deduce that honest and rational Americans who have already rejected the divine right to rule supported by Christianity would prefer Islam which protects freedom of belief with https://quran.com/2/256 if they were forced to choose between Christianity and Islam.
- Because of the Jefferson Bible, we know what he thought of the Trinity requiring Christians to worship Jesus as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe.
- Because we know that neither Jews nor Christians who took their religion seriously enjoyed freedom of belief, we can deduce that the First Amendment was based on https://quran.com/2/256
- Because we know it is logical to appeal to what is more powerful than our oppressor, we must appeal to the Hypothetical Supreme Authority in the hope that if He exists He will save us from our evil, heedless or insane ruling classes if we sincerely repent after having learned our lesson about how 50 years of feminism have destroyed 250 years of liberalism and 2000 years of Christianity.
It doesn't matter if we are stupid, evil or mad because the consequences are the same
"This House believes that Britain should become an Islamic Republic"
If the Oxford Union invite me to speak in a debate on whether this House believes that Britain should become an Islamic Republic, I would have to go in my Muslim gear with niqab and all that I used to wear when I was doing stand up comedy in pubs.
If you would like to see me arguing for an Islamic republic in Britain at the Oxford Union as an agnostic, email enquiries@oxford-union.org to let them know that this what the global public supports and demands!
Tuesday, 6 December 2022
Koraniyule 2022 with Vincent Bruno
Confucius or Jesus - who is wiser?
Is it wise to get yourself worshiped as co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah?
Would God approve of this if He exists?
Some conspiracy theorists who hate Jesus, Christianity and Christians claim Jesus never existed, but what if they are right?
Imagine worshiping a man said to have been executed as a blasphemer but who never existed!
What would you do if you and your Christian ancestors were a victim of this lie?
Would you blame Jews for Christianity and their God of Israel?
There is now the crime of Holocaust Denial suffered by gentiles antisemites living in Christian kingdoms. Previously, these gentiles would be executed for denying the divinity of Jesus.
If only they would learn the lessons of history that the sin of idolatry is its own punishment!
Monday, 5 December 2022
Sunday, 4 December 2022
3rd Koraniyule 2022 with Judas Fly Chai
Why Jews must get to the bottom of antisemitism
The Great Islamic Reset beginning with the Western world bypassing WW3
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In theory, a constitutional amendment could be passed to make the Commandments of Allah the supreme law of the USA abolishing all political parties other than the National Party of America to be run on the same lines as the Communist Party of China.
AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews
4:00 Why no feedback? 5:00 Over 1000 views Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00 Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...

The attempt to deplatform Rabbis Mizrachi and Reuven (who think liberalism is evil) by Rabbi Slifkin8:00 Alarmed by ‘death threat’ video, Orthodox Jews try to de-platform fiery ‘folk preachers’ https://forward.com/news/451636/mizrachi-reuv...
1) Which verse of the Koran infringes the Noahide laws? 2) Why is it impossible that God would first reveal the Torah to Jews first and t...
Our moral system ie religion tells us what to believe and what we should and shouldn't do. All religions are moral systems. Secular pol...