Friday, 30 December 2022

Jews were chosen by God to promote Islam

I already have all the data I need about why people won't support Secular Koranism: Islamophobia and the desire to continuing indulging in the Seven Deadly Sins.  

Muslims won't support Secular Koranism because they are more afraid of their Christian overlords than they are of God Himself, which means they are guilty of atheism for which they will be punished if God exists.  There is after all an entire chapter on Hypocrites in the Koran. 

Muslims do not seem to realise that Christians are practically extinct in the West and that its ruling classes treat Christianity as a despised religion, treated with more contempt than Islam. Being Christian in the West affords you no protection at all: only hatred, ridicule and contempt from your own people, but especially the ruling classes who think only credulous fools would believe Jesus is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God if they are not being threatened with being burned at the stake for questioning the divinity of Jesus. 

If Muslims claim to fear Christians, they fear what is practically extinct, a toothless dying old tiger whose existence is disputed. 

What they really fear is the liberal establishment who are anything but Christian who are in fact unprincipled atheists and nihilists who do not care what happens to their society after they are dead. Can anyone name a policy the liberal establishment implemented that was ever in the national interest of any Western nation?

The fear of Muslims of non-existent Christians and liberals is therefore a fear of nothing - an excuse to fear, and an excuse for inaction and moral apathy unbefitting Muslims commanded by God to enjoin good and forbid evil.   

As for Jews, they refuse to support Secular Koranism because they don't want the last laugh to be on them. If God indeed made two revelations to humanity after dividing them into Jews and gentiles, then it is obvious which scripture you ought to choose if you believe in God and the afterlife: the one without the 36 capital offences with a vivid description of a paradise with gardens, water features, beautiful young men and women to serve you delicious things to eat and drink as you recline in elegant clothes on soft furnishings.

You would have thought that Jews would be smart enough to deduce this intention of God.  
You may have noticed that there is no desire on the part of Jews to live in a Torah theocracy in Israel. Can you imagine what would happen under Rule by Rabbi in Israel?

You can imagine what they would do, accusing each other of breaking the Sabbath, bowing before idols, blaspheming against God, being citizens of cities that have gone astray ie Tel Aviv and getting each other convicted of the 36 capital offences in this theocratic dystopia. 

Wasn't this precisely what happened to Jesus?

There is a reason why Al Aqsa Mosque in on Temple Mount. It is God's way of reminding them that a final and better revelation to mankind was made by the God of Israel in the Koran, which hardly ever mentions the death penalty and is for all of humanity. 

The Koran is a mercy to mankind but especially to Jews, whose Torah is obviously too hard for them to follow in the 21st century after they have been marinating in liberal culture until the principles of Judaism are barely detectable after centuries of homeopathic dilution.

Thursday, 29 December 2022

Democracy discussed by Ralph Masiliamani

4:00  Fasting for Yom Kippur and Eid

5:00  How American voters surrender themselves to Corporate America

6:00  Democracy is not the decision of the majority of wise men but the majority of ignorant, irrational  and corrupt voters.

8:00  Steven Pinker and the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy
9:00  Usury
10:00  Koranic principles of domestic and foreign policy
15:00  Shura
16:00  UKIP
17:00  Duopoly and oligarchy
19:00  Non-performance
20:00  My conversation with a Texan oilman
21:00  Chinese government more likely to keep its promises than US government.
23:00  Uber
25:00  Trust and confidence in our political classes
30:00  Neophobia
32:00  Foreign policy
34:00  Elderly Asian migrant
36:00  Portfolios of State
37:00  Political services
41:00  Secular Koranism
Prototypes and pilot schemes, the audacity of hope
42:00  One-party theocracy
43:00  Secular Koranism is hybrid.
44:00  "Democratic Koranism"
45:00  Our ruling classes giving a better impression of governing us properly
48:00  Theocracy gives us the necessary laws.
50:00  Network model
52:00  Smart people in charge at the top
53:00  Telegram
54:00  Top down model and a rule book
55:00  Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy
56:00  Wars of the Reformation
58:00  Media
59:00  America > Britain
1:01:00  My moral duty
1:02:00  Yellow Woman's Burden
1:05:00  Jews
1:06:00  People who only pretend to believe in the Abrahamic God
1:08:00  Public letter from Jews and Muslims to the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury
1:09:00  E Michael Jones
1:16:00  Gavin Ashenden

How to make Islam Western

"Secular Koranism is essentially a type of continuation of the old order with insisting on a new understanding of the founding fathers. In effect , they were the charismatic thinkers and still are and Islam would be the natural outcome of their thinking. 
American Muslims have to cast off foreign authority of the faith. Secular Koranism provides an avenue of synthesizing the US constitution and Islam to make Islam as extension of American (or Western culture as Christianity did) without being conquered by a foreign philosophy.

Islam becomes an extension of Western civilization itself. Therefore Western Civilization is not destroyed.

It’s a different way of thinking, but certainly the same idea as happened with Christianity.  Christianity was a foreign faith that was adopted in a way that rejected foreign domination. It therefore became an extension of Western Civilization."

Wednesday, 21 December 2022

The Hindu and American Caste System

Brahmins - priesthood (MSM)

Kshatriyas - warrior caste (Military Industrial Complex)

Vaisyas - merchant class (Corporate America)

Shudras - labourers (American proletariat)

Dalits - Untouchables (White Nationalists)

Secular Koranism is the American Way

An American Muslim Woman: 

Secular Koranism is essentially a type of continuation of the old order with insisting on a new understanding of the founding fathers. In effect , they were the charismatic thinkers and still are and Islam would be the natural outcome of their thinking.

The American Republic should return to its Islamic roots

The Founding Fathers ensured that Christianity was not the official religion of America. They rejected monarchy by rejecting Christianity or rejected monarchy by rejecting Christianity. They rejected the idea of the divine right of kings and Christianity always had the purpose of supporting the divine right of kings.

Go back to your Islamic roots, Americans!

White people in Britain as well as its dominions of the British Empire in Australia, Canada and New Zealand, surely you are republicans now?

If you want a T-shirt, mug etc like this


Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Mujahid explains the zealotry of the Khawarij

Ibadis are descended from the Khawarij.

3:00  The Khawarij were zealots.

Rightly guided Caliphs

11:00  Fitnah
19:00  Tafsir
21:00  Sadists
22:00  Heretical beliefs
23:00  Literalism
25:00  Excommunication and ISIS
28:00  Ibadis are descended from Khawarij.
29:00  Salafis
30:00  Madkhali Salafis
32:00  Satraps are like Chief Rabbis.
33:00  Halloween in Saudi
36:00  Glastonbury
37:00  Arabian women throwing their underwear on stage
38:00  Umrah
40:00  Tattoos
41:00  The rope of Allah
46:00  Allah's eyes
50:00  Holy Spirit
1:02:00  Birmingham Koran
1:03:00  Gnosticism and the Trinity
1:04:00  Obituary of Moses
1:06:00  Ir nidachat
1:07:00  36 capital offences
1:08:00  Ibadi Muslims are descended from the Khawarij.
1:14:00  Pinchas
1:16:00  Karaite Jews
1:17:00  Zohar
1:19:00  Scapegoat
1:20:00  Kabbalah

1:41:00 Israel
1:43:00  Non-observant Jews
1:45:00  Israeli accepting sharia
1:47:00  Secular Koranism with American Characteristics
1:48:00  George Washington's farewell speeches
Palmerston on foreign policy
1:51:00  Israel
1:52:00  Noahide laws
1:53:00  What US foreign policy should be according to Washington
1:56:00  Putin
Jefferson Bible
Jefferson Koran
2:01:00  The Year of the Five Emperors
2:04:00  Marketing decision of Paul to sell Christianity to gentiles
2:05:00  Arians v Trinitarians
2:06:00  Edict of Thessalonica
2:07:00  I have solved the Mystery of the Trinity.
2:10:00  Olam haba
2:12:00  Hope, fear and love
2:12:00  The beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord.
2:15:00  Usury
2:17:00  Sadducees did not believe in the afterlife. 
2:19:00  Jay Walker
2:32:00  Uncaused First Cause
2:37:00  Normalising and celebrating degeneracy
2:38:00  Council of Nicaea
2:39:00  Archbishop of Canterbury
2:40:00  Mujahid roleplays the Archbishop of Canterbury
2:47:00  Divine right of kings
2:48:00  Madkhalism
2:50:00  Islamophobia
2:51:00  Sodomy
2:53:00  Social contract
2:54:00  Islamophobia
3:05:00  I am a Salafist!
3:06:00  Ibadis
3:07:00  Right thought, right speech, right action.
3:11:00  Joseph and Zuleika
3:14:00  Iman
3:19:00  Three generations of Hadith
3:22:00  Chain of narration
3:27:00  Secular Koranism
3:28:00  80 lashes

Monday, 19 December 2022

Vincent Bruno and I discuss ir nidachat and Noahidism v Islam

19:00  Ishmael
20:00  The Abrahamic God and Jen's pantheist god
21:00  Idolatry
24:00  Sabbatian Frankists
28:00  Judas
30:00  Reasons for these rules unknown
35:00  TINA - There is no alternative.
36:00  Vincent prefers Noahidism to Islam.
37:00  Muslim threatened Vincent.
39:00  Kanye West
40:00  The generation gap
41:00  Trump's daughter as President
45:00  Wise leaders
46:00  Europeans and Americans
47:00  America is the New Rome.
48:00  Hitler advised under 30s to not join a political party.
49:00  National leaders should have grown up children.
50:00  US Presidents and European national leaders
52:00  The national leader should be a parent of adult children.
Leo Veradkar
53:00  Catholic Ireland fell to gay marriage.
54:00  Michael Voris
56:00  Muslims
58:00  The Irish
59:00  Ethnostates
1:00:00  Anglo Saxons don't think of themselves as a tribe.
1:05:00  Different tribal ideologies of Jews
1:07:00  Completing the project of the Founding Fathers
1:09:00  Repealing the Education and Sharing Day
1:14:00  Islamophobia
1:15:00  Making up the rules as they go along
1:16:00  De minimis
1:19:00  SCOTUS to list and number the Commandments of Allah
1:23:00  The necessity of an Islamic SCOTUS in the West
1:24:00  The Secular Koranist Legislative Programme
1:25:00  Innovation
1:26:00  The Koran > The Babylonian Talmud
1:27:00  The Word of God > The word of mortal and fallible men
1:28:00  Honourable retirement for God's Chosen People
1:29:00  Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
1:31:00  Islamophobes
1:33:00  WW3
1:34:00  Sharia is up and running but not the Noahide laws.
1:35:00  36 capital offences of Judaism
1:36:00  Ir nidachat and my answer to the Jewish Question
1:38:00  Assimilated Jews claiming Jewish privilege
1:40:00  Striking Jews off the Register of Jews
1:41:00  Jews who are citizens of cities who have gone astray
1:44:00  The Koran > The Torah?
1:45:00  Islamophobia
1:46:00  Freedom of belief
1:47:00  Idolatry
1:48:00  Noahide laws
1:49:00  Jews have no moral authority now.
1:50:00  Sharia for Israel
1:52:00  The Noahide laws and Rabbi Schneerson
1:53:00  European Convention of Human Rights
1:55:00  Rabbis have been complaining about me.
1:56:00  Half Galician
1:57:00  Jews cannot answer our questions.
1:58:00  Maimonides and eruv

Saturday, 17 December 2022

How I propose to resolve Western identity issues

2:00  Secular Koranism is not a cult.
8:00  Gun and flag photos
Defining nationalism
9:00  Karma
11:00  Nationalism
12:00  Conversion to Judaism
Jewish and Muslim attitudes towards innovation
13:00  Telling a lie to join a gang ie the Trinity
16:00  Marriage crisis in Jews, Christians and Muslims
17:00  Sacred cows of the West: secularism, feminism, democracy, liberalism, Conservatism, extramarital sex
25:00  Jewish festivals celebrated instead of Easter and Christmas
26:00  Hanukkah
28:00  36 capital offences of Judaism
Ir nidachat in Christendom
29:00  Is America part of Christendom?
30:00  US v Church of the Holy Trinity
34:00  American identity
35:00  Australia, Canadian and New Zealand empire
36:00  Dominions dominated by the British monarch
37:00  Republicans or monarchists?
40:00  Christo-Liberal or Secular Koranist?
Republican or monarchist?
43:00  European exodus from NATO
44:00  White identity and the failure of Christianity
45:00  Church of Sweden disestablished
46:00  Church of England must also be disestablished.
47:00  Christianity is like poisoned food.
49:00  God

Christo-Liberalism or Secular Koranism?
Monarchist or Republican?
Representative democracy or one-party theocracy?
Matriarchy or Patriarchy?

Wednesday, 14 December 2022

1:00 The difference between theory and reality is action. 2:00 Secular Koranism is correct in principle because it is based on sound reasoning. 3:00 The beginning of the beginning is America adopting Secular Koranism with American Characteristics. 4:00 The unwritten constitution of the British 5:00 Our laws should be in harmony with our constitution. 6:00 Rights can be created and destroyed overnight. 7:00 Low status white converts to Islam are mostly too low status to support Secular Koranism because they are terrified of being kicked out of their immigrant mosques after having already alienated their Islamophobic friends and family by converting to Islam. 8:00 I invite challenges to Secular Koranism. 9:00 Westerners could interpret the Koran just as well if not better than brown Muslim immigrants from shithole Muslim countries. 11:00 White Muslim converts live as a minority within a minority in the West. 12:00 Secular Koranism is the ideal cover for the potential Muslim convert. 14:00 Constitutional amendment to make the Commandments of Allah the supreme law of the USA 15:00 Repealing laws that are against the Commandments of Allah 16:00 An examination for Koranic Knowledge 19:00 26:00 E Michael Jones 29:00 David Irving

1:00  The difference between theory and reality is action.
2:00  Secular Koranism is correct in principle because it is based on sound reasoning. 
3:00  The beginning of the beginning is America adopting Secular Koranism with American Characteristics.
4:00  The unwritten constitution of the British
5:00  Our laws should be in harmony with our constitution. 
6:00  Rights can be created and destroyed overnight. 

7:00  Low status white converts to Islam are mostly too low status to support Secular Koranism because they are terrified of being kicked out of their immigrant mosques after having already alienated their Islamophobic friends and family by converting to Islam.

8:00  I invite challenges to Secular Koranism.
9:00  Westerners could interpret the Koran just as well if not better than brown Muslim immigrants from shithole Muslim countries.

11:00  White Muslim converts live as a minority within a minority in the West. 
12:00  Secular Koranism is the ideal cover for the potential Muslim convert.  
14:00  Constitutional amendment to make the Commandments of Allah the supreme law of the USA
15:00  Repealing laws that are against the Commandments of Allah
16:00  An examination for Koranic Knowledge
26:00  E Michael Jones

29:00  David Irving

Social conservatives of the West should choose either Secular Koranism instead of rabbinically guided Noahidism

Have you ever heard someone say "White Sharia"? This is a term used by the dissident far right to describe basically something close to Islamic Sharia which would be correct on women and gays, but it has a twist in that it is also used to enforce White Nationalism. There really is nothing in Islam that would support this kind of program really so this would be an aberration of Islam, and it would not likely gain support from the wider Islamic community. 

Do you know that Malaysia is both Muslim and ethno-nationalist?

However, Noahidism is different, Noahidism actually promotes ethno-nationalism. According to Judaism, when Noah and his three sons exited the ark, the children they had amounted to 70 tribes or nations. These were the different ethnic groups of the world, each divided into their own nation. God gave each group their own distinct identity so that they could positively affect the world in a unique way. With each group giving their unique expression to human civilization, they would all work in harmony to make a better world. This is what would have happened if they had continued to follow the Noahide Laws, but they didn't

The Koran acknowledges the existence of tribes and nations at

Though the Sanhedrin over in Israel is unofficial, it is still respected and many Noahides go there to pledge their allegiance to the Sanhedrin. According to the Sanhedrin, HaShem's plan is for all of the world's ethnic groups to have their own nation, and that mass migration between nations is the plan of the secular "New World Order" (Yes, if the Rabbis admit the NWO exists so can we). While Hashem does not forbid interracial marriage, and this is a decision which is made by the individual, mass race-mixing is not HaShem's plan for humanity. He wants different ethnic groups and races to exist.

Gentiles should know that the Sanhedrin cannot be restored unless Israel becomes a Torah theocracy, and there are no signs of even Orthodox Jews wanting a Torah theocracy because even Orthodox rabbis would baulk at living in a Torah theocracy with 36 capital offences.

The best Israeli Jews can do to obey the God of Israel who is also Allah is to adopt Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics.

The point about Secular Koranism is that it can be adopted even if Israeli Jews kicked out all the gentiles from Israel.

I am not suggesting that they should or would since Jews need gentiles the way patricians need plebs the way capital needs labour. The relationship is symbiotic.

Today, especially in the west, there is increasing ethnic strife due to mass immigration. As the different races mix in America, more discontent and violence occur. While America will likely never be sorted out ethnically, Europe is actually the indigenous home to white people, and so each nation in Europe could more easily slow don't its immigration and work to increase the native population. Of course, Noahide ethnon-nationalism is not limited to white people, all races of the earth should be living in ethno-nationalism.

Even Jews are not intended to enjoy ethno-nationalism according to

In fact, whether Jews are white is an issue white nationalists cannot decide on.

As we already know, Jews can come in all races since you are Jewish through either conversion or your mother being a Jewess.

God forbids Jews and gentiles from marrying each other, but tolerates Muslim men marrying Jewish and Christian women.

This means non-Muslim men wishing to marry Muslim women must convert to Islam.

Restoring the patriarchy would restore moral order to society in all nations that have degenerated into matriarchy which is basically Western nations marinating in the moral sewage of feminism for the past 50 years.

As I have been saying, 50 years of feminism have destroyed 250 years of liberalism and 2000 years of Christianity.

If this is the case, then the solution must be the most Noahide of all gentile religions: Islam.

If that is too hard for non-Muslims, there is always the Islam Lite of Secular Koranism which accommodates discreet LGBTs.

In Judaism, these nations are the "70 gates" by which the non-Jews enter the World To Come, 70 expressions of Noahidism which are created unique by the unique ethnic expression of the tribe from which it came. When all the tribes of the earth have their own home and their own culture, and are all Noahide, we will have peace
We will have peace when we have justice, and the Koran will deliver justice in spades.

Did you know Serbia was under Muslim rule for five centuries?

What happened when Serbia was annexed by Austria?


Time for Westerners to stop trying to pretend that either Christianity or Liberalism is fit for the purpose of maintaining morality and time for the West to adopt Secular Koranism starting with the world's greatest superpower.

When America adopts Secular Koranism, its vassal states in NATO will follow suit.

After the West adopts Secular Koranism, the rest of the world will follow suit.

Vincent Bruno should join me in promoting Secular Koranism because your fellow Americans need you to detoxify Islam and the terrible reputation it has acquired over the centuries. Wouldn't you like to do dawah better than Andrew Tate?

Two constitutional amendments to make America a one-party theocracy

  1. SCOTUS to read the Koran with a marker pen marking out in red all the verses they identify as commandments of Allah, listing and numbering them putting them in a Bill and getting Congress to pass a constitutional amendment making the Commandments of Allah the Supreme Law of the United States of America
  2. marking out in blue all the threats and promises of Allah to exclude them from legislation
  3. marking out in yellow all the stories to exclude them from legislation
  4. incorporating the farewell speech of George Washington into the constitution (that would be the second constitutional amendment) and using his warning against political parties as authority for the proposition of banning all political parties and the establishing the National Party of America with the principle of governing in the American National Interest within the constraints of obeying the Commandments of Allah
  5. making a list of all US laws found to be against the Commandments of Allah and having them repealed by Congress whose members are not members of any party other than the National Party of America

Monday, 12 December 2022

Noahidizing the world with Claire Khaw

7:00  The Sabbath
12:00  Babylonian Talmud
14:00  I got the idea of ranking the four gentile religions from Vincent.
16:00  Muslims have been disobeying
17:00  Christians
18:00  Qualified Koranists
19:00  Kanye West
20:00  Believers must logically and necessarily obey God's laws
21:00  Replacing Christo-Liberalism with Koranic principles of governance
22:00  Noahidism
23:00  Passing an examination of Koranic Knowledge

Three marker pens in different colours:

  • laws
  • stories 
  • promises and threats of God
25:00  N J Dawood Penguin translation
28:00  The Sabbath
30:00  What is the purpose of Jews?
31:00  The Koran
36:00  Why Jews suffer
37:00  The Koran is intended to help Jews be light unto nations.
38:00  Hidden idolatry
39:00  Bowing before idols
40:00  To be an idolater is deprive oneself of the guidance of the Koran.

45:00  National Assembly of Jews
48:00  Prometheus

50:00  Can Jews become Noahide?
52:00  Heretical Jews
53:00  Beheaded, burnt, strangled or stoned
59:00  The Noahide laws were not written.
1:01:00  Mission Impossible
1:02:00  Afterlife
1:04:00  The  Koran
1:06:00  Even Jews would choose a Koran theocracy.

1:08:00  Halal porn with married couples
1:09:00  The marriage contract
1:12:00  Vincent as a Secular Koranist
1:13:00  Noahide Cafe
1:17:00  Debating hall
1:19:00  Freemasonry

1:24:00  Christianity
1:31:00  Passover
1:40:00  Rabbis on my channel
1:41:00  Mujahid
1:42:00  Noahidism v Islam
1:45:00  Examination in Koran Knowledge to become Qualified Koranist
1:47:00  Arranging an honorable retirement for Jews
1:49:00  Yakov Cohen
1:51:00  Religion and politics
1:52:00  Spinoza
1:53:00  Pork
1:54:00  Fewness of Jews
1:58:00  Jewish, Christian and Muslim heaven
1:59:00  Usury
2:00:00  Carol and Vincent as Secular Koranists
2:01:00  Feminism
2:03:00  Jon Vance

2:17:00  DALMATIAN DOG joins.
2:24:00  Stoning sodomites comes from the Talmud .
2:25:00  What the Koran forbids
2:26:00  Prisoner exchange between US and Russia
2:46:00  Badder than Islam
2:57:00  Ir nidachat
3:00:00  Zionism
3:05:00  Unitarians

Sunday, 11 December 2022

Britain's "Unwritten Constitution" is the Emperor's New Clothes

The point of a constitution is to have a national rule book so people know what their rights are, just as the Romans did in the Twelve Table of Romes.  

The British have been fobbed off by this idea of an unwritten constitution which is supposed to be special and unique, but what it means is that the British subjects of a constitutional monarch have no real rights than what Parliament chooses to grant them.  

MPs under the Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy in effect have the right of an absolute monarch over them because under this principle, Parliament has the right to pass and repeal any law.  

These subjects of Charles III do not yet know that yet more changes to their laws will come to take away whatever they think are their rights, but that is what will happen.  

I suppose when that happens, they will blame the Jews again.

The mind of the neurotic white nationalist

Every time antisemites blame Jews, they raise the status of Jews to just below God and lower their own status to below even cattle.

But should you try to change the minds of these antisemites, they will treat you like a heretic. 
I know one whose parents were Christian missionaries has convinced himself that Joseph caused the famine in Egypt, and subsequent human history has all been about Jews conspiring to exterminate gentiles or harm them whenever possible out of sheer malice. 

Interestingly, this antisemite claimed to have Jewish friends. I later discovered that he would engage with them for a while, but choose the worst and craziest ones he can find and then use their behaviour as an excuse to confirm his hatred of Jews. 

The most fanatical of these antisemites blame Christianity and Islam on Jews.  

These would be pagan white nationalists who want to create a new religion but don't want any Eastern religion of non-whites and have rejected all the Abrahamic faiths because they are "Jewish". 

Since they hate Jews and blame them for everything, they will not be converting to Judaism. 

Since they hate Muslims, they will not be converting to Islam.  

Since they already see Christianity for the failure it is, they will not be  clinging to the religion of their ancestors who worshiped an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah. 

They are too dumb to see that there is no advantage in a religion being newly created and too lacking in self-awareness to know that no one is going to follow the religion of low status, low information, low education low income people, including other such lowly people. 

Some of them are already familiar with my arguments and even say they privately agree with me, but cannot publicly agree with me because to do so because they fear the wrath of the others who oppose me.  

It is heresy in the quasi religion of antisemitism to say that perhaps Jews might not all be malign and perhaps gentiles should take some of the blame when they have been spreading their shit of Christo-Liberalism all over the world.  

How about they take some blame for corrupting the morals of Jews after corrupting the morals of their own women who have now corrupted the morals of men?

If non-whites should start blaming whites for all the stuff antisemites blame Jews for, do they think they can collectively and convincingly acquit themselves?

White nationalist pagans should beware because their own governments already hate them and are now ramping up the state machinery against them.

Recently, Westminster City Council decided to change what they call non-white people in the UK from BAME - Black Asian Minority Ethnic  - to "global majority".  

If that is so, white people in their own homeland are now considered the GLOBAL MINORITY and will be treated as such. 

We also know what happened to 83 year old Lady Hussey at Buckingham Place who has been labelled a racist for asking a black woman where she came from.  

Interestingly, Buckingham Palace hung her out to dry even though she was the godmother of William Prince of Wales and has been Lady in Waiting for 60 years. 

There is such a thing as honour amongst thieves, and white people, who have no religion, cannot even manage that.

The reason why members of the aristocracy are supposed to have codes of honour is because they needed to maintain group solidarity against those below them who hate and envy them.

This is presumably why Jews have higher standards of proper speech than gentiles.  

The Lady Hussey affair has shown that white people literally cannot defend themselves. They are either too stupid to do so, or are afraid to even defend themselves.  

It would appear that white people cannot save themselves to save themselves.  

It would appear that only the minorities living in the West have any capacity at all to engage in a dialogue.

As for Christians, they already know that they cannot remain Christian if they stop believing that Jesus is God - because that is a condition of being Christian - and most of the politically active ones I have engaged with already know I am gunning for their Trinity which they know to be morally and intellectually indefensible. 

This means Christians all the way up to the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Pope would rather avoid me than engage on whether Christianity is the idolatry explicitly and specifically forbidden by God. 
Otherwise, they would have to submit to Islam.  

The entire narrative of the Abrahamic God and the history of His dealings with mankind is that we have no choice but to obey His laws if we know what is good for ourselves. 

Reading between the lines, it is obvious that those who refuse to engage are in fact saying "We would rather die and go to hell than do the obvious honest, rational and moral thing."  

This means white people are in effect handing over their country to immigrant Muslims.

Should non-whites rejoice that they can just take over so easily or feel just a little sorry for these people so deep in their denial and dementia?

It should be obvious that if you have a shit religion that is basically absurd and enforced by violence, you are going to reject this as soon as you practically can, and this the Founding Fathers did by rejecting monarchy in order to reject Christianity or rejecting Christianity in order to reject monarchy which was supported by the divine right of kings. 

Most Westerners have not believed in Christianity for centuries and have been operating under liberalism for 250 years. Christianity is now so kaput that even its replacement of liberalism is now kaput. 

Westerners who identify as nationalists are of course neither Christian nor liberal, but have either consciously or unconsciously embraced the twin religions of antisemitism and Islamophobia.  

I know there is talk of Christian nationalism because some Westerners have decided that they would like to try the Christianity of President Putin ie Orthodox Christianity. 

Such is their ignorance that they do not seem to realise that the three global Christian empires were acquired by Christian nationalism, or Christian imperialism, to be more accurate. 

I have been very patient with antisemites and Islamophobes but it seems that they are literally beyond reason and cannot be expected to see reason, let alone act on it.

You are irrational if you reject the idea of using the idea of the Abrahamic God because it has obviously worked for Jews and Christians in the past.  

It is working for Muslims because the fact that Westerners hate and fear Muslim immigrants is undeniable evidence of its power.  

It is after all religion that dignifies and protects group, which is why those whose religion is antisemitism, Islamophobia and xenophobia are leaderless, lowly, plebeian and despised. 

On the question of race, these white nationalists do not seem to realise that white supremacy is only the consequence of imperial supremacy which is only the consequence of military and economic supremacy. But all empires decline and fall and the American Empire is tottering under the weight of its own hubris. 

These white nationalists have more or less told me that they would rather die and go to hell than engage with me in any way.  

And that is why I will not be in Millenniyule again this year. This is because I have an idea that they cannot argue against while having no idea of their own that is in fact more viable than mine other than dark mutterings of vengeance after law and order has broken down in failed states.

I will be reconsidering my options over the Christmas season.

Saturday, 10 December 2022

Questions for YouTubers on the Dissident Right

  1. Is there an unspoken agreement amongst nationalists not to discuss Secular Koranism?
  2. If so, why do nationalists have this conspiracy of silence?
  3. Is there a guide to humanity better than the Koran?
  4. If so, what is it?
  5. Is the only way to beat Jews to become Muslim?
  6. Why did he study theology at university?
  7. Did he ever consider consider joining the priesthood of the Church of England?
  8. What does he think of the Finnish Prime Minister?
  9. Is Christianity kaput?
  10. Is Islam more believable than Christianity?
  11. Is Christianity idolatry?
  12. Does he believe in God?
  13. Has he read the Koran?
  14. Would the British have a fighting chance of dealing effectively with their internal and external enemies if Britain became an Islamic republic?
  15. Is he a republican or monarchist?
  16. Do nationalists hate and fear Claire Khaw because she is literally the only person in the world with a viable solution that is morally and intellectually respectable?
  17. Who does he think is the most effective white advocate?
  18. Is it humiliating for white nationalists to have a female and non-white be better at white advocacy than white men?
  19. What does he think of Claire Khaw’s answer to the JQ?
  20. Are white nationalists intellectually intimidated by Claire Khaw?
  21. Is Claire Khaw a force for good or evil?
  22. Which white nationalist is not intellectually intimidated by Claire Khaw enough to discuss her ideas with her or even her ideas without her?
  23. What does he think of Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy compared to Christianity?
  24. What does he think of Islam as a group evolutionary strategy compared to Christianity?
  25. Is Christianity capable of being reformed?
  26. Are you white supremacist if you don’t think white people need a religion because you think your race can be your religion?
  27. Can your race be your religion?
  28. Why are low status low income low information people more likely to be antisemites, Islamophobes and racists?
  29. Would Islam make Westerners better people?

A rational way of rationing healthcare?

I think if I were a doctor, I would organise my patients into the following categories:

1.  the easily curable cases
2.  the complex cases
3.  the hopeless cases

and then under these categories I would organise them into 

a)  good patients 
b) bad patients 

and then under these categories I would organise them into patients who are 

i)  capable of leading a productive life because of their age, occupation and skills
ii)  patients who are retired and appreciated by their family and communities
iii)  patients whose deaths would not be noticed until their neighbours noticed a bad smell.   

It is a sad fact of life that more and more people in the West are falling into category iii.

Friday, 9 December 2022

Sam Samuels on antisemitism and Jews who kowtow to Christians like Laura Loomer and Shmuley Boteach

7:00  Christian nationalists, Laura Loomer and Nick Fuentes
8:00  Sam's old yeshiva in Brooklyn has a Christmas tree next to the menorah.
10:00  Jesus is anathema to Jews.
11:00  Laura Loomer
12:00  Kosher Jesus by Shmuley Boteach
20:00  White nationalists using Ye as their antisemitic mascot
22:00  Rudy Rochman
24:00  Christianity is the odd one out of the Abrahamic faiths.
26:00  Laura Loomer
27:00  A Register of Jews is the answer to the Jewish Question.
32:00  Kiddush Hashem

36:00  Not all Jews are smart.
37:00  Idolatry
40:00  Jews who have forgotten their history
44:00  Idolatry

"God is slow to anger."

45:00  Joseph Atwill
46:00  The Trinity is totalitarian.
48:00  American and French Revolutions
51:00  Idolatry
52:00  "We like your God but we don't like His laws."
53:00  Jewish and gentile degeneracy
54:00  Puritans
55:00  The New Testament is full of shit. 
56:00  The Jefferson Bible

59:00  Christian monarchs had to sponsor art, architecture and music
1:00:00  Christianity is morally hollow. 
1:05:00   Jewish porn star
1:09:00  Unprincipled Jews and Muslims 
1:13:00  Kiruv

Thursday, 8 December 2022

How Jews and gentiles can correct themselves

The walking dead are people who cannot think properly, express themselves clearly or do whatever they said they would do because they do not know who they are any more. 

If Jews started behaving like Jews, gentiles would start behaving properly.

If Jews refuse to behave properly, gentiles can help them to do what they were chosen by God to do by answering the Jewish Question.

If men started behaving like men, women would start behaving like women.

If women started behaving like women, men would start behaving like men again. 

Let me reassure you by saying that you can change your identity for the better at any time, if you repent 

A repentant sinner is better than unrepentant one.

No to rabbinically guided Noahidism

Jews are already in enough trouble with God if He exists because they have failed to be light unto nations lighting the way of gentiles  away from idolatry towards the Noahide religion that is Islam. 

If they are trying to persuade gentiles to reject the Koran in favour of rabbinically guided Noahidism whose rules rabbis are now in the course of making up, they would be breaking the rule against following an invented religion. 

Why would any gentile want rabbinically guided Noahidism when they could have the Koran unless they are morally and intellectually incapacitated by Islamophobia?

The Noahide laws are only from the Talmud and the Koran being the Word of God trumps the word of mortal and fallible rabbis in the Talmud.

The lies and failures of Christianity can be easily corrected by the American Republic adopting sharia

  1. The moral lesson to be extracted from the fall of the Roman Empire is that Christianity failed in its purpose to make it endure. 
  2. The moral lesson to be extracted from the English Civil War is that Christianity failed to support the divine right of Charles I to keep his head. 
  3. The moral lesson to be extracted from the Wars of the Reformation is that they would have been unnecessary if Europe had already been Muslim.
  4. We can deduce from Henry II threatening to convert to Islam to the Pope that he was not happy with the lot of an English king under the Catholic Church.
  5. We can deduce from rumours about King John promising to convert to Islam on condition of Muslim assistance that there was a perceived danger of him converting to Islam too.
  6. We can deduce that if Henry VIII had been Muslim, there would have been no need for the English Reformation because he would not have needed the Pope's permission to marry up to four wives and sire a male heir through at least one of them. 
  7. We can deduce that if the Founding Fathers did not object to being compelled to pretend that they believed in the absurdity that Jesus is God, they would not have started a revolution to reject the government of George III and Christianity as the official religion of the American Republic.
  8. The moral lesson to be extracted from the French Revolution is that Christianity failed to protect the divine right of Louis XVI to keep his head. 
  9. The moral lesson to be extracted from the Russian Revolution is that Christianity failed to protect the divine right of Nicholas II to keep his life. 
  10. We can deduce that Puritanism was a rejection of the established Church of England because its free and easy ways was considered corrupting by the Puritans.  
  11. We can deduce that Quakerism was a rejection of the Trinity while still allowing Quakers the option of affirming the Trinity if they so wished or needed to do so in order to avoid being burned at the stake. 
  12. We can deduce that if the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe took the trouble of forbidding idolatry and blasphemy in His Commandments, that punishment would follow if He exists.  
  13. We can deduce that Jews are meant to take the crime of idolatry and blasphemy very seriously indeed if Jesus was crucified for it after having been convicted of it by the Sanhedrin. 
  14. If idolatry is the worship of anything that isn't God, we can deduce that the worship of Jesus as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah is idolatry and blasphemy. 
  15. We can deduce that idolatry and blasphemy are grave offences if it says in the Torah that they attract the death penalty.  
  16. If Judaism and Islam are agreed on the oneness of God, then Christianity must be the odd one out because Christians associate partners with God, described in the Koran as an unforgivable sin. 
  17. If the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe and who forbade idolatry and blasphemy exists, we can deduce that He would be offended to have the Catholic Church claiming that He has a mother who was a virgin at the time of His birth. 
  18. Because the subjects of Christian monarchs were executed for blasphemy when they questioned the divinity of Jesus, we can deduce that the Church did not have any convincing answers as to why Jesus is also God or why Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy. 
  19. Because the Founding Fathers were educated men who grew up in the Age of Enlightenment after the Protestant succession was secured following the English Reformation, we can deduce that they did not appreciate being required to pretend that they believed in the absurdity that Jesus was the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe.
  20. Because we know that Christianity operating at full throttle burned heretics at the stake, we can deduce that honest and rational Americans who have already rejected the divine right to rule supported by Christianity would prefer Islam which protects freedom of belief with if they were forced to choose between Christianity and Islam.
  21. Because of the Jefferson Bible, we know what he thought of the Trinity requiring Christians to worship Jesus as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God who created the Universe. 
  22. Because we know that neither Jews nor Christians who took their religion seriously enjoyed freedom of belief, we can deduce that the First Amendment was based on
  23. Because we know it is logical to appeal to what is more powerful than our oppressor, we must appeal to the Hypothetical Supreme Authority in the hope that if He exists He will save us from our evil, heedless or insane ruling classes if we sincerely repent after having learned our lesson about how 50 years of feminism have destroyed 250 years of liberalism and 2000 years of Christianity.

It doesn't matter if we are stupid, evil or mad because the consequences are the same

Are people stupid or just mad? I have been known to ask myself this question from time to time, but I have noticed a marked deterioration of late amongst more people. 

I have said for a while now that there is no practical difference when you suffer the consequences of being evil, stupid or mad.

When our ruling classes are being mad, evil or stupid, the people follow suit.

A fish rots from the head down. 

This must be true because if there had been proper leadership at the top, the head would not have rotted. 

A rotting fish head is obviously a euphemism for moral degeneracy which the West would be suffering as a matriarchy.

"This House believes that Britain should become an Islamic Republic"

If the Oxford Union invite me to speak in a debate on whether this House believes that Britain should become an Islamic Republic, I would have to go in my Muslim gear with niqab and all that I used to wear when I was doing stand up comedy in pubs.  

If you would like to see me arguing for an Islamic republic in Britain at the Oxford Union as an agnostic, email to let them know that this what the global public supports and demands!

Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Koraniyule 2022 with Vincent Bruno

Work problems
10:00  Vincent's favourite job
14:00  My ideal job and why I am ostracised
15:00  People are scared of me.
18:00  Doooovid
19:00  My alleged intellectual dishonesty
23:00  Why one might prefer the Noahide laws to sharia
28:00  Liberalism is the problem, not liberal Jews.
29:00  Jews should stop acting like gentiles.
32:00  The American Republic was a rejection of Christianity.
33:00  How Christianity came to be eroded in Europe
36:00  Noahide laws not taken seriously by the Dissident Right
37:00  "Jews are a library" to the Noahide laws
38:00  Antisemites reject the Noahide laws because they are Jewish.
39:00  "Jews will win."
40:00  "Jews will beat Christians and Muslims to the punch."
43:00  Why one might prefer the Noahide laws to sharia
44:00  "Real sharia"
45:00  Noahides should just read all the books they are allowed to read.
46:00  Rabbinical sanction required for the Noahide laws.
51:00  Alan Cecil
53:00  Tovia Singer
54:00  Atheists are idolaters who worship their own opinions.
55:00  Vincent should become a Secular Koranist.
56:00  The kind of Secular Koranist I want
1:00:00  Secular Koranism would be restrictive than the Noahide laws.
1:05:00  "Secular Koranism is not radical enough."
1:13:00  Noahide Facebook groups
1:15:00  Maimonides
1:16:00  36 capital offences in the Torah
1:17:00  Jews haven't lived in their own theocracy for 2000 years. 
1:19:00  Israel is a secular state.
1:20:00  Clearing up the confusion 
1:22:00  How to tell if you are a secular state or a theocracy
1:23:00  Jewish and gentile identity
1:24:00  Jay Walker's neurosis
1:26:00  Doooovid's Multiple Truth Hypothesis and Orwell's doublethink
1:27:00  Restoring the patriarchy
1:28:00  America in the future
1:29:00  Secular Koranism is slow kill.
1:31:00  Vincent and I need each other!
1:32:00  Jews or Muslims?
1:34:00  Jews are afraid of Muslim arguments. 
1:35:00  Judas and Half Galician
Ir nidichat
1:38:00  Rabbis have interpreted away the 36 capital offences?
1:42:00  Maimonides
1:43:00  I invite Vincent to become a Secular Koranist.
1:45:00  The power of my undeniable arguments
1:46:00  Upsetting Jews with my scenario of their Jewish afterlife 
1:47:00  Christians running away from my accusations of idolatry.
1:48:00  Jews worried about their olam haba
1:49:00  Why Vincent should become a Secular Koranist

1:53:00  The theological narrative will be more effective than conspiracy theories.
1:54:00  The Cathars
1:55:00  The Zoroastrians
1:56:00  The Book of Job
1:57:00  "Lead us not into temptation."
1:58:00  Papua New Guinea
2:00:00  Conscience and Satan on each shoulder whispering in our ear
Solving the Mystery of the Trinity
2:04:00  Athanasian Creed
2:08:00  The Sadducees didn't believe in the afterlife.
2:09:00  The Greek Pantheon adopted by the Romans.
2:10:00  Laws are only as good as the people prepared to enforce and defend them.
2:11:00  The nature and purpose of having religious principles which are also moral principles.
2:12:00  A high trust society
2:13:00  Ultra Orthodox Jews believe in reincarnation.
2:15:00  Vincent says just because the Koran does not have 36 capital offences does not make it better than the Torah. 
2:16:00  Vincent insists the Torah will be preferred by gentiles over the Koran.
2:17:00  The Koran as a political manifesto
2:18:00  Islam has a 1400 head start over Noahidism.
I invite Vincent to become a Secular Koranist.
2:20:00  Adam Green
2:21:00  Antisemites with their competing antisemitic narratives
2:23:00  Gentile perception of Jewish status
2:24:00  Controlling the interpretation
2:25:00  Founding a Western school of sharia
2:31:00  Marxism or Islam?
2:32:00  Representative democracy
2:34:00  Crazy of Western governments to be antagonising Muslims and letting them in at the same time. 
2:35:00  We want to believe we are well-governed. 
2:36:00  Secular Koranism would establish the first Western way of interpreting the Koran. 
2:38:00  My kind of Secular Koranist
2:51:00  N J Dawood Penguin translation
2:52:00  My connections
2:54:00  Dr Michael Brown
2:56:00  My answer to the JQ
2:57:00  Doooovid is a Jew who deliberately provokes antisemitism.
2:59:00  Jewish, gentile, masculine and feminine identity 
3:00:00  Egalitarianism and the French Revolution
3:01:00  How to treat your older and younger brother
3:03:00  Vincent's proposal for sex segregation
3:05:00  Paternal authority
3:07:00  Neanderthal parenting v Homo Sapiens parenting
3:16:00  Bachelor tax
3:20:00  Review of Vincent's year having left Hinduism because of Hindu nationalism
3:21:00  Vincent's accelerationism
Fear of Islam and the Dissident Right forming an alliance
3:23:00  Noahidism
3:25:00  Reactionary
3:27:00  Vincent being Satanic
3:30:00  Saving women from married motherhood
3:31:00  Nick Fuentes
3:34:00  Social engineering for a patriarchy
3:37:00  Streamlining the human race

Confucius or Jesus - who is wiser?

Is it wise to get yourself worshiped as co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah? 

Would God approve of this if He exists?  

Some conspiracy theorists who hate Jesus, Christianity and Christians claim Jesus never existed, but what if they are right?

Imagine worshiping a man said to have been executed as a blasphemer but who never existed!  

What would you do if you and your Christian ancestors were a victim of this lie? 

Would you blame Jews for Christianity and their God of Israel? 

There is now the crime of Holocaust Denial suffered by gentiles antisemites living in Christian kingdoms. Previously, these gentiles would be executed for denying the divinity of Jesus.  

If only they would learn the lessons of history that the sin of idolatry is its own punishment!

Sunday, 4 December 2022

3rd Koraniyule 2022 with Judas Fly Chai

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef
5:00  Ye
9:00  Amalek are the Armenians and the Germans
13:00 Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
14:00  Death penalty
16:00  Ir nidachat
17:00  Rabbis have been warning Jews about my "false doctrine"!
18:00  Going to Israel
David Bar Hayim

25:00 “Half the people in Israel are not  Jewish.”

20:00  Mixed multitude
22:00  Restoring the Sanhedrin would resolve all outstanding matters on the Halakha

24:00  Messiah
25:00  Valet parking at an LA synagogue
28:00  Jews and their rules
30:00  Bipolar Ye
31:00  Infantilised white nationalists
32:00  George Washington was a philosemite.
33:00  Without Judaism there would be no Christianity.
34:00  SOS and Chabad
37:00  Orthodox and Conservadox
38:00  Tattoos

Why Jews must get to the bottom of antisemitism

6:00 PM
Claire Khaw
​@The Insane So you believe in the Abrahamic God?

6:02 PM
Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
​Marriage is eugenic, bastardy dysgenic.

6:04 PM
Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
​@The Insane "With the preponderance of vice, O Krishna, the women of the family become immoral; and from the immorality of women, O descendent of Vrishni, unwanted progeny [ie BASTARDS] are born."

6:05 PM
Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
​@The Insane When you say God, do you mean the Abrahamic God?

6:06 PM
Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
​@The Insane Judaism and Islam are agreed on the oneness of God, making Christians the odd one out.

6:07 PM
Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
​@The Insane Idolaters cannot understand that the Abrahamic God forbade idolatry and blasphemy in His Commandments. Idolatry is the worship of anything that isn't God.

6:11 PM
Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
​@The Insane Idolaters by definition disobey the laws of God because they reject both the Torah and the Koran. Christians are idolaters and blasphemers denying they are idolaters and blasphemers.

6:12 PM
Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
​@The Insane The opportunity cost of being an idolater is the price of not being rightly guided by the Koran.

6:12 PM
Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
​@The Insane The Vedas do not control the rule of law, but the Torah and Koran do.

6:13 PM
Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
​@The Insane It is regrettable that you have allowed your hatred of Jews to make you reject all the Abrahamic faiths.

6:15 PM
Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
​@The Insane If the Abrahamic God exists, He would disapprove of antisemites and Islamophobes. Obviously, God would value those who obey Him more over those who obey Him less.

6:20 PM
Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
​@The Insane Would it be true to say that your rejection of Islam is to do with its Jewish connection?

6:23 PM
Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
​@Natmanprime!! ! The way to escape the cycle is to learn all the lessons you are meant to learn. Claire Khaw is probably a Bodisattva. [deleted]

6:20 PM
Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
​@The Insane Would it be true to say that your rejection of Islam is to do with its Jewish connection?

I have been timed out after posting that so I guess the answer is yes!

He ended the stream by saying "Deport Claire Khaw."

The Great Islamic Reset beginning with the Western world bypassing WW3

In theory, a constitutional amendment could be passed to make the Commandments of Allah the supreme law of the USA abolishing all political parties other than the National Party of America to be run on the same lines as the Communist Party of China.  

The great thing about that system is that if Xi Jinping were to fall under a bus, a new leader would be promptly presented by the Politburo Standing Committee of the CCP. I imagine they would be chosen under the Papal Conclave rules with each member forbidden to vote for himself and obliged to choose the best person other than himself.  

I would advise the incorporation of the farewell speech of George Washington into the US constitution because virtually all the advice given by the venerable American sage has in fact been ignored.

As for Britain doing the same, the British monarchy makes it a very messy exercise since British monarchs are only allowed one religion: Anglicanism. 

The Church of England could be disestablished reducing Anglicans to the status of Coptic Christians in Egypt. 

Charles III has been known to speak warmly about Islam and he could accelerate the transition of Britain from a constitutional monarchy to an Islamic Republic if he were to cause a constitutional crisis by converting to Islam, but this would mean the throne passing to William weakening the sense of continuity through giving the impression that British monarchs came and went like patients in a doctor's waiting room.

The tidiest way for Britain to transition from being a nominally Christian kingdom to becoming an Islamic Republic would be to first become a republic like America.  

The scenario is that the Archbishop of Canterbury would be asked to defend the Trinity. When he fails to do so, the parcel, so to speak, would be passed to the Head of the Church of England, which is the British monarch. When the British monarch also fails to defend it, abdication would seem a natural response.

William would doubtless fail in this exercise in his turn, fatally weakening the monarchy and making the establishment of an Islamic Republic under a one-party state a natural response to the political and social problems that have beset this country.

You may be surprised to learn that this is not the first time the idea has come up in British history.

Establishing an Islamic Republic as soon as possible in the West would have to begin with the American Republic whose foundations I would argue are Islamic, in particular the First Amendment based on

This is because we already know neither Jews under the Torah nor the subjects of absolute Christian monarchs enjoyed any religious freedom at all. 

The principle of cuius regio, euius religio must have been a universal practice to all kingdoms, but was enforced with more rigour and cruelty than ever before in the newly Christian kingdoms of the barbarian kings of Europe, doubtless encouraged by the Catholic Church. 

When the Americans talk about cruel and unusual punishments, they must have been referring to the practice of heretic burning in the Old World.

I imagine the only reason why any absolute monarch would agree to being a constitutional monarch is because the alternative would have been regicide. After the regicides of Charles I, Louis XVI and Nicholas II, European monarchs must have known they had no choice but to accept their role as the figureheads and puppets of the legislature that is Parliament.

While the American social conservatives of all races and religions campaign in support of a constitutional amendment to make the Commandments of Allah the supreme law of the United States of America, British republicans could be inviting the Archbishop of Canterbury to explain how and why Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy and how why Jesus is God in writing. This response would be challenged by myself as well as Orthodox rabbis and Islamic scholars.

Since we already know that the Trinity is morally and intellectually indefensible, it is an open goal.   

When it is seen that the Archbishop of Canterbury is not up to the job of defending the morally and intellectually indefensible Trinity under sustained questioning by Orthodox rabbis, Islamic scholars and myself, he will predictably resign as Archbishop of Canterbury leaving it to Charles III to defend it.  

When Charles in turn fails to do so, it is possible he will just convert to Islam as a show of penitence for 14 centuries of idolatry and blasphemy. It is said that 597 was the year Christianity came to England with St Augustine. 

The moment Charles becomes Muslim, he will be forced to abdicate, since only Anglicans can inherit the throne. 

When William V in his turn fails to explain how the Trinity is not idolatry and blasphemy and how Jesus is God, the throne will pass to his children

Prince George of Wales (b. 2013) 
Princess Charlotte of Wales (b. 2015) 
Prince Louis of Wales (b. 2018) 

who cannot be expected to defend it whereupon the parcel will be passed to his brother Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex (b. 1984)

then to his brother's children
Archie Mountbatten-Windsor (b. 2019)
Lilibet Mountbatten-Windsor (b. 2021)

If and when they get to his uncle, the disgraced Prince Andrew, Duke of York, the monarchists will finally give up, if they have not done so before. 

Under this scenario, the line to the royal succession will seem like an undignified queue at a public convenience and in this way end, making way for more rational and better government under an Islamic Republic.

The former British dominions of Australia, Canada and New Zealand will seize their chance to declare independence losing America its use of Australia as its naval and military bases making it impossible for it to maintain its global marine empire. 

In this way would the American Empire be ended peacefully and, hopefully, WW3 averted.  

China will continue to peacefully trade with its trading partners in the Far East and perhaps even incline towards Islam since they are already a republic, having given up their monarchy last century, in this way being more advanced in their political development than the West.  

Russia and India would soon follow making international relations globally more harmoniously Islamic than previously.  

This would be the best case scenario of the Great Islamic Reset.

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...