Friday, 2 December 2022

My message to the Archbishop of Canterbury care of the Reverend Andrew Symes

On Fri, 2 Dec 2022 at 12:32, CK wrote:

Is the Doctrine of the Trinity idolatry?

I do hope we can discuss this because it has been much on my mind.


On Friday, 2 December 2022 at 12:37:24 GMT, Andrew Symes wrote:

Can I ask: are you a Christian ? Do you go to church?

If so, the best person to start this conversation with, might be your local vicar or pastor?

If you are not a Christian, and you are genuinely interested in finding out answers, I would be happy to have an initial conversation with you, if you can sort out your phone problems!


On Friday, 2 December 2022 at 16:35:04 GMT, CK wrote on The Doctrine of the Trinity

Hello Andrew

I am grateful to you for getting back to me so promptly. 

To answer your question, I am an agnostic cultural Christian interested in theology. 

Having explored Judaism and Islam, it seems clear to me that the definition of idolatry is in dispute. 

If God exists, He would have a view on whether Christianity is idolatry, wouldn't He?

If Judaism and Islam are already agreed on the oneness of God, then Christianity is the odd one out.  

Jews are forbidden to enter churches where they believe idolatry is practised but allowed to pray with Muslims in mosques. 

I understand that the Christian position is that it is not idolatry to worship to Jesus if Jesus is God. Is there scripture supporting authority for the proposition that Jesus is God?

If the only authority for the Trinity is Athanasius who died in the 4th century, then we must conclude that the doctrinal dispute between Arians and Trinitarians has not been resolved even after nearly two millennia.  

Judaism and Islam would consider both to be idolatry, in any case.  

While I am agnostic, it greatly concerns me that if God exists, He would be infuriated and disappointed at the adherents of the Abrahamic religions:

  • Jews for not serving the purpose for which God made them His Chosen People being light unto nations leading gentiles away from idolatry
  • Christians for their practice of idolatry for nearly two millennia
  • Muslims who failed to obey in 1400 years of Muslim history since there is no historical record of any Muslim national leader ever asking either the Pope or the Archbishop of Canterbury how Christianity is not idolatry and how Jesus is God
I ask this question as a concerned citizen concerned about the rising chaos, corruption and criminality of British society as well as the increasing corruption and incompetence of its ruling classes who are atheists and nihilists who do not care about either posterity or the national interest.

If Christians started two World Wars, it seems very likely that they will start yet a third with the way things are going in in Ukraine.  

It is my considered view that the Founding Fathers who started the American Revolution did so to reject Christianity and monarchy. It was never about the principle of taxation without presentation, but about freedom of belief supported by the First Amendment based on

The Founding Fathers were gentiles worshiping the Abrahamic God while denying the Trinity, which means they must have been proto-Muslim.

There is a White House Koran that belonged to Thomas Jefferson who drafted the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom which later became the First Amendment.  

Muhammad is already in the US Supreme Court.

If Christianity is indeed idolatry and blasphemy, then Christians should repent to avert divine punishment, should they not?

After WW3, the reputation of Westerners and Christianity will be mud, so it seems better to jump before being pushed, especially if this could avert a Third World War.  

Jews and Muslims do not escape blame for being unprincipled and too fearful of their Christian overlords to correct them in their idolatry so Christians need not take the blame for everything that has gone wrong in the world.  

But what concerns me is Christian reluctance to discuss the issue of idolatry. 

Is it because they already know that the Trinity is morally and intellectually indefensible but still wish to persist with it?  

If so, does that mean they do not believe God exists to punish them in this life or the next for their idolatry which has lasted near two millennia?

If they neither believe in God nor fear Him, why do they pretend to be Christian?

And if they only pretend to be Christian, are they not hypocrites and liars?

Are Christians who refuse to discuss whether Christianity is idolatry in fact hypocrites and liars? Have those who have been rebelling against God's Commandments for 2000 years lost all moral authority?

Is Christianity now indistinguishable from Liberalism?

Is liberalism in the 21st century nothing more than sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting whose consequence will be degeneracy, dementia and the decline and fall of Western civilisation as we know it? 

If Christo-Liberalism has failed, is it not now time to consider its replacement? 

Are Westerners who refuse to consider its replacement even though they acknowledge the failure of Christo-Liberalism in fact white supremacists?

Are white supremacists white people who think race can be their religion without the support of a functioning moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of morality ensuring most parents are married parents?

Is Christianity a functioning moral system?

Has Christianity not been gradually replaced by liberalism since the French Revolution? 

Can Christo-Liberalism be said to be a functioning moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality?

Did Europeans when Europe was monoracial and wholly Christian live peacefully with each other bearing in mind the Wars of the Reformation as well as WW1 and WW2?

Did Europeans who settled in the New World live peacefully with each other bearing in mind the American Civil War and the Spanish American War?

I suspect that the Archbishop of Canterbury or even the Pope is not up to answering these questions. After all, they both would have a vested interest in keeping their income and position as well as their pension which they would lose the moment they failed to defend the Trinity.

They were only able to defend the Trinity in previous centuries when the Christian practice of burning heretics at the stake was still in operation.

Before a century after the last man was executed for heresy in Britain in 1697, the American Republic was founded. 

If neither the Pope nor the Archbishop of Canterbury are prepared to to answer these questions publicly in writing, I imagine neither would be my local pastor and vicar. 

Yes, I am genuinely interested in finding out answers, but fear the obfuscation I would receive by Christians who do not have the answer to these questions and wish to hide this, being atheists and nihilists who wish to continue their practice of idolatry and blasphemy with no care for posterity or the national interest. 

If you are unable to answer these questions, I do hope you will pass it upwards to the Archbishop of Canterbury who would be expected to  be able to give a written answer to these questions. 

Claire Khaw

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