Saturday, 29 April 2023

Western philosophers promoting folly, avoiding engagement and blocking truth

I want it known that @Sophiologist_, a so-called philosopher, has blocked me after I responded to his tweet on the nature of the soul that he claimed to be "a fragile thing", like the feelings of him and his associates, presumably. I pointed out that the immortal soul if it exists is intended to survive death. This man is supposed to be Christian, by the way. 

I had thought a middle class group of educated people claiming to be interested in philosophy would be better able to understand my ideas than the proletariat, but it seems they are in fact worse than wignats, more intellectually dishonest and more determined to censor and defame me.

They are no different to the liberal political establishment they are always complaining about. My comments are hidden on @PaulVanderKlay and @GrailCountry without explanation other than the personal dislike of "Joey A" - a moderator - and Shari Suter who likened me to potential killer.

For no reason at all that I can discern, she claimed I would entice people to go on walks with me and then push them off for the fun of it. I have never engaged with her. She has neither sought to to explain herself further nor retract her defamatory statements.

Among the other defamatory things she has said is that I am "the adversary" (presumably likening me to Satan), a behemoth and a snake in the garden, without explaining herself further while avoiding any engagement. Is this what intellectuals now do? Defame then disengage?

If she were just a fishwife, I'd just move on, but her associates are writers, teachers, religious leaders and a man claiming to be a philosopher called Michael Martin who thought the soul was "a fragile thing" rather than immortal, identifying himself as a Christian and a Druid!

Druids were mostly exterminated by the pre-Christian Romans, in case you did not know this timeline of history. 

Michael Martin, the philosopher, Druid and Christian, was clearly not interested in rational discourse and neither are his associates. Shari Suter giving lessons in imagination is unable to imagine how God would regard people who think of Him as Jesus if He is not in fact Jesus and is unable to conceptualise idolatry as it is conceived of by Jews and Muslims. 

If the Abrahamic God who created the Universe in fact exists, shouldn't the definition of idolatry be resolved as soon as possible as a matter of urgency? If He forbade idolatry, can it not be deduced by any reasonable person that He intends to punish global idolatry with WW3?

It cannot be denied that there have been three global Christian empires. If Christianity is indeed the idolatry of worshiping an executed blasphemer, then Christian idolatry and blasphemy has gone global three times with no pushback from Jews and Muslims at all.

I suppose we cannot expect idolaters who worship an executed blasphemer to be capable of rational thought or intellectual honesty. If they really do believe Jesus created the Universe, they must be ignorant, credulous, irrational or dishonest and nothing can be expected of them in the way of what ought to be natural feelings of remorse once they acknowledge that the Trinity is both morally and intellectually indefensible.

If you and your ancestors have been believing or pretending to believe in an absurdity for 2000 years, your thinking would be corrupted and questionable. Therefore we can't expect chauvinistic Christians who are overwhelmingly unacknowledged antisemites and Islamophobes to accept correction from either Jews or Muslims.

But what about Jews, Muslims and non-Christians who consider themselves to be reasonable and honourable people who acknowledge that Christo-Liberalism is kaput and should be likened to food unfit for human consumption? They have a duty to warn and advise, surely.

Those who share the earth with neurotic and arrogant white Westerners in denial still pretending to believe that Jesus is God whose global government is propagating the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah have a duty to avert the damage and destruction of WW3, do they not?

The Koran clearly states that Muslims have a duty to enjoin good and forbid evil. But what do Christians have to do other than follow the religion of their monarch under the principle of cuius regio, eius religio?

The Age of Monarchy has now and gone. Christianity has utterly failed to support the divine right of kings or prevent the fall of Rome. It could not prevent itself from being colonised by liberalism in the past 250 years and now liberalism itself is also a spent force. 

Why can't this be discussed in instead of the nonsense these pretentious men with positions in academia have been discussing, which is nothing more and nothing less than mutual intellectual masturbation?

Those lacking in imagination

Comments cut and pasted here before I am deleted and blocked.

Can you imagine how God would feel if He wasn't the co-equal of an executed blasphemer?

Analogies are a dime a dozen. Skeletons are frames. Frames are useful.

A narrative of Western civilisation is being woven.

Thursday, 27 April 2023

Bargaining with our ruling classes with Secular Koranism

1:00  Intro

6:00  Cultural practices are not necessarily belief systems.

7:00  Jehovah's Witnesses

8:00  The right religion - which is also a political ideology - is the preservative of your tribe, nation, empire and civilisation.

9:00  The success of Secular Koranism would make me believe in God.
10:0  Jacob Faturechi

1:35:00  Khalid appears.

11:00  Nationalism should be defined as government in the national interest.

12:00  The swastika is the most potent imagery of European nationalism.  

13:00  Never unmarried mothers and fathers would be treated as sex offenders with
14:00  Secular Koranism

17:00  Muslims are stewards of the world for the next generation. 

18:00  Westerners are obsessed by Jews.

21:00  Is militarism and imperialism in the national interest?

22:00  Secular Koranism is for non-Muslim Westerners.  

Having to learn EC law (now EU law) as a law student when the UK was part of the EC

24:00  Secular Koranism intends to adopt all the Commandments of Allah capable of being made into legislation.

25:00 is non-negotiable. 

26:00  A one party theocracy is a sine qua non.

28:00  My knowledge of the Koran
29:00  Usury: Luther and Calvin contradicted each other
30:00  Why Jews were expelled
31:00  Reverse Robin Hood
32:00  Negative interest rates will impoverish any society practising it.
34:00  War finance

35:00  Secular Koranism allows governments and individuals to default on their debts. 

37:00  Once the laws are in place, belief will follow.
40:00  Why would our atheist and nihilist ruling classes accept the bargain of Islam?
42:00  Presstitutes
43:00  It is as easy for the rich man to get to heaven as it is for the camel to get through the eye of a needle
44:00  Sadiq Khan the Muslim and Zac Goldsmith the Jew
45:00  Nationalists

45:00  Free love is more sacred to antisemites and Islamophobes identifying as nationalists than the marriageability of their race.

47:00  Prohibition

49:00  Legality is a lower standard of observance than morality.
50:00  Children eventually see the point of the rules their parents set.

52:00  The benefits of believing in God

53:00  An agnostic maintaining her identity as an agnostic promoting Koranic principles of governance is a more powerful for Islam than being merely another Muslim promoting sharia. 

55:00  Islam is Judaism Lite, Secular Koranism is Islam Lite. 

57:00  Progressive revelation

58:00  "Islam is Judaism evolved."

59:00  Islam is Monotheism III.

1:00:00  Islam is a scientific religion.

1:04:00  The Koran is a Book of Bargains which should be used as a political manifesto. 

1:05:00  How the Ummah can help bring about the peaceful and legal Islamic Revolution of the world

1:06:00  Dawah and haram coming into common usage

1:07:00  Converting 535 members of Congress to Islam

Why the Founding Fathers separated the church from their state

Christianity was used to support the divine right of kings, but the Age of Monarchy came and went a long time ago.

1:09:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
1:10:00  Owen Benjamin

1:11:00  The corrupt bargain of Christianity with kings
1:13:00  The American Revolution
1:14:00  The French and Russian Revolutions
1:15:00  American Christians
1:16:00  Gender roles
1:19:00  Women who can't say no
1:20:00  Who will protect women if the men become women?
1:21:00  Feminism was the slippery slope to transgenderism.
1:23:00  Sex and marriage is what gender relations is about, but from a feminist standpoint.

Tuesday, 25 April 2023

The best kind of brainwash (if you want to call moral systems "brainwash")

All belief systems are totalitarian, all legal systems authoritarian. But the Koran protects our freedom of belief with and is the basis of the First Amendment.  

The importance of marriage in perpetuating gender roles

Eugenics in practice means protecting the practice of marriage. Marriageability is a desirable eugenic trait. The West is degenerate because Westerners are most likely to suffer from gender dysphoria encouraged by their government who want to warehouse Westerners for extinction, presumably because they are no good to man nor beast.

If marriage is for legitimate children, you are unmarriageable if you are sterile. Also, you must be mentally ill or suffering from a character defect if you want to sterilise yourself to masquerade as a member of the opposite sex.

Your government must be evil to encourage this or just hate you to embark on such a well-charted course of self-genocide. .

The danger to women - who cares about men anyway? - is that when the men have turned to women in thought, speech and deed, who will protect the women?

When Westerners have degenerated to such an extent that they have to rely on to support them in saying men are not women and women are not men, they must be at rock bottom morality.

Monday, 24 April 2023

Discussing @PaulVanderKlay at the Chino Conference CA and @JordanBPeterson with @GrimGriz

3:00  Jacob Faturechi
13:00  Monetisation
17:00  Anarchognosticism and animism
19:00 "Weird ride"
20:00  Mao: "To investigate a problem is to solve it."
21:00  Jacob Faturechi < Paul Vander Klay < Jordan Peterson

26:00  Rabbi Mizrachi on mental illness

28:00  The role of rules in making us feel safe and good
29:00  The Gospel of Thomas

3:00  Mental illness is caused by the absence of a functioning moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality ensuring most parents are married parents properly parenting their legitimate offspring.

4:00  The Founding Fathers
5:00  Constitutional Amendment Convention
7:00  US constitution and George Washington farewell speech
8:00  "We must with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion."
11:00  The purpose of masonry
12:00  Christians
13:00  Islam accepts the logic of your laws being in harmony with your chosen moral system.
14:00  Freedom of belief will be protected by the Koran.
15:00  The New Testament is not the word of God.
16:00  Messiah
17:00  Reincarnation and the afterlife
19:00  Divine revelation
20:00  Jews are middle management.

21:00  30 second elevator pitch
25:00  The top of the hierarchy
26:00  Shari Suter

Sunday, 23 April 2023

Once America gets itself an official religion and accepts its Islamic roots, WW3 could be averted

The correct Malaysian greeting for Ramadan
1:00  Pilgrimage major and minor
2:00  Umrah 
4:00  Zionism
6:00  Israeli Supreme Court reforms
7:00  Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
8:00  Observant Jews would not have a problem living under sharia but the secular Jews would. 

"generally act violently"- I should have said "generally act disruptively".

9:00  Secular Koranism is a one-state religion.
10:00  Transgenderism in America caused by its lack of an official religion.
11:00  Secular Koranism is Islam Lite. 
12:00  The First Amendment is based on
13:00  Thomas Jefferson owned the White House Koran. 
14:00  The Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom was drafted by Thomas Jefferson.
15:00  Constantine adopted Christianity because it was the biggest idea around after the failure of the Roman imperial cult. 
16:00  Trinitarianism v Arianism
17:00  Arianism was easier to believe. 
Edict of Thessalonica 380
18:00  Athanasius anticipated arguments Jews would be making about Arianism. 

19:00  Explaining the Trinity to E Michael Jones

20:00  The Founding Fathers were proto-Muslim.
21:00  Unitarianism
23:00  Nicene and Athanasian Creed
25:00  Babylonian Hebrew
26:00  Israel under sharia
29:00  Using Judaism against Jews

Saturday, 22 April 2023

On being treated as the adversary, a behemoth and a snake in the garden

3:00  I am an existential threat to Shari.
8:00  My role as process server
9:00  A broken society with broken networks
12:00  Jordan Peterson and the Dissident Right
13:00  Wignats and the alt-lite
14:00  Shari
15:00  Am I really such an existential threat to your "community"?
18:00  Am I really an existential threat to the Trinity?
19:00  Am I really an unscrupulous used car salesman?
20:00  Is Christo-Liberalism kaput?
21:00  Our identity is not our family heirloom.
22:00  Country of origin
23:00  Our badges of identity
24:00  Asking Stephen J James to imagine himself to be an orphan with a country to run
25:00  Choosing the best available guide to humanity
26:00  Jung and Freud
27:00  The Golden Bough
30:00  The Aeneid
34:00  Human sacrifice
46:00  Empress of India
53:00  Grail Country Discord server
55:00  Community or Trinity?
57:00  Islam sees the logic of your laws being harmony with your chosen moral system.
58:00  A new and morally attractive Western identity
1:02:00  What is required now is not just imagination.
1:04:00  Hide away and make believe
1:05:00  WW3
1:06:00  Neurotic middle classes
1:09:00  Fear of discussing certain topics
1:11:00  Neurotic, spiteful or suicidal
1:12:00  Jordan Peterson

1:13:00  John Vervaeke
1:14:00  Orthodox Christianity

Men too terrified of being seen to be discussing whether porn should be banned

1:41:00  Übermensch - the ideal superior man of the future who could rise above conventional Christian morality to create and impose his own values, originally described by Nietzsche in Thus Spake Zarathustra (1883–5).

1:42:00  Who was the greater Ubermensch? a) Muhammad  b) Jesus

1:46:00 Your gender role should agree with your sex organs. If not, you may be suffering from a mental health issue or a character defect.

1:47:00  You don't have to be Christian to be able to say with certainty that a woman is an individual born with female sex organs.

1:49:00  You can judge your action by the result. But how do we know if the result is good? And do we know if it is the short, medium or long term good?

1:50:00  People should distinguish between fact and opinion.

1:51:00  What Louis Wain means to say is that a hundred years ago, Westerners would be under more or less the same moral system and this would impose a certain similarity of outlook.

1:52:00  Modernity = feminism?

1:54:00  Florentinian Catholics in Dante's time would agree on Catholic doctrine, but would individually sin and arrive in the different circles of hell. .

1:55:00  What does Louis Wain think of the Noahide laws?

1:58:00  Sally-Jo says: "Holy War is part of the human norm." A very profound statement!

2:08:00 Time stamps to the bits Mark found objectionable at if he can provide them. He probably objects to the comments in the chat by Secular Koranism with American Characteristics.

2:21:00  Mark seems to be saying "In the long run we are all dead so it is OK for America to nuke Japan twice."

2:38:00  Mark implicitly asks feminists to acknowledge the contribution of men.

2:40:00  Corporal punishment serves a purpose and is supported by the Koran.

2:41:00  Wives are scarier than WW3!

2:43:00  Frivolity is a sign of decadence.

2:44:00  "Are you looking for the solution to despair?"

2:51:00  Peterson is the best you got, but your best should be better.

2:56:00  Knowledge can be passed on.

2:58:00 Hierarchy requires patriarchy.

3:04:00 Evil is what God forbids.

3:09:00  It seems Mark is a follower of Vervaeke.

3:17:00  It is reasonable to have faith.

3:24:00  Why is A2TMC playing with his hair like a woman?

3:27:00  Western nations need a functioning moral system.

3:29:00 can help men who don't know they are men or women.

3:32:00  Ideas can be evil.

3:34:00  Islam would give America an ethical foreign policy.

3:41:00  Talking about Tyler

3:50:00  Screw which people who never built anything for a reason? Are you talking about philosophers?

3:51:00  The real meaning of Moby Dick

3:52:00 A2TMC dropped out of a Film Studies course because it had a feminist interpretation

3:57:00  It is now obvious to me what Moby Dick was about. Who will discuss it with me?

Rosenberg says that Melville fully explores the theme of sexuality in his major epic poem, Clarel. When the narrator is separated from Ruth, with whom he has fallen in love, he is free to explore other sexual (and religious) possibilities before deciding at the end of the poem to participate in the ritualistic order represented by marriage. In the course of the poem, "he considers every form of sexual orientation – celibacy, homosexuality, hedonism, and heterosexuality – raising the same kinds of questions as when he considers Islam or Democracy".

The protagonist in Moby Dick was called Ishmael, was he not?

4:22:00  We can both type and speak, but if what I say and write is clearer and what I say is true and what you say is not, I win, even if you kill me, if God exists. 

4:51:00  Plato should have been talking about a Philosopher Caliph in his Republic.

4:59:00  What doesn't Mark like about the Spiritual Homes theme? It actually attracts me greatly.

5:04:00  What if people want to talk about the 30 questions at

5:53:00 Why is hypothesising unhelpful?

5:54:00 What is wrong with rationalisation?

5:56:00  Why are you so terrified of being seen to be proposing to ban porn?

5:57:00  Can you give an example of "crazy legalism"?

6:02:00  What does it mean to "integrate your vices"? What are laws for if not to ban criminal behaviour? Shouldn't child porn be banned?

6:20:00  Rules are made to be broken.

6:31:00  So Ethan is now an Orthodox Christian. How is going to a different church on Sundays and not daring to be seen to be discussing whether porn should be banned going to change anything?

6:49:00  Jews think of themselves as the open adulterous bride of God, the Catholic Church think of themselves as the Bride of Christ, but the Orthodox Church thinks of itself as the Bridegroom.

6:50:00  Christian men are helpless to fight against evil because they don't really believe in anything even as they pretend they believe in Jesus. Why would evil people be afraid of people who pray to a man dying on a cross? If they believed in the Abrahamic God who forbade idolatry, they would refrain from worshiping Jesus. It's like a behavioural addiction.

6:56:00  These men worship women. Are women like the Trinity? I have already solved its mystery.

7:02:00  OMG. You are not supposed to think of God as a woman! Are we back to the Marian cult again?

7:03:00  Is this anecdote even true?

7:04:00  I have read both the Dao De Ching and the Ecclessiastes. How on earth are they alike?

7:15:00  Man on Fire - "After killing Fuentes with a bomb in his rectum, Creasy searches Kalfus’ home .... "

7:16:00  "Nothing is good or evil, only thinking makes it so."

7:17:00  What was Raj going to say about the Koran on good and evil?

7:20:00  What do Christians willingly do these days? Is Ethan talking about starting another Crusade to exterminate Jews and Muslims at will in the Levant wading waist deep in blood? 

Friday, 21 April 2023

My message to James Lindsay of New Discourses

Secular Koranism is superior to Christian nationalism because it affirms the First Amendment.

Hello James Lindsay

This is in response to your video Two Wolves of Christian Nationalism.

My thesis is that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy offensive to God if He exists and certainly offensive to Truth, Logic and Morality. 

The Noahide laws forbidding and punishing idolatry and blasphemy come into conflict with the First Amendment.

The punishment for idolatry and blasphemy is death for Jews, according to the Torah.

History would tell you that when Jews and Christians took their religion seriously, they enjoyed no freedom of belief. 

The Koran is the only divine revelation from the Abrahamic God - there are only two ie the Torah and the Koran - that confers the human right of freedom of belief to humanity.  

There is a White House Koran and it belonged to Thomas Jefferson who drafted the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom which later became the First Amendment based on

What do you think Thomas Jefferson is saying to 21st century Americans with the Jefferson Bible? The Jefferson Bible is basically the Red Letter edition Bible.

"Take out the non-Jesus parts of the New Testament and you will be left with zilch, because Sermon on the Mount - the supposed distillation of Christian wisdom - is essentially moronic. Do the same thing to the Koran ie remove all the stories and threats and promises of God and you will still have the Commandments of Allah which, when made into legislation, your citizens could obey."

Islam has a track record of 1400 years while Christianity was always meant to fail, allowed by the Abrahamic God if He exists to acquire three global Christian empires so that when its absurdity, idolatry and blasphemy are finally revealed to the world, Islam can just move into its moral vacuum.  

Any Christian theologian would tell you that the Trinity is both morally and intellectually indefensible through his actions by refusing to debate theology with any rabbi or Islamic scholar. 

When asked how Christianity is not idolatry, they would respond "It is not idolatry to worship Jesus if he is indeed God." 

They will disengage before you ask the logical next question: What is the authority for the proposition that Jesus is God?

The best they can do is point to the Athanasian Creed which is arrant nonsense Christians used to memorise to pretend that they believed in the Trinity.

If they questioned the Trinity, they would be burned at the stake, as Michael Servetus was at the behest of John Calvin.

Why was John Calvin so influential? Because he said usury could be practised by Christians.

When Americans finally acknowledge the Islamic basis of their republic, WW3 might perhaps be averted.  

It is now up to Americans to ask each other whether they need an official religion. 

The pursuit of happiness at the expense of others and at each other's expense has been their unofficial religion.

The problem of not having an official religion is easily solved by having an official religion, but it cannot be Christianity because that would be unAmerican, bearing in mind how much trouble the Founding Fathers took to quarantine the virus of the church from their state.  

Were Christianity to become the official religion of America, this would be fatal to the liberties of Americans and the project of the Founding Fathers: to decisively reject Christianity and absolute monarchy.

James Madison:

"The purpose of separation of church and state is to keep forever from these shores the ceaseless strife that has soaked the soil of Europe with blood for centuries."

The age of monarchy has come and gone. China has abandoned it. Monarchy served neither Jews nor Muslims well. The Ancient Kingdom of Israel declined after the death of Solomon. As for the Caliphs of Islam, Muslims made the fatal error of treating Caliphs as kings giving their sons the right to inherit their father's leadership position.

The Romans founded their republic as a people who hated kings but betrayed their founding principles when they became a people who worshiped their deceased emperors.   

Monarchy is a form of conceptual idolatry which harmed both Muslims and non-Muslims who practised it.

Conceptual idolatry is hidden idolatry and its feature is being unprincipled ie not following moral and religious principles giving irrational and irrelevant reasons for not so doing. 

What reasons are there for maintaining the institution of monarchy when there is no use for it? The reasons can only be emotional. Sentimental reasons of childhood memories when monarchists used to believe in fairy tales of once upon a time must be the operating reason why any adult would want to keep the institution of monarchy going. It is conceptual idolatry since monarchy is just another layer of parasitism on the productive parts of society working in tandem with an already corrupt priesthood. 

It is probable most people claiming to be Jews, Christians and Muslims do not really believe that God exists to punish idolatry and blasphemy in this life or the next. This explains why Christians exhibit indifference when accused of idolatry. If they believed God exists to punish them for their idolatry and blasphemy, they would be horrified and mortified.We can only conclude that they only pretend to be Christian since claiming membership of a religious group automatically gives one a higher moral status to that of being an atheist and nihilist assumed to be prepared to cheat, steal, murder and rape or make false accusations of rape if no God exists to punish the liar, thief, sex offender and murderer in this life or the next.   

Jews if they really thought of themselves as God's Chosen People would be prepared to martyr themselves to tell Christians what they thought of the idolatry and blasphemy of Christians worshiping a deceased Jew executed for blasphemy if they really believed God exists to punish evil and reward good in the afterlife. 

Muslims show surprising indifference to not having obeyed  in God knows how many centuries of not a single Caliph asking the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury how and why Christianity is not idolatry and how Jesus is God. It seems the conceptual idol these probably fake Muslims worship is fear of their idolatrous and blasphemous Christian overlords which they have been explicitly and specifically commanded by God to admonish.

It cannot be denied that a meritocratic republic would have a bigger pool of political talent to choose from than a monarchy limited by a royal family or competing royal families eg during the time of the Wars of the Roses, which was a civil war.

Whatever you think of China, it is a country more likely to practise the orderly transition of power than any Western liberal democracy. If Xi Jinping were to fall under a bus, the next President of China would be produced within 24 hours. Under the Biden Administration, an incapacitated or deceased sitting President would produce a President Harris and widespread rebellion. 

Let non-Christians be in no doubt about the truly dark intentions of these "Christian nationalists" of the Dissident Right with their knight crusader imagery.  

Virtually all of them are ignorant of theology and care little for it. They only want to the return to the "good old days" when Christians crusaded in the Levant slaughtering Jews and Muslims at will.

" ... in the temple and the porch of Solomon, men rode in blood up to their knees and bridle reins. Indeed it was a just and splendid judgement of God that this place should be filled with the blood of unbelievers since it had suffered so long from their blasphemies.”

If you are neither Jewish nor Muslim you will still be in their sights if you are LGBT or feminist. Old Testament punishments are undeniably harsher than those in the Koran which only affirms the principle of the death penalty where the interests of justice require it.

Contrary to popular opinion, theocracy would be logical and wise if it is based on the best available guide to humanity ie the Koran. Is it not telling that even the most rabid Islamophobe cannot propose a better guide to humanity than the Koran because he literally cannot think of a better guide?  

The irrefutable benefit of a theocracy is that it favours neither the rich nor the poor, neither the old nor the young, neither men nor women, neither the proletariat nor the bourgeoisie and is neither Capitalism nor Communism. Secular Koranism is literally the ultimate in Third Position thinking because it will be perceived by reasonable people of any race or religion who want to become and remain married parents properly parenting their legitimate offspring to be fair enough.

As for those who do not think it is fair enough, they would be unmarriageable non-parent anti-natalists or the unmarried parents of illegitimate offspring.Their views can and should be ignored once the patriarchy is restored. 

Jewish theology is Jewish philosophy. Jewish philosophy is based on the belief that suffering is punishment for sin, and sin is disobedience to God's laws. Once this belief is internalised, correction becomes easier to accept and more quickly made, for the benefit of all concerned. 

Claire Khaw

Sent: Friday, 21 April 2023 at 17:48:25 BST

Thursday, 20 April 2023

On being called "truth-focused" in a derogatory way

1:00  When pluralism becomes unacceptable
2:00  Groups and their objectives
3:00  Group solidarity
4:00  The purpose of our lives and our lifestyle choices
5:00  What atheists and theists are supposed to agree on: the value of human life
6:00  The value of truth
9:00  Cowards and degenerates running away from the truth
10:00  The narrative of Nazism
11:00  The narrative of Communism
12:00  Fascism
13:00  Liberal Capitalism
John Calvin's approval of usury
14:00  National Socialism was syncretic. 
15:00  Napoleon
17:00  Quarantined because I prefer truth
18:00  Deniers of truth
19:00  The cultural group interests of the white middle classes still identifying as Christian
20:00  Congress operates under the feminine prerogative
21:00  The position of the dissenter

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Discussing the Ahmadiyya Caliphate, Islamic law and spirituality with Khalid Safir

1:00  My short intro which I messed up
2:00  The laws of God
5:00  Fear, hope and generosity
7:00  The First Amendment is based on
8:00  The Islamic Revolution of Happiness
9:00  A grassroots revolution
10:00  Andrew Tate the martyr
11:00  To suppress or ignore Islam?
12:00  The Truth Revolution
13:00  The fruits of revolution

The controversy provoked when David Cameron said Britain was a Christian country

14:00  Ideological confusion 
15:00  The main feature of the five world religions
16:00  Jews are the most high status religious group.
17:00  36 capital offences of Judaism
19:00  Final message or final prophet?
22:00  A prophet is a successful revolutionary.
26:00  The Caliphate
33:00  The rules
34:00  The pincer movement
35:00  People get the government they deserve.
36:00  Using the Koran to bargain with our ruling classes
37:00  Using the Koran as a political manifesto
38:00  Challenging our ruling classes to find something better than the Koran
40:00  Deeds are judged by motives. 
Loneliness and selfishness
41:00  Right thought, right speech, right action
42:00  The rule of law
45:00  Giving your group a positive view of itself and its values
46:00  The rule of law
47:00  Confidence in the divine authority of your chosen moral system
48:00  Atheists more prone to depression
49:00  Jordan Peterson and male circumcision
50:00  Emunah and Bitachon
52:00  Submitting to suffering
54:00  Following the rules
56:00  Logic and the rules
58:00  The UN, Ukraine and Yemen
59:00  Atheists who pretend to be a member of a religious group
1:01:00  The rules of natural justice
1:03:00  The Truth Revolution 
1:05:00  America does not have an official religion.
1:06:00  The First Amendment is based on

What is "Nationalism"?

It would be in the national interest to have an official religion at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality ensuring most parents in your society are married parents properly parenting their legitimate offspring ie patriarchy.

Patriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of married parents who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring while matriarchy prioritises the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring.

It was Washington who said "We must with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion." America does not have an official religion making Americans vulnerable to their corrupt and incompetent ruling class who make up the rules as they go along.

Without an official moral system, Americans in effect live under a system of absolute monarchy, the monarch being Congress the US legislature with the right to repeal and pass any law. This is the Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy currently operating in the UK and Israel.

While many cannot see the harm of the Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy, it in effect means that any legislature operating under this system has the woman's prerogative to change her mind allowing the ruling classes to make up the rules as they go along.

Imagine a game in which the objective is never explained and the rules keep changing always to your disadvantage.  If it is decided that the problem with America is its lack of an official religion, the problem is easily remedied by acquiring one, but which one?

It cannot be Judaism because most Americans are not Jews. In Israel, most Israelis apparently prefer not to live as Jews and instead live under a regime of liberal democrats occupying the Israeli Supreme Court asserting moral and legal supremacy over the votes of religious Jews

It must be understood that nationalism is impossible without Conservatism. However, Conservatism is meaningless without social conservatism, and social conservatism is impossible without patriarchy, and patriarchy is impossible without forbidding and punishing extramarital sex.

If the purpose of religion is to forbid and punish extramarital sex, Christianity is the weakest link to patriarchy, since it is Western nations identifying themselves as Christian who are most keenly promoting sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting.

If America were to adopt a religion, it cannot be any of the Eastern religions since these religions have not produced great empires or great civilisations. India with its idolatrous Hinduism is a twice fallen civilisation. China disdains to identify itself as Buddhist.

There is a White House Koran and it belonged to Thomas Jefferson who drafted the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom which later became the First Amendment. It is well known that Jews and Christians did not enjoy freedom of belief when they took their religion seriously.

The First Amendment must have been based on The Koran is the only divine revelation from the Abrahamic God - the most powerful being conceivable - that protects freedom of belief. The Torah declares idolatry and blasphemy to be capital offences.

Tuesday, 18 April 2023

Talking to Jon Vance about theology and telling @JordanBPeterson about SecularKoranismUSA

7:00  Catholic v Protestant interpretation
8:00  Transubstantiation
11:00  Idolatry
12:00  Ineffectual Christians
14:00  13 Principles of Judaism and Golden Calf
15:00  Jesus was executed for blasphemy.
16:00  Pontius Pilate
17:00  Barrabas
19:00  Poison pill of the Trinity
Paul Vander Klay
21:00  Christianity is a corrupt bargain.
23:00  Europeans have rejected Christianity.
24:00  Why non-Europeans convert to Christianity
25:00  Benevolent dictator
26:00  The problem of not having a moral system.
28:00  Whateverism has no principles.
29:00  Chino conference
Jordan Peterson

31:00  Justifying the gun and flag photos
32:00  The rigged media
34:00  Why Jacob Faturechi banned Jon Vance from gentiles
37:00  Jon Vance accused of being me
38:00  Talking about me for hours
39:00  I am a virus.
41:00  Theology is better than conspiracy theory.
42:00  Suffering is punishment for sin.

Theology is better than Jordan Peterson.

45:00  The purpose of defending principles
46:00  A man confessing to cowardice would be shunned.
48:00  Marriageability and gender roles
49:00  Men no longer have political debates.
50:00  Political attitudes
52:00  Female political attitudes
53:00  Parenting
54:00  Muslim divorce
56:00  Most convicted prisoners come from fatherless homes.
57:00  David Starkey: "The whites have become black."
58:00  Jamaica;s illegitimacy is 86%.
59:00  Bastardy is a trinity of sin. 
1:08:00  Middle class people on Faturechi's streams
1:04:00  Wignats
1:07:00  The re-education of Jordan Peterson
1:09:00  Word game
1:10:00  Transgenderism was considered a mental health issue.
1:12:00  Chino conference
1:13:00  Estuary Protocols
1:14:00  30 questions for Christians
1:15:00  Writing to Jordan Peterson
1:17:00  Vincent Bruno and I offering our social conservatism to the ruling classes
1:18:00  The origins of Conservatism
1:19:00  Modern Conservatism
1:20:00  Baby Boomers
1:21:00  Divisions with the plutocracy
The Corn laws
1:23:00  The working classes
1:25:00  Drug laws
People who lie to themselves
1:26:00  Globalism
1:27:00  Christianity is a luxury belief.
1:28:00  Self help
1:30:00  Jews refusing to rank the four gentile religions according to the Noahide laws
1:31:00  American Republic
1:32:00  The White House Koran belonged to Thomas Jefferson
1:33:00  Telling Jordan Peterson about Secular Koranism
1:34:00  Having faith

Monday, 17 April 2023

Will the Estuary Protocols allow any of these 30 questions?

  1. Does America need an official religion?
  2. Has representative democracy failed?
  3. Is America a Christian nation?
  4. What Christian principles does the government support?
  5. If your government does not support any Christian principles, doesn't that mean Christianity has failed?
  6. What are Christian principles?
  7. If the official moral and political orthodoxy of America is not Christo-Liberalism, what is it?
  8. Was Christianity meant to fail because of its idolatry?
  9. Is God waiting patiently for Christians to realise that Christianity is idolatry?
  10. Is idolatry the worship of anything that isn't God?
  11. How is Christianity not idolatry?
  12. How is Jesus God?
  13. Is the Trinity idolatry?
  14. Isn't idolatry a mortal sin in Christianity?
  15. Is associating partners with God worse than idolatry?
  16. Is Christianity associating partners with God?
  17. Why did God if He exists allow three Christian global empires to rise if He does not approve of idolatry?
  18. Did God create a Universe in which the sin is its own punishment?
  19. Why did the Founding Fathers reject Christianity and monarchy?
  20. Was the American Revolution a rejection of Christianity and monarchy, confirmed in the French Revolution and reconfirmed in the Russian Revolution?
  21. Was the First Amendment based on
  22. What is the authority for the proposition that Jesus is God?
  23. Which is easiest to believe and why? a) Arianism  b) Trinitarianism  c) Unitarianism
  24. Why was Arianism under Constantine the Great and his son abandoned in favour of Trinitarianism in the Edict of Thessalonica of 380?
  25. Was the Doctrine of the Trinity cooked up at Nicaea by a bunch of bishops who couldn't even agree, called to a council by an emperor who wasn't even Christian?
  26. Do Judaism and Islam have higher status scripture than Christianity because their scripture are believed by Jews and Muslims respectively to be the Word of God while the New Testament was only written by mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance testifying that they met an executed blasphemer? 
  27. What was Thomas Jefferson trying to communicate to future generations of Americans with the Jefferson Bible?
  28. If you had to base your theocracy on the Koran or the New Testament, which would you choose and why?
  29. If God exists and did indeed reveal the Torah and Koran to humanity, how offended would He be if Christians continue to prefer the word of mortal and fallible men when they could be rightly-guided by the Koran? 
  30. Why is the Athanasian creed - which is authority for the proposition that Jesus is God - never mentioned these days? 


I may journalistically investigated

Well, good news and bad news dear Claire. 

I have a very senior journalist friend from one of the UK's major broadsheets interested in an interview with you regarding your secular koranic stuff. 

While she is fully aware I think it's all a total croc of disingenuous sh*t, she is rightly, as any open-minded journalist without their own knowledge on the subject, reserving any conclusion until after the fact. 

However, there are a few things she wants clarifying before agreeing to an interview and revealing herself to you. She has said she is not prepared to waste time researching if she can't clarify even the basics. Although she will be "happy" to research if she can't get answers and feels it does indeed need investigating! So you have in effect created your own dilemma here!

These are:

1. When was your secular koranism founded, by whom and who are the principal officers

2. Where is your base (she has seen that you have no website which she says she finds very strange)

3. As a claimed "legal system" have you lodged paperwork or claims anywhere, and can she have a copy of your "constitution and claims" - that is, the documentation you would use as a basis for your koranism.

4. Most importantly, secular koranism, as a claimed "legal" system, and she having worked for the same newspaper for 23 years, she would like you to prove your claim that the media is run by the CIA.

5. She would also like proof of your claim that the Koran is Zionist (she is not Jewish by the way), given that the world as a whole understands that:

"Zionism is a nationalist movement, dating back to the mid to late 1800's that espouses the establishment of, and support for, a homeland for the Jewish people centred in the area roughly corresponding to what is known in Jewish tradition as the Land of Israel" which is about as far from the Muslim holy book as you can get.

She also has concerns (as I pointed out and showed her) that you continually use Jewish references in some 60% of your reposts that could be interpreted as negative and pointedly antisemitic. She is very worried that this is your intention. She also wants to know why you publicise "radicalisedrabbi" (which she agrees gives credence to my claim of your subliminal antisemitism) whereas, if it's about secular koranism, it should be, as I suggested, "radicalisedimam". 

She is very curious as to your continual Jewish references for something that's meant to be Islamic-related and secular.

I will add that she finds points 4 and 5 above in particular of concern to her.

If you can supply this, you are on your way to an interview. 

Do bear in mind that if you can't, she may take a different path (one that incudes the famous "XXX declined to comment" which of course is the most negative PR you could wish for, and we all know that liars, thieves and criminals all say "no comment" when all know they are guilty).

I can only advise that it is not best practice to get the back up of an award-winning and very highly-respected investigative journalist. She has also taken note of my observance that 90% of the time you reply to people by asking a question, and has stated that if she does agree to an interview, if you start asking questions in response to her original questions (as I showed her from your timeline), she will terminate the interview without hesitation.

Although I'm not a regular user of Facebook Messenger, you can send me a Word (or other) document with your response therein which I will pass on.

Claire Khaw

'1. When was your secular koranism founded, by whom and who are the principal officers'
Secular Koranism is not an organisation but an IDEA. I first blogged about it in November 2009 on my blog of Voice of Reason whose link Facebook rejects.

'2. Where is your base (she has seen that you have no website which she says she finds very strange)'
I have LinkTree which Facebook also rejects but you can find it if you search "Secular Koranism".

'3. As a claimed "legal system" have you lodged paperwork or claims anywhere, and can she have a copy of your "constitution and claims" - that is, the documentation you would use as a basis for your koranism.'
To understand Secular Koranism properly, you would have to read the Koran identifying the verses that are Commandments of Allah capable of being made into legislation.

"4. Most importantly, secular koranism, as a claimed "legal" system, and she having worked for the same newspaper for 23 years, she would like you to prove your claim that the media is run by the CIA."
Of course I cannot prove it!

"5. She would also like proof of your claim that the Koran is Zionist (she is not Jewish by the way), given that the world as a whole understands that" acknowledges a Jewish homeland, does it not?

'She also has concerns (as I pointed out and showed her) that you continually use Jewish references in some 60% of your reposts that could be interpreted as negative and pointedly antisemitic. She is very worried that this is your intention. She also wants to know why you publicise "radicalisedrabbi" (which she agrees gives credence to my claim of your subliminal antisemitism) whereas, if it's about secular koranism, it should be, as I suggested, "radicalisedimam". '
I am saying rabbis should be more radical in discouraging idolatry by explaining the nature and purpose of the Noahide laws forbidding idolatry and blasphemy.

I say they should be ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws to make their point, but they refuse, presumably because they are still terrified of offending their Christian overlords.

"She is very curious as to your continual Jewish references for something that's meant to be Islamic-related and secular."
I am saying that the Torah and Koran support each other and demonstrate
a) lower status Christian scripture which is only the word of mortal and fallible men testifying that they met Jesus compared to the Word of God in the Torah and Koran
b) the idolatry of Christianity

I am saying Jews and Muslims should be supporting each other in pointing out the idolatry of Christianity but are still too afraid of their Christian overlords to do so.

Secular Koranism is intended to unite social conservatives of all races and religions in the West as well as all the nations of the world while protecting the freedom of belief of individuals - a human right granted by the Koran to all of humanity.

I call my proposed moral and legal political system Secular Koranism because I respect the secular nature of Western governments and want to make the point that Secular Koranism intends to respect and protect freedom of belief and is a supporter of the First Amendment based on

"I can only advise that it is not best practice to get the back up of an award-winning and very highly-respected investigative journalist. She has also taken note of my observance that 90% of the time you reply to people by asking a question, and has stated that if she does agree to an interview, if you start asking questions in response to her original questions (as I showed her from your timeline), she will terminate the interview without hesitation."
I pride myself in my questions that are more informative than most people's answers.

My thesis is threefold: theological, philosophical and political.

Sunday, 16 April 2023

Vincent Bruno and I discuss strategy

5:00  Paul Vander Klay
7:00  Jordan Peterson
11:00  Vincent Bruno on Norvin Hobbs' channel 
17:00  Angela David
18:00  Homosexuality is a belief system.
21:00  Angela David is probably demi-liberal
22:00  We should attack the biggest religious group ie Christianity. 
24:00  Small minded people talk about people.
25:00  Vincent doesn't want to move as quickly as me. 
27:00  Hidden idolatry of Jews, Christians and Muslims
29:00  Carol's hidden idolatry of refusing to obey
30:00  Excommunicating Carol from Secular Koranism would be pointless.
32:00  Vincent accuses me of being a media whore.
35:00  Jehovah's Witness
37:00  Vincent Bruno says his Facebook contacts mock him by calling him rabbi. 
40:00  Vincent Bruno on Norvin Hobbs
41:00  My promotion of Secular Koranism is genuine, Vincent's promotion of Noahidism is malign encouragement. 
42:00  Vincent says he has converted people to Noahidism.
44:00  I prefer to sell Secular Koranism to the ruling classes directly. 
46:00  Jehovah's Witnesses are not as worldly as Mormons. 
48:00  Why doesn't Vincent just ban social conservatism?
49:00  Vincent does not expect to see the fruits of his labour.
51:00  Alan Cecil
52:00  Faturechi and Randos United
53:00  Chino conference in May 2023
55:00  Vincent on Norvin
57:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
58:00  Vincent wants to be the only fish in his little pond. 
1:01:00  Noahides
1:02:00  Power and fame
1:09:00  Sharia, Jacob Faturechi, Michael Servetus, John Calvin
1:11:00  Twitter
1:12:00  Neurotic middle class people like Shari who claims she is concerned about "vulnerable people" in their community - who are these "vulnerable people" anyway?
1:13:00  John Gischala

1:14:00  Reading continues.

1:21:00  Jews and Muslims are guilty of hidden idolatry.
1:22:00  Nobody has a leader and nobody has any principles. 
1:23:00  The point of having principles
1:24:00  What Americans do if their laws are bad?
1:25:00  The pursuit of happiness
1:26:00  Westerners can no longer organise a piss up in a brewery.

Reading continues.

1:34:00  Antisemitism
1:36:00  The purpose of freemasons
1:38:00  I, theologian
1:39:00  Dooooovid's Week in Review

Jacob Faturechi talks about my Dark Arts

24:00  “Excessive catastrophosing and drama” - time to stop that, Jacob. Chad was absolutely right about you. I don’t have any of that on my channel. Why not make me admin here and see how people get on under the new regime? You'll get loads more viewers and more subscribers, but forget getting or staying monetised.

36:00  Jacob cries.

59:00  Too little masculinity

If I were in charge of this channel most women would stay the fuck away and stop derailing the conversation. Jacob is so effeminate he derails his own monologues.

If I were in charge of this channel most women would stay the fuck away and stop derailing the conversation. Jacob is so effeminate he derails his own monologues.

Grow up and man up, guys.

1:05:00  Stop with your lashon hara, Jacob. Christians in monasteries would have vows of silence.

1:08:00. I should be high status here.

1:09:00  You elevate yourself by defaming others.

1:13:00  Who should be the arbiter of good and evil if God does not exist?

1:14:00  Our judges should be wise, whether not God exists.

1:15:00 Leaders are accountable. How accountable is Jacob?

1:16:00  Who is the shepherd here?

1:19:00 Some parents are stupid or mad or just hate their own children.

1:32:00  "Are you talking about Claire Khaw?"

1:34:00 Can’t win with you guys, can I? Nice or nasty, you’ll still hate me.

1:34:00  Shari: "[Claire Khaw's] investment in this community is to see it destroyed."

1:40:00  Shari compares me to a murderer, for some reason.

1:42:00  I am the vaccine to what disease, exactly?

1:45:00 Hey, I went to drama school!

1:46:00 Shari wants me gone.

1:48:00 The Trinity is vulnerable because it is morally and intellectually indefensible.

Here’s the deal, Jacob: what do you think is going to happen if you let Shari run this channel instead of me?

1:52:00 Shari fears for the Trinity. She should blame the Founding Fathers.

1:51:00  The Trinity

1:58:00  Stepping stone

2:01:00  Shari says being associated with me could get them into trouble with YouTube and is not over the moon about me possibly coming to Chino.

2:01:00 I only asked if I would be welcome and expressed surprise when Jacob said I would be!

2:01:00  Michael was involved in Occupy Wall Street.

2:09:00  Joe Rogan

2:08:00  Jordan Peterson and Jonathan Pageau

2:16:00  Apparently, I am "spiritually broken" but "still human". 

Saturday, 15 April 2023

How Jews could identify Amalek and LEGALLY and PEACEFULLY obey the commandment to "exterminate" them

1:00  My concern for Christians
4:00  Sam Adams
5:00  Unitarianism
7:00  Idolatry
8:00  Christianity is just lifetime membership to being white and middle class.
9:00  Neurotic middle class white people v wignats
10:00  Trump supporters
11:00  Idolatry
12:00  The opportunity cost of being idolaters
14:00  Imperialism
15:00  Statecraft
16:00  China's choice of Marxism
20:00  Gatekeepers
21:00  Amalek
22:00  Jews
24:00  Ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
26:00  How Jews could "exterminate" Amalek peacefully and legally
29:00  WW3
31:00  The harm of idolatry is the opportunity cost of being rightly guided by the Koran.
34:00  How long have Christians been wrong?
35:00  Unitarian Christianity is a step closer to Islam.
36:00  Are Christians Amalek?
37:00  Sam Adams
38:00  Can you be Amalek without realising it?
39:00  613 laws of Jews contain the command to exterminate Amalek.
45:00  Hidden idolatry
48:00  WW3 divine punishment for Jews, Christians and Muslims

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...