Thursday, 13 April 2023

Paul Kingsnorth thinks going to a different church on Sundays is going to save the world and the environment

3:00  Claire Khaw has a solution called Secular Koranism which it seems no Western public intellectual will discuss.

28:00  Satanism is encouraged under the matriarchy.

30:00  What is the solution to what problem?

33:00  Feminism bribes men with extramarital sex to make them quiescent in their matriarchy. Is Paul Kingsnorth a married father?

35:00  Environmentalism is our new religion.

36:00  The answer is to restore the patriarchy.

37:00  Individualism = the characteristic of men who think of themselves as libertarians who cannot organise so much as a piss-up in a brewery?

42:00  The problem can be solved by having a window box?

45:00  What religion is individualism?

46:00  Is the problem Christianity?

1:13:00  So the solution is to live like the Amish? White flight?

1:18:00  "Something will happen" = the penny will drop that Christo-Liberalism is kaput?

1:19:00  What law of God? The Noahide laws?

1:20:00  What should we do? Solve the problem. The problem of America not having an official religion can be solved by having an official religion.  "Hunkering down" = more white flight

1:21:00  The time has come to read manifestos, not more novels. Novels are fiction. Fiction is what isn't real, isn't it, boys and girls? Time to grow up, boys and girls.

1:22:00  Is this discussion really about aesthetics, or the solutionlessness of directionless frightened people who do not have a functioning moral system retreating into fantasy?

1:23:00  No religion, no community.

1:24:00  No one would build a cathedral now.

1:26:00  Survival of the fittest religion

1:29:00  Icons are idolatry forbidden by God in His Commandments.

1:30:00  The worship of anything that isn't God is idolatry.

1:31:00  Christians think God is Jesus. Jews and Muslims don't agree and think it is idolatry. Christians deceive themselves when they pretend it doesn't matter.

I  see Paul Kingsnorth has a Wikipedia entry. The kind of narcissism that makes someone think that the world will change direction just because he goes to a different church on Sunday never ceases to astonish me. So utterly denuded of masculinity are Western European men that they think embracing Putin's Christianity will save them. 

Imagine going to Oxford and not being able to understand idolatry as it is defined by Jews and Muslims. Imagine so lacking in self-awareness and being so willfully blind as to think it does not matter if he is guilty of idolatry while incessantly making pious references to God. 

People on their deathbed retreat into the past and fantasy, back into childhood. It seems the people who want to save themselves might just be the immigrants you are being replaced with because the locals have simply lost the will to live.

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