Monday, 3 April 2023

Vincent Bruno and I discuss the future of the two forces for social conservatism: Noahidism and Secular Koranism

Luke Ford
1:00  Eleanor Roosevelt
2:00  Dennis Prager
4:00  Aaron Amihud
5:00  Conversion to Orthodox Judaism
6:00  Desmond Ford

10:00  DALMATIAN DOG joins.
11:00  Ralph Masilamani of |House of Comments

12:00  Dalmatian Dog claims he is being spied on. 
26:00  Usury
28:00  Vincent's "Jewishness"

Reading continues

31:00  Measuring the achievement of empires
34:00  Collective punishment
35:00  for Jews
36:00  Mein Kampf
37:00  Empires of Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists
39:00  The difference between religion and politics is distinction without a difference.
40:00  Communism is a secular religion.
41:00  Is usury harmful?
52:00  Guild system
54:00  Noahide economic system
56:00  WW3
57:00  Japan
1:00:00  Federal Reserve is the private bank.
1:02:00  Jews are not supposed to practise usury on each other.

1:05:00  SAM SAMUELS rejoins.
1:12:00  Muslims cheat about usury.
1:14:00  Deviant Jews like George Soros and Yuval Harari
1:15:00  True democracy in Israel
1:19:00  Israel's rent a mob
1:20:00  WW3
1:21:00  Nuking the dollar instead of having a nuclear holocaust

1:22:00  Reading continues

1:26:00  Adam Green
1:28:00  Theosophical Society linked to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
1:29:00  John Dulles of OSS which later became the CIA
1:36:00  Sam is sorry.
 Rabbi Kahane

1:41:00  "Obiden"
1:43:00  Madam Blavatsky
1:44:00  The occult is to hide. 
1:48:00  Stephen J James and his intellectualism
1:49:00  Israelis are pro-American.
1:50:00  America is the enemy to world peace. 
1:51:00  Americans both Jews and gentiles are a rabbit in headlights.  
1:53:00  America is the sore loser. 
1:54:00  America is a rotten place. 
1:55:00  Vincent: The Noahide laws will prevent WW3.
2:00:00  Adam Green

2:04:00  CK is left after Sam leaves.

2:06:00  Reading continues.

2:10:00  Let's stop playing the blame game. 
2:12:00  Jews and Muslims on Twitter can easily do what I propose to discharge their duty.
2:14:00  Christianity must be denounced by Jews and Muslims before it starts a Third World War.

My proposal for a Vincent and Claire Beauty Contest

2:15:00  Another meaningless UN proclamation

2:17:00  Noahides shouldn't kill other Noahides.
2:18:00  Vincent and I should be more influential on social media.
2:20:00  Noahidism v Secular Koranism

What would happen if Vincent became the first Secular Koranist of America

2:21:00  Vincent Bruno would have a higher status any other American political activist if he was the first gay Secular Koranist.

Secular Koranism is for non-Muslim white people in the West.

2:22:00  Koranic Noahidism
2:23:00  Rabbinically guided Noahidism is a minority within a minority within a minority within a minority.
2:25:00  Vincent and I are both betting on Jews.
2:26:00  Vincent and I are both notorious.
2:27:00  Dumping the dollar
2:29:00  Vincent believes Noahidism will be adopted because he wants it to adopted. 
2:31:00  China's diplomatic moves against America
2:32:00  Vincent is the most high status anti-establishment American political activist with a background in theology.  
2:34:00  Vincent can begin a national conversation on the failure of Christo-Liberalism.
Carol is only an anonymous avatar.

Athanasian Creed shorter than George Washington farewell speech.

2:26:00  Chatgpt is the future.
2:37:00  NPC
2:38:00  Luke Ford
2:39:00  Luke Ford's claim that wignats kill people
2:41:00  Koranic Noahidism 
2:42:00  Messed up Muslims
2:43:00  Koranic principles protects gay people.
2:45:00  Rabbis not explaining the harm of idolatry to gentiles. 
2:47:00  The clear blue water between Secular Koranism and Noahidism
2:49:00  Vincent is looking for recognition.  
2:51:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
2:52:00  Atheism is subsequent to belief in God.
2:53:00  Christians are defenceless against accusations of idolatry. 
2:57:00  Vincent and I would be doing what Jews and Muslims are afraid to do.
2:59:00  Going for the jugular of idolatry and blasphemy
3:00:00  Koranic Noahidism website
3:01:00  Nationalism should be defined as government in the national interest. 
3:06:00  Unearned Jewish privilege

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