Saturday, 22 April 2023

Men too terrified of being seen to be discussing whether porn should be banned

1:41:00  Übermensch - the ideal superior man of the future who could rise above conventional Christian morality to create and impose his own values, originally described by Nietzsche in Thus Spake Zarathustra (1883–5).

1:42:00  Who was the greater Ubermensch? a) Muhammad  b) Jesus

1:46:00 Your gender role should agree with your sex organs. If not, you may be suffering from a mental health issue or a character defect.

1:47:00  You don't have to be Christian to be able to say with certainty that a woman is an individual born with female sex organs.

1:49:00  You can judge your action by the result. But how do we know if the result is good? And do we know if it is the short, medium or long term good?

1:50:00  People should distinguish between fact and opinion.

1:51:00  What Louis Wain means to say is that a hundred years ago, Westerners would be under more or less the same moral system and this would impose a certain similarity of outlook.

1:52:00  Modernity = feminism?

1:54:00  Florentinian Catholics in Dante's time would agree on Catholic doctrine, but would individually sin and arrive in the different circles of hell. .

1:55:00  What does Louis Wain think of the Noahide laws?

1:58:00  Sally-Jo says: "Holy War is part of the human norm." A very profound statement!

2:08:00 Time stamps to the bits Mark found objectionable at if he can provide them. He probably objects to the comments in the chat by Secular Koranism with American Characteristics.

2:21:00  Mark seems to be saying "In the long run we are all dead so it is OK for America to nuke Japan twice."

2:38:00  Mark implicitly asks feminists to acknowledge the contribution of men.

2:40:00  Corporal punishment serves a purpose and is supported by the Koran.

2:41:00  Wives are scarier than WW3!

2:43:00  Frivolity is a sign of decadence.

2:44:00  "Are you looking for the solution to despair?"

2:51:00  Peterson is the best you got, but your best should be better.

2:56:00  Knowledge can be passed on.

2:58:00 Hierarchy requires patriarchy.

3:04:00 Evil is what God forbids.

3:09:00  It seems Mark is a follower of Vervaeke.

3:17:00  It is reasonable to have faith.

3:24:00  Why is A2TMC playing with his hair like a woman?

3:27:00  Western nations need a functioning moral system.

3:29:00 can help men who don't know they are men or women.

3:32:00  Ideas can be evil.

3:34:00  Islam would give America an ethical foreign policy.

3:41:00  Talking about Tyler

3:50:00  Screw which people who never built anything for a reason? Are you talking about philosophers?

3:51:00  The real meaning of Moby Dick

3:52:00 A2TMC dropped out of a Film Studies course because it had a feminist interpretation

3:57:00  It is now obvious to me what Moby Dick was about. Who will discuss it with me?

Rosenberg says that Melville fully explores the theme of sexuality in his major epic poem, Clarel. When the narrator is separated from Ruth, with whom he has fallen in love, he is free to explore other sexual (and religious) possibilities before deciding at the end of the poem to participate in the ritualistic order represented by marriage. In the course of the poem, "he considers every form of sexual orientation – celibacy, homosexuality, hedonism, and heterosexuality – raising the same kinds of questions as when he considers Islam or Democracy".

The protagonist in Moby Dick was called Ishmael, was he not?

4:22:00  We can both type and speak, but if what I say and write is clearer and what I say is true and what you say is not, I win, even if you kill me, if God exists. 

4:51:00  Plato should have been talking about a Philosopher Caliph in his Republic.

4:59:00  What doesn't Mark like about the Spiritual Homes theme? It actually attracts me greatly.

5:04:00  What if people want to talk about the 30 questions at

5:53:00 Why is hypothesising unhelpful?

5:54:00 What is wrong with rationalisation?

5:56:00  Why are you so terrified of being seen to be proposing to ban porn?

5:57:00  Can you give an example of "crazy legalism"?

6:02:00  What does it mean to "integrate your vices"? What are laws for if not to ban criminal behaviour? Shouldn't child porn be banned?

6:20:00  Rules are made to be broken.

6:31:00  So Ethan is now an Orthodox Christian. How is going to a different church on Sundays and not daring to be seen to be discussing whether porn should be banned going to change anything?

6:49:00  Jews think of themselves as the open adulterous bride of God, the Catholic Church think of themselves as the Bride of Christ, but the Orthodox Church thinks of itself as the Bridegroom.

6:50:00  Christian men are helpless to fight against evil because they don't really believe in anything even as they pretend they believe in Jesus. Why would evil people be afraid of people who pray to a man dying on a cross? If they believed in the Abrahamic God who forbade idolatry, they would refrain from worshiping Jesus. It's like a behavioural addiction.

6:56:00  These men worship women. Are women like the Trinity? I have already solved its mystery.

7:02:00  OMG. You are not supposed to think of God as a woman! Are we back to the Marian cult again?

7:03:00  Is this anecdote even true?

7:04:00  I have read both the Dao De Ching and the Ecclessiastes. How on earth are they alike?

7:15:00  Man on Fire - "After killing Fuentes with a bomb in his rectum, Creasy searches Kalfus’ home .... "

7:16:00  "Nothing is good or evil, only thinking makes it so."

7:17:00  What was Raj going to say about the Koran on good and evil?

7:20:00  What do Christians willingly do these days? Is Ethan talking about starting another Crusade to exterminate Jews and Muslims at will in the Levant wading waist deep in blood? 

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AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #20 Policy on the aged and the acquisition of wisdom

3:00  SK policy on the elderly 5:00  A talent seeking programme for the elderly 6:00  Living exhibits 8:00  Promoting wisdom 10:00  Ideologi...