Wednesday, 5 April 2023

Kale Zelden talks to Rod Dreher about the state of the American nation

Conservatism is kaput because Christianity is kaput.

Let's face it, white men. The matriarchy hates white men because white men refuse to marry white women. That is why white women who represent the matriarchy want to replace white heterosexual men with foreign men, gay men and transgender people. You guys keep failing their shit tests. Do you even know what what a shit test is?

When Christians admit that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy, you can begin to solve your problem by thinking them through properly. 

If your Christianity is kaput and America needs an official religion and bearing in mind that most Americans are not Jews nor Hindus nor Buddhists, what religion is the only rational and moral choice left?

27:00  The narrative of the Abrahamic God transcends and trumps all narratives.

29:00  The rot is accelerating as the matriarchy widens and deepens.

33:00  "Our democracy" - it doesn't matter whose democracy it is. It should be taken out with the trash.

38:00  Why not have a recognised world religion?

39:00  How many shit tests are you going to fail, guys?  Is it because most white men of fighting age are degenerates who are atheists and nihilists and gender dysphoric men wanting to be women and the generation before them are boomers too worried about their pensions to do anything much except suck their thumbs and sperg on YouTube?

44:00  What are you going to do if they jail and then kill Trump? Suck your thumbs some more and wait for your diapers to be changed by nanny who has left the building with her black boyfriend? That would mean that you fail yet another shit test and deserve to have your civilisation blown up by WW3.

53:00  Let's have a de jure uniparty instead of just a de facto uniparty. George Washington warned against political parties, didn't he?

56:00  Why does the despicable Dreher keep saying he can't stand Trump? He's going to be the last American billionaire to risk  anything for the bunch of ingrates Americans have proven to be. If Dreher is so damned clever, why doesn't he run for office himself? In Europe, all we have is Eurotrash.

1:01:00  Damn right it is about religion. Which religion are you going to use to fight the religion of the matriarchy?

1:02:00  Liberalism failed because liberalism has no scripture. Christianity failed because it is idolatry.

1:03:00  50 years of feminism has destroyed 250 years of liberalism and 2000 years of Christianity. Which religion do you think could defeat feminism?

1:05:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions were all rejections of Christianity and monarchy. Christianity has been failing for 500 years. Do American social conservatives really still think America can limp on without an official religion? 

It was George Washington who said "We must with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion." Which religion could Washington have meant bearing mind that the Founding Fathers took great care to quarantine the church from their state?

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