Wednesday, 30 August 2023

Would a Hindu or Muslim takeover of the West be worse?

2:30  Stream begins.

8:00  Anjem Choudary

9:00  Gossip

11:00  GAZELLE joins.

12:00  Gossip, Rory Stewart and Bugles

The Buggles

15:00  Mulan

19:00  Gender is a social construct.
20:00  History
21:00  Historical narrative of the failure of Christianity
22:00  Gossip
25:00  Nigel Farage
26:00  Pecking order
27:00  Hypocrisy
28:00  Sodomy
29:00  Historians
30:00  Morrison
Decline and Fall of Rome 
31:00  Jinnah
33:00  Paki shop
34:00  Nigel Farage
37:00  Backbiting
38:00  Defamation
41:00  "True skepticism leads to God."
42:00  Knight
43:00  "Performative Chinese woman"

45:00  HEDGEHOG joins to discuss gossip.
51:00  Nigel Farage
53:00  Alpha Course
56:00  KNIGHT asks Gazelle a question about gratitude.
59:00 The paradox of being ungrateful and then grateful to God
1:03:00  Siblings who don't understand
1:04:00  The devil is in the detail
1:07:00  Hasty thinking is the devil, considered conclusions is God.
1:09:00  Intellectuals
1:11:00  Contradictions and logical fallacies
1:17:00  Rory Stewart
1:23:00  Alastair Campbell
1:29:00  Bastards would lower the IQ and GDP of Britain.
1:30:00  Asghar Bukhari
1:35:00  Political wife
1:36:00 Michelle Obama

1:38:00  Vivek Ramaswamy
1:39:00  Nick Fuentes

1:44:00  Belief in God
1:48:00  Mohammed Hijab
1:50:00  Ali Dawah
1:51:00  Andrew Tate and Mohammed Hijab's PhD in philosophy
1:53:00  Leicester
1:54:00  Hyderabad and Uttar Pradesh
1:55:00  Kerala
1:57:00  Indian Muslims
1:59:00  Idolatry
2:03:00  Video of Hindu teacher getting Muslim child slapped by Hindu children.
2:08:00  SAINT IVOR joins.
2:10:00  Modi and Swami Subramaniam
2:11:00  Cold War
2:12:00  Gandhi
2:14:00  Ummah
2:17:00  Pakistan has ended Muslim migration from India.
2:19:00  Leicester
2:20:00  Cricket match
2:21:00  Mohammed Hijab
2:25:00  Caste
2:26:00  Hinduphobia
2:29:00  Mutual provocation of Hindus and Islam
2:30:00  Hindu takeover or Muslim takeover?
2:32:00  Hindu and Muslim attitudes 
2:34:00  Rishi Sunak
2:36:00  India is a twice fallen civilisation.
Hamza Yusuf
2:37:00  Organised religion
2:38:00  Caliphate is empire.
2:40:00  Buddhism
2:41:00  Liberalism over all. 
2:43:00  Jews and Muslims are capable of feeling shame. 
2:44:00  Buddhism is codified Hinduism.
2:45:00  White nationalists are so lacking in self-awareness that they don't know everyone else thinks they are the peasants. 
2:46:00  Why gentiles appropriated the God of Israel
2:47:00  Why Constantine converted Rome to Christianity
2:48:00  When barbarian kings of Europe accepted the bargain of the Catholic Church
2:50:00  Henry II
2:51:00  Henry VIII
2:52:00  Thomas Hobbes
2:53:00  Jews and Muslims have a more questioning faith.
2:54:00  The fragility of Christianity
The Nicene creed
2:55:00  Constantine was an Arian.
2:56:00  The Marian cult
3:00:00  HEDGEHOG rejoins.
3:02:00  Hadith

Does God embody Truth, Logic and Morality? The purpose of Masonry

9:00  CURIOUS GAZELLE joins.

10:00  Rory Stewart

11:00  Janis Turner 

Andrew Tate

21:00  Which is worse? Fornication or sodomy?

22:00  How Secular Koranism would punish extramarital sex?

23:00  I am challenging people to undermine my claim that the Abrahamic God is Truth, Logic and Morality.

24:00  "Gossip reveals more about God." 

25:00  I behave as if I believed in God.

26:00  I am not Muslim.

27:00  Sharia for non-Muslims and Anjem Choudary

28:00  Why won't Muslim political activists support Secular Koranism

29:00  Singing


32:00  ROB joins.

33:00  Alastair Campbell and his pretend shock at antisemites,

35:00  Rory Stewart

36:00  US politics > UK politics

38:00  The proper ordering our political priorities

39:00  No fault divorce undermines patriarchy.

40:00  Marriage maintains male power. 

41:00  Foreign men will at least marry the white local women for UK passports.

42:00  I invite people to challenge my claim that the Abrahamic God is the embodiment of Truth, Logic and Morality.

43:00  Theodicy

44:00  Evil is the price we have to pay for enjoying good. 

45:00  God is the final arbiter of good and evil. 

46:00  Every cloud has a silver lining, every silver lining has a cloud. 

47:00  The meaning of historical disasters ie wars, revolutions, invasions, empires and their collapse

48:00  The collapse of Christianity and their replacements

49:00  Our descendants will know even if we don't. 

50:00  Jews are supposed to thank God even for misfortune. We only examine our actions when we suffer. 

50:00  KNIGHT/SEVEN UP joins says I could be Ismaili.

51:00  I am the Aga Khan of empty Twitter Spaces.

52:00  Knight says he has read Secular Koranism! 

53:00  Knight accuses me of plagiarising Hinduism. 

54:00  We inherit the religions of our parents. 

55:00  You don't have to believe in Islam to adopt Secular Koranism. 

56:00  Trimurti

58:00  Indians dislike proselytising Abrahamic religions.

59:00  Secular Koranism already exists in India.

"Secular Koranism AKA Hinduism"

1:00:00  I encourage Knight to write a book challenging Secular Koranism.

1:01:00  Muslims do not own the intellectual rights to the Koran.

1:02:00  Hinduism failed to protect Indians from Muslim and Christian imperialism. 

1:04:00  Jews and Muslims claim their scripture comes from the Hypothetical Supreme Authority.

1:05:00  Is Secular Koranism intended to rival the golden period of Islam?

1:06:00  Muslims have ignored and distorted Koranic verses.

1:07:00  The Koran requires the death penalty in the interests of justice. 

Love jihad

1:08:00  Muslims are not supposed to marry idolaters. Hinduism is idolatry. 

1:09:00  Are Freemasons submarines?

1:10:00  Rewards for Jews and Muslims who denounce Christianity

1:11:00  Moses was the original mason. 

1:12:00  The purpose of masonry

1:13:00  Knights Templar

1:15:00  Catholics are not allowed to become Masons.

1:16:00  Christians and Freemasonry

1:17:00  Reasons for joining the local masonic lodge

1:18:00  Sex Revolution

1:19:00  Lower middle class membership

1:20:00  Freemason's Hall

Masonry conflated with Jews,

1:23:00  Secret Seven

1:24:00  Higher power

1:26:00  Masons learning their lines

I am the Queen of Innovation.

1:29:00  Christianity

1:30:00  Confirmation classes

1:31:00  My objection to the Hadith

1:33:00  Muslims and other people don't like reading scripture.

Monday, 28 August 2023

Tom Sunic on imperialism, nationalism and religion: "Antisemitism is a form of neurosis and schizophrenia"

Piers Mellor:  So the political landscape is still characterized by governance of opportunistic postcommunist elites riding upon petty-nationalist sentiment?

Tom SunicYes – I don’t know to what extent you yourself, and for that matter your distinguished readers and listeners, are familiar with the Balkans and with different inter-ethnic issues. I guess I don’t know where to start – we could probably go to the Berlin Congress of 1878, when this whole idea of bringing different nations, and different clients, came to a fore. But other than that, of course, as I mentioned earlier you have a very strong communist mindset – we are not talking about an ideology, but rather an anthropology. So, we could say that in terms of communism as an anthropology, it is still unfortunately very strong here in all aspects, in virtually all nooks and crannies of the Croatian society.

3:00  Bosnia-Herzegovina
4:00  Claustrophobic Balkans
5:00  Bosnia and Herzegovina the jewel in the crown of the Ottoman Empire
7:00  Ottoman bridges
8:00  Baroque buildings Austrian
9:00  Empires and nations are constructs.
10:00  British Empire
12:00  Winston Churchill, Iraqis and Palestinians
13:00  Croatian Catholic
14:00  Croatians are Slavs.
15:00  Hungary and Romania
16:00  Poles and Germans
17:00  America would be invested in demonising nationalism.
18:00  White nationalism
19:00  America encouraging Ukrainian nationalism to hurt Russia.
20:00  Imperial policy of divide and rule, IMF
22:00  Moral system
23:00  Muslim Bosnia-Herzogovina
25:00  Belgrade
27:00  Bosnians look to Turkey
29:00  Failure of Christianity and Nietzsche
34:00  NATO
36:00  Polytheism or monotheism?
38:00  Aldous Huxley
39:00  Tolerance of paganism under Roman Empire
40:00  Christo-Liberalism
41:00  Homer
42:00  Catholic Church and Cromwell
43:00  Muslims
44:00  Turks
45:00  Vienna and Deuteronomy
46:00  Christian imperialism
47:00  Gibbon blamed the fall of Rome on Christianity.
49:00  Communism
50:00  The End of History, Christianity and Communism
51:00  Yugoslavic victimology
52:00  Religion
53:00  American Republic
54:00  "Claire, I fully agree with you."
55:00  American Civil War
56:00  "Antisemitism is a form of neurosis or schizophrenia."
58:00  The God of Israel was culturally appropriated from Jews by gentiles.
59:00  The nature and purpose of religion
Rejection of Christianity by the Founding Fathers

Discussing David Brooks on why people are so mean these days with Luke Ford and Doooovid

2:00:00  I join.

Secular Koranism is available at

2:01:00  Secular Koranism - not a cult!
2:02:00  Free speech protects the ruling classes. 
2:03:00  Curious Gazelle
2:05:00  Theocracy
2:07:00  I ask why Secular Koranism is "incoherent" and do not get a coherent answer. 
2:08:00  How is social conservatism ie respecting the institutions of marriage and the family for non-Muslims "incoherent"?
2:09:00  I am the Karl Marx the Theocrats.
2:10:00  Why people are so mean these days
2:11:00  Why more and more people become the toilet attendants of their pets
2:12:00  Why do women dress up as anime characters?

2:13:00  Materialist ideologies like capitalism and communism do not take into account the spiritual needs of capitalists and communists.
2:14:00  Self-esteem comes with being purposeful and enjoying what you do.

Curious Gazelle likes trolling people with Secular Koranism.

2:16:00  Rating for being mean
2:17:00  Being cursed by God
2:21:00  Being mean to Doooovid
2:22:00  Jim Bowden

Me being mean to Doooovid

2:26:00  Online relationships

2:30:00  God is above man.

2:31:00  David Brooks 

2:33:00  Republicans

2:34:00  Benjamin Disraeli

2:35:00  Rishi Sunak and Vivek Ramaswamy

2:26:00  Anglicans mocking their religion within minutes of meeting you.

2:37:00  Shallow Christianity

2:38:00  Alleged atheism of Donald Trump

2:40:00  Luke's Jewish identity

2:41:00  Racism and sexism

2:44:00  Post-truth society sanctifiies the lived experience of individuals.

2:45:00  David Brooks

2:46:00  Objective morality based on a moral system

2:47:00  The Founding Fathers were proto-Muslim because they passed the First Amendment.

2:48:00  Who are we and how do others see us?

2:49:00  The wrapper of agnosticism better sells Secular Koranism to non-Muslims, my target group.

2:53:00  Moral education and Jewish emancipation

2:54:00  There will be a never-ending culture wars without religion.

2:56:00  Andrew Tate v Nick Fuentes

2:57:00  Andrew and Tristan Tate have social conservatism in the bag.

3:00:00  Christianity
3:01:00  Roosh V
3:03:00  Nick Fuentes
3:04:00  Tucker Carlson
3:05:00  The American Revolution
3:06:00  Polygamous Mormons v Monogamous Christians
3:07:00  The Wars of the Reformation
3:08:00  Agnosticism
3:09:00  Hypocrites who only claim to believe in God
3:10:00  Try the right moral system for a change.
3:11:00  Is Black Lives Matter liberalism?
3:12:00  Acting as if one believed in God

Friday, 25 August 2023

Vincent Bruno will no longer appear on Israeli News Live with Steve and Yana

1:00  Israeli News Live
5:00  Dispensationalism
6:00  Sam Samuels
10:00  Covenant theology
16:00  Anglicanism and Israel
17:00  Jewish and Christian Zionism
24:00  American Gnosticism
27:00  Graeco-Roman polytheist beliefs
28:00  Three global Christian empires
31:00  The Abrahamic God until the American Revolution
32:00  Edict of Thessalonica
33:00  Barbarian kingdoms of Europe
34:00  The Wars of the Reformation in the Spanish American War when WASP supremacy begain.
35:00  Indentured servitude of Europeans
40:00  All the five world religions support marriage.
41:00  Marriage can only be supported by religion. 
42:00  Saturation coverage of Secular Koranism before its adoption
44:00  There will always be more poor people than rich people. 
46:00  Trump and Steve Bannon
47:00  Values and artificial wombs
48:00  Jonah and licensed brothels
50:00  Cheaper sex in brothels
51:00  Premier Inn pickups
52:00  Love hotels
53:00  Scared or stupid?
54:00  Vivek Ramaswamy the Hindu monotheist
55:00  Vivek's Zionism
56:00  Republican Presidential candidate
57:00  Panama Canal

59:00  Rearranging the social hierarchy

1:01:00  Better government globally under Secular Koranism

1:02:00  America's first gay Secular Koranist

1:04:00  LGBT rights under Secular Koranism

1:06:00  Noahide laws

1:09:00  The Koran is clearer.

1:13:00  Secular Koranism as an equaliser between secular and religious Jews in Israel

1:17:00  The rest of the West

Hedgehog wants to smash Secular Koranism like he would a Rubik's cube

4:00  Gazelle sings.

7:00  Hitchslap

10:00  Talking about IQ is a dead giveaway of white nationalism.


19:00  ROB joins.

23:00  Vivek Ramaswamy on fatherless homes

24:00  David Starkey said whites have become black

25:00  Racial consciousness

27:00  Greg Johnson

29:00  Luke Ford

30:00  Does religious practice mean belief in the Abrahamic God who rewards good and punishes evil in this life or the next?

32:00  Doooovid

34:00  Martyrdom

35:00  Muslims enjoy greater group solidarity than other religious groups.

36:00  Mark Collett

38:00  British working classes mostly atheist

39:00  Christians

45:00  Ireland

46:00  Thomas Hardy

47:00  An attractive English identity

49:00  A national identity

51:00  Motherhood and equal pay

52:00  My spaceworthy vessel analogy

53:00  The Fourth Estate is controlled by the CIA.

55:00  The Correction

56:00  Keith Joseph and Ann Coulter

57:00  Vivek Ramaswamy copycatting Barack Obama

1:04:00  Secularism and feminism as a religion

1:05:00  Jordan Peterson

1:06:00  Bad taste to ask if a person believes in God.

1:07:00  Theocracy

1:10:00  HEDGEHOG joins.

1:13:00  Intelligence and wisdom

1:17:00  Passing the 11+

1:22:00  Employment selection

1:25:00  Sam Harris and Rory Stewart

1:28:00  My attempt at summarising what Hedgehog says and Lee Kuan Yew

1:29:00  Dunning Kruger Syndrome

1:31:00  Jordan Peterson

1:32:00  Cross-eyed people like Mark Collett and alcoholics

1:34:00  Hitchslap

1:36:00  IQ is his pet subject.

1:39:00  Luke Ford

1:40:00  Desmond Ford

1:42:00  Dennis Prager

1:48:00  Blaspheming against Islam

1:50:00  I am wiser than most.

1:54:00  Book of Galatians

1:56:00  Rugby

1:58:00  If Hedgehog were CEO, who would he hire?

1:59:00  Marriage broker

2:00:00  Secular Koranism and Hitchslap

2:03:00  Trojan horse

2:10:00  Secular Koranism

2:11:00  The Hypocrites - my spiel

2:14:00  Secular Koranism

2:15:00  Gazelle says she is now Secular Koranist.

2:17:00  Christopher Hitchens

2:19:00  Gazelle's voice and mine are very different.

2:21:00  Urdu and English

2:29:00  Cantonese and Mandarin

2:35:00  Accents
2:37:00  Chinese
2:39:00  The Chinese holding phrase that sounds like the N word.
2:41:00  Getting cancelled in China
2:52:00  Tone policing
2:56:00  Jeremy Hunt
2:57:00  Not being political
2:58:00  Being ideological
2:59:00  Being principled
3:02:00  Futurism
3:03:00  Post truth
3:04:00  Good faith
3:05:00  Existential threats
3:08:00  Secular Koranism conceals
3:11:00  The national interest
3:12:00  China and India support marriage.
3:14:00  Married Indian astronauts
3:19:00  Charles and Camilla
3:20:00  The Chinese
3:23:00  Anglo Saxons
3:24:00  Wise leaders
3:26:00  Demographics is destiny.
3:27:00  Post truth
3:32:00  Matthew Goodwin
3:34:00  Hedgehog becomes impassioned at the very idea of Secular Koranism.
3:35:00  Linguistic tools

3:43:00  Gay
3:44:00  Secular Koranism as a training platform for Conservative men to become alpha males
3:45:00  Michael Gove
3:46:00  Winning arguments and Jon Vance
3:53:00  Masculine rage at Secular Koranism
3:54:00  Reversion

OUTBURST by Hedgehog 

3:56:00  Prophet
3:59:00  Hedgehog the technocrat
We are being run by America.
4:00:00  Global Secular Koranism
4:04:00  PHIL GOODMAN joins.
Hedgehog's lack of coherence
4:06:00  Marriage
4:11:00  LGBT rights in China
4:13:00  Abolishing inheritance tax
4:14:00  American Revolution
4:18:00  Founding Fathers
4:19:00  George III
4:20:00  Jefferson Bible
4:21:00  Thomas Jefferson
4:26:00  Unitarianism
4:27:00  American Christianity, American Gnosticism
4:28:00  Stefan Molyneux
4:29:00  The window of free speech is narrowing all the time. 
4:30:00  Trump 100%
4:31:00  Vivek Ramaswamy
4:34:00  Churchill
4:38:00  "Trump is a reckoning."
4:45:00  Fukuyama and DeSantis
4:46:00  Vivek is a surrogate for Trump?
4:49:00  Laura Loomer
4:51:00  Elon Musk
4:52:00  Twitter payouts commented on by Scott Adams
4:56:00  Left years ahead of the right.
4:58:00  Moral imperialism and paedophilia
4:59:00  Appeal for transparency

Thursday, 24 August 2023

Fashion destroying confidence ft Claire Khaw @OfficialSecularKoranism

3:00  Why Islam?
4:00  Islam > Capitalism/Communism
5:00  Doing what we are supposed to do
6:00  Why do Muslims fresh off the boat do better than the indigenous?
7:00  Lower your gaze.
10:00  Our base desires
11:00  Porn addiction
12:00  Liberty and liberalism
13:00  Marriage is a contract of mutual enslavement. 
14:00  Our clothes are our identity. 
16:00  Gender roles and sex
17:00  Clothes to signal our age and marital status
21:00  Instagram etc
22:00  Conspicuous consumption
26:00  Men forbidden to wear silk and gold. 
27:00  Women wearing skirts and men wearing the trousers.
28:00  Cocks and hens
30:00  Arranged marriages
31:00  Maternal roles
33:00  We are our clothes.
35:00  The half and half look
37:00  Beards
39:00  The ingredients of long term partnerships
43:00  Maximising our personal liberty
47:00  Men and women need each other.
49:00  Extreme acts
51:00  Accepting God's decisions
53:00  Career options
55:00  Men and women on different islands
57:00  Unprincipled women
59:00  Body image issues
1:00:00  40 pairs of shoes
1:01:00  Social anxiety
1:03:00  Dress down Friday 
1:04:00  Menswear and womenswear
1:06:00  Self-worth
1:11:00  Elegant and modest
1:14:00  No arranged marriages so scattergun approach used.
1:17:00  Milgram experiment
1:20:00  Scattergun approach and women who want attention
1:25:00  PearlyThingz
1:27:00  The comfort of the familiar
1:32:00  Men respect the power of women by telling them to be modest.
1:33:00  Shoulder pads
1:34:00  Masculine and feminine behaviour
1:35:00  Initiative and leadership v restraint and modesty
1:36:00  Sneaky fuckers
1:40:00  Being served with food and drink
1:43:00  God protects us with His laws.
1:47:00  Blushing virgins
1:49:00  Availability and danger
Women on the pill
1:52:00  Face painting
1:53:00  My avatar

"Islam is very globalist. How would that help the West?"

1:00  Kevin MacDonald
4:00  Mark Collett too afraid of the scrutiny of his fellow nationalists.
5:00  Secular Koranism is fully grown, fully clothed and fully armed. 
7:00  Peak divinity was reached when the Abrahamic God was first conceived.
9:00  Islam is an imperial religion.
10:00  There have been three global Christian empires: the Spanish, British and American.
14:00  The features of having a global empire
15:00  White people who don't know who they are and don't understand their own history
16:00  Kevin MacDonald
17:00  Islam is an imperial religion. 
18:00  European Prime Ministers and Presidents are really the Governor Generals of the American imperium and never think for a moment about the national interest of their American province because to them, it is just an American province taking orders from Washington. Greece became a Roman province in the same way that EU has collectively become the 51st state.  
19:00  Knowing who you are
20:00  Islam can also be a tribal and national religion. 
21:00  Herbivores and infantilised Japanese men repellent to Japanese women
22:00  Mark Collett is not a married father. 
23:00  Marriage is eugenic.
24:00  Islam is an imperial religion because it protects freedom of belief with
25:00  Christian monarchs did not allow their subjects freedom of belief. 
26:00  The English Reformation
27:00  Monogamous monarchs
28:00  Annulments called into question the legitimacy of the children of the annulled marriage.
30:00  Edward VI
31:00  The monarchy should have been replaced then. 
32:00  If Henry VIII had been Muslim, the English Reformation would not have been necessary. 
33:00  Rashidun Caliphate
36:00  The Republic of Venice
39:00  Henry II and King John
41:00  Interdict
44:00  If England had been an Islamic Republic, the English Reformation would not have been necessary.
45:00  Feminism would have been easily challenged and defeated by Islam. 

"Islam is very globalist. How would Islam help the West when Westerners now reject the globalism of the American Empire?"

If by globalist, you mean Islam is imperialist, this cannot be denied because Islam is a universal religion and is in theory capable of achieving global domination. 

The question to ask is whether it would be a good thing. 

If Islam achieves global good government, why would anyone except Islamophobes object?

If sharia is more likely to facilitate good government in the national interest, why would anyone except Islamophobes object?

If nationalism is government in the national interest, and Islam facilitates good government, why would anyone except Islamophobes object?

What is good government? It would be government that is good enough for most people not to say it is a bad government. In short, it has to govern in the national interest.  

What is government in the national interest?

It is government that would maintain the continuing existence and independence of the nation. 

Are most people agreed that their government is not governing in the national interest?

Let us assume that most people in US vassal states acknowledge that they are but US vassal states whose opinions are dismissed by the global hegemon. 

Are Americans themselves happy about how the American empire is being run?

Don't most American voters - if indeed most American voters voted for Trump in 2020 - feel they have had their election victory cancelled by its being stolen? 

Didn't George Washington in his farewell speech advise Americans against political parties?

Didn't he also in his farewell speech talk about Islam?

"Observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all. Religion and morality enjoin this conduct".   


What religion could Washington have meant? Surely not Judaism which requires Jews to exterminate the Amalek and is not in any case for gentiles. Not Christianity whose scripture the New Testament does not mention Christian foreign policy because Jesus did not manage to actually be king of his people before he was executed for blasphemy. Washington could only have meant Islam.

Tuesday, 22 August 2023

5:48 of the Koran explains the divine purpose of tribes and nations

Why people hate my solution even when they can't think of one themselves

4:00  Is Hedgehog's world now Secular Koranic?
5:00  How to undermine Secular Koranism
7:00  Hedgehog has not made any claim but only dismissed mine as being not worthy of consideration. 
8:00  Hedgehog's appeal to authority and accomplishment
9:00  Hedgehog's possibly malign encouragement
11:00  Democracy has not crashed and burned yet.
I am making a prediction, not a claim.

12:00  Failing to list immigration and trannyphobiia as the hot button issue is evidence of his being out of touch with ordinary people, in particular parents.

Housing, Energy Security, Productivity, Transport, Policing.

Whether it's increasing housing supply, becoming net energy exporters, incentivising R&D/maufacturing, building new rail/metro lines, increasing prison capacity/sentences. 

14:00  Non-parents wouldn't care about education and schools

17:00  Female voters

19:00  Being apolitical

20:00  The nature and purpose of moral systems

22:00  The Koran and Communist principles

23:00  No official handbook for liberalism.

24:00  Rights for plebs

25:00  Rigging system

26:00  Why do so many people hate me?

27:00  Having a solution makes me higher in status than those without.

Thursday, 17 August 2023

Talking to Sam Samuels who is convinced that Masons are malevolent

15:00  Maui

18:00  A book was written on climate change two days after the fire.

22:00  Imperial response to Pliny's proposal to start a fire brigade

25:00  The government is the boy who cried wolf.


27:00  Will the people become paradoxically braver as they become frightened?

30:00  Vanguard and Black Rock are the American equivalent of the British East India Company.

31:00  Pirates and privateers

35:00  Joseph Atwill on Hitler

39:00  Americans propose to carry on voting.

40:00  Aztecs religion

43:00  Boomer ideology

46:00  Sex and drugs and rock and roll is the opiate of the people now.

48:00  Tolstoy's War and Peace

49:00  Jewish emancipation was a curate's egg. 

51:00  Rabbinical status

56:00  Liberalism

57:00  Robespierre 

58:00  Freemasons

1:05:00  Antisemites blame Jews for their God who created evil. 

Wednesday, 16 August 2023

Vincent Bruno points out the problem of banning usury and I am vague about the transitional arrangements

11:00  I make excuses for Christian clergy.

13:00  My fish analogy

16:00  Sacred music

18:00  Different Christians and different forms of Christian worship

21:00  Boteach

22:00  God is above American public opinion. 

24:00  Rabbi Mizrachi believes Muslims were sent by God to punish Jews. 

25:00  Liberal Jews should be denounced for their liberalism rather than their Jewishness.

26:00  Secular Jews are heretics. 

27:00  Gentile social conservatives should support rabbis instead of hating Jews. 

28:00  Atheists and theists think and behave very differently. 

29:00  Actions are based on beliefs.  

31:00  Secular Koranism is too liberal. 

33:00  Generation Z 

35:00  Islam Lite

36:00  Interpretation is key. 

Sameera Khan

37:00  Sexually liberated Muslims

38:00  No fault divorce must be abolished.

39:00  Marriage substitutes

40:00  Birth control

41:00  Shaming unprincipled Chrsitians

41:00  The Fourth Estate

42:00  Avril Haines

43:00  Director of National Intelligence

44:00  Tucker Carlson has lost his First Amendment rights. 

Rupert Murdoch has also been marginalised. 

45:00  Alan Dershowitz and Project 65's lawfare

46:00  Trump indictment

48:00  Surely there must be members of the ruling classes who are social conservatives.

49:00  Will Trump be accepted as saviour?

Vincent Bruno as leading light of Secular Koranism to assure LGBT Americans that their right to privacy will be respected?

51:00  Vincent Bruno claims there are Muslims who have become Noahides. 

Muslims are compulsively antisemitic. 

52:00  Muslims mostly pretend to be nice to Jews. 

53:00  Religious groups are the most powerful human groups of all. 

54:00  Supreme Court appointments fought over tooth and nail.

56:00  Trust

57:00  Beyondism

58:00  Suicide, murder, crime

59:00  Governments are already interfering with our belief systems. 

1:00:00  Immigration

1:01:00  My transparent system of rules

1:03:00  Secular Koranism is a safety harness. is guidance required by Americans to tell them that they should assert their right to be men and women. 

1:04:00  Grooming a successor as soon as I come to power

1:06:00  CIA

1:08:00  Free speech protects the ruling classes.

1:10:00  No one ever expects a revolution.

1:11:00  Reintroducing slavery after collapsing the economy

1:12:00  Professional slaves

1:13:00  House prices will become affordable again after the Islamic Revolution banning usury.


1:15:00  Banning usury

1:18:00  Responsible lending and joint ventures

1:20:00  Rebasing the economy

White supremacy

Culture is a product of law and politics. White supremacy is imperial supremacy and all empires fall. To be an empire is to be born. The moment you are born, you begin to die. All empires die for the same reason: lowering standards of sexual morality so much that matriarchy prevails. When that stage is reached, invasion takes place and the indigenous fail to prevent it and are eventually outnumbered. Correction requires a new religion. This happened to imperial Rome when it Christianised. If Islam had been around, Constantine would have adopted it instead. We don’t have the same excuse.

Monday, 14 August 2023

Gay man complains about the degeneracy of heterosexuals + Pride and Prejudice

3:00  Sameera Khan

5:00  Lizzo 

10:00  East and West Africans

11:00  White advocate

12:00  Excommunication

13:00  Try my solution!

Gazelle says she will be a Secular Koranist.

17:00  Sameera Khan

20:00  Daily Mail

27:00  Reading of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

57:00  VINCENT BRUNO refuses to join in the reading.

58:00  Beyondism

1:32:00  Bride and Prejudice

1:45:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins.

1:54:00  Review of Secular Koranism

1:55:00  Disgusting people

1:56:00  Adam Green

1:57:00  Lutheran Church

2:02:00  Freemasonry

2:07:00  Blaming God

2:17:00  Degenerate white nationalists

2:21:00  Better extinct than Muslim?

2:28:00  If Hitler turned up, he would be called an autistic Jewish fed.

2:29:00  Norvin

2:31:00  Homoerotic Nick Fuentes

2:38:00  Mainstream or taboo?

2:41:00  Beyondism, Mormonism and Southern Baptists

2:43:00  Too much diversity

Did God send Muslims to punish Christians and Jews?

7:00  Western imperialism
14:00  Gracious in victory
17:00  Alhambra and Gibraltar
20:00  Why Muslim countries were so easily invaded
24:00  Divine plan to send Muslims to the West?
Neoliberalism and neoconservatism
26:00  Divine plan
28:00  Viktor Frankl
29:00  Our ruling classes do not govern in the national interest.
31:00  The First Amendment
32:00  Wars of the Reformation
33:00  Free speech protects the ruling classes.
34:00  Breaking the thermometer to deal with a heat wave
35:00  Speakers Corner
37:00  Mohammed Hijab
38:00  Civil discussion
40:00  Hatun Tash
41:00  Imperialism
45:00  Benefits of imperialism for conquered countries
48:00  Religion, genetics and culture
50:00  What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
51:00  Victim card
52:00  Bengal famine
54:00  Joseph
56:00  Scapegoating
58:00  A culture of blame
1:01:00  God sent Muslims to punish Christians and Jews.
1:02:00  Why all societies need a moral system
1:05:00  Holding our legislature to account
1:06:00  Making the working classes work
1:07:00  British identity
1:08:00  Jordan is a high trust society.
1:12:00  Why stay in the West?
1:13:00  Materialists measure their success in GDP.
1:14:00  Happiness index and my proposed measure of national wellbeing
1:16:00  Onerous debt burden
1:17:00  Khums
1:19:00  Slavery was the ancient form of welfare.
1:21:00  Workfare
1:23:00  Joseph and his method of slavery

1:30:00  Poetic justice

My sermons to Christians, Jews and Muslims

Sunday, 13 August 2023

Secular Koranism on Legalism in Wikipedia


Happiness Index

26:00  Lashon hara

29:00  Free speech

31:00  Registered users of social media?

32:00  CBT and legalism

33:00  Political scientists

34:00  Confucianism

35:00  Legalists and their stick and carrot

37:00  Operant conditioning

40:00  Jews are supposed to thank God for misfortune.

43:00  Pavlov's bell and classical conditioning

46:00  Marriage counselling

51:00  Draco

1:01:00  GAZELLE joins.


Saturday, 12 August 2023

Talking to Curious Gazelle and Dickson about Secular Koranism

3:00  Israeli anthem


7:00  Lessons of history

9:00  Why not Secular Talmudism?

11:00  Rejecting Hadith where it contradicts of the Koran.

13:00  Hadith requires stoning of adulterers.

14:00  Sam Gerrans

36:00  Javad Hashmi

38:00  Jews and the God of Israel

41:00  The Trinity

44:00  Is my philosemitism really antisemitism?

48:00  N J Dawood

54:00  The Koran

57:00  Hindu scripture

59:00  The Koran

1:02:00  The New Testament

1:05:00  Christianity is the religion of women and slaves.

1:06:00  Deductive reasoning

1:07:00  Theocracy

1:08:00  Time stamps

1;09:00  Where Muslims went wrong

1:10:00  Jews

1:10:00  My premises

1:18:00  Caricature

Rationalism should support empiricism.

Inductive reasoning should agree with deductive reasoning.

1:22:00  Hassan Radwan

1:29:00  The cult of Santa

1:31:00  Robert Spencer

1:33:00  Dickson

1:34:00  The neurosis of atheism

1:36:00  Making your mind up

1:38:00  Has Gazelle changed my life?

1:43:00  I have a dream.

Why empires fall

2:00  Livestream virgin 


7:00  Advice in George Washington's farewell speech ignored.

9:00  DICKSON joins.

Secular Koranism

11:00  White converts to Islam

12:00  On CIA media blacklist

13:00  Andrew Tate and my favourite books

14:00  Mein Kampf and banning usury

Hitler should have converted Nazi Germany to Islam.

17:00  Peter Hitchens

19:00  Dresden

23:00  Selfish Gene 

30:00  Mein Kampf

32:00  Islam

34:00  Islamophobes

37:00  Slavery, prostitution and democracy

38:00  Democracy

The Roman Empire

39:00  Measuring empires through expanse and duration

41:00  Gibbon attributed Christianity to the fall of Rome.

42:00  Gazelle is removed.

44:00  All empires fall just as all mortals die. 

45:00  Bread, circuses and mercenaries

46:00  Plebs and patricians

47:00  First amongst equals

48:00  Disdain for democracy

50:00  The operation succeeded, but the patient died.

51:00  Athenian democracy

52:00  Electoral college

54:00  Trump

55:00   Rodent in a toga

1:00;00  The proposed interrogation of Hedgehog

1:07:00  Prime Ministers with illegitimate offspring

1:08:00  Tony Blair, Wendy Deng and hypocrites

1:11:00  Catholics

1:14:00  Classics

1:15:00  British values

1:16:00  The Anglo Saxons were barbarians. 

1:17:00  Indian stuff

1:22:00  Morrison and the letter Dickson and I proposed writing to her

1:24:00  Indian stuff

1:28:00  Identity issues for whites and non-whites

1:31:00  The material and moral in Kerala

1:32:00  Shame culture

1:33:00  Secular Koranism

1:34:00  Secular Koranism with Indian, Chinese and Israeli Characteristics

1:35:00  Impersonations of Indian personages

1:44:00  Jordan Peterson, testosterone and autism

1:47:00  I am high testosterone. 

1:50:00  Indian stuff

1:58:00  Rodent

2:01:00  Gazelle says she loves me. 

Friday, 11 August 2023

Gazelle and the Morrison letter

1:00  Reading begins of the letter to Morrison

10:00  Asia de Cuba calamari

31:00  Addicted

41:00  Essays

45:00  Back in touch

47:00  Obsession

49:00  Ghosting

50:00  Love

52:00  Belief in God

53:00  Contradiction

54:00  Justin Murphy


57:00  Questioning people

59:00  People cannot bear to be contradicted.

1:00:00  Academically disruptive emotions

1:02:00  Belief in God

1:04:00  Prayer

Benefits of leaving Islam

1:05:00  Belief systems

1:08:00  Intrinsic truth

1:09:00  Religion is a group evolutionary strategy.

1:12:00  Is survival possible without a group?

Declaring the failure of Yockeyites and Evolans and telling them to give up their idolatry


Thursday, 10 August 2023

Curious Gazelle on Pakistani politics, WW3 and the 41 tenets of Andrew Tate 

3:00  A virtuous virgin

10:00  Broken promises 

15:00  Altaf Hussain

18:00  Musharraf

22:00  MQM

25:00  Metropolitan Muhajirs v peasants

26:00  Lahore

28:00  An unwalkable city

30:00  Islamabad

31:00  Fatimah Jinnah 

34:00  Kashmir

35:00  Fatimah Jinnah

40:00  Official cause of death was heart failure.

46:00  Rene Gerard

47:00  Mimesis

52:00  Altaf Hussain scapegoated for terrorism.

54:00  British government

55:00  Changing of name

56:00  Ethno-politics

1:02:00  Freshies and Muslim public schoolboys

1:04:00  Couldn't even get freshies from Pakistan to respect him.

1:05:00  Is Secular Koranism more than a rhetorical device?

1:08:00  Morrison won't be leading the war of Muhajir independence. 

1:16:00  The Post War narrative and the principle of national self-determination

1:17:00  Germans in the Volga, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Austria

1:20:00  History

1:21:00  The cancelled election of 1915

1:24:00  Secular Koranism with Pakistani Characteristics

1:25:00  Elizabeth II crowned in 1952.

1:26:00  Lord Mountbatten

1:27:00  Welfare state and the NHS

1:28:00  Peter Hitchens on WW2

1:57:00  Not a victorious and confident British ruling class

2:00:00  The absorption of Britain into the EU by other means is not the fate of a victorious nation. 

2:01:00  Potsdam Agreement

2:02:00  Dunkirk

2:03:00  The Thucydides Trap

2:06:00  Peter Hitchens

2:07:00  Andrew Tate's tenets and Morrison

2:11:00  No context sex

2:16:00  Kind and feminine

2:21:00  Polymath

2:22:00  Theology

2:24:00  Failed her exams at university

2:30:00  Name

2:38:00  Separatism is sedition.

2:45:00  Possession and possessiveness

2:46:00  Compliance

2:57:00  Vaccines

3:00:00  Schmoozing

3:08:00  Ancestors


3:26:00  Travelling light

3:28:00  AA

3:30:00  "I'd rather die!"

3:31:00  Taboos

3:32:00  Assuming failure and hidden idolatry

3:33:00  Making hijra to Sodom and Gomorrah

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...