Wednesday, 2 August 2023

Talking to Hedgehog on whether university education affects gender relations

12:00  Stream begins.

14:00  Me as therapist

15:00  My therapist's voice

17:00  Broken relationships and the seven year itch

19:00  Disposable relationships

21:00  Our government is encouraging us to destroy ourselves.

23:00  A quasi divorce even if the couple were not married

24:00  Why fornication was forbidden

26:00  Public schoolboys, Will Knowland, Trendy Hendy

28:00  Aristocracy of Anglican public schoolboys

31:00  Grammar school = hardworking and clever

32:00  Streaming in comprehensive schools

33:00  Melanie Phillips

34:00  Marriage

35:00  Try before you buy.

36:00  Free marital counselling and Matrimonial Disputes Tribunals

37:00  Conditions of marriage

39:00  Appointing a Friend of the Marriage

40:00  I propose that Tribunal Members of Matrimonial Disputes Tribunals be chosen from a pool of Friends of Marriages ie people chosen by every couple to be the friend of their marriage.

41:00  We act on our beliefs.

42:00  Restoring the patriarchy

43:00  Women only put up with men for economic reasons.

44:00  Abolishing equal pay

45:00  Female education

46:00  University education

47:00  The university experience and student debt

49:00  Dime a dozen academics

51:00  Scholarships and female graduates working as lap dancers with accounts on Only Fans

52:00  Vested interests in the matriarchy

54:00  Marriageability of male graduates affected by their student loans

55:00  Older mothers

56:00  Pro-feminist legislation

58:00  Justice Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford

1:01:00  Burden of proof

1:03:00  Deuteronomy 19:15

1:05:00  No graduates

1:08:00  Anecdotal evidence

1:09:00  Hypergamy

1:11:00  High IQ female graduates who die childless

1:12:00  Unrealistic expectations

1:14:00  Long marriages

1:16:00  Arranged marriages

1:17:00  What are the rules of marriage?

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