Monday, 28 August 2023

Discussing David Brooks on why people are so mean these days with Luke Ford and Doooovid

2:00:00  I join.

Secular Koranism is available at

2:01:00  Secular Koranism - not a cult!
2:02:00  Free speech protects the ruling classes. 
2:03:00  Curious Gazelle
2:05:00  Theocracy
2:07:00  I ask why Secular Koranism is "incoherent" and do not get a coherent answer. 
2:08:00  How is social conservatism ie respecting the institutions of marriage and the family for non-Muslims "incoherent"?
2:09:00  I am the Karl Marx the Theocrats.
2:10:00  Why people are so mean these days
2:11:00  Why more and more people become the toilet attendants of their pets
2:12:00  Why do women dress up as anime characters?

2:13:00  Materialist ideologies like capitalism and communism do not take into account the spiritual needs of capitalists and communists.
2:14:00  Self-esteem comes with being purposeful and enjoying what you do.

Curious Gazelle likes trolling people with Secular Koranism.

2:16:00  Rating for being mean
2:17:00  Being cursed by God
2:21:00  Being mean to Doooovid
2:22:00  Jim Bowden

Me being mean to Doooovid

2:26:00  Online relationships

2:30:00  God is above man.

2:31:00  David Brooks 

2:33:00  Republicans

2:34:00  Benjamin Disraeli

2:35:00  Rishi Sunak and Vivek Ramaswamy

2:26:00  Anglicans mocking their religion within minutes of meeting you.

2:37:00  Shallow Christianity

2:38:00  Alleged atheism of Donald Trump

2:40:00  Luke's Jewish identity

2:41:00  Racism and sexism

2:44:00  Post-truth society sanctifiies the lived experience of individuals.

2:45:00  David Brooks

2:46:00  Objective morality based on a moral system

2:47:00  The Founding Fathers were proto-Muslim because they passed the First Amendment.

2:48:00  Who are we and how do others see us?

2:49:00  The wrapper of agnosticism better sells Secular Koranism to non-Muslims, my target group.

2:53:00  Moral education and Jewish emancipation

2:54:00  There will be a never-ending culture wars without religion.

2:56:00  Andrew Tate v Nick Fuentes

2:57:00  Andrew and Tristan Tate have social conservatism in the bag.

3:00:00  Christianity
3:01:00  Roosh V
3:03:00  Nick Fuentes
3:04:00  Tucker Carlson
3:05:00  The American Revolution
3:06:00  Polygamous Mormons v Monogamous Christians
3:07:00  The Wars of the Reformation
3:08:00  Agnosticism
3:09:00  Hypocrites who only claim to believe in God
3:10:00  Try the right moral system for a change.
3:11:00  Is Black Lives Matter liberalism?
3:12:00  Acting as if one believed in God

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