Wednesday, 31 January 2024

GOVERNMENT- where good leaders come from

2:00  Secular Koranism
6:00  People deserve the government they get.
8:00  Pakistan
9:00  Hypocrisy
10:00  Circle of Virtue
Peer review
12:00  Communities
22:00  Post-truth society
29:00  Protesting is just playing the blame game.
35:00  Good government is justice.
36:00  Patriarchy > matriarchy
38:00  Gynocracy
41:00  Immoral men and women
44:00  Bachelors are never alpha male leaders.
46:00  Matriarchy
47:00  Neanderthals < Homo Sapien
48:00  Monogamy
49:00  Spinsters and bachelors should not lord it over married parents.
56:00  Women can lead men.
58:00  Sexual morality is the basis of all other forms of morality.
1:04:00  Blame the rules and moral system.

Discussing mechanical power transmission with Vincent Bruno

2:00  Disability
4:00  Disabled sibling
11:00  Autism diagnosed at the age of one.
13:00  The father should be consulted.
15:00  Pater familias
16:00  Claudius
17:00  Granny dumping
18:00  The father has to be the to make the decision to commit infanticide.
19:00  Midwife 
20:00  The rule of law
22:00  The Great Replacement
24:00  The different generations
25:00  Noahide laws are eternal and universal laws.
26:00  The prohibition against idolatry and blasphemy is meant to protect us.
28:00  Ossification or fluidity
29:00  Honour thy parents.
30:00  "There is nothing new under the sun." Ecclessiastes
31:00  The rules
32:00  The definition of idolatry
33:00  All rapists are men, all men are rapists.
34:00  Race and nationality
35:00  Everyone is a guest or host.
36:00  Law enforcement
37:00  Balkanisation and Partition
40:00  People who lack in empathy are not trusted to lead.
42:00  Alpha male leaders are chosen on the basis of the female partner they manage to attract and the quality of their offspring.
44:00  Male prison v Vincent's all gay male society
46:00  Child rearing contract
47:00  Carol Balizet
52:00  Noahilde laws and Secular Koranism
53:00  Secular Koranism is progressive.
54:00  People are afraid of Secular Koranism.
55:00  Mark Collett

45:00  Mark Collett on Islam

58:00  Middle classes
59:00  Conspiracy theories
1:00:00  Jews are a bit stupid.
1:01:00  Jews are complaining that gentiles have corrupted their morals.
1:01:00  "Look what they made me do!"
1:04:00  Idolater
1:05:00  A honourable narrative
1:06:00  Warlords with aspirations
1:07:00  Maslow's hierarchy of needs
1:10:00  Joseph Atwill
1:11:00  The best moral system
1:13:00  "You can't live with them, you can't live without them."
1:15:00  Chimps v Bonobo
1:16:00  Human nature
1:17:00  Feminism
1:52:00  New Jersey divers
1:53:00  Marriage
1:55:00  Globalism
1:58:00  Circle of Virtue
Secular Koranism
2:00:00  Douglas MacGregor
2:02:00  Stupid and smart people
2:03:00  Machine connections
2:04:00  Religion is the string that goes round the bundle of sticks.

Tuesday, 30 January 2024

Questions for White Nationalists and White Supremacists

  1. Is it right that nationalists should reject a solution just because it is not being proposed by a white man? 
  2. Which nationalist has ever proposed a solution that is morally and intellectually respectable?
  3. Can we expect nationalists to propose a viable solution that is morally and intellectually respectable when they are known for being low education, low information and low status who cannot discuss ideas honestly or rationally?
  4. Shouldn't we be slaves to Truth, Logic and Morality if we want to claim to be decent human beings?
  5. Would you agree that being known to submit to Truth, Logic and Morality - whatever our race - is the least we can do, if we want to claim to be decent human beings worthy of living in an advanced civilisation?
  6. Can White Supremacists claim to be decent human beings?
  7. Are White Supremacists white racists who don't think they need a religion who have not yet worked out that the religious groups they hate and fear - Jews and Muslims - have a religion?
  8. Are White Supremacists are just dumb white racists who think it is enough for their skin to be white to reign supreme over other races?
  9. Do White Supremacists blame Jews when their preferred worldview does not correspond to reality?
  10. Are White Supremacists more the slaves of their irrational hatred and fear of Jews, Muslims and  non-whites because they reject Truth, Logic and Morality?
  11. Would it be fair to say that White Supremacists are prepared to die for their beliefs even if they don't  make sense? (They appear to believe that their "magic" white skin is enough to protect them from Jews, Muslims, non-whites and their corrupt and incompetent ruling classes. When this view does not correspond with reality, they resort to blaming Jews.)
  12. Would White Supremacists rather their civilisation end after descending into chaos because they cannot bear to admit that they were wrong to blame Jews for the failure of Christo-Liberalism?
  13. Have Jews not demonstrated that being humble before God makes you higher status than atheists and nihilists who are about to crash their civilisation into a brick wall because they won't admit that Christians were wrong to worship a dead Jew on a stick?

The cure to the disease of matriarchy

1.  The West is a matriarchy and must be fixed by patriarchy.
2.  It is possible to restore the patriarchy by collectively agreeing that this should be done. 
3.  It is possible to persuade enough people that the patriarchy can be restored in the lifetimes of those of average age ie 40 year olds.
4.  There already exists a cure to their disease ie Secular Koranism.
5.  This can be done legally and peacefully.

Saturday, 27 January 2024

Pecking order, identity, competition and hierarchy with Vincent Bruno

6:00  Stream begins. We discuss Vincent's birds.

11:00  Vivek Ramaswamy

13:00  Tucker Carlson

14:00  Parasocial relationships

16:00  Richard Spencer

17:00  Pecking order of the Cube and a male prison

18:00  Society outside a male prison allows men to acquire status with women.

19:00  Vincent's all-male gay society would be like a male prison.

20:00  Vincent doesn't think his Beyondist society would be like a male prison.

21:00  Jon Vance 

22:00  Acquiring status with women in a patriarchy and a male prison

25:00  Male rape

26:00  Stephen James as mayonnaise or egg white

28:00  Mr & Mrs Lacklustre

29:00  Brundle, Doooovid, Luke Ford

30:00  Ralph Masilamani

31:00  While Vincent and I have a discussion, Stephen has a show and remembers to pass the collection box from time to time.

32:00  Bird of a feather

33:00  Liam Jarrett

37:00  Doooovid is the Jew antisemites love to hate.

38:00  Adar Weinreb and Joseph Cohen

39:00  Having been rejected by Jews, Doooovid lords it over the antisemites who love to hate him.

40:00  A pet dog who savages the infant of its master and mistress

41:00  Fighting for status

42:00  Jon Vance

43:00  The curse of Superman

44:00  Pecking order amongst gay men

46:00  Gay men more desirable to other gay men

48:00  Clones, twinks, bears etc

51:00  Patriarchy is more stable than matriarchy.

52:00  LGBTs are a sub-community.

53:00  Heterosexual parenting

57:00  I am a woman on a mission, preferring political activism to mere political theorising.

59:00  More evil than Hitler

1:02:00  GAZELLE joins.

1:05:00  The moral order of a meritocracy

1:07:00  My plan to take over the media and the CIA

1:08:00  Brundle

1:09:00  Abstract reasoning

1:10:00  Catholics tend not to know their Bible.

1:11:00   Sola scriptura

1:12:00   Sermon on the Mount

1:13:00  William Tyndale

1:14:00  Sermon on the Mount by Emmet Fox

1:15:00  American Gnosticism

1:17:00  A rabbinical and Islamic presidential adviser

1:18:00  Poet Laureate

1:19:00  National Moral and Political Philosopher

1:21:00  Exorcism

1:22:00  Psychotherapy

1:23:00  Group therapy

1:25:00  Rabbi Mizrachi thinks mental illness is caused by disbelief in God.

1:28:00  "Life if too painful without God that people don't want to live."

Pantheism is heresy.

1:29:00  Spinoza

1:30:00  Monotheism gets you a higher status than atheism.

1:31:00  Perfectly moral

1:32:00  Summary

Status pertains to identity.

1:35:00  Vincent's goal of gay men pairing up to be parents of the next generation born of artificial wombs.

1:36:00  Heterosexual society would allow each sex to use the other as a means of acquiring status. What kind of pairing would produce the most successful partnership and parenting? 

1:37:00  Spouse and children for heterosexuals, but what about gay men?

What else for America if not Secular Koranism?

 1.  The White House Koran belonged to Thomas Jefferson. 

2.  Thomas Jefferson drafted the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom which later became the First Amendment. 

3.  Idolatry and blasphemy attract the death penalty for Jews in the Torah. 

4.  Heretic burning for blasphemy was a Christian practice.

5.  The Koran is the only holy book that protects freedom of belief. 

6.  The non-Trinitarian Founding Fathers were proto-Muslim. 

7.  Americans are supposed to consider themselves to be a nation under God.

8.  There is only one Abrahamic God. 

9.  Judaism and Islam are agreed on the oneness of God.

10.  Jews are allowed to pray with Muslims in mosques but forbidden to enter churches which are places of abomination where idolatry is practised.

11.  The worship of anything that is not God is idolatry.

12.  To worship a Jew executed for blasphemy is idolatry.

13.  Jesus was convicted of blasphemy. 

14.  Christians worship an executed blasphemer. 

15.  Christians and Post-Christians are so steeped in atheism that they cannot even imagine a Universe in which God who forbade idolatry and blasphemy might punish them with WW3.

16.  The only reason why any European subject of any Christian absolute monarch pretended to worship the Trinity was to avoid being burned at the stake. 

17.  The American, French and Russian Revolutions were rejections of Christianity and monarchy. 

18.  Westerners should regard the American, French and Russian Revolutions as being analogous to Christendom suffering bouts of vomiting  and diarrhea after three bad cases of acute food poisoning. 

19.   Westerners have not noticed that liberalism replaced Christianity.

20.   Westerners have not noticed that socialism and nationalism were attempts to replace liberalism.

21.  Westerners have not noticed that all the wrong ways have already been tried. 

22.  The only right way - because there is not even a rival solution on the horizon - is Secular Koranism. 

23.  Consider yourselves fortunate to have a morally and intellectually viable solution.

@KhalidSafir: "Maybe Thomas Jefferson was a Secular Koranist!"

2:00  Thomas Jefferson owned a copy of the Koran.
3:00  "Maybe Thomas Jefferson was a Secular Koranist!"
4:00  Secularism is democrats trusting their corrupt and incompetent ruling classes to make up the rules as they go along. 
5:00  Our spiritual needs
6:00  Even atheists have spiritual needs.
10:00  Chasing mirages
11:00  Bucket list
12:00  Wanting to fit in
14:00  Maslow's hierarchy of needs
15:00  Russell Brand having sex and eating ash
16:00  Wish list
17:00  Counting our blessings
19:00  Happiness and unhappiness
22:00  Obesity is gluttony.
23:00  The peace of nature
25:00  Happiness is being freed from covetousness.

Justice, morality, truth and other abstract nouns address our spiritual needs.

26:00  "God agrees with me."
27:00  Evil is necessary for good to be understood.  
29:00  This world is temporary.
32:00  Is this life a virtual reality game with the object of getting to the better place?
34:00  Eternal recurrence
37:00  Which moral system is best?
38:00  Rules for thee but not for me!
40:00  People deserve the government they get.
42:00  Women

According to "Tarnished",

Women also want to take away your fried chicken
Women. Are against meat 
Women are against leather
Women want to ban porn
Women want to stop sex bots and ai girls
Women want to ban anime and TV shows 
Women want to ban drugs 
Women want to ban petrol and diesel vehicles
Women want to ban air planes
Women want to ban cobalt mining AND THUS ELECTRIC CARS too
Women want to ban pet ownership
Women want to ban cash and have digital currency
Women want to ban video games
Women want to ban silicon mining
Women want to ban nuclear energy
Women want to ban animal testing
Women want to ban AI powered sex dolls
Women want to ban airplane
Women want to take your money and give it to refugees drugs addicts and criminals
Women want  all men to be vaccinated and boosted
Women want to ban
Women want to castrate boys and turn them into trannies

Men and women can control each other with Secular Koranism!

45:00  Men think like women and have no principles either.

46:00  Principles

47:00  Would white people turn brown the moment they become Muslim?

49:00  We want eternal and universal laws that don't change every time our corrupt and incompetent ruling classes change their underwear.

50:00  Long term onerous enterprises

51:00  Remembrance of God

52:00  Atheists are more likely to commit suicide.

53:00  Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

54:00  Pecking order

55:00  God

57:00  All you have to do is ask.

58:00  Smilin Palestinians

59:00  Star Wars and the Force

1:01:00  Egotism and narcissism

1:02:00  Idolatry

1:03:00  Narcissists are neurotic becoming depressed because they know they cannot keep up their pretence knowing they will be eventually exposed.

1:04:00  Being too clever by half 

Friday, 26 January 2024

Discussing Laura Loomer with Stephen J James

7:00  Jews and my status system of solving problems
14:00  Richard Spencer
21:00  Frame Games
40:00  Islamophobia
41:00  Leaderlessness
43:00  7 was the age of consent in Delaware in the 19th century.
44:00  Presentism
45:00  Richard Spencer on Jesus
49:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou
58:00  Frame Games
1:01:00  Protected characteristics
1:03:00  Hate speech
1:05:00  Islamophobia
Runnymede Trust
1:10:00  Wrench analogy
1:15:00  Judaism
1:18:00  Ralph Masilamani and Paula White
1:24:00  Tanning injections
1:27:00  Jon Vance
1:28:00  Laura Loomer
1:31:00  Trump
1:35:00  Dolly Parton's plastic surgeon
1:39:00  Laura Loomer
1:40:00  Milo
1:42:00  Entitled bitch
1:45:00  Italian woman saying men not what they were.
1:47:00  Mark Collett story
1:52:00  Covid message of Singapore PM
1:58:00  One child policy
2:01:00  "Your children are your wealth."

2:01:00  ELLIOTT BLATT joins.

2:09:00  DAVID YORKSHIRE joins.
2:18:00  Andrew Brons
2:21:00  Simon Sheppard

Thursday, 25 January 2024

Vincent Bruno congratulates me on my presuppositions

11:00  "Cult"
13:00  Cultural appropriation by gentiles of Judaism
14:00  British and Anglo Israelism
Paula White
Israel 365
17:00  Schofield Bible
26:00  How gentiles can take away the power of secular Jews
28:00  Rabbis who ignore Muslims
29:00  Status system of solving problems
31:00  Stephen J James' neurosis
33:00  Men should not be playing the role of distressed damsels. 
35:00  Lost boys who want their daddy
36:00  Dispute resolution
37:00  Degenerates who don't even want a leader
38:00  Jon Vance unilaterally declared himself leader of the Western converts.
39:00  Jon Vance will be taking up radical positions and then abandoning them.
40:00  Vincent Bruno's Beyondism
41:00  Darwinian struggle for supremacy amongst  the religious groups
43:00  Presuppositions
44:00  Jehovah's Witnesses tactics of spoonfeeding
46:00  Watch Tower self-study

48:00  Birdtalk
51:00  Are Freemasons Noahides?
Orthodox and secular Jewry
59:00  Pillars of Ideology
1:00:00  Heterosexual men persecute even their own group.
1:02:00  Gay men and sexual reproduction
1:03:00  Secular Koranism accommodates LGBT.


1:12:00  I return.
1:13:00  Defeating the morally apathetic with presuppositions

Let us presuppose

  1. the existence of the Abrahamic God who created the Universe
  2. that the Creation was the Big Bang
  3. that both scientists and theists are agreed on the Big Bang
  4. that theists have the advantage over scientists because they know who caused the Big Bang
  5. that suffering is punishment for the sin of disobedience
  6. that Jews are guilty of the sin of disobedience because they have not made a point of denouncing the idolatry of Christianity
  7. that Jews have a religious obligation to teach the Noahide laws to gentiles
  8. that Jews have utterly failed to impress upon Christians that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy because the last three global empires have been Christian
  9. that God revealed the Koran to assist Jews in their unaccomplished mission to denounce the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity
  10. that Jews rejected the Koran as divine revelation because they preferred to think that only they were in receipt of divine revelation that is the Torah
  11. that Jews incited antisemitism against themselves by promoting the narrative that gentiles were not worthy of divine revelation
  12. that Jews rejected the Koran even though they found the Torah too hard to follow
  13. that Jews rejected the Koran because they hated Muslims
  14. that American Jews have no excuse in refusing to denounce the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity since they have the protection of the First Amendment
  15. that Jews have been responsible for the bad governments in America and Europe that could have been prevented if these governments had been rightly-guided by the beset available guide to humanity ie the Koran  
  16. that Orthodox rabbis refuse to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Seven Noahide laws because they do not in fact have the beginning of wisdom to fear the Lord, and are in fact more afraid of their Christian overlords
  17. that Muslims despite the clear command in refuse obey God even when they are unable to say when any Muslim national leader ever asked the Pope or Archbishop of Canterbury or any Christian monarch how Christianity is not idolatry and how Jesus is God
  18. that all Christians go to hell because of their idolatry of worshiping an executed blasphemer
  19. that it is the Christian narrative that Jesus was convicted of blasphemy
  20. that is a historical fact that Christians have been worshiping an executed blasphemer for nearly two millennia
  21. that Christians cannot explain support their claim that Jesus is God with the New Testament
  22. that the New Testament being the word of mortal and fallible men is inferior to the divine revelation that is the Word of God in the Torah and Koran
  23. that all Jews, Christians and Muslims who refuse to discuss these presuppositions with each other are in fact hypocrites cursed by God whose final destination is hell.  

Jews and Muslims v Christians and Hindus

Who do you think is going to win?

How many Christians and Hindus really believe what they claim to believe in?

People with conviction will always win over people who pretend to believe in nonsense and lies, easily threatened and bribed.

Wednesday, 24 January 2024

Telling Tom Holland that his faith in liberalism is misplaced and irrational

Tuesday, 23 January 2024

Hindus For Trump - Vincent Bruno Interview

Doooovid explains why misguided rich Jews giving money to fight antisemitism makes it worse from 17:00

Where Did the Trinity Come From?

3:00  The Trinity
4:00  Co-equal with God
5:00  Mystery
Not in the Bible
6:00  Book of John Chapter 5 verse 7-8
8:00  Book of Isaiah and Deuteronomy
12:00  Modalism
13:00  Tertullian
14:00  The Trinity is polytheism.
15:00  The Trinity is not three gods.
16:00  The Godhead is one. 
17:00  The Trinity was developed in the 4th century.
19:00  Constantine
20:00  Arius of Alexander
22:00  "I and the father are one."
23:00  Council of Nicaea
24:00  Ecumenical councils
25:00  Dan Brown
27:00  Constantius II

Monday, 22 January 2024

Talking to Vincent Bruno (degeneracy), Stephen J James (dating) and Jay Walker (the good old days)

4:00  Establishing Christianity in Rome
5:00  Akhenaten
6:00  Joseph
15:00  The existence of the prophets of God
18:00  Just obey.
19:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.
21:00  Blaming Jews
22:00  My selection of Koranic verses
23:00  US Supreme Court
25:00  Non-Muslims can still eat pork.
26:00  Noahide laws will apply to non-Muslims.
27:00  Islam without sharia is a car without an engine.
Chuck Grassley
30:00  Masonry
32:00  If most men were married fathers
33:00  If most women were married mothers
34:00  Female voters are the biggest group of voters apart from men.
38:00  Christian nationalism and Paula White
39:00  Trump 
40:00  Televangelists
41:00  Having a rule book is more powerful than not having one.
43:00  A grace period of a year
45:00  No retrospective legislation
47:00  Idolatry
48:00  Repent
49:00  Jews do not have morally perfect prophets.
50:00  Kharijites
51:00  Hitler only suspended the Weimar Constitution.
53:00  Secular Koranism with Nazi Characteristics
57:00  Bad attitude
58:00  Matriarchy v Patriarchy
1:00:00  What's wrong with mainstream culture?
1:01:00  The frivolity of non-Jehovah's Witnesses
1:02:00  Teshuva and its 4 stages
1:03:00  Christianity
1:04:00  Blaming Jews
1:05:00  Seven Deadly Sins
1:06:00  People can't handle sexual liberation.
1:07:00  Atheism
1:08:00  Gender differences
1:09:00  The corruption of women
1:10:00  The purpose of men
1:11:00  Gender roles and boundaries
1:13:00  The Fourth Estate
1:14:00  Antisemitism
1:16:00  Aztecs
1:17:00  We are the slaves of our government.
1:18:00  If being the slaves of God gives us a better deal ...
1:19:00  A spaceworthy vessel is required if we want to go to the moon whether or not we have access to one.
1:29:00  Accents
1:31:00  How to walk the walk and talk the talk of Secular Koranism
1:32:00  Millennial Woes
1:34:00  Men and women and their bargaining positions
1:35:00  Women don't want a YouTuber.
1:36:00  Stephen J James looking for a wife.
1:37:00  Doooovid
1:40:00  Bring your own prostitute to your love hotel.
1:41:00  Elon Musk
1:42:00  Most people don't want to be great explorers or imperialists.
1:43:00  Government controlling the birth rate 
1:44:00  Dumb and dumber
1:45:00  Competence
1:46:00  Gender is not a social construct.
1:48:00  Natural law v The Trinity
1:49:00  Vincent is a rare bird.
1:51:00  Censoring me
1:53:00  The wrong religion and wrong political system
1:54:00  Heterosexual sex
1:55:00  Stephen J James
1:57:00  TBR and Hexagram
2:04:00  Female YouTubers
2:06:00  Social revolution

2:07:00  JF Gariepy
2:11:00  Emotional intelligence
2:13:00  Jen Scharf
2:15:00  Honest and modest independent woman
2:16:00  Social media

2:25:00  JAY joins.
2:33:00  Disruptive period
2:42:00  I am praised for being genuine.
2:47:00  When Jay met his Iranian Swede
2:55:00  Doooovid
2:57:00  OV and Daniel Sienkiewicz
3:10:00  Millennial Woes
3:11:00  People who delete their messages
3:14:00  Agreeableness
3:15:00  Telegram
3:17:00  Setting an example
3:21:00  Posterity
3:23:00  DNA
3:25:00  Marriage counselling
3:27:00  Prostitution and slavery

Vincent Bruno and I talk about Paula White being the Archbishop of Canterbury of America

2:00  Antisemitism is blaming Jews for everything and assuming they are all liberal.
8:00  Men showing weakness, stupidity and incompetence
9:00  Deepening degeneracy also affects the left.
10:00  Millennial Woes preference for mediocrity.
11:00  Vincent's blog on Matilde Ludendorff banned on Blogspot.
12:00  London Metropolitan Police
15:00  Andy Nowicki
16:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
18:00  Arthur Goldberg
22:00  Jacob Faturechi and Rabbi Yitzhak
23:00  Denialism
24:00  Antisemitism
25:00  War finance is usury.
26:00  Most Americans are not neocons.
28:00  America does not have an official religion.
29:00  Blogspot has removed some of my posts.
30:00  Will they ban Secular Koranism?
32:00  Pebble muncher
33:00  Rishi Sunak
33:00  Benjamin Disraeli
34:00  Congress has the power of an absolute monarch over the American people. 
35:00  The moral and political problem is a simple mechanical problem.
38:00  Jacob Faturechi represents the neurosis of Western men.
39:00  Intersectionality
40:00  Gentiles are mostly stupid.
41:00  Paul Vander Klay
43:00  Paula White
1:13:00  Trump always chooses attractive women to speak for him.
1:15:00  Paula White is the American Archbishop of Canterbury.
1:19:00  Protestant work ethic
1:20:00  Amy Coney Barrett
1:21:00  Justice Kavanaugh
1:22:00  Stephen J James
1:23:00  Unmarried parents
Jamaica has an 83% illegitimacy rate.
1:25:00  A loving relationship
1:32:00  No fault divorce

Banned by a rabbi from a Discord server

15:00  Jacob Faturechi on Paul Van Der Klay and Estuary meetings
22:00  Jacob says PVK is being winsome and deceiving by Jacob.
23:00  Jacob says Trinitarianism is polytheism.
27:00  Mark Lebfevre
31:00  Trinitarianism is polytheism.
32:00  Jacob: "Estuary is protestant Bible study with no Bible."
38:00  Christians cannot deny the Trinity. 
40:00  Boiling frogs
47:00  Rabbi wants me banned.
51:00  My "silly arguments"
52:00  I am described as "a potentially genuinely dangerous person watered down to the point where she can't do anything now, then you go in and fight."

"Do I delete mendacity or do I just kick Claire?"

53:00 Tayo admits to talking to me.

1:02:00  Rabbi Yitzhak of LA

Sunday, 21 January 2024

The most likely moral system to be adopted once the Western ruling classes see clearly and act honourably

Secular Koranism is more likely to be implemented because no one can disagree with any of the propositions therein, not even people who have read it and detest the idea having known about it for over a decade.

1. Christo-Liberalism has failed.
2. Race cannot be your religion.
3. Christianity is so kaput its replacement is now also kaput.
4. Socialism has failed.
5. National Socialism has failed.
6. Islam is Christianity Adjacent and less alien to Western traditions than Hinduism and Buddhism.
7. Only a slut-shaming moral system would restore the patriarchy.
8. It is most likely to succeed because it is based on the best available guide to humanity.
9. Whoever wrote and whether or not God exists, the Koran is still the best available guide to humanity.
10. If you cannot refute any of my claims, then you should have the grace to concede that there is no better solution around.

It is directed at

a) the most powerful empire in the world
b) the people of the most powerful empire in the world and in particular Trump supporters
c) religious Jews
d) secular Jews
e) Muslims
f) antisemites
g) Islamophobes
h) Christians
i) Liberals
j) Hindus
k) Buddhists
l) China
k) India
l) Russia

Which religion would you choose if you had a country you wanted to run properly?

Morality is a system of rules designed to keep a group in existence and apart from others. 

Religious groups are the most powerful groups in the world.  

If we have moral agency, we should ask ourselves which religion we would choose if 

1)  we were orphans without parents and family to offend by rejecting their religion 

2) had a country we wanted to run well. 

Which religion would you choose from the five world religion ie Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism?

Saturday, 20 January 2024

Saturday Night Takeaway: Simulation edition

11:00  Pigeons are vermin.
15:00  The European soul
17:00  Performing animals
20:00  Wet markets and battery farms
25:00  The West is a society of sex offenders.
26:00  Doing things differently in 2024
27:00  Shaming Jews and Muslims for their hidden idolatry
28:00  Antisemites and their competing forms of antisemitism
29:00  Secular Koranism
30:00  Christianity is the weakest link to patriarchy. Goodbye.

1:08:00  Stephen - who criticises Islam for being "autistic" - is mentioned.

34:00  White women in mosques

35:00  Men have no choice but to follow women where the go.

37:00  Americans abroad also find it hard to find women too.

38:00  Men marry down, women marry up.

39:00  Dating apps

40:00  Male solidarity required.

43:00  Ban no fault divorce

45:00  Pre-nuptials don't work.

47:00  Advice sought.

48:00  Heroic position

50:00  Irreconcilable differences

51:00  Jord

53:00  Biological imperative

57:00  Three adjectives for Stephen's wife

58:00  An independent woman

1:01:00  Honest - not a liar

Not a narcissist

1:04:00  Attraction of opposites

1:09:00  Luke Ford

1:15:00  Simulation theory

1:27:00  Louis Wain wisdom

1:33:00  Jord

"Atheists say universe, theists say God."

1:53:00  Singularity

1:58:00  The Game

1:59:00  Negotiating with the elites

2:00:00  TechLead

2:09:00  "There is no right or wrong."

2:10:00  The group has to follow the same rules.

2:11:00  People will stop lending to mad people.

2:13:00  Secularism is trusting your corrupt and incompetent rulers to make up the laws as they go along.

2:14:00  Nihilism

2:15:00  "There is no right or wrong, only thinking makes it so."

2:16:00  Religion is social technology, but does God exist?

2:17:00  Pretending to believe

2:19:00  Patriarchy or matriarchy

The rule of law

2:21:00  "We are all criminals who haven't yet been convicted."

2:23:00  The Joker

2:24:00  All political activism is about changing the law.

2:26:00  The Game

2:27:00  Taking the line of least resistance

2:28:00  Millennial Woes on Endeavour

2:31:00  Solving problems

2:33:00  Maya - the Buddhist idea of illusion

2:37:00  Hypocrites and hypocrisy

2:39:00  Stephen's game theory of backing the people he thinks he is going to win

2:40:00  Taking the line of least resistance

2:41:00  The eugenic filter of marriage is now optional

2:42:00  Principles

2:43:00  Reciprocity and empathy

2:44:00  Stephen does  not have the principle of having legitimate children.

2:46:00  The golden rule

2:47:00  How did Anglicanism come to be abandoned?

2:48:00  79 years before the American Revolution, you could be executed for denying the divinity of Jesus.

2:49:00  A psychopath would self-censor for social and employment reasons.

2:50:00  The moving Overton window

2:52:00  Rationalising our cowardice

2:53:00  What's in it for me?

2:56:00  The welfare state

2:57:00  Religion

2:58:00  Principles

3:00:00  Secular Koranism

3:01:00  Rule book

3:02:00  What is the best available guide?

3:03:00  Secular Koranism

3:04:00  Better than the Bible

3:05:00  Being logical

3:07:00  DAVID YORKSHIRE joins.

3:08:00  Slavery

3:09:00  Department of Work, Pensions and Manumissions

3:10:00  Slave Visitors

3:13:00  Court Jester

3:15:00  Islam is an organising force.

3:18:00  John Milton's Paradise Lost

3:22:00  "The West"

3:24:00  The Koran does not need a Reformation.

3:25:00  Sex and war

3:27:00  The rules

3:28:00  Bored housewives

3:32:00  Sulaiman Ahmad

3:33:00  Keith Woods

3:35:00  Facebook

Friday, 19 January 2024

What religion do I mean?

1. If God created Man, what was His purpose?

2. If Man created God, the purpose must have been to assist him in his government and politics. Atheists would have no trouble agreeing to this.

3. If all religions were invented, which should we choose if we had to choose one for our country?

4. By what criteria should we choose a religion if we were shopping around for one?

i. The most powerful deity
ii. The longest running track record
iii. Offends least against the Noahide laws
iv. The clearest and briefest holy book meant for your group
v. The easiest to believe and least restrictive

Theocracy Talk with Vincent Bruno and Carol AKA White Muslim Woman

5:00  Your countrymen need the same religion.
7:00  America does not have an official religion.
8:00  Christian nationalism often trends on Twitter.
Does America need an official religion?
9:00  Trolls
10:00 Vincent and I are being useful asking philosophical questions.
11:00  Working people don't have time to be answering questions.
12:00  Theocracy Talk is what Vincent and I will call our chat show.
13:00  Secularism is trusting your godless ruling classes to make up the rules as they go along.
14:00  Going to the top person to get things done
15:00  "Take me to your leader."
16:00  China is one of the most powerful countries with the most stable leadership. The other one is Islam.
18:00  Liberal democracies are inherently unstable.

19:00  CAROL joins

Thursday, 18 January 2024

"Secular Jews promoting Secular Koranism - is that the light at the end of your tunnel?"

2:00  Adar Weinreb
3:00  Doooovid

7:00  Rudy Rochman
8:00  "Secular Jews promoting Secular Koranism - is that your light at the end of the tunnel?"
11:00  Valid and sound arguments
13:00  Flowing a debate
15:00  Debating with Jen Scharf

18:00  We live in a post-truth society.
19:00  Jen Scharf didn't know the difference between sound and valid arguments.

20:00  My proposed Circle of Virtue and Truth

21:00  Righteous Americans submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality taking back their country from unrighteous Americans who reject Truth, Logic and Morality.

26:00  Birds
30:00  Secular Koranism is my baby.
31:00  Suicide
32:00  Divine right of kings and warolordism
35:00  The green light of the Fourth Estate
36:00  Celibate who believes in artificial wombs and 3D printing
38:00  Women are told to avoid men with a low sex drive.
40:00  The contributions of bachelors to society
43:00  White men are ignored by all political parties who pander to the female voters. 
45:00  Idol of Antisemitism
47:00  Truth, Logic and Morality should trumup over fake news, nonsense and immorality.
48:00  Excuses, excuses.
49:00  America needs an official moral system ie SK and Circles of Virtue and Truth.

52:00  Religion
53:00  Therapists
56:00  Child of the Devil
57:00  Stefan Molyneux
58:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
59:00  Gratitude to parents
1:00:00  Regrettable divorces which should be stigmatised
1:04:00  Changing beliefs with facts and logic
1:05:00  Marriage contracts
1:06:00  No fault divorce in Muslim marriage contracts
1:09:00  Feminine privilege
1:10:00  Free marital counselling
1:11:00  Witnesses are also Friends of the Marriage.
1:12:00  Matrimonal Disputes Tribunals
1:15:00  History of the marriage and unreasonable behaviour
1:18:00  Unmarried parents
1:21:00  New chick
1:22:00  Spring Roll, Spring Mattress, Summer Rain, Summer School, Autumn Harvest, Autumn Leaves, Winter Coat, Winter Wonderland ...
1:23:00  Secular Koranism climbs the stairs of status.
1:24:00  Liberty, Equality and Fraternity
1:26:00  Secular Koranism will drain the Ocean of Error.
1:29:00  Circle of Virtue and Truth
1:30:00  Being prepared to argue about morality in the Circle of Virtue and Truth
1:33:00  Stephen J James for free will, Vincent for predestination

Wednesday, 17 January 2024

Vincent Bruno insists on predestination denying his own moral agency

3:00  CK begins to speak about Christian Science and Vedanta.
5:00  The rule against idolatry
6:00  Better results with the Koran
Are liberal democrats are idolaters?
7:00  Just call Christian Scientists and Hindus idolaters.
8:00  Hidden idolatry
9:00  Only Muslims are Noahides.
10:00  Is shituf worse than avodah zarah?
12:00  Jewish intention
14:00  The Trinity
14:00  Unprincipled Jews
15:00  The Noahide laws
16:00  Doooovid
17:00  David Yorkshire

21:00  STEPHEN J JAMES joins.
23:00  Maya
25:00  How and why we are here
Simulation theory
26:00  Rape gangs and migrant hordes
27:00  Millennial Woes
31:00  Vincent's determinism
34:00  Vincent and I have been predestined to talk to each other for four hours a day! 
36:00  Belief in predestination presupposes a belief in God.
37:00  Why is Vincent denying his own moral agency?
38:00  Vincent is a Calvinist.
45:00  Religious conviction and the key to Vincent's neurosis
48:00  Destined to be gay
49:00  Predestination is comforting.
Muslim predestination
54:00  Stanford professor says science shows free will doesn't exist.
59:00  Robert Sapolsky

What are we to make of people who refuse to concede when they have lost the argument?

What are we to make of people who refuse to concede when they have lost the argument, or, worse, have not noticed that they have lost the argument and then forbid you from discussing the argument that they lost?

They must be intellectually dishonest, suffering from a defect of character or a mental illness.

Honest, reasonable and honourable people should be capable of acknowledging when they have lost the argument when they relied on incorrect information, made an error of logic or proposed a course of action that is obviously immoral.  

Are most of our ruling classes people who refuse to admit it when they are wrong?

Are most of the people complaining about our corrupt and incompetent ruling classes also guilty of lying to themselves?  

Do people deserve the government they get?

Do people who are mostly the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents incapable of intellectual honesty and logical thought unable to comprehend the nature and purpose of morality who think morality is "just a feeling" deserve not to be replaced?

How do you know when you have lost the argument?

1.  When the information you relied on is provably false eg you think the earth is flat circled by the sun rather than round and circling the sun.

2.  When your logic is not only unsound, it is invalid eg when you make category errors such as confusing what is unpopular with what is impossible.

3. When you what you propose to do is immoral even if it is logical eg when you rob someone and then kill him to stop him from reporting you to the police.

Tuesday, 16 January 2024

Hypocrites who call themselves men

Secular Koranism is intended to appeal to social conservatives who want to restore the patriarchy.

Those who want to restore the patriarchy would be those who want to become married parents and stay married for the sake of the children to practise responsible parenthood. It is not necessary for people to be marriageable to support Secular Koranism. In fact anyone who can agree that the next generation would be better off brought up by their two married biological parents living together in a loving relationship should be able to support Secular Koranism. In other words, you can be gay, transgender ie not even marriageable because you are either too old or too young as long as you support the principle that the next generation should be reared by married parents and unmarried parents treated as sex offenders. 

Why don't more people support Secular Koranism?

It is because most women of childbearing age are not marriageable. You are not marriageable if you do not desire marriage, and most women of childbearing age prefer to "ride the cock carousel" as they "build their careers". 

Also, most men whom marriageable women might want to marry do not desire marriage because marriage is no longer a good bargain for them. 

If most women of childbearing age do not desire marriage and most men marriageable women might want to marry do not desire marriage either, the best people in your society are not reproducing.  

If those who do engage in sexual reproduction do so outside wedlock, they are in fact sex offenders and should be treated as such. 

Obviously, it not a desirable state of affairs if most parents in your society are unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring. 

The social disease of degeneracy and widespread bastardy will continue to widen and deepen until your civilisation is over and out, dead and gone. 

What is notable is the reluctance of men calling themselves nationalists to discuss such a phenomenon. The most common reaction is feigned incomprehension, denial as well as accusations, insults and abuse. 

Corruption is ignoring truth, and it seems the majority of Western men are quite happy to ignore the problem of degeneracy preferring to blame Jews, Muslims and migrants.  

To cease to blame Jews, Muslims and immigrants would mean that these men would have to marry women of their own race and pay for their children. It would appear that they would frankly rather die than have to do that!  

These men are of course idolaters. Idolatry is the worship of anything that isn't God, and these men worship their own dumb opinions and would rather die than admit that they were wrong. To die for your own dumb opinions which are morally and intellectually indefensible because they are provably wrong having been defeated countless times is obviously self-worship.   

It is a fact universally acknowledged that religious people are more likely to marry before having children as well as stay together for the sake of the children.  

It is also a fact universally acknowledged that atheists are the people most likely to be the unmarried parents of casually conceived and parented illegitimate offspring who become the next  generation of mentally ill, drug-addicted underachieving criminal classes - the agents of chaos and criminality. Unfortunately, they are now the majority which unprincipled hypocrites refuse to call out and challenge, preferring to complain about Jews, Muslims and migrants supported by their anti-immigration parties who prefer to play the blame game. 

While playing the blame game complaining about Jews, Muslims and migrants, they get themselves into trouble with the authorities. 

However, instead of ceasing to blame Jews, Muslims and migrants, they double down and do it all the more, these confirmed bachelors, spinsters, unmarried parents and their illegitimate offspring treating every act of censorship as confirmation that Jews indeed do control the world.  

These people who play the blame game - antisemites, Islamophobes and racists - do not seem to have noticed that the people they most love to blame - Jews and Muslims - have a religion. 

Being white supremacists, they insist that their skin colour alone entitles them to the privilege of being better treated than foreigners even as they refuse to do the expected thing to keep their race going - marry and have legitimate offspring. 

When they find foreigners invited into the country to do the work they refuse to do or are not capable of doing better treated than they are, they will blame Jews. 

Antisemites and Islamophobes worshiping their idols of antisemitism and Islamophobia is now the new qausi-religion of the West. Unfortunately for these idol worshipers, the sin is its own punishment since continuing to worship these false gods would only make them weaker, stupider and less marriageable and worsen things in their rapidly ageing and shrinking society.  

While I know I will be shot as the messenger bearing bad news, it is bemusing to see how long they will stay in denial and pretend not to understand while hurling insults and accusations as they go to their graves.

The snakes and ladders game of reincarnation

If I were God, I would divide humanity into Jews and gentiles. Gentiles would be divided between Muslims and idolaters which would include Christians and Hindus as well as Buddhists.

Buddhism is described as an atheist philosophy, and atheists are basically people who worship their own dumb opinions and often say they would rather die than admit they are wrong. 

Buddhism is basically codified Hinduism without the idolatry in theory. In practice, however, Buddhists are often seen praying to the statues of the Buddha. 

All Christians are deemed to be guilty of idolatry and blasphemy with two death penalties awaiting them in the afterlife. After these are discharged, bad Christians would be reincarnated as Hindus and good Christians reincarnated as Buddhists.

Good Hindus would be reincarnated as Buddhists and bad Hindus would be reincarnated as Christians.  

Good Buddhists would be reincarnated as Muslims and bad Buddhists would be reincarnated as Hindus.

Good Muslims get to heaven, bad Muslims are reincarnated as Buddhists.  

Most Jews, especially if they live in the West, have at least one death penalty awaiting them in the afterlife, so there is no need to envy them.

Bad Jews are reincarnated as Hindus and good Jews are reincarnated as Muslims when they will finally have a fighting chance at getting into heaven. 

Righteousness and unrighteousness in Jews and gentiles

A righteous gentile is a Noahide.

A Noahide obeys the Seven Noahide laws. 

There are four gentile religions. Ranked in accordance with the Noahide laws, Islam would be the most Noahide because it is neither idolatry nor blasphemy while Christianity is both idolatry and blasphemy, making it the least Noahide of all gentile religions.

No surprise then that the Post-Christian liberal is globally propagating the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah doubtless attracting the same divine punishment.

Since God divided humanity into Jews and gentiles, He must have intended to divide the world into four groups:

  1. righteous Jews
  2. righteous gentiles
  3. unrighteous Jews
  4. unrighteous gentiles
This categorisation raises the following questions:

  1. Are only observant Jews righteous?
  2. Are non-observant Jews dead to Judaism?
  3. Is it possible to be an observant yet unrighteous Jew?
  4. How can you tell if an observant Jew is unrighteous?
  5. Is an observant Jew unrighteous if he refuses to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws because he fears the wrath of his Christian overlords?
  6. Can a Jew who does not have the beginning of wisdom that is the fear of the Lord be said to be a righteous Jew? 
  7. Is a Jew who clearly fears his Christian overlords more than God a believing Jew?
  8. Is a Jew who claims to be a believing Jew yet fears his Christian overlords more than he fears God a hypocrite?
  9. Are hypocrites whose final destination is hell cursed by God in the Koran?
  10. Does the Koran also curse hypocrites who are not Muslim?
  11. If the Koran includes non-Muslim hypocrites in the Koran, does it in particular include hypocrites claiming to be Jews and Christians who do not even believe in what they claim to believe?
  12. Is a hypocrite who claims to be Jewish, Christian or Muslim just someone who does not really believe what he is supposed to believe?
  13. How can you identify a hypocrite?
  14. Are Christians most hypocritical of all because they pretend to of accept God's prohibition against idolatry but are the worst practitioners of idolatry and blasphemy because they worship an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah?
  15. If God exists, would He not be offended to be equated to an executed revolutionary who was convicted and then crucified for blaspheming against Him?
  16. Is Christianity worse than Hinduism?
  17. Is shituf worse than avodah zarah and if so, why?
  18.  Is a hypocrite claiming to be a Jew or Muslim guilty of hidden idolatry?
  19. Is hidden idolatry manifested by giving irrational and irrelevant reasons not to follow their religious principles?
  20. Can gentile be more righteous than a Jew?
  21. Can a secular gentile be more righteous than an observant Jew?
  22. Is a secular gentile more righteous than an observant Jew if that gentile properly applies and is more knowledgeable about the principles of Judaism better than the Jew himself?
  23. Can a believing Jew in good conscience disregard his religious obligation to martyr himself in an act of Kiddush Hashem?
  24. Is it desecration of the name of the Lord for a Jew - especially an Orthodox rabbi - to refuse to discuss the Noahide laws?
  25. Is a secular Jew prepared to discuss the ranking of the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws more righteous than an observant Jew who refuses to do so?
  26. Are gentiles prepared obey the Noahide laws more righteous than gentiles who refuse to do so?
  27. Are gentiles and Jews - even if they are atheist or agnostic - prepared to discuss Secular Koranism honestly, rationally and seriously more righteous than Jews and gentiles claiming to believe in God but who refuse to discuss it?
  28. Why have righteous Jews and gentiles not prevailed over unrighteous Jews and gentiles?
  29. Is the reason why righteous Jews and gentiles have not prevailed over unrighteous Jews and gentiles because Jews are not fit for the purpose of ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws?
  30. Why are Orthodox rabbis not fit for the purpose of ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws?
  31. Is the reason why Orthodox rabbis are not fit for the purpose of ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws because they are hypocrites cursed by God whose final destination is hell?

Monday, 15 January 2024

Streaming strategies in 2024

3:00  Adam Green

5:00  Hindus for Trump 

6:00  Noahide laws

8:00  Restream


10:00  Ethnostate

11:00  Antiwhiteism

12:00  JQ, antisemites, Islamophobes

13:00  Trump supporters

17:00  Richard Spencer

19:00  IMFJ Turbulent and ENTP-A

21:00  Michael Voris

22:00  Correct belief

23:00  Catholic Confession and Orwell's 1984

24:00  Unacknowledged trauma and willful blindness

 26:00  Therapy

27:00  Unresponsive patient

30:00  Minimising suffering

32:00   US elections

33:00  Swing states

35:00  Trump alt-right President

37:00  Trump rallies

38:00  If we don't report, it didn't happen.

39:00  Hit piece

40:00  Intergenerational political discussions

Talking about the future with Stephen J James

8:00  More all-white families in ads in the US seen by Vincent Bruno.
11:00  Death of a neighbour
14:00  Acknowledging the problem
16:00  Registers of Births, Marriages and Deaths
17:00  Frightening people into parenthood
18:00  Reintroducing slavery
20:00  Welfare moms
22:00  Secular Koranism
23:00  Five Stages of Grief
25:00  Stiff-necked people

27:00  Stephen solostreams.
29:00  JORD joins.

33:00  RICARDO WILLIAMS joins.
37:00  Broke white people
38:00  Bankruptcy
41:00  Eat ramen.
45:00  Richard Sp;encer
52:00  Brutal honesty
53:00  From activism to punditry
55:00  Gimme my ethnostate!
57:00  Honey trap
58:00  Monarchy and Christendom
1:00:00  Is what we want sayable?
1:01:00  King Charles
1:02:00  The Crown
1:03:00  Richard Spencer
1:04:00  Jared Taylor
1:05:00  Overton Window
1:06:00  The matriarchy is dealing with a heatwave by breaking the thermometer.
1:06:00  The ethnostate was a castle in the air.
1:07:00  Greg Johnson
1:08:00  Withholding the pill from white women but allowing it to non-white women
1:11:00  People who break their own rules
1:12:00  Controlling the interpretation
1:14:00  Religion is an organising force.
1:15:00  Civil war
1:16:00  The world is spinning too quickly.
1:17:00  Censorship
1:18:00  Antiwhiteism

Neither Jews nor gentiles are allowed to be antisemitic or Islamophobic.

1:20:00  Christianity affords Christians no protection.
Western gentiles being forced to worship Jews.

1:22:00  E Michael Jones

1:29:00  Christian nationalism
1:30:00  Religion is like a boiler.
1:31:00  The sheeple are waiting for the green light.
1:32:00  An occasional gentle slap

Christianity can be wiped away by the cloth of Koranism.

1:33:00  Restoring the patriarchy
1:35:00  Town square, village green, pillory and stocks
1:40:00  Amputation analogy

Navigating the Ocean of Error that is our Post-Truth Society


4:00  Adar Weinreb

6:00  Doooovid claims to represent Jews.

7:00  Jews are hiding.

8:00  Doooovid has had a rabbinical education.

10:00  Is Judaism what Jews do?

12:00  Who is a Jew, Christian and Muslim?

13:00  Jehovah's Witnesses

14:00  Cultural Christians

15:00  Bums on pews

Jewish identity

16:00  Rabbi Mizrachi

18:00  Jewish privilege

19:00  Mamzer

21:00  Why Doooovid says what he says

22:00  The labours of Sisyphus

28:00  Propagation and the Arabian Nights

35:00  When Vince was young

39:00  Marginalised people 

40:00  Serious marginalised people

45:00  Courtship and marriage

47:00  Complaining about women or Jews?

48:00  A, B and C school

50:00  Transition phase

52:00  Gradualist approach

What is feasible becomes desirable

53:00  The Cube

54:00  Crafting the message

55:00  Hinduism

59:00  Correct conception of God 

1:00:00  Eastern religions

1:03:00  Jews write everything done.

1:04:00  Idolatry, blasphemy, hidden idolatry equals death and hell.

1:06:00  Lashon hara

1:07:00  Lashon Hara Weekend Party

1:08:00  Papal Conclave Game

1:09:00  George Galloway and Simon Cowell 

1:10:00  All white casting

1:12:00  Vedanta

1:13:00  Differential equations

1:14:00  Differences in Chinese and Western philosophy

1:15:00  Hegel and Heidegger

1:16:00  Jewish philosophy is Jewish theology.

1:19:00  Tisha B'Av and Yom Kippur

1:21:00  We live in a post-truth society.

1:22:00  Humility

1:23:00  Ocean of Error

1:29:00  Religious groups and those who hate them

1:30:00  US election, Israel and Palestine

1:32:00  "Vincent becomes a Secular Koranism."

1:33:00  Questions at the end of every chapter

Is Doooovid inciting antisemitism?

David Yorkshire appears from 1:20:00

1:27:00  Pro-Palestinian demonstrations a flexing of Muslim power in major Western cities.
1:29:00  Doooovid: "the success of multiculturalism"
1:30:00  Doooovid confirms that he is gloating at the fact that Europeans have lost control of their cities. 

Western governments don't care what ordinary Westerners think, they will continue to support Israel. 

1:31:00  Doooovid says it is a "win-win situation for the Jews".
1:33:00  Jewish and Western status last century and this
1:35:00  Jews, Zionists, neocons and Westerners deemed to support US foreign policy are already universally detested.  
1:36:00  Neocons are a busted flush.
1:37:00  Non-white protectors of Jews in Western cities
Doooovid confirms that Jews are indeed plotting to marginalise whites.
1:38:00  Doooovid says gentiles will be better off under multicultural Jewish dominated control.
1:52:00  Doooovid claims to have won because Stephen teamed up with me.
1:53:00  Group dynamics and Kevin Michael Grace
1:54:00  Nepotism is only for people who marry and have family connections, not for casually conceived and parented bastards.
1:55:00  The matriarchy will not fix immigration. 
1:56:00  David Yorkshire blames Jews, Doooovid confirms it is a Jewish strategy to swamp the West with immigrants and that he is gloating at them.
1:57:00  100,000 Gazans in Finchley and in Stephen's neighbourhood
1:59:00  Whites are losing out because they cannot act in their own self interest lacking a religion as an organising force. 
Why does the matriarchy hate white men?
2:00:00  The ruling classes are indifferent to those who complain about immigration.
The female is indifferent to unmarriageable men complaining about immigration. 
2:03:00  Doooovid accuses me of victim-blaming.
2:04:00  White men are incapable of diagnosing the problem, prefer to blame Jews and Doooovid confirms their view by gloating and provoking them.
Joseph Cohen
2:05:00  Jacob
2:06:00  Doooovid mistakes me for a migrant.
2:07:00  Western governments enable immigration.
2:08:00  Overseas students are welcomed to the West.
2:09:00  "Reverse colonial project". 
2:10:00  America is just moving people, good and serves around its global empire like it's nobody's business.
2:11:00  Why are the white working classes not fit work?
2:12:00  Trump
2:13:00  Why does the government allow immigration?
2:14:00  Stephen's neighbourhood is Mongadishu and Little Islamabad.
2:15:00  Globalism: if you can't beat them, join them.
2:16:00  Political parties against globalism such as the BNP and UKIP prefer to blame Jews and Muslims.
2:19:00  Why does Doooovid want globalism to be a Jewish conspiracy?
2:20:00  Gazans coming to the West is Jews "taking a hit for Israel"?
2:21:00  Aren't Jews supposed to have principles?
Luke Ford has no principles.
2:22:00  Is looking after number one becoming a globalist or white flight?
2:24:00  Men are supposed to solve problems. 
2:25:00  Liberal democracy is not going to solve the accumulated social and political problems of the West.
2:26:00  Believing in Jewish conspiracy theories lowers your status.
2:27:00  Migrants moving around the countryside

Doooovid and David Yorkshire featured from 1:11:00

5:12:00  Liam Jarrett joins.

Sunday, 14 January 2024

My Registry Scheme to regenerate the West

There will be an incentive scheme to get unmarried parents to repent under my registry system. 

There will be a Register of Jews, Muslims and idolaters.

The Register of Idolaters would be divided into Registers of 
  1. Christians
  2. Hindus
  3. Buddhists
  4. Agnostics/Atheists.

Which group do you think would have the most unmarried parents? 

There would be a Register of Sex Offenders divided into 

  1. unmarried parents
  2. adulterers
  3. LGBT people convicted of public indecency

The Register of Unmarried Parents would be divided into 

  1. Repentant Unmarried Parents
  2. Unrepentant Unmarried Parents.

The legitimate offspring of married parents would go to A schools.

The illegitimate offspring of repentant unmarried parents would go to B schools.

The illegitimate offspring of unrepentant unmarried parents would go to C schools.

Prisons would classify prisoners according to their parentage ie

  1. never married parents
  2. divorced parents
  3. married parents 

to establish from which group convicted prisoners most come from. 

Talking to Vincent Bruno about the religions of America from 6:00

6:00  Stream begins.

7:00  Indiscreet photos

Rabbinical rivalry from 1:12:00

17:00  The Fourth Estate needs to give the green light.
18:00  Chabad tunnels

19:00  The Fourth Estate is the First Estate.

Churches of America


24:00  The fastest growing religion in America is Mormonism, the second fastest is Islam.
25:00  Mormon beliefs
28:00  Mitt Romney
29:00  Mormon War
33:00  Utah War
37:00  Deseret Alphabet
38:00  Baptism for the dead
40:00  Scientology

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...