Wednesday, 3 January 2024

Big Bang, Atenism, Hinduism and the Trinity with Vincent Bruno, Jord interrogates Doooovid on his love life, singing, Jews with Liam Jarrett

Gladiator Canaries

6:00  Mathilde Ludendorff
10:00  Secular Koranism is not just my list of favourite verses.
14:00  Jon Vance
15:00  Jews

16:00  Christians attached a dead Jew on a stick to the Abrahamic God and the Holy Spirit.

17:00  The Romans wanted their revenge on Jews.

18:00  Christendom is virtually extinct.
19:00  The Abrahamic God
20:00  Infinite regression, God and the Big Bang
21:00  Singularity
22:00  Microwaves are evidence of the Big Bang theory.

The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is the cooled remnant of the first light that could ever travel freely throughout the Universe. This 'fossil' radiation, the furthest that any telescope can see, was released soon after the 'Big Bang'. Scientists consider it as an echo or 'shockwave' of the Big Bang.

23:00  PEBBLE MUNCHER joins
26:00  Incest
32:00  Whoremaxxer
33:00  Jon Vance
34:00  Vincent now more attracted to Jon Vance.
37:00  Secular Koranism
38:00  Alex Woodrow
39:00  Is Captain Pebblebeard a white supremacist?
40:00  Narish Kalia

45:00  Secular Koranism

47:00  My big idea of Secular Koranism won't go down in one swallow.

Westerners can interpret the Koran better.

48:00  Fall of the Ottoman Empire

49:00  Secular Koranism is an opportunity for Western men to regain control of the ship of state from immoral women.

50:00  Vincent Bruno is capable of logical thought, unlike men of the Dissident Right.

Disgusting levels of censorship in the Dissident Right

51:00  Mocking the afflicted

52:00  Degenerate Dissident Right

55:00  TBR Telegram group

58:00  MR PELU joins.

59:00  Vincent says "shocking evil things".

1:00:00  Claire and Bruno against the world

1:02:00  Secular Koranism

1:03:00  Zodiac

1:05:00  Idolatry

1:08:00  Maimonides on idolatry

1:09:00  Hidden idolatry

1:13:00  Noahide laws

1:19:00  People of the Book

1:20:00  The tribute system

1:22:00  The Noahide laws

1:26:00  Bedtime analogy

1:35:00  "I am a missionary!"

1:38:00   Avodah zarah

1:39:00  Shirk

1:43:00  Muslims don't accept the authority of the Babylonian Talmud.

1:45:00  Secular Koranism

1:46:00  I am a gradualist.

1:47:00  Islamic values

1:48:00  My principled position

1:49:00  Gay men are not breeders.

1:50:00  Even mocking Secular Koranism is propagating it.

1:51:00  Vincent and I are foils to each other.

Punch and Judy

1:53:00  The Abrahamic God

1:54:00  Atenism by Akhenaten

2:02:00  Abraham and Isaac

2:08:00  DOOOOVID joins to discuss idolatry.

2:10:00  Freemasonry

2:24:00  Christianity is idolatry.

2:30:00  Necromancy and the First Amendment

2:36:00  A Christian trait to change people's beliefs

2:41:00  Freemasonry

2:43:00  Are Masons Noahides?

2:46:00  Grand Lodge

2:51:00  Is Vincent toxic?

2:54:00  Noahide laws

3:02:00  Christian bashing

3:04:00  Unprincipled Jews

3:07:00  A principled and unprincipled ranking of the gentile religions by rabbis

3:09:00  Politically apathetic Hindus

3:11:00  BJP

3:19:00  Noahide movement

3:2100  Vivek Ramaswamy

3:24:00  90% Indian

Hindu temples

3:26:00  Noahide compliance of a gentile religion is irrelevant.

3:27:00  Noahide rabbis are scams, not respectable members of the community.

3:28:00  Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikk Haley

3:30:00  Why do Jews reject Vincent?

3:32:00  Music festival Supernova attacked on 7 October 2023.

3:33:00  JORD joins.

3:36:00  Noahide laws

3:39:00  Gay mafia more powerful than Noahides.

3:44:00  Jon Vance

3:50:00  Claire and Vincent are a comedic duo!

3:57:00  The Cube

3:58:00  Extremists Club

4:03:00  Western men are being destroyed by their own divisions. 

4:06.00  TikTok

4:10:00  Pop music

4:11:00  The Doors and Jim Morrison

4:17:00  Jerusalem

4:20:00  Poetry

4:24:00  Doooovid has never been in love.

4:25:00  I don't not love others! 

4:31:00  If Doooovid wanted to make a move on me ...

4:34:00  MICHELLE joins to talk about love. 

4:38:00  Vincent has a loving relationship with his husband.

4:40:00  Secular Koranism comes from the Koran.

4:46:00  Dating coach Jord

4:56:00  The Crystal Ship by the Doors

5:01:00  Forward, you Witnesses!

5:10:00  Immortal Invisible

5:20:00  Shopping for a new religion should be like shopping for wine and cheese. There is no advantage at all to being young, immature and without an established track record. 

5:21:00  Pagan
5:23:00  Tom Sunic
5:24:00  Paganism is a low status religion.
5:26:00  White nationalists larping as pre-Christian pagans
5:27:00  White nationalists have the "high ambition" of wanting to live on their own reservation.

Civic nationalism would allow civic nationalists to exclude non-citizens from their nation and claim a higher status than the non-citizen. 

5:28:00  LIAM JARRETT and joins at 5:30:00
5:31:00  People of the Book
5:33:00  Liam denies the prophets of God. 
5:34:00  Allah is Lord of the Worlds.
5:35:00  The simplicity and strength of the narrative of the Abrahamic God is supreme and unbeatable. 
5:42:00  What women want
5:43:00  Infantilised Western men
5:44:00  The necessity for religion
5:45:00  Secular Koranism
5:48:00  Secular Koranist legislation
5:49:00  Iran
5:52:00  Jews
5:53:00  Jacob and Esau
5:54:00  The narratives of secular political ideologies

5:56:00  We don't have to believe in God to choose the moral system that is least restrictive but most effective and most suitable for us. 

5:57:00  The Torah is for Jews, the Koran for humanity.

5:58:00  The minimum standard of sexual morality must be high enough to prevent degeneracy. The eugenic filter of marriage is required.

5:59:00  Demographics and immigration are linked. 
6:00:00  Spirituality is the desire for justice.
6:01:00  Those who want to become and remain married parents would support Secular Koranism.
6:02:00  Why China chose Marxism

6:03:00  The poorer you become, the more attractive Communism becomes.

6:04:00  Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
6:05:00  Is China practising National Socialism more successfully than the Nazis?

A people's democratic dictatorship v a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie

6:06:00  Christian nationalism

6:07:00  The Founding Fathers rejected both Christianity and monarchy by separating the church from their state. 

Christopher Columbus

6:08:00  Abraham Lincoln
6:09:00  Jews come in four colours.

6:10:00  JON VANCE joins to discuss the First Amendment.
6:12:00  Christian nationalism
6:14:00  Martyrdom and the organising force that is religion
6:15:00  Will America establish a monarchy?
6:16:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions rejected monarch and Christianity.
6:18:00  The Trinity
6:19:00  The New Testament is only the word of mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance.
6:20:00  Censorship through heretic burning

6:21:00  The Trinity cannot be properly understood by any honest, reasonable and decent individual without rejection.

6:22:00  Pope Sylvester persuaded Constantine to expel Jews from Jerusalem. 

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What would Jews prefer, Secular Koranism or Noahide Hinduism? — Real Vincent Bruno (@RealVinBruno) January 23, 2025 1:00  Secular Koranism 3:00  Referendum in Israel 4:00  Jews m...