Tuesday, 16 January 2024

Hypocrites who call themselves men

Secular Koranism is intended to appeal to social conservatives who want to restore the patriarchy.

Those who want to restore the patriarchy would be those who want to become married parents and stay married for the sake of the children to practise responsible parenthood. It is not necessary for people to be marriageable to support Secular Koranism. In fact anyone who can agree that the next generation would be better off brought up by their two married biological parents living together in a loving relationship should be able to support Secular Koranism. In other words, you can be gay, transgender ie not even marriageable because you are either too old or too young as long as you support the principle that the next generation should be reared by married parents and unmarried parents treated as sex offenders. 

Why don't more people support Secular Koranism?

It is because most women of childbearing age are not marriageable. You are not marriageable if you do not desire marriage, and most women of childbearing age prefer to "ride the cock carousel" as they "build their careers". 

Also, most men whom marriageable women might want to marry do not desire marriage because marriage is no longer a good bargain for them. 

If most women of childbearing age do not desire marriage and most men marriageable women might want to marry do not desire marriage either, the best people in your society are not reproducing.  

If those who do engage in sexual reproduction do so outside wedlock, they are in fact sex offenders and should be treated as such. 

Obviously, it not a desirable state of affairs if most parents in your society are unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring. 

The social disease of degeneracy and widespread bastardy will continue to widen and deepen until your civilisation is over and out, dead and gone. 

What is notable is the reluctance of men calling themselves nationalists to discuss such a phenomenon. The most common reaction is feigned incomprehension, denial as well as accusations, insults and abuse. 

Corruption is ignoring truth, and it seems the majority of Western men are quite happy to ignore the problem of degeneracy preferring to blame Jews, Muslims and migrants.  

To cease to blame Jews, Muslims and immigrants would mean that these men would have to marry women of their own race and pay for their children. It would appear that they would frankly rather die than have to do that!  

These men are of course idolaters. Idolatry is the worship of anything that isn't God, and these men worship their own dumb opinions and would rather die than admit that they were wrong. To die for your own dumb opinions which are morally and intellectually indefensible because they are provably wrong having been defeated countless times is obviously self-worship.   

It is a fact universally acknowledged that religious people are more likely to marry before having children as well as stay together for the sake of the children.  

It is also a fact universally acknowledged that atheists are the people most likely to be the unmarried parents of casually conceived and parented illegitimate offspring who become the next  generation of mentally ill, drug-addicted underachieving criminal classes - the agents of chaos and criminality. Unfortunately, they are now the majority which unprincipled hypocrites refuse to call out and challenge, preferring to complain about Jews, Muslims and migrants supported by their anti-immigration parties who prefer to play the blame game. 

While playing the blame game complaining about Jews, Muslims and migrants, they get themselves into trouble with the authorities. 

However, instead of ceasing to blame Jews, Muslims and migrants, they double down and do it all the more, these confirmed bachelors, spinsters, unmarried parents and their illegitimate offspring treating every act of censorship as confirmation that Jews indeed do control the world.  

These people who play the blame game - antisemites, Islamophobes and racists - do not seem to have noticed that the people they most love to blame - Jews and Muslims - have a religion. 

Being white supremacists, they insist that their skin colour alone entitles them to the privilege of being better treated than foreigners even as they refuse to do the expected thing to keep their race going - marry and have legitimate offspring. 

When they find foreigners invited into the country to do the work they refuse to do or are not capable of doing better treated than they are, they will blame Jews. 

Antisemites and Islamophobes worshiping their idols of antisemitism and Islamophobia is now the new qausi-religion of the West. Unfortunately for these idol worshipers, the sin is its own punishment since continuing to worship these false gods would only make them weaker, stupider and less marriageable and worsen things in their rapidly ageing and shrinking society.  

While I know I will be shot as the messenger bearing bad news, it is bemusing to see how long they will stay in denial and pretend not to understand while hurling insults and accusations as they go to their graves.

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What would Jews prefer, Secular Koranism or Noahide Hinduism?

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