Tuesday, 9 January 2024

Dr Dariya Khan and I discuss the alarming religionlessness of white people descending into chaos, criminality and decline

4:00  Britons do not have the benefit of the First Amendment and neither do Americans if no one will defend it. 

The unwritten constitution of the British means the British have not got a constitution.

Western governments must stop making up the rules as they go along. 

1:00  "Have secular liberal Jews destroyed Judaism?" 

2:00  Religion and politics is a difference without a distinction.  

3:00  A new constitution for Jews

5:00  The ingredients of a religion

6:00  Idolatry is a Jewish idea. 

7:00  Law is impossible without the written word.

9:00  Why would anyone prefer the Torah to the Koran if both come from the same God?

10:00  The Koran does not have 36 capital offences. 


11:00  Ir nidachat


13:00  Tel Aviv is a city that gone astray.

14:00  Israel is a liberal democracy, not a theocracy, promoting the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah.

17:00  Secular Jews are regarded as heretics by Orthodox Jews.

UK Jews pray in mosques with Muslims. 

18:00  Number of Jews


19:00  Jews don't have a Pope.

20:00  A Register of Jews

21:00  Muslims do not have a Pope either. 

22:00  Muslims do not dispute the words of the Koran.

23:00  Islamic accountability

24:00  Stoning Sabbath breakers outside the city gates

26:00  Stoning sodomites


28:00  The option for mercy on the thief and the rebel exists in the Koran.



30:00  "God is watching you."

31:00  The Koran is a surprisingly liberal document.

38:00  Benefits of a habit of gratitude and humility

41:00  Muslim MAGA

42:00  60s fashion

43:00  England

44:00  Georgian architecture

45:00  Blackpool and Bradford

47:00  San Francisco

48:00  America does not have an official moral system. 

The burned and bloody history of Christianity

49:00  The secularism of the French Revolution

50:00  Separation of church and state

54:00  Christians burned heretics at the stake.

55:00  American and French Revolutions

57:00  Christianity was used to support the divine right of kings.

58:00  The best religion

1:00:00  Secular Koranism

1:01:00  Secularism

1:02:00  There is no divine law restated in the New Testament.

Usury, Martin Luther and John Calvin

1:03:00  None of the authors of the New Testament were God.

1:04:00  George Washington warned against political parties in his farewell speech.

1:05:00  Democracy is a sham.

1:07:00  China is a one-party state that changes its policies. 

1:08:00  Achievements of China since it became a republic

1:09:00  China has elections but not general elections. 

1:11:00  Xinjiang

1:12:00  "China is not an atheist country."

1:13:00  Belief in God prolongs the existence of your civilisation.

1:14:00  Mandate of Heaven


1:18:00  The rule of law can only exist in an established court and legal system.

1:10:00  Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy

1:20:00  God's eternal and universal laws

1:21:00  The law is impossible without the written word.

1:22:00  Muslims must read the Koran.

1:23:00  Examinations in Koranic Knowledge


1:24:00  Kharijites


1:27:00  How Islamophobes have helped me develop my ideas

1:29:00  Easy to win arguments against Islamophobes

1:31:00  Black and brown people

1:35:00  The Unmoved Mover is an Aristotelian concept.

1:36:00  Islam is objectively the best religion. 

1:37:00  Younger people wanting to go straight

1:39:00  Idolatry and the best available guide to humanity

1:40:00  Hidden idolatry

1:42:00  According to the Koran, Jesus did not die on the cross.

1:43:00  Dayananda Saraswati

1:44:00  God forbade human sacrifice.

1:45:00  Jesus is supposed to confirm the law of Moses and the law of Muhammad. 

1:46:00  God's prohibition against idolatry and blasphemy is for the protection of Man.

1:47:00  People who call themselves Christians are hypocrites only pretending to worship the Trinity. They are hypocrites because they fearlessly flout God's prohibitions against idolatry and blasphemy from which we can infer that they must be atheists only pretending to worship an executed blasphemer. Why would atheists pretend to worship a man executed for blasphemy when Christianity is despised and derided by the Western ruling classes as the religion of the stupid people? It makes no sense at all. The only conclusion we can make from this is that Western Man is now hopelessly neurotic and confused. 

1:48:00  If the Sermon on the Mount is the distillation of Christian wisdom, it is not very wise.

1:49:00  What exactly is God's position on adultery?

1:50:00  But for Judaism, there would be no Jews. But for Jews, there would be no Jesus for Christians to worship.

1:51:00  The Koran gives a respectful, clear and coherent narrative of Jesus and Mary.

1:52:00  The meaning of Jacob

1:54:00  Who wrote the New Testament?

1:55:00  The First Amendment is supported by quran.com/2/256

1:56:00  The Jefferson Bible is the Red Letter Bible.

1:58:00  The Founding Fathers rejected the Trinity.

1:59:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions were rejections of monarchy.

2:00:00  Christianity and Islam

2:01:00  Heretic burning was the only way to censor those who would deny the divinity of Jesus.

2:02:00  How is Jesus God?

2:04:00  Christians want Jesus to die for their sins. However, being Muslim would allow them to believe that Jesus didn't die on the cross and still believe in the afterlife.

2:06:00  The jizya and zakat at 2.5%

2:09:00  The jizya is a conditional tribute.

2:10:00  The jizya returned in the Iberian Peninsula. 

2:11:00  Islam in Egypt


2:16:00  Parents will find themselves unable to resist using Allah to frighten their children into good behaviour.

2:18:00  Parental voices drowned by mainstream media, schools, universities.

2:20:00  With the cooperation of the Fourth Estate, public opinion would be very malleable. 

2:21:00  Immigrants and ethno-nationalists both have an interest in supporting the practice of marriage. 

2:22:00  The institution of the family including the extended family

2:23:00  The rise of violent crime

2:24:00  Unmarried parents, divorced parents and fatherlessness

2:25:00  Misogynistic nationalists

2:26:00  Sex tourism in Far East

2:27:00  Men who submit to feminists for sexual access

2:28:00  Feminism has harmed men, women and children

2:29:00  Incest and IVF

2:31:00  How low can we go?

You are a white supremacist if you don't think white people need a religion.

2:32:00  White people are authors of their own destruction.

2:34:00  My experience on Spaces

2:35:00  If we are to explore Space, we can only do so as a patriarchy. 

2:37:00  We must keep the channel's of communication open.

2:38:00  Nick Griffin


2:42:00  The liberal narrative can be overturned legally and peacefully.

2:43:00  Only one rational and moral choice remains out of all the available moral systems most people will have heard of.

2:44:00  Islam addresses the spiritual and material needs of individuals and societies. 

2:45:00  Mad Max

2:46:00  quran.com/49/13

2:48:00  The Koran can be divided into the following:

(i) the threats and promises of God

(ii) stories

(iii) the Commandments of Allah capable of being made into legislation 

(iv) the Commandments of Allah not capable of being made into legislation

2:49:00  A global reading of the Koran

2:50:00  Politics

2:51:00  Washington warned against political parties in his farewell speech.

2:53:00  Trump would be the best person in the world to promote Secular Koranism with American Characteristics. 

2:54:00  Western men are unable to have an honest and rational discussion about the failure of Christo-Liberalism.

2:56:00  MAGA Muslim

2:57:00  Anyone who calls himself a Classical Liberal is demonstrating that they continue to submit to liberalism. 

2:58:00  "You cannot be a Conservative and call yourself a Classical Liberal."

In Australia, the Liberal Party is the Conservative Party.

2:59:00  It was a Conservative Prime Minister who legalised gay marriage.

3:00:00  Orthodox rabbis ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws making Islam most and Christianity least Noahide

3:01:00  Jews, instead of ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws, prefer to make an alliance with the least Noahide of gentiles - Christians - when they should be making an alliance with the most Noahide of gentiles - Muslims. 

3:02:00  Are Jews responsible for liberalism - a gentile creation?

3:04:00  Antisemites unwittingly elevate the Jews they hate to a status high above them just below God.

3:10:00  The CIA are trying to control global opinion. 

3:11:00  Secular Koranism offers the Western ruling classes a better working environment - not having to tell liberal lies - and a higher status - being less distrusted and despised. 

3:12:00  Trump supporters socially intimidated into saying that while there was election fraud, it was not enough to swing the election. 

3:15:00  Israel will be the New Ukraine.

America wants to commit suicide by cop.

3:19:00  Gradual decline of America

3:20:00  Suez Crisis and NATO countries are US vassal states

3:21:00  Germany being deindustrialised

3:23:00  Buffer state

3:25:00  Washington warned against the military industrial complex

3:27:00  Bankruptcy of Birmingham and Nottingham City Council

3:28:00  Liz Truss, Rishi Sunak and the raising of taxes

Most people can be made to believe in almost anything. 

3:31:00  Taxes of snooker player

3:32:00  Khums

3:25:00  20% seems to be the magic number. 

The Laffer Curve


3:37:00  Britain and America claim that their imperialism was to protect Jews fulfilling the divine duty of the white man's burden.

3:38:00  The Australian Prime Minister can assist in peacefully and legally dismantling the American Empire by calling for a referendum on whether to become an independent republic. 


3:40:00  Generations of criminal behaviour in Australia

3:43:00  Space exploration can only be enjoyed by a non-degenerate society. Matriarchy is by definition degenerate. 

3:44:00  Incest

3:47:00  Feminism cheapens women.

3:52:00  The nature and purpose of religion

3:53:00  The Dissident Right who refuse to discuss feminism and religion

3:54:00  Koraniyule is derived from Millenniyule.


3:57:00  Millennial Woes when he was honest enough to discuss Islam.


3:58:00  Millennial Woes is adopting the same tactics of non-engagement the liberal media are using. 

3:59:00  Religion is an organising force.

4:00:00  On being blocked by Millennial Woes and Julia Hartley Brewer

4:01:00  Andrew Neill is a "presstitute".

4:03:00  Douglas Murray

4:05:00  Question Time and the use of theology to control the narrative

4:06:00  Milgram Experiment


4:08:00  Lockdown

4:10:00  "Granny killers"

4:12:00  MacDonald's

4:15:00  Washington saying "We must with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion" is asking for a theocracy.

4:18:00  White people and their children

4:19:00  Packs of feral youth roaming the streets

4:21:00  "Those whom the gods with to destroy they first make mad."

The sin is its own punishment.

4:23:00  Child abuse

4:25:00  Not admitting mistakes

4:26:00  Racial theory

4:28:00  The future average white family

4:29:00  G K Chesterton

4:34:00  Which would be worse - a Hindu or Muslim takeover of the West?

4:36:00  "Muslims built India."


4:38:00  Hindu PM of the UK

4:39:00  Obesity is caused by gluttony.

Seven Deadly Sins

4:40:00  Being accused of white supremacy even if one is note white

4:41:00  Imperial wars v defensive wars

4:42:00  Vivek Ramaswamy proposing that the US leave NATO

4:45:00  Cancel culture is censorship.

4:46:00  Self-censorship


"​The state can't do its job because it is full of non-Whites."

What is the government's job?

"Who are the biggest donors to these parties?"

Who are the biggest donors to which parties?

"A man named Schlomo Goldenbergenstein, who only supports Israel will be an 'American' to you because he doesn't officially have an Israeli passport."

Race and nationality are two different concepts. You cannot change your race, but you can change your nationality.

"Jews created their god so of course they 'are' god."

If God was a creation of Man, then it was Abraham who created God. Jews did not come into existence until the Torah was handed to Moses on Mount Sinai. This means all the prophets of God in Judaism before Moses were righteous gentiles obeying the Noahide laws.  

In other words, righteous gentiles AKA Noahides existed before Moses. 

Jews, according to Islam, are one of the People of the Book. 

It is the possession of divine revelation that gives Jews and Muslims their power. 

Without an official handbook containing the laws of God, it will be impossible to obey Him properly. 

The Torah and the Koran have been made the basis of a legal system known as a theocracy.

"The Koran is not the rule book for the Arab people. It is the rule book that usurped their own rules."

What was the rule book of the Arabs before the Koran? What were the rules of Arabs before the Koran?

"Yes, you use all the same sayings the Jews use to absolve themselves of blame."

What do Jews say to absolve themselves of blame?

"​All you do is blame Europeans for not using Jewish rulebooks."

Europeans appropriated the Old Testament and stuck their New Testament to it. Christianity was built on Judaism.

"Virtually all the neocons who you blame for a lot, are ethnic Jews."

Neocons both Jew and gentile would be unrighteous Jews and gentiles. 

"Supposed anti-system dissidents are able to see past headlines, past paper passports, and discuss things in racial, not country terms. America means nothing because it is no longer European."

What does it mean to "discuss things in racial not country terms"?

Would America no longer exist because it ceases to become white-majority? 

Even if white people in America became a minority, would that mean they no longer matter?

Jews have always been a minority in the diaspora. Does that mean they don't matter?

"​Like a boomer she says that Jews are not Jews if they are not practicing, which is to say that there is no such thing as an ethnic Jew."

Jews who do not practise Judaism should be considered dead to Judaism. The best way to express this is to put Jews on a Register and for the Registrar who would be a rabbi to strike them off if they are known to have committed any of the 36 capital offences of Judaism. Just supposing all Jews are struck off this Register of Jews and they become extinct. Does this mean that gentile governments would miraculously improve? If Jews both righteous and unrighteous no longer exist, wouldn't there still be unrighteous gentiles to contend with? 

"These two have 100% conservative takes minus a few decades. They are 1950s conservatives, which means they read the textbooks and believe them as gospel truth."

What textbooks would these be?

"​1950s as in so naive and trusting of the textbook positions on everything."

What textbook positions on what?

"​​You sound exactly like my parents, who are 80, who look at an ostensible leader of a country and think they are actually the leaders."

I have repeatedly said that NATO countries are US vassal states whose national leaders are bought and paid for by the neocons. 

"in Genesis, who ruled Egypt, Joseph or the Pharaoh?"

The Pharaoh delegated power to Joseph. 

"Define an American, Claire. Define a Briton, Claire. Define a German, Claire."

An American is someone with US citizenship, a Briton is someone with UK citizenship, a German is someone with German citizenship or is German-speaking. 

"Australia is being colonised by China and Australia was founded on White Australia policy."

Was it China who lifted the White Australia policy or was it the British government? Why did it do so? Curses for Disobedience in the Book of Deuteronomy lists what might happen to you if you disobey God and mentions foreigners taking over. 

"Only traitors should sidle up to China."

Why would it be traitorous for Australian businessmen to want to do business with China? Why is trade traitorous?

"Chinese now control so much of all of the West."

Neoliberalism has enabled this. 

"​Claire: is there such a thing as an ethnic Briton or is it just a paper that says you are British?"

You can be British IC1-5. 


"Multiculturalism is dysgenic."

All empires are multicultural. Are all empires dysgenic?

"Mass immigration is dysgenic. Marriage is only ONE portion of eugenics."

Marriage is eugenic and bastardy dysgenic.

If the indigenous are mostly unmarriageable being mostly the illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents and immigrants are mostly marriageable being the legitimate offspring of married parents, then an influx of immigrants would have the effect of raising the average of marriageable people capable of becoming married parents. In such a scenario, immigration would be eugenic. 

"MW will not talk secular koranism because it is self refuting. You are a sacred Islamist but pretend that you are not."

How is Secular Koranism "self-refuting"? No one is required to change their beliefs under Secular Koranism and the First Amendment would be supported by https://quran.com/2/256

"Funny that you don't talk about fathers in the DR movement, only about MW and those that are unmarried. You ignore all the uncomfortable bits for your arguments."

Which fathers do you want me to talk about? Apart from yourself, who would you say is a thought leader of nationalism who is also a married father?

"There were next to NO Muslims in Briton anywhere for hundreds of years and suddenly after the 1980s there are hundreds of thousands. A stroke of a pen, Claire."


"​Answer the question Claire: if divorce is rising in Islamic countries, what is the difference then between supposed Christians and Islamics is what? Islam is not a bulwark against degeneracy"

Islam without sharia - and the inflicting of corporal punishment on unmarried parents and the stigmatisation of divorce - is a car without an engine.

"Who is the thought leader in Islam?

I would say the Supreme Leader of Iran Imam Khameini.

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What would Jews prefer, Secular Koranism or Noahide Hinduism?

https://t.co/8eIDbt997y — Real Vincent Bruno (@RealVinBruno) January 23, 2025 1:00  Secular Koranism 3:00  Referendum in Israel 4:00  Jews m...