Tuesday, 6 August 2024

Discussing the bachelor tax and gay serial killers with Vincent Bruno

2:00  At least I have a solution.

3:00  "Christianity destroyed the culture."

4:00  Legal thinking and ancestral thinking

5:00  The logic of a hierarchical court system

6:00  Commands and prohibitions

7:00  Noahide laws

Why it is important to forbid idolatry and blasphemy

9:00  Mormonism rides on the coat tails of the American Republic.

10:00  The dangers of tolerating free love

11:00  Bachelor tax

15:00  The Western ruling classes are corrupt and incompetent and never think of the national interest.

16:00  Moral laws supporting moral systems

21:00  Child-rearing temple

22:00  Restoring the patriarchy

24:00  Islamophobia is white genocide. 

Islamophobia is now the unofficial religion of Westerners.

25:00  Brave New World

26:00  Gay parenting v married parenting

27:00  Vincent being the first Gay Secular Koranist

29:00  Financial and social incentives are necessary for married parents

30:00  Vincent's plan of circumventing marriage will not succeed. 

31:00  Secular Koranism could be the platform for Vincent's Beyondism.

Vincent promoting Secular Koranism would make it less scary to Westerners. 

33:00  Surrogacy would be banned under Secular Koranism.

34:00  Beyondism is trying to make fish fly and birds swim.

36:00  Vincent cannot understand why heterosexual men concerned about white birth rates wanting social conservatism keep rejecting Secular Koranism.

37:00  Westerners don't know the burned and bloody history of Christianity. 

38:00  Rabbi Harry Waton

39:00  Jews and gentiles are stiff-necked people.

What would our ancestors and posterity think of us?

40:00  Are we the Aztecs of the 21st century?

41:00  Muslims don't know their rights because they don't now the Koran.

43:00  Secular Koranism is described by Vincente Bruno as "ingenious". 

44:00  Vincent Bruno is perfect to promote Secular Koranism because he is not a macho man. 

Stephen J James and Jay Walker are heedless of their moral imperative. 

46:00  Theology is the new frontier of political activism.

47:00  True Torah teaching is  now illegal, according to Rabbi Mizrachi.

Hypocrites claiming to be Jews, Christians and Muslims are incapable of imaging a universe and its Creator who forbade idolatry and blasphemy in His Commandments. 

48:00  When did the Abrahamic God become a liberal?

49:00  Gay Jack Mormon

Talking about the Trinity in a gay hot tub

50:00  Only God is above the global hegemon.

52:00  Mike Malzahn is the Islamophobic Inspector of Muslim channels.

54:00  Nathan Cofnas and Erik Kaufmann

55:00  Hereditarianism

56:00  Hashkafa

57:00  Gender roles are still necessary for gay sex parties.

58:00  Talking about the Trinity is friendzoning a gay man you are not attracted to.

1:00:00  Two sexual encounters so far at the gay resort

1:05:00  Wine

1:08:00  Carol Balizet

1:09:00  What normies like talking about

1:11:00  Trump supporter here.

1:12:00  Vincent had voted for Trump.

1:13:00  My interview recommendation

Many gay Trump voters

1:14:00  Kamala Harris book by Caleb Maupin

1:15:00  Democratic National Convention

1:17:00  John Wayne Gacy

1:18:00  Dennis Nielsen

1:20:00  Cannibalism and Jeffrey Dahmer

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