Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Secular Koranism is a fertility cult

Matilde Ludendorff etc and Raymond Cattell

1:00  Women are practical, men are abstract.

2:00  "Socialism is a female enterprise." 

3:00  The Richard Report mentioned by practical solutions. 

If you don't have a 75% chance of winning, don't even bother. 

4:00  You don't have to believe in God to acknowledge the utility of having an official moral system that instils the necessary rules to regulate the behaviour of a group to promote marriage and family values. 

5:00  The utility of a lie

If people do not have a religion that tells them to believe that good will be rewarded and evil punished in this life or the next, they will have no principles to follow, preventing them from doing the right thing. The right thing is always to tell the truth and exercise logic for the greater good of the group. 

6:00  People cannot make up their mind up on whether they believe in God or not.

Emunah and bitachon

7:00  Knowing that the concept of God exists is enough for our purposes. 

8:00  Agnosticism is the most intellectually respectable position to take. 

Our group needs official rules all members recognise as being the rules. 

9:00  Are we Conservatives or are we Liberals?

10:00  We are people at the bottom of the pool who want to get to the top without water. The water  is the rules we need to get ourselves to the top without climbing a ladder. 


11:00  Elizabeth Dilling

15:00  We have to be practical in practical politics.

Curious Gazelle

17:00  Stephen represents a demographic.

18:00  Electoral politics

19:00  Secular Koranism

20:00  Ayn Rand

21:00  Was birth control wise?

22:00  Free love

Gender relations

Marriage is for legitimate children.

25:00  Anti-democratic

Political systems

27:00  Isaac Cade is Stephen J James's stalker.

28:00  Who is the wisest philosopher in the world?

29:00  Ayn Rand

32:00  Is God the divine libertarian by giving us the Noahide laws?

Stephen J James announces that he does not have a problem with the Noahide laws.

34:00  ELLIOTT BLATT joins. 

35:00  Trump radicalising weed is not going to help him electorally.

36:00  Joe Biden was against weed.  

38:00  Trump should be promoting Secular Koranism and proposing a one-party state.

42:00  Elliott thinks Trump is going to win and Kamala is going to lose.

Tulsi Gabbard and Jimmy Dore

43:00  Joe Rogan

44:00  Elon Musk is adored.

45:00  Trump is keeping his powder dry.

ABC presidential debate

48:00  Kamala cackle

Immense coaching and preparation

51:00  Don't interrupt your enemy when he is making a misttake. 

53:00  Boomers more reliable. 

54:00  Get the theory right. 

55:00  Ant colony

56:00  Georgians followed the rules

The Pilgrim Fathers were the Puritans. 

57:00  Women just need to keep their legs crossed. 

59:00  Indians with American accents

1:01:00  PRIMORDIAL CHAOS joins.

1:02:00  Go forth and multiply.

1:03:00  Theosis

Paul was a heretical Jew.

1:06:00  Religion is about frightening people into becoming married parents. 

1:08:00  Casual sex is degenerate. 

Birth rates in Japan and Korea are going down.

1:09:00  Vincent agrees that married parenthood is "unimaginably horrible". 

1:10:00  Regulating the birth rate with contraception

Red Ice

1:11:00  45

1:12:00  Amniocentesis

1:13:00  Vincent Bruno the soft-hearted eugenicist. 

1:14:00  Paralympics

1:16:00  Dwarfism

The Hobbit House

1:18:00  Siamese twins

1:21:00  Abortion by right
1:23:00  Midgets
1:24:00  Pater familias
1:25:00  Smothered children
1:27:00  Leaving babies on door steps
1:28:00  Unwanted babies would be exposed.

1:30:00  What I propose is already being done

Liverpool death pathway

1:32:00  The woman whose first child was severely disabled
1:34:00  Mothers can be martyrs and masochists.
1:36:00  We need a gender balanced society.
1:37:00  Alpha male leader of a country of gay men
Kamala Harris is not a mother.
1:38:00  Edward  Heath was a bachelor.
Bachelor POTUS

1:39:00  The nation depends on married parents to produce the next generation.
1:41:00  Women who destroy their marriages thinking they are going to do better
1:42:00  The problems of parenting children not your own

1:44:00  Are women really better philosophers?
1:45:00  The Wise Mother
1:46:00  Calling oneself a philosopher does not necessarily save you from execution as Socrates discovered. 
Journalists also get murdered and jailed.
1:47:00  Court scholars
Islamic scholars jailed for having the wrong interpretation of the Koran by their absolute monarch
1:48:00  Measuring and acquiring wisdom

Jewish theology is Jewish philosophy.

1:49:00  The Abrahamic moral system is self-correcting.

Causation can be easily determined through the breaking of the rules.

Rules are made to be broken.

1:50:00  If we are wicked people who come to a stick end, we can be a warning to others. 

How do we know the cure is worse than the disease?

1:51:00  We owe our existence to our ancestors who had babies even though they could not foretell the future but decided to be optimistic anyway. 

1:52:00  The Waltons
Little House on the Prairie

1:53:00  The Fourth Estate
1:54:00  Marriage and family values

Archie Bunker

1:55:00  The grass is always greener on the other side. 

The worst thing about modern life is the anomie and the nihilism.

1:56:00  Fear of the future and distrust of our ruling classes

1:57:00  Is it too much to ask for our ruling classes not to be crazy, stupid or evil?

Inversion of the social and moral hieararchy

1:58:00  Who is in charge?

1:59:00  Demanding to speak to the manager


2:00:00  Dialogue, negotiation, resolution
Sons talking to fathers
2:01:00  An intergenerational dialogue must take place.
2:02:00  Religious communities have better intergenerational relationships, stronger male solidarity and more efficacious group cooperation.
2:03:00  Respecting each other's property and women
2:04:00  Elliott Rodger
2:05:00  American high school is very cruel. 
2:06:00  Teenage tribes
2:07:00  Prom kings and queens
2:08:00  Vincent didn't go to his school prom.
2:10:00  16-28
2:11:00  Muslims
2:12:00  Being confronted with things we don't like
2:13:00  Not crying over spilled milk.
Jews take their own history very seriously.
2:14:00  Rabbi Mizrachi on Rabbi Avigdor Miller

Avigdor Miller mentioned from 2:03:00

2:15:00  To stop suffering, stop sinning. 

2:16:00  CURIOUS GAZELLE joins. 
2:17:00  Jews are controlled by liberalism. 
2:18:00  Jews are morally obliged to support Zionism or else be ostracised. 
2:20:00  Eric Greenstein and Glen Greenwald
2:21:00  Zionism is the idea of a Jewish homeland.

2:22:00  DICKSON SIDAH joins.
2:23:00  All kingdoms were acquired by war.
2:25:00  Israel is backed by the world's number one superpower.
2:27:00  Israel is an American colony.
2:28:00  Israel is the unsinkable aircraft carrier of America.
2:29:00  America actually wants Jews and Arabs to fight each other.
2:30:00  Neocons in the State Department control US foreign policy.
2:31:00  Hindu Zionist
Secular Koranist
2:32:00  Avigdor Miller
2:33:00  Envy
2:35:00  The Holocaust Narrative
2:37:00  Valkyrie
2:38:00  Vincent's Islamophobia provoked threats of beheading.
2:39:00  Vincent is an anti-Jihadi Jihadist.
2:41:00  Gay Muslims
2:42:00  Secular Koranism is anti-hypocrisy.
2:44:00  Dickson is Hindu.
2:46:00  Muslims get offended when their beliefs are challenged.
2:48:00  A million Muslims in New York
2:49:00  Pinkwashing Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno
2:51:00  SK with LGBT Characteristics
2:52:00  LGBT venues
2:54:00  STEFAN speaks.
2:55:00  Domestic partnerships
2:57:00  "Moral framework"
2:59:00  Pre-nuptial agreement
3:03:00  Marriage contracts under Secular Koranism
3:05:00  Concubine contract
3:06:00  Wives, concubines and prostitutes
3:08:00  Secular Koranism is a fertility cult. 
3:09:00  Female philosophers
3:10:00  Margaret Sanger
3:12:00  Female engineers
3:14:00  Women are smarter than men?
3:16:00  Christian men and women losing the argument about the Trinity and logos
3:18:00  Raymond Cattell
3:19:00  Vincente says he fears women. 
3:20:00  Gay male parenting
3:21:00  COLLECTIVE DISMAL joins.
3:25:00  Kibbutz
3:28:00  CURIOUS GAZELLE rejoins. 
3:30:00  Plummeting birth rate in Italy
3:33:00  Secular Koranism
3:34:00  Practical cult
3:36:00  Sex offenders committing an aggravated offence 

3:37:00  Female philosophers

3:38:00  Elizabeth Dilling 

3:41:00  The best chess players are men .

3:46:00  Secular Koranism

Artificial wombs

3:49:00  Birthing through another canal

3:50:00  What if gay men could birth babies through their anal passage?

3:53:00  What if Vincent became a married father?

3:57:00  The liberal order

3:58:00  H joins.

3:59:00  Childhood

4:01:00  CHAVs

4:22:00  God

4:23:00  Female philosophers

4:24:00  Claire Khaw is a better philosopher.

4:25:00  Hinduism

4:27:00  Polytheism v Monotheism

4:29:00  Hindu caste system

4:30:00  Dalit

4:31:00  Rape

4:42:00  "Systematic rape"

5:04:00  Why Gazelle left

5:08:00  I was asleep in my bed! 

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