Tuesday, 27 August 2024

The Mystery of the Trinity; Rabbi Mizrachi; unprincipled Western men

6:00  Space begins.

7:00  Hypocrisy


Suffering is punishment for sin. 

8:00  If you want to stop suffering, stop sinning. 

9:00  Have Muslims identified all the Commandments of Allah that could be made into the law of the land?

10:00  Hidden idolatry manifests itself as hypocrisy.




13:00  Jews

Noahide laws

14:00  quran.com/18/4

15:00  Group dynamics

16:00  The Doctrine of the Trinity

17:00  How Jews might argue against Christians to undermine their beliefs

18:00  The Father is more powerful than the son.

20:00  The Council of Nicaea

21:00  Zeus was believed to have seduced and raped mortal women in Graeco-Roman culture.

22:00  Constantine II


For more than a century the church wavered; the Council of Ariminum (359) all but reversed Nicaea, and the emperor in Constantinople turned the Athanasian majority into a minority. Constantine himself leaned toward Arianism later in his reign, and his eventual successor, his son Constantius, was openly Arian.

23:00  Edict of Thessalonica 380


24:00  The most powerful churches in the world are Trinitarian.

25:00  The Trinity states that Jesus is co-equal, co-eternal and co-substantial with the Abrahamic God..

27:00  The role of the Holy Spirit is to be the Agent of God doing His bidding.



The Third Principle of Judaism forbids conceiving of God as in any way physical or material. 

28:00  Spinoza was excommunicated for the heresy of equating God with the universe.

29:00  William Tyndale


30:00  The nature and purpose of the catechism

32:00  You cannot understand the nature and purpose of the Trinity and remain Christian.

33:00  I said Sylvester II when I meant Sylvester I.




36:00  Purity spiralling

37:00  No one likes us, we don't care.

38:00  Jews are a microcosm of humanity.


39:00  Israel is nothing to do with Judaism.


40:00  Types of Zionism


41:00  Yehuda Gerami


43:00  Israel is secular.

Idolaters v Ethical Monotheists

The Marriageable v The Unmarriageable

Legitimate offspring of married parents v illegitimate offspring of unmarried parents

The Chaste v The Unchaste

44:00  Marriage is eugenic practice. 

45:00  Rabbi Dweck was parachuted in to replace Rabbi Aaron Bassous.






48:00  Judaism is not an organised religion. 

49:00  Sunni Muslims do not have an official leader either. For this reason Sunni Islam is not an organised religion. 

51:00  The secular state of Israel is really run by the US State Department who do not want Haredim to settle in Israel. They only want secular Jews consisting of men of fighting age and women of childbearing age to populate their colony of Israel. 

Righteous Jews who want to rear righteous Jewish children would have to logically and necessarily choose a Noahide nation in which to rear and educate their children where the culture is not antithetical to the beliefs of righteous Jews and gentiles. 


55:00  Avigdor Miller


Hitler was not only sent by Heaven, but was sent as a kindness from Heaven... Because assimilation and intermarriage are worse than death ... and the German Jews and others ignored the Torah-teachers and refused to desist from their mad race into assimilation, the Nazis were sent to prevent them and rescue them before they were swallowed up by the nations.

 56:00   Rabbi Mizrachi on who is a Jew and the Holocaust



59:00  Secular Jews v Religious Jews

1:01:00  Breaking the Sabbath attracts the death penalty according to the Torah.

Rabbi Mizrachi and Yaron Reuven


1:03:00  Rabbinical questions

1:04:00  Suffering is punishment for sin.

1:05:00  White men whingeing

1:06:00  Religion is the dignifying and protective wrapper of goods and individuals. 

Race cannot be your religion because apart from that of colour and appearance, race has no rules to regulate the behaviour of members of a racial group. 

1:07:00  Useless eaters

1:08:00  Why do I single out white men for opprobrium? 

Who should I talk to in order to get the message through? White people are the people most suffering from degeneracy and most dangerous to other races with their promotion of globohomo. 


1:10:00  It is not the role of men to complain but to solve problems. 

1:11:00  Men who refuse to perform their gender role

1:12:00  Degenerate white Western men

1:13:00  The performance of gender roles

1:14:00  Patriarchal moral systems supporting marriage and family values

1:15:00  Having principles

1:17:00  Murderers and thieves would concede that there should be a law against murder and theft.

1:18:00  We do not want a society of unprincipled nihilists in charge so such people should be ostracised. Liars and unprincipled people are soon noticed. It is not that hard to notice when a person is a compulsive liar, fundamentally dishonest, a fraud, a person who cannot be trusted to keep his word as well as a hypocrite or coward. Such men should not have reproductive rights. When unprincipled liars pretend to have religious principles and believe in the afterlife, the sincerity of their belief can be measured against their words and behaviour. 

White flight is no longer an opton. 

1:19:00  Men  known for being unable to defend their territory or principles would encourage their enemies.

1:20:00  Men of fighting age are necessary to defend territory and principles.

1:21:00  Feminised men are not principled men. 

The average Westerner is a Karen.

1:22:00  Religion requires that men perform their role of defending territory and principles even if they die in the process. If they refuse to do that, their women will continue to despise them. 

1:23:00  Beta males choosing an alpha male leader

1:25:00  Hypocrites whose final destination is hell are cursed by God.

1:26:00  Nihilism is a product of atheism.  

1:27:00  Israel



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Who are the 14 rabbis listed in Rabbi Mizrachi’s blacklist of non-kosher rabbis?

  Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, a controversial Haredi outreach speaker, along with his protégé Rabbi Yaron Reuven, publicized a "blacklist...