Thursday, 31 October 2024

Talking to Independent Muslim

4:00  Space starts.

5:00  I am Muslim my understanding but not confession.


6:00  My agnosticism

8:00  RICCARDO joins.

10:00  Idolatry

11:00  Muslims


15:00  Sex before marriage

16:00  Religionlessness

17:00  Casual sex

18:00  Government should support marriage.

19:00  Degeneracy


20:00   Riccardo's antipathy towards my ideas.

21:00   Alcohol, gambling, usury, casual sex

I am a catalyst. 

22:00  I am promoting Islam. 

23:00  Atheists can understand the nature and purpose religion. 

24:00  Returning the trolley

25:00  Carrot and stick

26:00  Trump

27:00  The remnants of the liberal order want to kill Trump.

28:00  Islamophobia

The big interview

29:00  Clarism

God agrees with me! 

30:00   Muhammad lost a war.

33:00  The matriarchy

34:00  Western foreign policy

35:00  Simps

36:00  Feminism

37:00  The meaning of life

42:00   36 capital offences of the Torah

Flow State calls me a Super Muslim

Christianity failed to protect monarchy.
5:00  Republicanism
7:00  Muslims prefer the Koran to the Hadith
9:00  The Koran is a better revelation than the Torah.
10:00  Nothing in the New Testament from Jesus, let alone God.
11:00  Muslims have a higher claim than Christians because they believe that the Koran is the Word of God while Christians do not even claim that any of the authors of the New Testament were divine. 
13:00 The final edition is more authoritative than the first edition of divine revelation. 
14:00 The Koran contains the laws of God for all of humanity while the New Testament does not  claim divine authorship.
15:00  Rational people would prefer the holy book without the 36 capital offences of the Torah.
16:00  The Koran is Torah Lite.
17:00  The Noahide laws
18:00  The Written Tradition > The Oral Tradition
19:00  The Abrahamic religions have the benefit of divine revelation.
20:00  The Torah is the first divine revelation. 
21:00  We are supposed to understand, remember and internalise the principles of the Torah and Koran.
23:00  Prayer is our personal relationship with God 
The Trinity is idolatry, and idolatry is thoughtcrime.
24:00  Deuteronomy 13 directs Jews to execute anyone who claims to be divine.
25:00  An official moral system is a moral imperative.
26:00  Our corrupt and incompetent ruling classes make up the rules as they go along. 
27:00  Secular Koranism is Theocratic Nationalism of sharia for non-Muslims. 
28:00  Christians in order to cling to their Christian identity have to claim I am disingenuous or dishonest.  
29:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.
34:00  Christianity has been superseded by Christianity.
38:00  Muslim behaviour
39:00  Which groups do we join?
The American Empire runs the world, not Jews. 
40:00  Gentiles
41:00  Most Jews and Muslims don't follow their religious principles. 
Torah punishments are much harsher than the Koran.
42:00  All the theocracies in existence are Islamic with the exception of the Vatican. 
How many versions of the Koran are there?
44:00  There are as many interpretations of the Koran as there are people promoting their interpretation.
46:00  Idolatry
The Council of Nicaea
E Michael Jones
47:00  Arianism v Trinitarianism
The Mystery of the Trinity solved.

48:00  NATTY joins.
50:00 The Holy Spirit
52:00  Natty sticks up for me.

1:06:00  The Messiah
1:07:00  The Mahdi
DARIYA joins.
1:08:00  The Hamas Israel War is a religious war.
1:09:00  Israel is an American colony..
1:12:00  Secret police 
1:18:00  Muslim MAGA
1:22:00  Voice change to Darth Vader
1:24:00  Making a list of charges against Jews
1:31:00  Sharia in the West
1:38:00  Christians really want Jesus to die for them.
1:39:00  I was called "Super Muslim". 
1:40:00  I am definitely a Super Muslim.
1:41:00  I am "so hilarious". 
1:47:00  Idolatry
1:51:00  Secular Koranism

2:05:00  DARIYA returns.
2:17:00  No gentlemen here. 
High estrogen syndrome
Emotional men
2:20:00  Christianity has 500 years of failure. 
2:21:00  "Cyborg is not Muslim."
2:22:00  The Hypothetical Supreme Authority is necessary for moral reasoning. 
2:32:00  Abo or Bogan?

3:02:00  CLAIRE KHAW mentioned.
3:03:00  Hierarchy indicates status.
3:04:00  Hypothetical Supreme Authority
3:05:00  Deductive reasoning and probability
3:07:00  Hope and faith
3:09:00  Despair
3:11:00  Religion is a group survival strategy
3:13:00  Christian identity
3:14:00  The Torah
3:15:00  The Trinity
3:17:00  "God and I are one."
3:20:00  Idolatry
3:21:00  Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy
3:22:00  Apostasy
3:30:00  Jewish conspiracy theories
3:32:00  Battle orders in the Koran
3:38:00  Scripture
3:40:00  Stories
3:42:00  36 capital offences
3:44:00  Ism
3:45:00  TAYO joins.
3:46:00  Torah v Koran
3:48:00  Stoning for breaking the Sabbath
3:50:00  "You have the balls of a man."
3:52:00  Capital punishment
3:54:00  Hypothetical Supreme Authority
3:55:00  Messengers are necessary for messages to be delivered.
3:56:00  TAYO says I am pragmatist.
3:57:00  Nobody alive has met God.
3:58:00  Christocrap
3:59:00  I am accused of hating Jews.
4:01:00  Jainism

4:27:00  "Religion keeps people from doing retarded shit."
4:28:00  Personal relationship with God
4:30:00  Even the stupidest woman - unless she is retarded - can tell the difference between sex before marriage and sex after marriage.
4:48:00  Religious conversations
4:57:00  Feminism
5:02:00  Sharia
My agnosticism
5:03:00  Hypothetical Supreme Authority
5:04:00  The Uncaused First Cause is the Creator fo the Universe.
5:05:00  God was created by Man.
5:06:00  The Abrahamic God is the most powerful being conceivable. 
5:07:00  Free will
5:08:00  This life is an examination hall.
5:09:00  Idolatry and Christianity
5:10:00  "Islam is right about feminism."
5:11:00  The First Amendment is supported by
5:12:00  Jews are evidence of God.
5:13:00  The Koran is less restrictive than the Torah.
5:14:00  The Jizyah
5:17:00  The Jefferson Bible
5:18:00  Trump
5:20:00  Muhammad
5:21:00  Idolatry
5:25:00  The final edition is more authoritative than the first edition. 
5:26:00  God is the ultimate conspiracy theory.
5:34:00  Favourite position
5:36:00  Natty

Josie and I meet some antisemites

3:00  Chris Brunet and antisemitism being discussed.

1:08:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins to discriminate between righteous and unrighteous Jews.
1:11:00  Israel is a US colony.
1:12:00  Freemasons
1:13:00  Idolatry
1:14:00  Christianity compels Christians to worship a man.
1:15:00  Crucifixion
1:17:00  The Third Principle of Judaism
1:18:00  I am accused of being a Jewess.
1:20:00  Grammar
1:26:00  Compliments

1:37:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins to discuss antisemitism.
1:39:00  It is impossible to prove a negative.
1:41:00  Group solidarity of Jews
1:42:00  Jews have a very high impulse control.
1:48:00  Natty and Andrew Wilson
1:50:00  Misandry
1:51:00  Andrew Wilson
1:59:00  Wife material
2:01:00  Female influence
2:02:00  Liberalism is religion.
2:04:00  Metaphysics
2:05:00  Voting Trump
2:08:00  Liberalism is the problem.
2:09:00  Religionlessness
2:10:00  White nationalist
Nick Fuentes
2:11:00  EAST2WIN joins to complain about me. 
2:13:00  Idolatry
2:15:00  I am described as "cordial and respectful". 
2:16:00  Idolatry
2:17:00  Worship and veneration
2:18:00  St Basil's onion domes
2:19:00  Mary and Jesus
2:20:00  Idolatry
2:21:00  Jesus convicted by the Sanhedrin of blasphemy
2:25:00  The Church is now liberal. 
2:26:00  Orthodox Christianity
2:27:00  The American, French and Russian Revolutions
2:28:00  British monarchy
2:29:00  Men to blame
2:30:00  The Trinity
2:31:00  Verses in the Bible
2:33:00  Maimonides
2:34:00  The Trinity
2:36:00  Our ruling classes making  up the rules as they go along
2:38:00  Orthodox Christianity failed to protect the Czar from regicide.
2:41:00  Christendom and Caliphates
2:42:00  Secular Koranism
2:44:00  Hadith
2:46:00  The Koran trumps the Bible.
2:47:00  The Koran > The New Testament
2:48:00  The Koran was revealed over 23 years.
2:49:00  The Koran trumps the Torah.

Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Agnostic Secular Koranism, monarchy, republicanism, Buddhism, Marxism

1:00  TIM joins.

Bad Pakistani are giving Islam a bad reputation.

2:00  Doooovid says Judaism is what Jews do.

Is Christianity what people claiming to be Christians do?

4:00  Even gangsters have objectives and codes of behaviour.

5:00  People calling themselves Christians who agree with gay marriage

6:00  Expulsion of members who go against the rules

Heretic burning was a Christian practice.

Judaism has the principle of executing idolaters, blasphemers, sodomites, adulterers and Sabbath-breakers amongst other things in their 36 capital offences of the Torah.

7:00  Religious principles

9:00  A minimum moral standard

10:00  Cyborg

11:00  AI  

15:00  How will we know who has won the argument?

16:00  Christians defending the Trinity

The Koran > The Torah

17:00  Relying on the authority of the Hypothetical Supreme Authority

18:00  Jews were originally very low status.

19:00  Jewish recidivism

20:00  Uncle Sam would not allow Israelis to live under sharia. 

I have to cleave to my agnostic position because an agnostic promoting sharia is a stronger message than a Muslim promoting sharia. 

21:00  I am promoting my interpretation of the Koran.

Secular Koranism is the Chicken Tikka Masala of Koranic Interpretation. 

22:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.

24:00  Could AI provide a better guide to humanity than the Koran?

25:00  6 billion people in the world are supposed to believe in the afterlife ie that good will be rewarded and evil punished. 

26:00  Atheists and nihilists are easily controlled by threats and bribes.

27:00 supports the First Amendment. 

28:00  Freedom of belief is an alienable right of Man. 

29:00  Rude comments and nasty threats in the Koran to polytheists

30:00  Islam is an imperial religion. 

31:00  The Koran forbids Muslims from being rude about the idols of polytheists.

32:00  Exacting the jizya from non-Muslims

33:00  Tribal gods triumph and are defeated.

34:00  Truth and Logic are sacrosanct. 

36:00  Koranic rules are fair enough. 

How Secular Koranism would be adopted by the judiciary of the Supreme Court

37:00  The Koran V2

38:00  Jefferson Bible

40:00  Republic > Monarchy

The alternative to becoming a constitutional monarch was regicide or abdication. 

41:00  Christianity failed to protect the divine right of kings.

42:00  The Reformation

The Act of Settlement 1707

43:00  Hasmonean Dynasty

44:00  Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

45:00  Cardinal Wolsey

Thomas Cranmer

47:00  The Rightly-Guided Caliphs were not kings but republicans. 

48:00  The Ottoman Imperial Harem

50:00  The Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy means Parliament has absolute power over the Briitsh people.

51:00  Conservatism is meaningless without social conservatism. You cannot be a social conservative if you do not want to make extramarital sex a sexual offence. 

53:00  Christianity, Liberalism,  Conservatism and Marxism are uncodified. 

54:00  The Noahide laws is a product of codification. 

55:00  None of the authors of the New Testament are Jesus, let alone God. 

Divine revelation

56:00  Women in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia

57:00  Conservatism is a defensive ideology conceived of to protect kings from the revolutionary ideas of the French Revolution.


58:00  Buddhists have no great empire. 

59:00  The Republic of Iran should be the Caliphate. 

1:00:00  The First Emperor of China

1:01:00  Japan

1:03:00  Majapahit Empire

Religion is an organising force.

1:04:00  Divine revelation is given to low status people.

1:06:00  I love the First Amendment! 

1:07:00  Vincent Bruno's Secular Paganism to bypass marriage and gender roles with the silver bullet of artificial wombs

If artificial wombs become free and plenty, women would become redundant and extinct. 

Men would all be gay and those who can find a partner can use artificial wombs to have children with each other.

1:09:00  Creches and kibbutz

1:10:00  Separation anxiety of children without parents

1:13:00  Deductive reasoning

1:14:00  Jews and Muslims have a narrative familiar to billions.

1:15:00  Antisemites and Islamophobes cannot unite. 

1:16:00  Collecting Jewish conspiracy theories

Yuval Harari on making dreams come true

1:17:00  Aaron Amihud

Sam Samuels and John Gischala

1:18:00  Indians will replace Arabs in Israel.

1:20:00  Westerners no longer have a working class that is white. 

1:21:00  The Roman Empire

1:22:00  Pederasty 

1:23:00  Patriarchy

1:24:00  Chinese Ancestor Worship

1:25:00  Indian Ancestor Worship

1:26:00  Aesop's Fables

1:31:00  Monasticism

Henry VIII

1:33:00  One child policy

1:34:00  LGBT rights in China

1:35:00  Dowry

1:36:00  Bride price

1:37:00  Allah does not support kingship.

King Solomon died an idolater. 

1:38:00  Only Judaism and Islam are non-idolatrous religions. 

1:39:00  Hidden idolatry manifests itself as hypocrisy.

1:43:00  Tytler Cycle,_Lord_Woodhouselee

1:43:00  Driving round lost for ages

1:44:00  Deductive reasoning

1:45:00  Right thought, right speech, right action.

1:46:00  Upadana

Attachment to our dumb opinions

1:48:00  Descartes

1:49:00  I think therefore I am.

1:52:00  The teleological approach to God

1:53:00  Jews are the highest status religious group.

1:54:00  Unproduced

The Uncaused First Cause

1:56:00  It is rational to believe in God.

1:57:00   Would you like to believe that good will be rewarded and evil punished?

1:59:00  Believing in the afterlife makes us more likely to follow our moral and religious principles. 

2:00:00   Jews and Muslims 

2:02:00  When the Messiah arrives

2:03:00  The Hamas-Israel War is a religious war.

2:04:00  Trump

2:05:00  America  has been  a bad influence.

2:06:00  Liberalism is about individual liberty.

2:07:00  Liberalism in the 21st century means sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting. 

2:08:00  We are the Slaves of God if He exists. 

2:09:00  The sky hasn't fallen in because I have had extramarital sex. 

2:10:00  Hegelian Dialectic

2:12:00  Socialism is thesis, Nationalism is antithesis and National Socialism is synthesis.

A people's democratic dictatorship v a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie


2:14:00  National Socialism in Stalin's Soviet Union

2:15:00  National  Socialism in China

2:16:00  The Jews of Kaifeng

2:17:00  Departments of Jewish Studies

Doctor Harry Jew

Secular Paganism < Secular Koranism

1:00  Space begins. 

6:00  Have pagans obeyed laws forbidding sexual immorality from generation to generation?

Humans will probably never agree on objective morality.

Have pagan empires prevented their own decline and fall with their pagan laws that do not conform to the minimum moral standard of the Noahide laws?

9:00  The marriage contract

Vincent's idea of morality is different to other people's.

11:00  Vincent does not understand that marriage is eugenic. 

Rational and moral women would choose a husband very carefully.

12:00  Moral men and women would see the importance of sexual morality, marriage and gender roles and agree that the practice of marriage needs to be protected. 

13:00  Western governments have not been supporting marriage for half a century.

14:00  What made America great?

15:00  People are never happy.

16:00  Demographics is destiny: an ageing and shrinking society will mean the feminisation  and infantilisation of men making them less and less likely to win a defensive war.

21:00  Reverse psychology

No forced conversions

Ethical monotheists must tolerate pagans who claim to be ethical.

22:00  Most Westerners are not pagans.

23:00  Does Vincent believe in the afterlife?

24:00  What principles does Vincent have?

26:00  Laws protecting the beliefs of pagans

27:00  Laws forbidding idolatry and blasphemy are too harsh on non-ethical monotheists. 

28:00  Ethical monotheists are more likely to obey God's laws from generation to generation than non-ethical monotheists. 

29:00  You are less likely to be a murderer, robber or rapist if you were brought up by your two married biological married parents living together in a loving relationship. 

30:00  A criminal bastard is the result of his mother not choosing carefully the father of her offspring.

31:00  The Abrahamic God is the ultimate law-giver. 

34:00  Vincent acknowledges his the evolution of Secular Paganism. 

35:00  Secular Paganism is totalitarian. 

Who decides what is ethical?

36:00  Pagans would fight each other over which god to worship.

38:00  Pagans will never get their act together because they will be too busy fighting each other to agree on a deity and narrative. 

39:00  Druids are larpers.

40:00  Pagans have no power. 

41:00  Secular Koranist Vincent Bruno will have more success and status than Vincent Bruno the Secular Paganist. 

42:00  Treating unmarried parents as sex offenders is the only way to get the message through to people who won't support marriage by lowering their status.

43:00  What would Vincent know about married parenting?

44:00  Vincent's social experiment is very high risk. 

45:00  Why won't Vincent support the principle of married parenting?

46:00 Trump

49:00  Noah came before Abraham. 

51:00  Before the Torah, there was the Oral Tradition of the Noahide laws. The Written Tradition trumps the Oral Tradition. 

53:00  What does Vincent expect from the Abrahamic God?

55:00  The law has to be written to become part of a legal system.

56:00  The principle of  rejecting ethical monotheism means the principle of rejecting the support and protection of the most powerful being conceivable. 

Hades and Persophone

58:00  My principles are more and better than Vincent's.

Every belief system identifies its heretics

Monday, 28 October 2024

The absolute minimum of sex between married couples

5:00  Space starts. TIM joins. 

6:00  KERRY joins.

8:00  Women in their 40s

10:00  Rollover of quotas and entitlement

13:00  Business partner

14:00  Planned parenthood

15:00  Social pressure

Weren't women happier before feminism?

16:00  Misandry

17:00  Objective measurements of marriage being a success

18:00  Privileging married parents over non-parents and treating unmarried parents as sex offenders

19:00  RICCARDO joins to talk about human rights.

20:00  CK proposes to repeal the Equality Act 2010

21:00  Legalising discrimination

23:00  Gig economy men won't feel in a position to start a family.

25:00  Exceptions

27:00  The Equality Act 2010  discriminates against married men. 

28:00  The Hobbit House

34:00  Once a week sounds reasonable to Riccardo.

35:00  Men always want more sex than women are prepared to give. 

36:00  Guilt trips to get sex

38:00  Once a week marriage contracts

39:00  Deed of Variation

42:00  2 or 3 times a week

43:00  Entitlements, marriage license and marriage certificates

44:00  Not getting what we bargained for

45:00  Minimum acceptable

46:00  Unreasonable behaviour

No fault divorce

47:00  The apportionment of blame begins at 50/50 even if neither party wants to blame each other.

50:00  Christians cannot support no fault divorce.

51:00  DR NICK who is also RICCARDO joins. 

53:00  Feminism is linked to immigration.

54:00  My conditions for RICCARDO/DR NICK remaining a speaker in my Spaces.

55:00  Where Riccardo/Dr Nick is from in Ireland

57:00  A doctor with a terrible bedside manner

1:04:00  Hypothetical forced marriage

1:06:00  Catholic marriages can only end in annulment.

Restoring the patriarchy with Secular Koranism

1:07:00  Religion frightens people into becoming married parents.

1:09:00  Attitudinal problem

1:10:00  Hard borders


1:11:00  Class

1:12:00  Matriarchy caused mass immigration. 
1:13:00  Donald Trump

1:14:00  Reform

Voting leave

Secular Koranism

1:21:00  Men lying about their height and women using old photos

1:24:00  Meeting a man in cafe or library

1:28:00  Netflix series I have not watched

1:34:00  Impulse control

1:38:00  Male rape in prisons

1:42:00  Narcissistic prison guards
1:45:00  Vulnerability wing
1:51:00  Funding for rehabilitation of convicted prisoners
1:52:00  Privatised prsions
1:53:00  Pink walls in prison
1:55:00  Vapes
1:56:00  Shisha mango
Triple Mango
2:06:00  Imprisoned for a tweet
2:07:00  Police raid during a house party
2:10:00  Covid rules in pubs
2:11:00  Died with Covid or died of Covid?
2:12:00  Prescriptions
2:13:00  Deliveroo
2:15:00  Brighton nightlife
2:17:00  Heating

2:21:00  SILENCE

2:32:00  BOBO joins.
2:36:00  Quickie
2:38:00  Unreasonable behaviour
2:39:00  3 x weekly minimum
2:40:00  Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays
2:43:00  Fasting before Communion
2:44:00  Anglican-Catholic background
2:45:00  Orthodox Christianity
2:46:00  Lust
2:47:00  Satan
2:48:00  Anger
2:49:00  God is eager to forgive.
Praying to God not to leave us into temptation
2:50:00  Satan is God's Prosecuting Counsel.
2:51:00  This life is an examination hall. 
2:52:00  The evil inclination
2:54:00  The best of all possible worlds
2:56:00  Redemption and remorse
2:58:00  Venial and mortal sins
2:59:00  Lord Miles
3:01:00  Campaigner against male circumcision
3:02:00  Ostracism after ignoring social cues
Full time job
3:09:00  Men feel burdened by expectations to become married parents.
3:12:00  Men should be allowed to expect their legitimate political views.
3:14:00  29 or 30 in the US is the average age of marriage. 
3:15:00  Anti-natalism
3:18:00  Hypocrisy
3:20:00  Idolatry
3:21:00  I like the Koran because I am legally trained. 
3:22:00  British nationalists
3:23:00  China
3:24:00  Immigrants
3:25:00  Jews and Muslims
3:26:00  Fertility
3:28:00  Puberty
3:31:00  Marriage is eugenic. 

3:32:00  SILENCE

3:53:00  Conversation resumes.
Once a week is the absolute minimum. 
3:55:00  The morality of oral sex
3:56:00  The man has to take the active role.
3:57:00  Easier for men to stay virgins than women.
3:59:00  Divorce
4:01:00  Birth control
4:01:00  Catholics
4:02:00  Family planning
4:03:00  Morality and politics
4:04:00  Ann Coulter said the ideal Democrat voter is an illegal alien and single mother. 
You must be immoral indeed if you cannot agree that the next generation should be reared by their biological married parents living together in a loving relationship.
4:07:00  Most people are morally compromised. 
4:10:00  Bobo's parents pretended they were about to get divorced to make their children accept the proposal to move house more easily.

Saturday, 26 October 2024

Getting to know East Pigeon

1:49:00  Jewishness

California Space

2:00  AUTISTIC TOM joins.

4:00  Idolatry

5:00  Islamophobia

7:00  The worship of money

Usury and envy

10:00 supports the First Amendment.

12:00  Communities

13:00  Envy is deadly sin.

15:00  Retreat

The Benedict Option

The problem is the rotten head of the fish.

16:00  Aarvoll

18:00  Envy

19:00  Usury

20:00  Idolatry

22:00  The opportunity cost of idolatry

23:00  Conceptual idols

24:00  Hidden idolatry

25:00  Idolatry is thoughtcrime.

26:00  US dollar

There are only two divine revelations to choose from.

28:00  Modus vivendi

Noahide laws

29:00  How to get people to agree with each other

30:00  Polygamous Mormons

32:00  Agreeing to the rules

33:00  The Jews

The spirit and letter of the law

34:00  "Not a political problem, a tribal identity problem."

36:00  Marriageable people only allowed to join.

37:00  Patriarchy v Matriarchy

38:00  Egalitarianism

39:00  Division of labour

40:00  "My work husband" and "my work wife"

42:00  Extramarital sex

43:00  Worshiping food over worshiping God

44:00  Dietary restrictions

47:00  Attachment

48:00  Marriageable men

49:00  The principle of married parenthood

The unmarried  mother

50:00   Democrat voter, single mother - Democrat voter

51:00  The extended family

The Koran

52:00  Legality < Morality

53:00  Restructuring society

"We need to restructure society in order to save the West."

54:00  Our culture of casual sex

55:00  It is heresy to the matriarchy to propose its replacement. 

56:00  Inflation is caused by usury.

57:00  John Calvin

58:00  Negative equity

Sharia can be liberating. 

59:00  Making the arguments

1:00:00  Making women understand the importance of marriage

1:01:00  Feminism + Democracy = Degenerate  Matriarchy

1:02:00  Persuading people

1:03:00  A new moral and legal political system

1:04:00  Restoring the high-trust society with the patriarchy

1:07:00  Changing the narrative

Americans should pursue justice.

1:08:00  The Noahide laws

Only Judaism and Islam have codified principles.

1:09:00 The government is liberal.

1:10:00  What are Christian principles?

1:11:00  The changing principles of American cults

1:12:00  Divine revelation

1:14:00  Idolatry

1:15:00  Hypocrites are cursed by God whose final destination is hell. 

1:17:00  Chosen to do what?

1:19:00  Judaism  is not an organised religion.

1:20:00  No hierarchy among Jews..

1:21:00  Groypers

1:22:00  Usury

1:23:00  Unrighteous Jews and gentiles would not mind doing deals with idolaters ie Christians. 

Rabbis refuse to rank the four gentiles religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws.

1:25:00  Micro and macro level

1:26:00  I am a political activist.

1:27:00  I must learn Hebrew and Arabic.

1:28:00   Rabbis won't rank the four gentile religions. 

1:30:00  Shia and Sunni Muslim hatred.

1:31:00  Jews and Muslims are not doing what I am proposing for political reasons. 

1:33:00  English, Hebrew and Arabic

1:34:00  Jews and Muslims not following their religious principles

1:39:00  Jesus

1:40:00  Directing my message to the ruling classes

1:41:00  Arabic

1:42:00  An American

Al Qaeda

1:43:00  CIA media blacklist

1:44:00  Being platformed on Western media

1:46:00  The US State  Department

1:47:00  Congress

The general public

1:48:00  Affirmative action infringes the First Amendment;

1:50:00  Freedom of contract and freedom of association

1:51:00  The Equality Act 20100 is thoughtcrime.

1:54:00  Libertarian

1:56:00  The rules

1:57:00  The Koran

1:58:00  Christians are idolaters.

1:59:00  Restoring the patriarchy in the West.

2:00:00  Culture is a product of law and morality.

2:01:00  Book of Mormon

2:03:00  No more white flight.

2:04:00  The Founding Fathers were proto-Muslim.

The missus has to be persuaded to leave California. 

2:06:00  White nationalists want to remain sexually liberated. 

2:08:00  Secular Koranism

2:09:00  Penitence

2:10:00  Married national leaders

2:11:00  I am a political theorist: rules, narratives and values.

2:13:00  The marriageable and unmarriageable

2:14:00  Patriarchy and Matriarchy

2:16:00  US legislation

2:18:00  Living amongst degeneracy

2:20:00  The Abrahamic God

Own interpretation of Bible

2:21:00  Aarvoll

New religions

2:22:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.

2:23:00  Toki Pona

2:24:00  STEPHEN BROUGHTON joins.

2:26:00  Czech

We have lost.

2:27:00  "Let liberals take over and destroy society." 

2:29:00  Tacitus: "The more the laws, the more corrupt the state."

2:30:00  Unmarried mothers

Intrusive women in the workplace

2:34:00  "Women would rather sleep with their boss than their husband."

2:36:00  Women on private jets

2:39:00  No fault divorce

Method acting

2:41:00  Moving to Eastern Europe

2:42:00  Gen Z

2:43:00  Leapfrog theory


2:44:00  Boomers

Gen Z

2:45:00  Going into deby

2:46:00  Racist nihilist debt slaves

2:47:00  Boomers

2:49:00  AC/DC

Get rich quick.

2:50:00  Wolves of Wall Street

2:51:00  Inflation

Investing in the future and the market

2:52:00  Pensions and private healthcare

2:53:00  The debt slaves of boomers

2:54:00  The greater good

Conservative and Labour - what could the boomers do?

2:55:00  Boomer generation had the most divorces and broken homes.

2:56:00  Raising daughter in the UK

2:57:00  Boomers pushed their children to university and into debt.

2:58:00  Bad advice from boomer parents

2:59:00  Economics degree

3:00:00  "Degree required."

3:01:00  Retirement

3:02:00  Prosperity Day in Serbia

3:03:00  Patriarchy

3:04:00  Serbian men marry their high school girlfriend.

3:06:00  Internally displaced people

3:07:00  Marrying locally

Electricians and plumbers with middle class accents

3:09:00  Families in the same place discussing politics

3:11:00  Organising force, extended family, babysitting

3:12:00  Malign encouragement

3:13:00  Dime a dozen academics

Western Esotericism

3:14:00 Rheumatoid arthritris

3:16:00  Traditional marriage

3:17:00  The judiciary and priesthood

3:18:00  The tribe

3:19:00  Lowering expectations and settling

3:21:00  Geographical location

Social media 

3:22:00  Hierarchy and egalitarianism

3:23:00  Tree of Knowledge and smartphone

3:24:00  Gen Z

3:26:00  Laws

3:27:00  Rules are made to be broken. 

3:29:00  Noahide laws

3:30:00  Convictions and  ideals

3:31:00  George Washington warned against political parties. 

3:32:00  Deists 

3:33:00  Hunting men

3:35:00  Brotherhood

Safe spaces for men

3:36:00  Rite of passage

3:37:00  Masculine hierarchy with elders

3:38:00  Boy scouts

3:39:00  Bullying

3:40:00  Boarding school

3:41:00  Feminised men are more dangerous to women. 


3:43:00  In group

3:46:00  Hierarchy

3:51:00  The Island

4:01:00  Banning smartphones like the Amish

4:03:00  Jews and their kosher phone following the law

4:04:00  Ghettos

4:06:00  Family

4:07:00  Walking to the synagogue

4:08:00  Suburbs v ghettos

4:09:00  Mod cons

4:10:00  Agreeing on the rules

4:11:00  Amish

Shared belief fascist system

4:12:00  Very strict rules

4:15:00  Leadership model

4:16:00  Founding Fathers

4:19:00  Liberal American Empire

4:21:00  Democrats

4:22:00  American Dreaam

4:24:00  World War

Strong men create good times

4:27:00  Liberals dying out

Blacks and Latinos

4:29:00  Stephens trip to the US

4:31:00  Maine, New Hampshire and the Rust Belt

4:32:00  New Hampshire and Delaware

4:35:00  LA

4:36:00  California

4:39:00  Cognitive dissonance

4:40:00  The rules are to blame.

4:41:00  Not wanting to be seen to be discussing certain subject

4:42:00  Curious Gazelle and her associates

4:43:00  Women's voice


4:46:00  Irrelevant eschatology

4:47:00  Kamala Harris

4:49:00  The Dissident Right

4:52:00  Mad Max world

4:54:00  Trump win

4:56:00  Agent of demoralisation

Stirring up apathy

Abolishing political parties

4:57:00  Pretend consultation of general elections

4:57:00  Taking over the media

5:00:00  Premium X account

5:02:00  X will pay your lawyer's fees if you get sacked for something you said on X.

5:04:00  ELLIOTT BLATT joins.

Older farmhouses in Maine

5:06:00  Bio-regionalism

5:09:00  Elliott asked if he is Mormon.

5:11:00  Cults of America: Mormonism, Scientology, Seventh Day Adventism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Amish, New England

5:17:00  High taxes

5:19:00  Nordic, Slavic countries and Baltic paganism 

5:21:00  Czech

5:22:00  Trump voters

Southern Utah

5:23:00  Starlink

5:24:00  Marriage contract, deed of variation

5:26:00  Foodies

5:27:00  Orange trees


5:28:00  California

5:29:00  Greece

5:31:00   Elliott's travels

5:32:00  Californian olives

5:34:00  California taxes

5:36:00  Elon Musk

Trump's and Biden's visit to California

5:37:00  Peter Thiel

5:43:00  CAROL joins

Accelerationism, narratives, Trump and the security services

2:00  Space begins.

3:00  Accelerationism

4:00  Craving one's own death

5:00  Mad Max, Batman, Joker


6:00  Cannon fodder and brood mares

7:00   Assuming the burdens of married parenthood

8:00  Women are part of war booty.

9:00  One child policy of China

China's policy of not discriminating against married  mothers in Sichuan Province

11:00  Oswald Spengler's Decline of the West

12:00  Keeping whatever we have for as long as possible

13:00  Unabomber Ted Kacynski

14:00  Going on welfare and getting more than we put in

15:00  Primogeniture and empire building

16:00  Cultivate thine own garden.

17:00  Secular Koranism

18:00  Defining masculinity

20:00  Complementary schismogenensis through miscommunication and misunderstanding

22:00  Women prefer men who are prepared to marry them even if only for their passports.

23:00  Neurotic behaviour

Feminists who have declared the intention of destroying patriarchy are interested in gender relations. 

24:00  Marriage for women

25:00  Status seeking through marriage 

26:00  Conor MacGregor

28:00  An objective measure of achievement

29:00  Twitch streamers

30:00  Our children are our wealth.

Life is moving so fast. 

31:00  Eternal and universal laws would slow the  world down.

32:00  Don't bore a woman.

33:00  Women's work is very important. 

34:00  Ban no fault divorce.

35:00  What are the benefits of marriage?

36:00  Red pill and Red Hawk

37:00  Roosh V

39:00  Right thought, right speech, right action.

42:00  Jordan Speech

43:00  Patriarchy

44:00  Marrying the girl/boy next door.

45:00  Religion is holistic.

46:00  Shutting down the internet

Transitional arrangements

47:00  Social and educational programmes

48:00  The Koran

The Vedas

50:00  It will be fun.

51:00  Do the ends justify the means?

52:00  Jonah and the Ninevites


Atheism already understand the concept of the Abrahamic God.

54:00  The divine narrative

55:00  Repenting in sackcloth and ashes

58:00  Is Western Man going to jump first or wait to be pushed?
59:00  Hindu caste system
1:00:00  Judiciary
1:01:00  The Three Estates of the Realm
1:03:00  Robespierre was a lawyer.
1:04:00  The Romanovs were mass murdered by the Red Guards.
1:06:00  Academic Agent
1:07:00  The Fourth Estate has become the First Estate.
1:09:00  The CIA control Western media. 
1:10:00  The Hopi Indian: "The ones who tell the stories rule the world."
1:11:00  Yuval Harari
Creating a new narrative.
1:12:00  Historical materialism
Hegelian Dialectic

1:13:00  The Trinity
1:14:00  Making Islam a historical inevitability
1:15:00  The Mystery of the Trinity
1:19:00  Liberalism was very nearly replaced by National Socialism.
1:20:00  Long grass
1:21:00  A watched pot never boils.
1:22:00  Feminism
1:23:00  Casual sex has marginalised gender roles.
1:25:00  Richard Dawkins
1:29:00  Evidence of and arguments for God's existence

1:32:00  Jewish privilege and Jewish emancipation
1:32:00  Napoleon
1:36'00  My agnosticism
Morality and spiritualty
1:38:00  The Five Stages of Grief
1:40:00  Sending the message upwards
The generation gap in Australia over the matnarchy.
1:42:00  King Solomon died an idolater. 
1:44:00  The Book of Samuel showed God being displeased with Jews for wanting a king. 
1:45:00  Stockholm Syndrome
We want our daddy.
1:46:00  The four rightly-guided Caliphs of the Rashidun
1:47:00  MBS is an absolute monarch.
1:48:00  Iranians got their country back with Islam. 

1:51:00  ARTURO CALDERON joins to agree that Israel is a US colony.
1:52:00  Ben Gurion
1:53:00  Jews have been made the mascot of the American  Empire.
1:55:00  USS Liberty
1:56:00  Self-hating Jews who rejected the idea of Jewish homeland.
Avigdor Miller
1:58:00  "We did it to ourselves."
1:59:00  Palestine Mandate
2:00:00  British Israelism
The Eastern Question
Jerusalem - the song
Herbert Armstrong
Scholfield Bible
Christian Zionism
2:06:00  Make the story come true.
Gazans and IDF
2:09:00  What would happen if Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics were adopted by Israel?
2:10:00  Article 31 of the Hamas Charter
2:12:00  The jizya
2:13:00  Trump on Federal Taxes
2:14:00  The Seventh Party System
2:19:00  Liberalism was always meant to fail.
2:20:00  The one-party state is needed to secure Trump's legacy.
2:23:00 SAMIR joins to talk about Jews.
2:26:00  Neturei Karta
2:27:00  Israel is more an ethnostate than a theocracy.
2:31:00  Eschatology
2:32:00  Muhammad is deceased.
2:33:00  Zionism is a disease.
2:34:00  Nakba
2:39:00  Oil fields
2:40:00  Nordstream
2:41:00  Marxism
2:43:00  The CIA is not a monolith. 
2:44:00  Right-wing and left-wing CIA
Middle management of the CIA
2:46:00  Alex Jones
Tradecraft and Mossad
Everything on X is monitored or influenced by the CIA.
2:48:00  Council for National Policy
Project Veritas
2:48:00  Alex Jones, Trump, Shadow Network by Anne Nelson 
2:50:00  Chris Christie
Mike Pence
2:51:00  Ben Carson
2:52:00  J D Vance, Peter Thiel
2:53:00  Straussian Fascism
2:54:00  Ben Carson
2:55:00  Trump is a maverick.
2:56:00  Facts out there but not in one place and not easy to find. 
2:57:00  George Soros
2:59:00  Music
3:01:00  Neurosis and Isis
3:02:00  5 November 2024
3:03:00  Madison Square Garden
Trump winning the popular vote
3:05:00  Consociationalism
3:08:00  Centripetalism

Thursday, 24 October 2024

The message of Secular Koranism would be more powerful coming from Vincent Bruno than Claire Khaw

4:00  Status
5:00  Hierarchy is repulsive to Americans.
6:00  Meritocracy
American are snobbish about their states.
7:00   Lincoln was born in a log cabin. 
Hindus running for President.
8:00  J D Vance and Tulsi Gabbard
9:00  Gabbard is now a Republican.
10:00  Trump working at MacDonald's
11:00  Caleb Maupin supports Trump.
13:00  What is wrong a grey haired leader?
15:00  God Emperor Trump
16:00  Dugin on Trump
17:00  Netanyahu
19:00  Trump telling Jews they will be blamed if he does not win.
20:00  Trump's nuanced position on abortion
22:00  Nick Fuentes and the Groypers
23:00  Trump is the Antichrist.
24:00  Trump working at MacDonald's
25:00  Voting for Trump in New Jersey
26:00  Trump campaigning in California
Swing states
27:00  Electoral college and the battleground states
28:00  Kamala Harris
31:00  A very interesting campaign
32:00  Polytheism
Serenity or meaningful suffering?
34:00  The nature and purpose of religion
36:00  Jews, Christians and Muslims and their skeletons in their cupboard
37:00  Not following directions correctly and getting lost is not the fault of the directions if they were clear to begin with.
38:00  Muslim benefits
Muslims win theological arguments against Jews and Christians.
39:00  Natural law
40:00  Believing Jews and Muslims
41:00  Criminal atheists
42:00  Believing in God makes obedience more likely.
43:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
44:00  Nothingness for evil Jehovah's Witnesses, heaven for the good ones. 
46:00  National crime statistics
48:00  The streets of San Francisco
49:00  Moral, social and political problems
50:00  Married parenting is an onerous undertaking. 
51:00  Pursuit of Happiness/Land
The Age of Revolutions
52:00  Ten Northern Tribes of Israel became idolaters.
54:00  Jezebel and Ahab
Solomon died an idol worshiper.
55:00  Hidden idolatry
57:00  Not referring to the book of rules
58:00  Carrot and stick for cattle, principles for humans
1:00:00  To be righteous is to be principled.
1:01:00  Written scripture
1:03:00  After the Flood
1:07:00  Pagan origins of Christianity
1:08:00  Nomadic matriarchy superseded by settled patriarchy.
1:09:00  No marriage licenses, wedding rings survive.
1:10:00  The invention of writing turbo-charged God's Word. 
1:11:00  Ancient, generally acknowledged and generally known scripture
Consumerism is status seeking.
1:12:00  Meritocracy
1:13:00  Caste system
1:15:00  Aristocracy, purity spiralling and pecking order
1:16:00  Masculine gay men are higher status than effeminate gay men.
1:17:00  Hierarchy
Vincent already accepts that observant Jews are higher status than secular Jews.
1:18:00  Currently, the assimilated liberal secular Jew is more high status than the religious Jew.
1:19:00  Righteous/principled Jews and gentiles
1:22:00  An honest person who keeps his promises is higher status than a liar.
1:23:00  Jay Walker
The law of the excluded middle
1:24:00  A married bachelor, a married spinster, an oxymoron, Secular Koranism
1:25:00  The Noahide laws are subject to Koranic principles.
1:26:00  Idolatry will be protected by the First Amendment under Secular Koranism.

1:28:00  My monologue begins.
1:29:00  Protecting yourself with the Noahide laws
1:30:00  Why the top five world religions are the top five.
1:31:00  Confucius
1:32:00  Shakespeare
1:33:00  Legal competition
The law has to be in writing.
1:34:00  Arbitrary justice
1:35:00  Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe.
1:36:00  Christianity
1:37:00  Legal drafting
1:38:00  The Hypothetical Supreme Authority

1:39:00  Irrefutable claims
Liberalism was nearly replaced by National Socialism.
1:40:00  Nervous about Nazis 
1:41:00  Vincent would be the Chief Representative of the Idolaters Association under Secular Koranism.
1:42:00  Chris Brunett
1:44:00  Is Groyper a cute name for White Nationalist?
1:45:00  Nick Fuentes wants a Catholic monarchy.
1:47:00  Jay Dyer
1:48:00  Polytheism
1:49:00  Horoscopes
1:50:00  Intra-religious disagreements
1:52:00  Shock and awe
1:53:00  Vincent's silver bullet idea of artificial wombs
1:54:00  Was birth control considered evil?
1:56:00  Pagan power
1:58:00  Natural law
The Greek Pantheon
The material Titans were superseded by the abstract Olympians through a process of theological supersessionism. 
1:59:00  Historical materialism
2:00:00  Ideas and people need to merge to fulfil their potential. 
2:01:00  Zeus was King of the Gods.
2:02:00  Rising and lowering standards of sexual morality
2:03:00  Is the prison population mostly atheist?
2:06:00  Most people claiming to be Jews, Christians and Muslims are hypocrites.
2:07:00  Religious people are more likely to marry before becoming parents and stay together for the sake of the children. 
2:09:00  Cultural Christian
Prison conversions to Islam
2:10:00  Men of fighting age are more likely to end up in prison than men not of fighting age.
2:11:00  The disingenuousness of Jon Vance
2:14:00  Jay Walker's afterlife
2:15:00  Neurotic people who don't know their own minds
2:16:00  Hypocrites calling themselves Jews, Christians and Muslims
2:18:00  Virtue signalling hypocrites
2:19:00  Vincent's righteousness
2:20:00  The Flood
2:21:00  Rules are made to be broken.
2:23:00  Suffering is punishment for sin. 
2:24:00  The message of Secular Koranism would be more powerful coming from a sodomite.
2:26:00  Vincent Bruno is the perfect man to shame heterosexual men.
Status and identity
2:27:00  Jews were very low status people to begin with.
Jewish recidivism
2:28:00  Moral lessons can be extracted from the history of the Jews.
Vincent Bruno is the perfect gay man to shame white heterosexual men. He has already shamed secular Jews for being heretics and told them they should be treated like gentiles. 
2:29:00  Downsizing America

The righteous bullying of Matt Hancock

7:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins. 

Jaguar EV

8:00  Red Dwarf


9:00  Being a cyborg or a dinosaur

10:00  Hijab

11:00  Feminism

13:00  Natty

14:00  My image as a boring tunnel, juggernaut and Russian tank

15:00  My more maniacal mission

16:00  Boomer views

Academic Agent

17:00  The evil eye and the ayin hara

18:00  Being a self-hating Jews

19:00  Secular Koranism 

22:00  Further volumes can only be written by dialogue

24:00  The oxymoron of Secular Koranism

25:00  The meaning of Koranism

Judaism and Sunni Islam are not organised religions.

26:00  The Shias have a Supreme Leader and are therefore closer to being the Caliphate than the Sunni monarchies.

27:00  The Kulturkampf

28:00  The Reformation and Martin Luther

29:00  The First Estate is the moral authority. 

The rule of law


30:00  Censorship prevents crucial information getting through to the government.

31:00  Descartes

32:00  Emunah and bitachon

33:00  Converting to Judaism

34:00  If no Jew practised Judaism, Jews would become extinct.

The Book of Samuel, the Book of Judges, the Book of Kings

David and Solomon

36:00  Faith is fragile.

Dialectical materialism is like a handcart. 

E Michael Jones is using Jews to attack Protestants. 

37:00  Humanity is divided between Jews and gentiles, further divided between righteous and unrighteous Jews and gentiles.

38:00  Hierarchy is crucial to solving and avoiding problems.

39:00  Atheist liberalism is not good enough.

Christianity is the weakest link to patriarchy.

Liberalism was nearly replaced by National Socialism.

40:00  Theology is the final frontier in political discourse. 

41:00  The Hamas Israel War is really a religious war. 

Icy mentioned.

42:00  Skeletons in the closets of Judaism, Christianity and Islam

Sunni Islam is not an organised religion. 

43:00  Is masculine virtue not toeing the line? 

44:00  The benefits for women of being in a patriarchy is that those who want to become married  mothers would be more likely to find marriageable men. 

45:00  The Koran is an objectively valuable document.

49:00  Christianity is the religion of women and slaves. 

50:00  Rules for men and emotions for women


51:00  Rules for Jews 

Sharia in different countries

52:00  Islam replaced the Majapahit Empire.

55:00  A product of the British Empire

56:00  Anglo-Chinese

59:00  Writing books

1:00:00  Secular Koranism

1:02:00  Secular Koranism makes sense to Vincent.

1:03:00  Rake's new religion is dead on arrival.

1:04:00  Rules

1:05:00  Antinomian white men keep rejecting Secular Koranism.

1:06:00  Secular Paganism

1:07:00  Vincente has read the Old Testament three times.

1:09:00  No rules in the New Testament.

1:10:00  Patriarchy imposed law and order. 

1:11:00  Christianity has already been replaced by liberalism.

1:12:00  Natural law

1:14:00  Blasphemy

1:17:00  How Vincent and I met 

1:18:00  I have historical knowledge. 

Vincent refuses to read either the Koran or Secular Koranism.

1:20:00  A secular or cultural Hindu?

Hinduism has no legal principles.

1:21:00  Noahide laws and Hinduism

1:22:00  Idolatry

1:25:00  Theology v political ideology

1:26:00  Voluntary repatriation

1:30:00  Slavery in work camps

Rake is not interested in rules or  legal systems. 

1:31:00  Neither a follower nor leader

The Evolution of Theological Thought

1:32:00  The JQ

1:34:00  The Sanhedrin

1:36:00  Reputation of being an antisemite

1:38:00  HMG is more invested in the Holocaust narrative than the Irish

David Irving's libel trial

Libel trails need a jury.

1:40:00  Gobineau

1:41:00  Heresy, blasphemy and hate speech

1:42:00  An official moral system

1:43:00  My identity as a Secular Koranist

1:44:00  Free therapy


1:55:00  Typical antisemite

1:56:00  Righteousness/being a tzadik, being principled

1:57:00  Noahide laws

2:00:00  Morality needs a final authority

2:01:00  I am not Catholic. 

2:02:00  Rake is a confrmed Anglican.

2:03:00  DISA SACKS joins.

2:04:00  If you don't like usury, ban it with Islam, but antisemites are happy blaming Jews. 

2:07:00  Wanting rabbis to rank the four gentiles according to their conformity with the Noahide laws. 

2:08:00  Chabad

I am impatient with the cowardice of Jews not daring to tell Christians they are idolaters and blasphemers. 

2:09:00  I am not Musliim but a Secular Koranist. 

2:10:00  Chief Rabbi

2:11:00  Neither Jews  nor Muslims will tell Christians they are idolaters and blasphemers. 

2:12:00  Jews also practise idolatry.

2:15:00  Sulaiman Ahmad and Khalisee

2:20:00  Conduct of war

2:21:00  Al Aqsa

2:23:00  Christian and Jews blah blah

2:24:00  Avodah zarah

Secular Jew tries to say nice things about Jesus.

2:27:00  Tzadik and the Noahide laws

2:30:00  Trainee Hasbara agents

2:39:00  Secular Jews with Orthodox Jewess supervisor

2:40:00  TOM joins to talk about superpowers for millennials. 

2:42:00  Millennials, boomers, Gen, X and Y

2:43:00  Decomposition and putrefaction

2:52:00  National leaders should be married parents with adult children who are a credit to them. 

2:53:00  Bullying and peer pressure

2:54:00  The righteous bullying of Matt Hancock

2:56:00  Joining gangs

2:58:00  CK leaves.

3:03:00  Theology and anthropology

3:12:00  Henry Ford

3:13:00  A deity to worship

Ethical monotheism > idolatry; Vincent Bruno's proposal to ban belief in the Abrahamic God abolishing the First Amendment compelling idolatry and blasphemy

2:00  Secular Jews have no authority to represent Jewry. 

3:00  Vincent's proposed Secular Paganism shows he does not understand the power of divine revelation ie the power of revelation claimed to be the directly revealed  Word o f God.

4:00  There can be no moral principle greater than ethical monotheism because it is the most powerful moral system in existence supported by the most powerful being conceivable. It is therefore illogical to follow any other system.  

5:00  Vincent wants to outlaw ethical monotheism.

You cannot have more than one all-powerful deity. Therefore having more than one deity would mean that none of them is all-powerful. 

6:00  Idolatry represents rejection of the Abrahamic God probably because of antisemitism, Islamophobia or just pride preventing correction from being accepted.

Idolatry - which is also thoughtcrime - cannot be prevented but idolaters need to know they are lower in status to ethical monotheism. 

7:00  HINDU joins to say Indians sometimes get into positions of influence. Hinduism is a low status religion because Hindus are known for their corruption and inability to fight successful defensive wars to protect themselves from Western imperialists.

9:00  Indians

10:00  H the Sikh joins. 

11:00  Paganism is an inferior moral system.

12:00  The prohibition against idolatry and blasphemy has a purpose. 

13:00  The West has the most advanced legal system because of the rule of law it once had.

14:00  The prohibition against idolatry and blasphemy is unique to Judaism. 

Secular Koranism will not be closing down any places of religious worship.  

15:00  Muhammad's uncompromising demand to remove the idols of Mecca resulted in his persecution and expulsion from Mecca. 

16:00  The Abrahamic God remains the most powerful being conceivable. 

Ethical monotheism > monotheism

17:00  All empires decline because of lowered standards of sexual morality.

An ethical society depends on patriarchy ie married men being in control and this means enforcing minimum standards of sexual morality ensuring most parents are married parents. 

18:0  Seven Laws

What is so unethical about the law privileging married parents?

Those who don't want to be married parents would not be forced to marry.

20:00  Anti-natalism and bastardy is the consequence of feminism and atheism.

Vincent promotes what he calls "alternatives to reproduction". 

Mainstream media is capable of making people believe in anything. 

21:00  Vincent's dystopia of artificial wombs and high taxes

"We have enough resources to tax single people to raise the birth rate." 

Vincent's proposed birthing temples

22:00  Nobody wants to look after your kid.

24:00  Getting people to take marriage seriously is what religion was created to do.

25:00  People prepared to look after other people's children are low-waged low skilled women who hate their jobs and charges.

27:00  Can't live with them, can't live without them.

28:00  Not that hard to shame people in power into correcting themselves if you  have control of the media.

29:00  Artificial wombs are Vincent's silver bullet.

30:00  With every passing minute that allows this degeneracy to increase, another mentally ill criminal bastard of the future is being born.

31:00  Deepening degeneracy

32:00  Artificial wombs are Vincent's silver bullet. 

33:00  Autistic Tom seems a sensible man. 

34:00  White nationalists can be shamed.

35:00  Immigrants would support my proposal to support marriage. 

43:00  Vincent claims his proposal to ban the Abrahamic religions and ethical monotheism is rational and logical.

44:00  Vincent thinks secular paganism would have protected the polytheistic Meccans. He already knows that the Canaanites and Meccan pagans went to war with Moses and Muhammad to reject their monotheism, but lost because they believed in God and obeyed His laws.

59:00  Incest makes men effeminate.

1:00:00  There is no such thing as a free lunch. 

1:03:00  Prides of lions and their mating behaviour

1:06:00  The Abrahamic God supports ethical monotheism.

Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Quranist Muslim rejects the Hadiths and learns of Secular Koranism

10:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.

34:00  CK rejoins.



44:00  Jews are afraid to read the Koran.

The Koran has to logically and necessarily repeat the stories of the Bible, otherwise it would be promoting a completely different religion! 

45:00  Rabbis are too frightened to read the Koran because they already know that even secular Jews would have to choose the Koran if they were forced to choose between a Torah theocracy and a theocracy governed by Koranic principles. It would be rational for atheists and agnostics to choose the less restrictive set of rules from the most powerful being conceivable. 

46:00  Muslims should be chasing rabbis to tell them why they think the Torah is better than the Koran. 

47:00  The Bible is a story while the Koran is a list of rules. 

48:00  Half of Jewry are secular. 

49:00  Israeli Immigration is controlled by the US State Department.

56:00  Torah and Koran

59:00  9:29 of the Koran

1:08:00  Death penalty in sharia

1:09:00  Islamophobe

1:11:00  The Koran being rude about idolaters.

1:24:00  ABU MUJAHID joins  to say the Koran advises Muslims not to be rude about idolaters.

1:29:00  Donald Trump

1:31:00  Thin-skinned people shouldn't read the Koran.

1:34:00  The Flood

1:43:00  Defensive wars

1:45:00  Feminist

1:46:00  Land of milk and honey

1:47:00  Political religion

1:48:00  Dawah

1:58:00  Book of law/book of guidance

2:02:00  Prayers

2:25:00  ABU MUJAHID on the Hadith.

2:38:00  Apostasy

2:40:00  Reject any Hadith that contradicts the Koran.

3:11:00  Length of trousers

3:30:00  Muhammad and the idols of Mecca

3:38:00  Muhammad restored Mecca to what it was in the time of Abraham.

3:46:00  Helpful Hadith

3:56:00  Different kinds of Hadith

4:02:00  Secular Koranism

4:03:00  Allah is also Hashem but ESTHER would deny this..

4:04:00  Gabriel


4:06:00  Pubic hair

4:10:00   ABU MUJAHID challenges ESTHER who doesn't know the difference between the Koran and the Hadith. 

4:12:00  Secular Koranism

4:13:00  Esther concedes she misspoke.

4:15:00  Excited liberal woman

Monday, 21 October 2024

An Islamic international order would keep the peace better than American imperialism

Moral agency is choosing between good and evil.

2:00  Moral agency is choosing between the Torah and Koran.

3:00  The choice of secular Jews as to whether to choose the Torah or Koran would be self-serving. However, if righteous gentiles and Jews choose Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics then a very powerful message in favour of Secular Koranism with Global Characteristics would be sent to gentiles globally.

4:00  Believing Jews if rational would choose Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics because they would know that a Torah theocracy would be too dangerous for rabbis in the Sanhedrin with the power to impose capital offences for offences that would be regarded as very minor eg being a drunk and disobedient son, or breaking the Sabbath. Muslims are supposed to believe in the freedom of belief and expression if they are following properly. 

7:00  Horace on dying for your country

8:00  My country right or wrong

10:00   Defensive wars are halal. 

11:00  Imperial wars are more nuanced.

14:00  Conscientious objectors

Should imperial wars be organised by entrepreneurs?

Was this not in fact done?

15:00  Jizya
16:00  Successful Islamic imperial wars are allowed.
17:00  The Ummah is a supranational entity designed to make war less likely. 
18:00  War is an aspect of international relations and diplomacy.
19:00  A supranational body to regulate international relations. 
20:00  Idiotic imperial adventures
21:00  The price of not following Koranic principles
22:00  Judaism is the most high status religion in the world. 
23:00  The fragility of existence
24:00  Islam is obvious. 
25:00  Secular Jews have the casting vote.
26:00  The Third Temple must never be built.
27:00  Aztec analogy
28:00  Rabbinical Judaism to be replaced by Temple Judaism?
29:00  Korban
31:00  Teshuvah and Yom Kippur
32:00  Who will build the Third Temple?
33:00  Will the Third Temple magically descend from heaven?
Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
34:00  Jewish status 
35:00  Jewish soft power
36:00  Human groups
37:00  Regulating international relations
38:00  Declaration of War
45:00  The German perspective on WW1 and WW2
46:00  League of Nations
Neocon wars
47:00  An Islamic international order?
50:00  Hypothetical Supreme Authority

There is no need for Jews to control the world through Hindus because they already control the world through Americans?

2:00  Hinduism and Noahidism

3:00  Monotheism of Hinduism

Hindu Jesus

4:00  Muslims are already Noahide!  

Rabbis would prefer to deal with Hindus rather than Muslims because Hindus are far more suggestible. 

Muslims would be stupid or insane to give up Islam to be rabbinically-guided. 

5:00  Jews don't want Noahides to convert to Judaism and don't want to have to deal with Muslims whom they know hate them anyway and reject their authority.  

6:00  Hindus have no principles because Hinduism is not an organised religion. 

7:00  Vincent is pleased that whites are adopting Hinduism. 

9:00  Hindus have no principles because Hinduism is not an organised religion. 

Hinduism will never be a "super-religion". 

10:00  Can you imagine the Hindus in India giving up their idols?

"Idolatry is new to Hinduism"??

11:00  Which religious group has the most moral authority?

12:00  Secular Jews are more powerful than rabbis.  

13:00  Judaism is not an organised religion and has no official religious leader. 

"Hindu-Noahidism" is not a super-faith.

Does Vincent want to become a Hindu again?

"I want a world with idolatry, blasphemy and sodomy, yes."

14:00  H

15:00  "H is not a Noahide."

17:00  Noahide laws

18:00  Education and Sharing Day in the US

19:00  Mason now have to accept transgender women.

20:00  Education and Sharing Day 

The Noahide laws as a package go against the First Amendment. 

22:00  SAFFRON joins.

24:00  Hindu cowardice

25:00  Hindus fell to Islam and Christianity.

27:00  SERAMER talks nonsense.

31:00  Hindu Noahidism

34:00  Noahides are more organised than Hindus. 

36:00  "White nationalist documentary"


39:00  "Jews and Hindus have absolutely no connection."

Sikhism is not one of the five world religions. 

40:00  "What are you known for other than your silly hats?"

41:00  Democracy came from Greece. 

43:00  Money and might run the world. 

44:00  "Vincent is a tapestry of mixed up feelings."


45:00  The Koran

46:00  Pecking order

49:00  Worshiping gurus

51:00  Moghul Empire

52:00  India, Khalistan and Afghanistan

54:00  Collective power

56:00  Zionism

58:00  Are Sikhs Noahide?

1:00:00  YARDEN BEN JOSEPH joins.

1:03:00  H admits to polytheism.

1:04:00  H then contradicts himself by saying he doesn't believe in idol worship. 

1:09:00  Adultery

1:11:00  Fornication

Marriage is sacred.

1:15:00  Concubines

1:16:00  King David


1:17:00  Fornicating with the Midianite women resulted the death

1:19:00  You must not convert for marriage. 

1:20:00  Adultery is a capital offence in the Torah and also a crime in certain American states. 

1:22:00  Prostitution is not forbidden in the Bible or the Koran.


1:26:00  Marriage was practised in Ancient China.

1:28:00  Nomads to farmers

1:30:00  Marriage prevents the degeneracy the West is now suffering. 

1:32:00  The purpose of the Noahide laws is to be uncontroversial which only antisemites would reject. 

1:34:00  You don't go to heaven just because you call yourself a Jew, Christian, Muslim or Noahide. You must uphold your stated principles too. 

1:35:00  Stumbling block

1:36:00  Without the Torah, there would be no Jews. 

1:37:00  Making a Jew forget his identity is the worst thing you could do to a Jew

Shocking practice at Harvard of tearing out the pages of library books by students to stop other students from doing as well

1:38:00  The evil but great Roman Empire

1:39:00  Sodom and Gomorrah

1:40:00  Jews and Muslims need to be tougher on Muslims.

1:41:00  Moon splitting

The stories and eschatology don't matter, only the rules matter. 


The Jizya

1:45:00  The Koran is the final edition.

1:46:00  Secular Israeli Jews have a role to play in Secular Koranism. In a referendum on whether Israelis prefer Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics interpreted by Israelis or to live under a Torah theocracy interpreted by rabbis, which would these secular Israeli Jews choose if they had to choose between the two? 

1:47:00  Esther denies that Islam is an Abrahamic religion. 

1:48:00  The Koran is the updated Torah. 

1:50:00  A Muslim is someone who submits to Natural Law.

1:52:00  Hindus

1:53:00  Esther thinks Mrs Obama and Mrs Macron are both men. 

Ever lowering standards of sexual morality

1:55:00  Esther fears gay parenting becoming the norm. 

1:57:00  Idolaters

1:58:00  "When you destroy a part of the Creation, you destroy a part of the Creator."

1:59:00  Jews killed idolaters in Canaan. 

2:00:00  Israelis can keep either the Torah or the Koran. God ain't fussy since they are both from Him! 

2:02:00  Keeping the Noahide laws would keep the Holy Land holy. 

Jerusalem is not mentioned by name in the Quran, but there are indications that it is important. The Quran does mention the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem in verse 17:1 of chapter 17, sūrat l-isrā (The Night Journey). 

The Quran also tells the story of the Prophet Muhammad's Night Journey, in which he traveled from the Ka'ba in Mecca to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. The story is understood to relate to the Temple in Jerusalem, which is referred to as Bayt Al-Maqdis. 

2:03:00  Jews and Muslims need to tell Christians they are making God angry with their idolatry and blasphemy. 

2:06:00  I market Secular Koranism. 

2:07:00  The Caliph should be the Supreme Leader of Iran.

2:09:00  Like Judaism, Sunni Islam is not an organised religion. 

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...