Friday 18 October 2024

The Rob and Claire Show on passing the shit test and crying over spilled milk

4:00  SJJ joins.

6:00  Going cold turkey on social media platforms

7:00  Phones in the bath and the loo

8:00  The Gathering Storm by Winston Churchill

10:00  A Children's Book of London


15:00  Taiwanese rap in Mandarin

16:00  ROB joins us.
20:00  White women have given up on white men
21:00  Ultimate Shit Test
22:00  Are women rational actresses?
23:00  White female compassion not directed at white men or white children.
25:00  Lenin and Mao

White women being eugenic in 2016 saying indigenous white men who are the majority should be able to compete with foreign men and there must be something wrong with them for not being able to do so.   
26:00  Majority Home Rule
27:00  Fall of Singapore 
Australians and Churchill
28:00  Natural aversion to Churchill

Churchillian Principles of Fighting

31:00  Oswald and Diana Mosley
32:00  Churchill rejecting peace offers..
33:00  Neville Chamberlain
34:00  Americans getting involved. 
35:00  Pearl Harbour
37:00  Appeasement
David Irving
"Best  interests of the German people"
38:00  Dresden
"Mr Churchill was a nasty drunk."
The bombing of Warsaw and Rotterdam
39:00  Poland
40:00  Austria and Sudetenland
Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and France
41:00  War Cabinet
Invasion of France and Luxembourg
Neville Chamberlain
National Government
42:00  German Supremacist
Anglo-American Axis
43:00  Would it have been better for white people if Hitler had won?
Britain had the option of not declaring war  on Germany twice. 
44:00  Appeasement
Poland is Germany's backyard.
45:00  The Second Thirty Years War
45:00  Treaty of Versailles
46:00  WW1 and WW2 was a war of imperial rivalry.
48:00  Churchill's powers of rhetoric
49:00  Thucydides Trap

If Britain had not declared war on Germany, there would have been no WW1 and WW2. They are called World Wars because of the imperial possessions of the Allies.  

50:00  European military leaders

Berlin to Baghdad Railway was the real casus belli for Britain declaring war on Germany in WW1. 

51:00  If Britain had been sensible, it would have waited for France and Germany as well as Russia and Germany to exhaust themselves and bargained with the victors and losers.  

52:00  White genocide
Strategic sacrifice

53:00  Afrikaners, Australians and Canadians

54:00  Europe is now an occupied country.  


55:00  Normandy
56:00  Prague
57:00  Edward VIII
War economy
Janet Yelland
Empire lost in WW1.
58:00  This island nation
59:00  Schlieffen Plan
1:00:00  Control of the sea lanes
1:01:00  Admiral Nelson
1:04:00  France
1:06:00  The right to national self-determination
International Jewry
"Supreme drunken ignorance"
1:07:00  Anglo Saxons were originally Saxons. 
1:08:00  Zionism
1:09:00  Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Rings, The Hobbit, Sauron
1:10:00  Are white people Hobbits?
1:11:00  "You could have been neutral."
1:12:00  What impact would the British have had on the Eastern Front?
Britain should have knocked out Germany before 1939?
1:13:00  International Jewry
If only Hitler had seen sense!
1:16:00  "If we were speaking German, we wouldn't have Pakistani taxi drivers raping our daughters." 
Isn't "kebab" a feature of having a global empire?
1:18:00  Churchill was racist.
1:19:00  America became the slave master instead of Hitler. 
Not everyone's ancestors were righteous. 
1:21:0   1488

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The Rob and Claire Show on passing the shit test and crying over spilled milk — Boring for Secular Koranism (@Book_of_Rules)  October 18, 2024 4:00  SJJ joins. 6:00  Going cold turkey on social ...