Thursday, 31 October 2024

Talking to Independent Muslim

4:00  Space starts.

5:00  I am Muslim my understanding but not confession.


6:00  My agnosticism

8:00  RICCARDO joins.

10:00  Idolatry

11:00  Muslims


15:00  Sex before marriage

16:00  Religionlessness

17:00  Casual sex

18:00  Government should support marriage.

19:00  Degeneracy


20:00   Riccardo's antipathy towards my ideas.

21:00   Alcohol, gambling, usury, casual sex

I am a catalyst. 

22:00  I am promoting Islam. 

23:00  Atheists can understand the nature and purpose religion. 

24:00  Returning the trolley

25:00  Carrot and stick

26:00  Trump

27:00  The remnants of the liberal order want to kill Trump.

28:00  Islamophobia

The big interview

29:00  Clarism

God agrees with me! 

30:00   Muhammad lost a war.

33:00  The matriarchy

34:00  Western foreign policy

35:00  Simps

36:00  Feminism

37:00  The meaning of life

42:00   36 capital offences of the Torah

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Who are the 14 rabbis listed in Rabbi Mizrachi’s blacklist of non-kosher rabbis?

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