Tuesday 1 October 2024

Breeding, neocons, assisting the unmarriageable under Secular Koranism

1:00  Eugenicist Roman paterfamilias

2:00  Selective breeding

3:00  Women want to be martyred for looking after the most pathetic thing.  

5:00  Disabled siblings

Filicide should be the right of parents.

10:00  Deformed cat

14:00  Gay drone operators

18:00  KING'S FOOL joins.

27:00  Drone warfare is unIslamic and "disgusting". 

29:00  Trench warfare

32:00  Kamikaze pilots

Nukes attached to a drone

33:00  "Who gives a fuck about them? They're brown. They smell."

34:00  Neocons support Ukraine.

36:00  Crocodile tears over white Christian people

39:00  "It's all poliltics with [Putin]." SHOCK HORROR!  

44:00  China

49:00  Slavery and child sacrifice


50:00  Idolatry

51:00  Liberal intervention

52:00  We live in a post-truth societhy were no one cares about the arguments.  

55:00  "The truth will set you free."

56:00  SK could be an official moral system which SJJ refuses to consider.

57:00  I am falsely accused of wanting to Arabicise the West. 

58:00  SJJ does not care about acquring legitimate reproductive rights. 

59:00  Find a fat girl" is SJJ's reproductive strategy.

1:08:00  "Smash a fat girl"

Women are easily manipulated by alpha males. 

1:10:00  Go fund me gay breeding

1:12:00  Surrogacy

Average fat chick in the West

Cypriot or Ukrainian

1:19:00  Vaginal massage for hysteria

1:21:00  Government Departmments for the Facilitation of Eugenic Breeding

1:24:00  Making the arguments

1:25:00  Show us your wares, Claire! 

1:26:00  A media campaign

Trump will have to abolish liberal democracy if he is voted into office. 

1:27:00  Trump would want to secure his legacy.

1:28:00  Mass deportations by Trump?

1:29:00  Dysgenic sexual reproduction

1:30:00  SJJ wants 5 offspring with 2 pairs of twins.

1:31:00  The cost of childrearing

1:34:00  No university education for the illegitimate offspring of SJJ.

1:36:00  Muhammad the Uberdriver

1:38:00  Singapore government-run marriage bureaus

1:39:00  Courtship games

1:42:00  Gemma/Britgirl rehabilitation programme

1:46:00  People with goals and people without goals is analogous with travellers with an itinerary, map and compass compared to  nomads.

1:47:00  Hedgehog


1:48:00  ELLIOTT BLATT on high value women.

1:51:00  "This is why we need Secular Koranism."

1:53:00  "We confuse information with wisdom." 

1:54:00  Nuggets of wisdom gleaned online

1:55:00  Jefferson Bible

1:59:00  We crave sugar after salt. 

2:09:00  Bad food, bad relataionships, bad emotions

2:10:00  Pursuing happiness makes you unhappy.

2:11:00  Dharma is morality, law and righeousness.

Bhagavad Gita

Gandhi: "It is better to perform your own duty poorly than to perform the duties of others well." 

2:13:00  Transcendent order

2:14:00  Religions are a language of God.

2:15:00  We don't know ourselves or our calling/vocation.

2:16:00  AI has desacralised work.

2:17:00  Generational occupations

"You can be anything you want." 

2:18:00  You can be a graduate as long as you take out a student loan.

2:21:00  Loving your job so much you would do it for free.


2:23:00  Shinto

2:26:00  Geisha

2:29:00  Being Zen and SJJ's Buddhist chanting

2:34:00  Thai bar girls

2:37:00  Second World

2:41:00  Dangerfield in Cambodia

2:42:00  Pompey was distraught when he wife died. 



2:47:00  BEN joins.

The Beach by Alex Garland

2:48:00  Phuket very white

2:50:00  Vietenam

2:54:00  Monitor lizards and komodo dragons

2:59:00  Learning to code

3:00:00  China and Japan


3:01:00  Totalitarian

3:03:00  Shanghai, Shenzen and Hongkong

3:12:00  Arsonist migrant with machete in Essen

3:13:00  MK Ultra

3:15:00  Tearing up the US constitution

3:16:00  Gun rights

3:17:00  Demographics

Registering our chickens

3:18:00  Veganism

3:20:00  Middle class

3:21:00  Convictonlessness makes you mentally ill.

3:23:00  Train fares

3:24:00  5 stages of grief

3:25:00  Western governments want Westerners to  die childless, gay and transgender.

3:29:00  Emotioal maturity

3:31:00  Talking about pollitics with our potential spouse

3:33:00  Long distance relationships

Internet relationships

3:34:00  Tinder

3:36:00  Adjectival app

3:39:00  Twitch is a porn website.

3:40:00  A cull of boomers who were bad parents

3:41:00  Intergenerational communication between men is part of the problem

3:43:00  People don't know they are born.

Fuck boomers and zoomers.

3:45:00  Listeing to myself at x2 speed

3:46:00  Being monitored by the security services

Mark Collett

3:47:00  The North-South Divide in British Nationalism

Gateshead Jewish community

3:53:00  Anne Marie Waters

3:54:00  UKIP

3:55:00  Israel

3:56:00  Natalie Simon

3:58:00  Why Jews have not done what they were made God's Chosen People to do

3:59:00  Idolatry

4:00:00  Culture wars when people kill each other over their beliefs

4:01:00  Agnosticism

4:02:00  Which moral system chooses the wisest leaders?

Kemi Badenoch

4:03:00  The longhouse

4:04:00  The average female voter is stupid and immoral because  virtually all Western men are feminists who believe in the human right to fornicate.

4:06:00  The alpha male leader

Why the West is now more and more sexually liberated

Men and women see things different.y.

4:07:00  Mothers tying men to their apron strings

4:08:00  All political parties pander to the female  voter.

4:09:00  Patriarchy and matriarchy

4:10:00  How to choose your alpha male leader

4:11:00  The Weimar Republic was a  matriarchy.

4:12:00  Mr & Mrs Hitler

4:13:00  No egaliatarianism in the mililtary.

4:17:00  Objective reality requires belief in the Hypothetical Supreme Authority.

4:18:00  You'd like to believe that good is rewarded and evil punished. wouldn't you?

4:19:00  Gnosticism



4:22:00  Manicheaism.

4:24:00  Demiurge

4:25:00  Our immortal soul

4:26:00  The divine bargain

God created good and evil.

4:28:00  Judaism s harsher on idolatry in this life than Islam which does not have a this life punishment. 

4:29:00  Avigdor Miller


4:33:00  Christiaity has traumatised white people.

4:36:00  Methodist


4:38:00  The Road to Wigan Pier

4:42:00  Suicide

4:44:00  People act on their beliefs.

4:45:00  Objective morality

4:46:00  Sound arguments

Imperial wars are hard to explain to those expected to die in them.

4:49:00  Defensive and imperial wars

4:53:00  America and Israel are wife and husband.

4:54:00  Israel is a US colony.

4:55:00  Russia, Iran and China being so feeble.

4:56:00 Ukraine

4:57:00  Putin and Medevev

Nigel Farage and Ian Dale

4:59:00  Richard Madeley, Alan Partridge, Steve Coogan

5:02:00  Dugin's Fourth Political Theory

5:04:00  A People's Democratic Dictatorship

5:05:00  Rabbinical Judaism

5:06:00  The Church was always a Creature of the State.

5:07:00   Catholicism was so oppressive monarchs rebelled against the Pope.

Trouble-making women and witches

5:08:00  The Crusades

5:09:00  The Book of Jonah

5:10:00  Moby Dick

5:11:00  Pinnochio

Jordan Peterson 

Russell Brand

5:12:00  P Diddy

Why I am not Muslim

5:13:00   Robert Cobb said he was a  Secular Koranist.

5:14:00  Call Secular Koranism something else

5:15:00  The Koran

Competing Abrahamic religions

5:16:00  Status

5:17:00  The Koran


5:19:00  Rudakubana Riots 2024

5:21:00  Book

5:26:00  Secular Koranism

5:32:00  The Bible and the Koran

Buddhism is too hard to follow.

5:33:00  All desire is suffering.

5:34:00  Judaism

5:36:00  Theology and Nietzsche

Appealing over the head of the global hegemon

There are no atheists in foxholes.

We must not be afraid of making arguments.

5:38:00  If Evolution is true, God caused  it. 

Adam and Eve

5:39:00  Pre-Christian pagan deities

5:40:00  Christianity replaced pre-Christian pagan deities.

5:42:00  The god of the victorious tribe is assumed to have triumphed over the god of the defeated tribe.

Liberalism is the religon of Westerners.

5:46:00  Noise for no reason

Speech is silver, silence is golden. 

If you have nothing to say, don't  say anything at all.

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Vincent Bruno on chanting, Hades and difficult decisions

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