Thursday 17 October 2024

Rob and Claire talk about the Rob and Claire Show

6:00  Space begins. 

7:00  Harry Clarke 

9:00  Reparations

10:00  Richard Spencer

13:00  Reparations

14:00  Lamberts in the South Sea

15:00  Slave ships

17:00  Slavery was not illegal.

18:00  Middle class Americans

19:00  Racial tax

Retrospective legislation

Ex post facto law

Retroactive legislation

21:00  William Wilberforce

26:00  Kamala Harris

Slavery was not banned by either the Bible or the Koran.

27:00  Trump supporter

Church of England

30:00  Obeying the orders of Uncle Sam

1:00  Royal Family

2:00  Constitutional monarchy

Absolute monarchy

3:00  The British monarch enjoys fewer rights than the average American.

4:00  It is tragic not to know our own mind on controversial issues. 

6:00  Theocracy

7:00  Aren't Black Americans proud to be Americans?

8:00  Universal and eternal laws - Noahide laws

9:00  Idolatry and blasphemy

10:00  The Abrahamic God

Abrahamic religions > Eastern religions

11:00  Christianity has been replaced by Liberalism. 


12:00  Freemasons' Hall

13:00  Masonry

14:00  Freemasons Halls all over Australia

15:00  The social purpose of masonry is to allow Jews and Muslims to tell Christians that they should repent of their idolatry when it is safe to do so. 

16:00  Catholics forbidden masonry. 

18:00  Scottish Rite

19:00  Prevention of ecumenism

Muslim forbidden masonry. 

Trajan to Pliny

21:00  Only married men become Masons.

23:00  Jonathan Bowden

26:00  Christa Schroeder
29:00  David Irving
30:00  Holy Roman Empire
32:00  Presidency of the EU
34:00  Meritocracy
35:00  Grammar schools
36:00  Good and free education
37:00  Whole class teaching
39:00  J R R Tolkien
41:00  The problem with paganism
42:00  Pagan festivals
43:00  Easter egg hunts
44:00  Jewish and Islamic calendar
45:00  Ramadan
48:00  Soap opera characters of the Bible
52:00  Narratives
53:00  Oera Linda
54:00  The Abrahamic God
55:00  Speaking to a Chinese Woman about White Nationalism
57:00  We are both products the British Empire. 
59:00  American and Australian franchisee
1:00:00  Men who pretend to be sad they are single
1:01:00  SJJ
1:02:00  Vincent Bruno
1:03:00  Chaste and moral women

1:08:00  Gender relations

1:09:00  Specifying what we want

1:10:00  Mosques

1:12:00  Women in Spaces

1:15:00  "I'm not interested in having sex with immoral women."

Lucy Letby 

1:18:00  Rob and Claire Show

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What has Secular Koranism to offer Christians? — Boring for Secular Koranism (@Book_of_Rules)  October 17, 2024 4:00  Space begins. My...