Saturday, 22 March 2025

Religion is about frightening people into becoming married parents

Secular Koranism

2:00  An official moral system that supports marriage

3:00  G K Chesterton: "When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing; they then become capable of believing in anything."

5:00  Yuval Harari's Sapiens

6:00  Language, ideas and organisation

8:00  Religion is also stories.

9:00  Islamophobia

10:00  Christianity

12:00  The Age of Republican Revolutions displaced the Age of Monarchy

13:00  Liberalism is uncodified.

14:00  Westerners whingeing and moaning

15:00  The Business Model of the Neocons

16:00  Islam threatens the sexual liberation of feminism.

17:00  Leftists promote feminism.

21:00  Rights for women in India

22:00  Sharia councils in India

26:00  Congress is supported by Muslims.

27:00  Labour, Conservative and anti-immigration political parties

28:00  Tommy Robinson and Anjem Choudary

30:00  Hate speech

37:00  Equality Act 2010

Black disabled lesbian

39:00  Low education low income low status men do not have a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010.

40:00  The government wants to protect immigrant workers because they are more useful than the people complaining about them.

41:00  Lazy whites

42:00  Married parents are not supported by the government.

43:00  George Washington warned against political parties.

44:00  Voters' holding politicians to account

49:00  White people would rather die than be married parents.
52:00  Most UK parents are unmarried parents.

53:00  Blindly copying the West
54:00  Neither the Bible nor the Koran forbids slavery and prostitution.
56:00  Majapahit Empire was conquered by Islam.
57:00  Allowing our corrupt and incompetent ruling classes to make up the rules as they go along is worse than becoming a theocracy.

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