Friday, 29 January 2021

Did God make Hitler punish Jews because He disapproved of the liberalism of the Weimar Republic Jews had assimilated into?


1.  Did God make Hitler punish Jews because He disapproved of the liberalism of the Weimar Republic Jews had assimilated into?
2.  After punishing Jews, didn't God also give them back their homeland?
3.  72 years after Israel was established, why is Israel still not a theocracy?
4.  Is Israel not a theocracy because the Americans whose protectorate they are would never allow it?
5.  Isn't America supposed to be a Noahide nation?  
6.  What is Education and Sharing Day on the birthday of Rabbi Schneerson all about if not to declare America a Noahide nation?  
7.  If it is acknowledged that America is not a nation of righteous gentiles and perhaps closer to being Amalek, shouldn't Israel be declaring independence from it rather than remaining its protectorate?  
8.  Is Israel itself observing the minimum moral standards of the Noahide laws?
9.  Is the domestic and foreign policy of America in conformity with the Noahide laws?
10:  Should Chabad be cancelling Education and Sharing Day as a demonstration of Jewish disapproval of the way America is not conducting itself as a righteous gentile nation? 
11.  If Chabad are too embarrassed about canceling Education and Sharing Day in America, should non-Chabad Jews alarmed at the prospect of further punishment from God urge them to do so?
12.  Are Holocaust Denial laws an infringement of First Amendment rights which I believe are based on
13.  Are Jews aware of the intentionalist and functionalist debate amongst historians?
14.  Do Holocaust denial laws increase or decrease antisemitism?

It would appear that if God exists and intended to punish Jews, He was punishing them for assimilating and updating the Torah. This is what Orthodox Jews seem to think.  Rabbis Kin and Mizrachi hold this view.  

Rudy Rochman also has some interesting views on the causes of antisemitism at and you have spoken to him.  

The fact is that antisemitism is a phenomenon that Jews have been reflecting on for centuries. Could it be that God divided humanity into Jews and gentiles to make them police each other's behaviour and punish each other for disobedience to God's laws?  

Jews were made God's Chosen People and put on a mission to promote the Seven Noahide laws and Jews are neurotic about discussing this, probably because they know they have been neglecting this duty for centuries and are still arguing amongst themselves about what they should be doing as regards the gentile.  

There are five ways of dealing with the situation of being told to do something you don't want to do:

1.  Do it anyway. (This was the late Rabbi Schneerson's approach.)
2.  Say it has been done so there is no need to do it. (Declare Amalek extinct.)
3.  Acknowledge that it needs to be done but it is not your job to do it. 
4.  Acknowledge that it needs to be done but no one can compel you to do it. 
5.  Get someone else to do it. 

If Jews get the blame when gentiles suffer oppression from their government and Jews have been given the job to promote the Noahide laws, then God if He exists would be punishing Jews for neglect of their religious obligation to the gentile to promote the Noahide laws.  

The quickest and easiest way for Jews to promote the Noahide laws to gentiles is for rabbis to rank the four gentile religions according to how they conform to the Noahide laws. is my ranking.  

Once they see that Christianity is bottom of the heap, they will take the hint and adopt Secular Koranism, hopefully.

You could even begin to discuss this on J-TV, but I anticipate you will have great trouble getting rabbis to accept your invitation because they have a conscience about neglecting their religious obligation to gentiles for so many centuries. However, this shiksa will be very happy to talk to you about it.  


Aren't Jews supposed to thank God even if they suffer misfortune? This is presumably to acknowledge that we as fallible mortals do not know what is good for us: every silver lining has a cloud, and every cloud has a silver lining. But for the suffering they endured at the hands of the Nazis, Jews would not have got their homeland back.


Social Darwinism was a British idea. Herbert Spencer was not German.
The Swedes were still  practising eugenics like mad, way after WW2.

The Americans practised it too, but not after WW2.


Hitler had a problem with democracy whose operation would always favour minorities over the majority. He did mention this in Mein Kampf.

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