Friday, 3 July 2020

Rudy Rochman on the legitimacy of Israel

3:00  Ollie and Rudy are Levites.

19:00  On being indigenous

The movie Avatar

Collective governing body to identify as indigenous

23:00  Being white depends on origins and status

37:00  The Koran

39:00  The Balfour Declaration

40:00  Possession is nine points of the law v "We were here first."

41:00  The Torah gave Jews the right to Israel.

52:00  "Are you French Jews or are you Jews living in France?"

53:00  Divided loyalties

55:00  Jews could diffusing antisemitism by acknowledging that they are Jews who belong in Israel.

56:00  When Jews assimilate, antisemitism rises.

58:00  If Jews are the aristocracy of humanity, they should not be partying with the peasants and expecting the peasants to respect them.  It is the religious obligations of Jews to promote the Noahide laws, but Jews have been instructed not to ever discuss this with the gentile.

59:00  Israel is an American Protectorate and the America Empire is hated.

1:00:00  American money to Israel comes with strings attached.

1:06:00  The battered wife

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