Saturday, 31 July 2021

Secular Koranism not debunked

Can the Muslim who claims on her YouTube channel that Secular Koranism has been debunked answer the following questions? If not, she should pass these questions on to an Islamic scholar. 

  1. Which direction does she think Islam is moving towards?
  2. Which direction does Terron Poole think it is moving towards?
  3. Who are the "peddlers" of Secular Koranism and why do they "peddle" it?
  4. Can she explain in her own words how Secular Koranism has been debunked?
  5. Secular Koranism adheres to the rule of law. It is about infusing the legal system of the Western nation adopting it with Koranic principles. How is this not adhering to the rule of law?
  6. Muslim in the West have to understand that Secular Koranism is the Chicken Tikka Massala of Sharia specially crafted to suit the Western palate guaranteeing freedom of belief with Why would any reasonable Muslim object to this?

Thursday, 29 July 2021

The morality of patriarchy

Morality is a system of rules designed to keep the group in existence and apart from others.

To have morals, find some principles and stand up for them, after you have stated them. If you discover you have none, it is time to get them. If you don't want any after discovering you have none, you don't deserve to live in an advanced civilisation and the problem will soon solve itself in that you will no longer be living in an advanced civilisation.

Jews are supposed to obey the laws of God.

Righteous gentile nations are supposed to obey the Seven Noahide laws.

What is the minimum number of principles you ought to have if you wish to be an honest, logical and moral individual? 

You should have the principle of being honest, logical and moral.  

If you are honest and logical, it is also necessary that you are moral. 

If you are not sure what morality is, you should be prepared to discuss it as a moral person and certainly as a philosopher.

If you are not a moral person, you should be marginalised and treated as a pariah whom all rational and moral women would shun.

The West is now a matriarchy.

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Book of Numbers discussed with liberals

2:28:00  I join.
2:29:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
2:30:00  Holocaust Denial
2:33:00  The oneness of God
2:34:00  Moses
2:35:00  The Thirteen Principles of Judaism by Judaism
2:36:00  The sex segregation
2:37:00  Gender behaviour
2:38:00  Male and female entrants for children in schools and adults in factories
2:39:00  Globohomo
2:40:00  Agnosticism
2:41:00  Bestiality
2:42:00  Western imperialism
2:43:00  Matriarchy
2:44:00  Gender justice
2:45:00  Marriage
2:46:00  Saudi and other Muslim countries
2:49:00  The Book of Numbers
2:50:00  Patriarchy
2:53:00  The rule of law
2:55:00  The Koran gives humans all the rights they need. 
2:56:00  Apostasy
2:57:00  Hadith
2:59:00  Berlin Love Parade
3:01:00  Imperialism
3:02:00  Hegel's dialectical materialism
3:07:00  Bishops in the House of Lords
3:11:00  French and German demographics
3:15:00  The law is the algorithm of human beings
3:17:00  Theocracy
3:18:00  Ten Commandments
3:19:00  Thoughtcrime and being the slaves of God
3:20:00  The difference between politics and religion is a distinction without a difference.
3:22:00  The Fourth Estate is now the First Estate.
3:23:00  Caste and class
3:25:00  Jews and Muslims don't have a priesthood.

3:26:00  Arguing about religion is arguing about the rules, arguing about politics is arguing about the interpretation of the rules.

3:35:00  LGBT domestic violence
3:37:00  Agnostic Theist

Monday, 26 July 2021

Muslims should disengage from Christians now Hatun has been hurt and engage with Orthodox rabbis

18:00  How the Noahide laws are useful to Muslims

21:00  Displacement therapy of Muslims talking to Christians instead of Orthodox rabbis

22:00  Muslims who want to engage in political activism online have the option of 

a) asking Christians how Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy (but not in a face to face in case the Christian provokes violence in the hope of being martyred or in the hope of provoking more violence)

b) asking Orthodox rabbis which gentile religion is the most Noahide and which the least 

24:00  Orthodox rabbis too frightened of their Christian overlords to properly teach the Noahide laws to gentiles 

25:00  The Christian practice of burning heretics at the stake

26:00  Five Founding Fathers and Five Islamic Pillars of Islam: Adams, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, Washington

27:00 The Islamic Trojan Horse was

28:00  George Washington's Farewell Address

40:00  Christians are hypocrites for pretending that they love Jesus. If they loved Jesus, they would prefer the narrative in the Koran that Jesus did not die on the cross, but they want him to have died on the cross because they want him to have died for their sins as is required through the practice of human sacrifice. Do they even believe this nonsense? Or do they only use the cover of their Christianity to indulge their hatred of Jews and Muslims?

43:00  Instead of engaging with Christians, Muslims should engage with Orthodox rabbis.


57:00  Muslims should completely disengage from Christians who are beyond reason and who are determined not to understand idolatry most of whom are probably atheists who only use Christianity as a protective wrapper for their antisemitism and Islamophobia.

58:00  What efdawah should do to engage with Orthodox rabbis

1:00:00  Questions for Muslims to ask Orthodox rabbis

1:01:00  Shouldn't Israel be a theocracy?

Shouldn't Jews be teaching the Noahide laws?

1:02:00  If rabbis are no longer up to the job of teaching properly the Naohide laws on their behalves, Muslims should do so on their behalves.  

1:03:00  Hinduism is only avodah zarah, but Christianity is shituf. The shituf of Christianity is worse than the avodah zarah of Hinduism. While Hinduism is only idolatry, Christianity is both idolatry and blasphemy. 

1:06:00  Repeating myself point by point

1:07:00  Christians out of arguments will probably resort to provoking violence either to martyr themselves or provoke more violence. Muslims should disengage completely from Christians who are incapable of understanding or caring about idolatry and instead concentrate their time and energy on asking Orthodox rabbis which gentile religion is the most Noahide and which the least. If rabbis they still refuse to do it, they should be asked how much Muslim money they want to confirm what Judaism already says about Islam and Christianity.  

1:09:00 guarantees freedom of belief and accommodates atheists to polytheists.

1:11:00  efdawah

1:13:00  Jewish-Muslim co-operation


1:18:00  Hamza has a problem with me. 

1:19:00  Reactionary

1:20:00  Domingo denounces Jews for usury.

1:21:00  Secular Koranism would ban usury. 

1:23:00  The Koran is the official handbook of Islam.

1:24:00  Jews are aware that I appeal to a Higher Authority.

1:27:00  Muslims are advised to disengage from Christians and instead get rabbis to do their dawah for them by ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws.

Our moral imperative to choose Secular Koranism

2:37:00  I explain Secular Koranism.
I propose we assume God's existence and follow His laws.
2:38:00  Secular Koranism is a New School of Sharia. 
2:39:00  Globohomo
2:41:00  Secular Koranism would be the Jefferson Koran. 
2:42:00  Uncaused First Cause
2:43:00  Contingency and cosmological arguments
4:35:00  My outro

Sunday, 25 July 2021

Are we the slaves of God who don't know we are the slaves of God?

0:30  The identity crisis of Western men of all races

5:00  Paul Africanism, Pan-Arabism, Pan-Europeanism, Pan-American Airlines
7:00  Jews and Muslims, antisemites and Islamophobes
8:00  All men are lower in status than the unmarried mother, including POTUS.
9:00  A low status person in a low status nation
10:00  Self-esteem issues suffered by citizens of Western nations irrationally and badly governed by their degenerate matriarchy
13:00  The big idea of Secular Koranism
14:00  The five stages of grief
15:00  Studying the Jews as an ethnographer, anthropologist and moral and political philosopher
16:00  Jewish identity being destroyed by liberalism
17:00  Israel
19:00  Political divisions in Israel and suffering from an identity crisis
20:00  Belief in God would assist us in obeying His laws.
21:00  Nationalists
22:00  Laws control us. 
23:00  Sexual liberation from the laws of God
24:00  Christianity is kaput.
25:00  Separation of church and state
26:00  The First Amendment was the Trojan Horse of Islam into the American Republic.
28:00  Christianity is like drinking too much at a party and suffering a hangover to be cured by Islam. 
30:00  Christianity began to die when the First Amendment was passed. 
31:00  French and German birthrate
32:00  Napoleon legalised incest.
33:00  Patriarchy
34:00  The matriarchy is a danger to itself. 
35:00  In a matriarchy, nothing is fit for purpose. 
36:00  Public intellectuals in a matriarchy are not fit for purpose.
37:00  Belief in the Abrahamic God is mental technique.
38:00  Legal to steal in San Francisco, the latter day Sodom and Gomorrah.
39:00  The idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity 
40:00  The opportunity cost of not following the Koran
41:00  Rabbis refusing to rank the gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws incur the Wrath of God.
42:00  Jews who have diluted the principles of Judaism
43:00  Jews who refuse to follow my advice
44:00  I am not a magic rabbi,
47:00  The Day of Atonement is on 15 September 2021.
50:00  Secular Koranism has the First Amendment in the package.
51:00  Western politicians don't think they are supposed to promote the national interest.
52:00  The best way of governing in the national interest is to govern under the principles of Secular Koranism.
59:00  Which is lower status - people who know they are the slaves of God but those who don't?
1:00:00  We want to obey and be rewarded for our obedience. 
1:03:00  Am I a latter day Jonah living in a latter day Nineveh?
1:11:00  When I moderated

1:11:00  Church of Entropy's reverse Aryan Invasion Theory

Saturday, 24 July 2021

IDENTITY CRISIS: Christians becoming Jews to worship Jesus like men becoming women to be lesbians

Controversy surrounding Rabbi Asher Meza and why he scares John Gischala

I ask John Gischala why rabbis refuse to rank the four gentile religions

5:00  Adam and Eve
6:00  If we are being accused of something, the charges should be specified so we can defend ourselves. 
9:00  We hate you because you we envy you. 
10:00  New York
11:00  Brazil
12:00  Dawn Butler Labour MP
13:00  Jeremy Corbyn
16:00  Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics

18:00  Liberalism is destroying Jewish as well as gentile identity.

22:00  Jews are the constant, gentiles are the variable?

25:00  Liberty is not enough.
27:00  A regulated right

29:00  Are we the slaves of God, whether we know it or not?

34:00  Knowing who we are - whether or not we are the slaves of God - means we know what we are supposed to do and we will be happier for this.

37:00  The appeal of Secular Koranism if you want to restore the patriarchy

40:00  Suffering is punishment for sin.

41:00  There is a right and wrong way of doing things, so follow the rules. 

42:00  Black and white nationalists complain about the same thing - lack of an identity they are proud of because they lack a functioning moral system but are too much of an Islamophobe to consider adopting Secular Koranism

Who fares better - the theist or atheist?

Who fares better - the theist with established religious traditions or the theist with less established religious traditions?

43:00  The quality of legitimate offspring compared to the quality of illegitimate offspring

44:00  Cain and Abel
48:00  When did Judaism begin - with Abraham, Jacob or Moses?
50:00  Moses brought the rule of law.
52:00  Why did God make Jews His Chosen People?
53:00  The Noahide laws are derived from the Torah.
57:00  The Torah as a source of reference for divine instructions from the most powerful God conceivable.
1:00:00  Jews must uphold higher standards to be able to teach the Noahide laws to gentiles. 
1:03:00  36 capital offences in the Torah
1:05:00  Israel demographics

The religious affiliation of Israeli Jews varies widely: a social survey for those over the age of 20 indicates that 55% say they are "traditional", while 20% consider themselves "secular Jews", 17% define themselves as "Religious Zionists"; 8% define themselves as "Haredi Jews". While the ultra-Orthodox, or Haredim, represented only 5% of Israel's population in 1990, they are expected to represent more than one-fifth of Israel's Jewish population by 2028.

1:07:00  50/50 instability
1:09:00  Ben and Jerry are atheist Jews.
1:10:00  Muslims in New York
1:12:00  America and Australasia also suffer from mass immigration and are not EU members.
1:13:00  Minimum wage
1:14:00  Education and vocational training

Does the state really want to keep people dumb?

The reason why education can't be fixed is because no government operating under democracy wants to tackle it because they already know the measures necessary to fix education will be so unpopular they will not win the next election. 

1:17:00  Inflation
1:18:00  Ranking the four gentile religions

1:21:00  Trinitiarain and Unitarian Christians
1:22:00  Socianian heresy
1:23:00  Reform Judaism
1:24:00  Heresy and apostasy
1:25:00  Kafir
1:28:00  Why the shituf of Christianity is worse than the avodah zarah of Hinduism
1:30:00  Pantheism is idolatry.
1:32:00  Holy Spirit
1:33:00  Satan
1:35:00  Repentance and sin
1:37:00  The purpose of Jews
1:38:00  Noahides
1:39:00  Abraham
1:41:00  Converting to Judaism
1:43:00  Islam is a Noahide religion.
1:45:00  Reform Judaism < Orthodox Judaism
1:46:00  Being Noahide
1:47:00  The absurdity of Christian beliefs 
1:51:00  Islam
1:52:00  Moses
1:53:00  Why can't God have revealed the Koran to gentiles?
1:55:00  36 capital offences in the Torah is not applicable to gentiles
1:56:00  The Noahide laws are a lower standard than the 613 laws.
1:57:00  "Death is repentance."
1:58:00  Atoning and repenting of sins
Olam haba - the world to come
2:00:00  Purgatory or Hell?
2:04:00  Hitler and Stalin
2:05:00  Why do bad things happen to good people?
2:06:00  Jews haven't lived in a theocracy for 2000 years.
2:07:00  No death penalty in the UK
2:08:00  Have Jews been properly teaching the Noahide laws?
2:09:00  Islam is more Noahide than Christianity.
2:10:00  The punishment should fit the crime. 
2:11:00  Sharia is less restrictive than a Torah theocracy.
2:12:00  The New Testament is not from God.
2:13:00  Liberty and liberalism
Jefferson Bible
2:14:00  Paul

2:15:00  Jews don't even follow the Torah so why would they expect gentiles to?

2:20:00  Why aren't Jews living in a Torah theocracy?

2:21:00  Which moral system would a rational and moral gentile choose if he were not morally compromised by Islamophobia - Koran-based Noahidism or rabbinically-guided Noahidism?

2:22:00  Six theocracies in the word are Islamic.

2:23:00  Jim Jones and the Aztecs
2:24:00  Islam is still the most Noahide religion and rabbis should just say this. 
2:25:00  Tel Aviv is the gay capital of the world.
2:26:00  Israel is not a theocracy.
2:27:00  Jim Jones was not following revealed scripture.
2:30:00  Rabbi Chaim Coffman
2:31:00  Rabbi Asher Meza
2:32:00  Messianic Jews
2:33:00  Rabbi Asher Meza is "probably secretly Christian". 
2:34:00  Rabbi Singer
2:36:00  Converting to Jews to Christianity
2:40:00  20% of Israelis are gentiles. 

Are both Jews and gentiles suffering from an identity crisis and is liberalism to blame?

"The religious affiliation of Israeli Jews varies widely: a social survey for those over the age of 20 indicates that 55% say they are "traditional", while 20% consider themselves "secular Jews", 17% define themselves as "Religious Zionists"; 8% define themselves as "Haredi Jews". While the ultra-Orthodox, or Haredim, represented only 5% of Israel's population in 1990, they are expected to represent more than one-fifth of Israel's Jewish population by 2028."

Do you think people like that might suffer from identity issues?

If Jews are having identity issues caused by liberalism, are they fit for the purpose for what God made them His Chosen People?

If they are not fit for the purpose of what God chose them to do, should gentiles be concerned?  

If Jews are losing their identity, won't it mean gentiles too will lose their identity and eventually go mad?  

Isn't our greatest fear that of losing our identity and forgetting who we are so we no longer know what we are supposed to do?  

The Bible and Koran affirms the principle of national identity. Global liberalism wishes to prevent this, which is why Trump and his supporters are being treated as heretics and insurrectionists for rejecting the supposed benefits of neoconservatism (endless foreign wars) and neoliberalism (uncontrolled mass immigration). 

If Jewish identity is also being destroyed by liberalism, isn't it time for us to stop living under the shadow of the French Revolution? 

When asked if he thought the French Revolution was a good idea in 1974, Chou Enlai responded that it was too early to say. It is perhaps not too late in 2021 to finally reject the wish list of the French Revolutionaries who did not know that good rational government cannot consist of obeying a wish list of children who do not know what is good for them.   

Liberty is what we should enjoy after all the necessary laws are in place and the necessary laws are the Noahide laws that Jews are no longer fit for the purpose of teaching to themselves, far less gentiles. 

If Israel itself is not Noahide, Jews have no authority to tell teach the Noahide laws to anyone, and this is probably why rabbis are ashamed to discuss the Noahide laws that they are supposed to be properly teaching to gentiles as part of their religious obligation of tikkun olam ie repair of the world.

Since most Jews no longer want to live as observant Jews, they must at least live as righteous gentiles if they are not to offend the God who made them His Chosen People. 

The most Noahide gentile religion is Islam and the least Christianity.

Wednesday, 21 July 2021

How long will a stream last if I dedicate it to defending Secular Koranism?

5:00  Amy Newman
9:00  Who created me?
10:00  The agnostic view to look at the world through both a theist an atheist lens
11:00  Judaism is good for learning from mistakes.
12:00  Christianity and Islam
13:00  The idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity
17:00  Antisemitic Muslims
18:00  efdawah
21:00  God is optional.
22:00  You don't have to be Muslim to support Secular Koranism.
23:00  The antisemitism and Islamophobia of Western men
25:00  Communism and Liberalism
26:00  Francis Fukuyama. Trump and the Fourth Estate
27:00  The power and glory of Secular Koranism
28:00  The best case scenario for White Nationalism
29:00  Selling Secular Koranism to the State of Israel
30:00  Orthodox Jews who live on settlements
31:00  God wants Israel to be a theocracy. 
32:00  Al Aqsa Mosque on Temple Mount
33:00  Al Aqsa Mosque is meant to remind Jews of the divine law they are supposed to be obeying.
34:00  Christian missionaries in Israel converting Jews to Christianity
35:00  Is America getting ready to abandon Israel?
36:00  Secular Koranism with Israel Characteristics
37:00  Doooovid the Jew with a rabbinical education is also Hare Krishna.
38:00  Judas Maccabeus
39:00  Jews and Muslims going native with globohomo
40:00  Jewish and Muslim identity
41:00  Jews who want to be Noahides
42:00  Jews were made God's Chosen People for tikkun olam.
43:00  Not up to Jews to retire or resign from their mission of tikkun olam.
44:00  How to become an ex-Jew
47:00  Liberalism in the 21st century
48:00  Neoconservatism and neoliberalism
49:00  Prostitution is tolerated in the Koran.

Casual sex and the crisis in gender relations

Anything that encourages extramarital sex is bad for civilisation.

9:00  Females get to choose because there are significantly more sperm than eggs.

25:00  Women are a resource and monogamy is the fairest way of distributing this resource.

29:00  What religion is Coroneus Phocis a big fan of?


If you already accept one patent absurdity, why not another patent absurdity? How can Jesus also be God? Do Christians and those who wish to identify as Christians care how this absurdity is arrived at? Can they explain it? The fact is that they cannot and use Christianity as a dignifying wrapper for their rejection of Islam because they are Islamophobes. They also reject the Noahide laws because they are antisemites. 

Be in no doubt as to why those who claim to be Christian are doing when they say they prefer to be Christian. It only means they wish to go to their graves with their beliefs uncorrected, even as they claim to be nationalists who love their country or loving parents of their children. 

It means they are nihilists and atheists who do not fear the God they claim to believe in because they do not think God exists to punish them in the afterlife for their idolatry and blasphemy. 

Christianity and Hypocrisy walk hand in hand.  

At the most, these people who cling to Christianity are sentimental about their childhood, church architecture, church music etc but the reality is this: your national religion is your national moral system and without a functioning moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality ie ensuring that most parents in your society are married parents, your society and civilisation will be destroyed by both your internal and external enemies.

The correct way to regard your national religion is not as an optional ornament but as a working boiler.

31:00  Feminism harms women too, particularly women who just want to be married mothers.

35:00  How the West is regressing to a more primitive way of life

39:00  Matriarchy is a society of sluts and bastards. Why would you expect societies of sluts and bastards to prosper when there are other societies reject the idea of pandering to sluts and bastards ie China, Iran and Russia?

43:00  The Green Party is full of spinster cat ladies with sub beta males who pander to them.

44:00  The Koran would ban porn with, and

46:00  The only way to fix marriage is to restore the patriarchy. The only way to restore the patriarchy is to treat unmarried parents as sex offenders as prescribed by

47:00  Is there a significant number of Mormons and Amish in the rest of the West? The American is entirely focused on American salvation of course, but has he considered that the American Republic was founded on Islamic principles? The First Amendment was based on The White House Koran belonged to Thomas Jefferson who drafted the Virginia Statute on Religious Freedom which later became the First Amendment. The Declaration of Independence assumed the existence of God who self-evidently created men equal. The Prophet Muhammad is already in the US Supreme Court. The American Republic is indispensable and exceptional in being the first proposition nation of the world. It is now time for Americans to return to their unconsciously Islamic roots.

49:00  The Hegelian Dialectic assumed the Darwinian struggle of political ideologies being played out through humans. If morality is a system of rules designed to keep the group in existence and apart from others through worshiping a Hypothetical Supreme Authority, then it is clear that Judaism does it best, because Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe. It is also true that Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism. While it is true that the past three global empires have been Christian, it is also very probably true that there is no prospect of a Christian revival in our lifetimes even if we were all born yesterday. Nor would we wish there to be a Christian revival if we already know that Christianity operated through the Christian practice of heretic burning, until the Americans destroyed belief in the Trinity with their First Amendment based on So it would appear that Westerners have thrown out the baby of Christian patriarchal moral values with the dirty bathwater of the Trinity and are now in a state of atheist nihilist psychosis living in a matriarchy that is a danger to itself, suffering from a fatal moral disease and what amounts in effect to dementia.

58:00  The American has a data systems background, does he? Then he would understand that the law is the algorithm of human beings.

58:30  Western civilisation can avoid error and disaster by enough Westerners urging their governments to correcting themselves.

59:00  Did Nietzsche believe in God?

The absurdity of idolatry

If you already accept one patent absurdity, why not another patent absurdity? How can Jesus also be God? Do Christians and those who wish to identify as Christians care how this absurdity is arrived at? Can they explain it? The fact is that they cannot and use Christianity as a dignifying wrapper for their rejection of Islam because they are Islamophobes. They also reject the Noahide laws because they are antisemites. 

Be in no doubt as to why those who claim to be Christian are doing when they say they prefer to be Christian. It only means they wish to go to their graves with their beliefs uncorrected, even as they claim to be nationalists who love their country or loving parents of their children. 

It means they are nihilists and atheists who do not fear the God they claim to believe in because they do not think God exists to punish them in the afterlife for their idolatry and blasphemy. 

Christianity and Hypocrisy walk hand in hand.  

At the most, these people who cling to Christianity are sentimental about their childhood, church architecture, church music etc but the reality is this: your national religion is your national moral system and without a functioning moral system at least effective at maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality ie ensuring that most parents in your society are married parents, your society and civilisation will be destroyed by both your internal and external enemies.

The correct way to regard your national religion is not as an optional ornament but as a working boiler.

Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Can Jews agree on what is authentic Judaism?

Authentic Judaism is what the scripture of Judaism says, therefore authentic Jews are the people closest to this practice. 

7:00  Quality is to be preferred over numbers.

Hinduism has inferior scripture.  

8:00  Organised religion is superior to disorganised religion. 

9:00  Orthodox Jews > Reform Jews

10:00  More non-observant Jews than observant Jews, more inauthentic Jews than authentic Jews.
11:00  Maimonides
12:00  Non-observant Jews are not even supposed to be in existence according to the Torah. 
13:00  The high status of being God's Chosen People
17:00  High status and low status Jews
18:00  Rabbis are teachers of Jews.
19:00  Doooovid the alt-right rabbi
20:00  Jews have the religious obligation of tikkun olam and Kiddush Hashem.
21:00  Tikkun olam = ridding the world of idolatry by recommending Islam to gentiles
22:00  Jews and Muslims are afraid of their Christian overlords.
24:00  Western gentiles are too degenerate to challenge the matriarchy.
26:00  The futility of discussing politics
27:00  Category errors
28:00  Doooovid
29:00  Tisha B'Av
30:00  If God exists, everything happens for a reason. 
31:00  Judaism is a religion that makes a point of learning from one's mistakes. 
34:00  Jews and gentiles created to police each other's behaviour
35:00  Muslims are not doing what they are supposed to be doing. 
36:00  efdawah seem reluctant to engage with rabbis. 
37:00  Nobody cares what Christians think.
38:00  Kiddush Hashem = martyrdom
39:00  Younger and elder brother analogy
42:00  Jews suffer because they failed to teach the Noahide laws, gentiles suffer suffer because they fail to obey the Noahide laws.
45:00  Jews outsourcing their religious obligation to Muslims
50:00  Evil
51:00  The purpose of religion
52:00  Identity politics
59:00  Liberalism destroying Israel.
1:00:00  Banning usury is better than being merely Noahide

Explaining the Torah to transgender Jewess Amy Newman

2:16:00  I join.
2:17:00  Science does not tell us whether God exists or not.
2:18:00  Faith is a choice. 
2:19:00  God has given us the freewill to reject Him.
2:21:00  God made Jews His Chosen People for a reason.
2:22:00  Jews conquered Canaan because they obeyed the laws of God.
2:23:00  Atheists who pretend to believe in God
2:24:00  Choosing to believe in order to obey
2:25:00  Father as head of the family
Marriage as a child protection scheme.
2:33:00  Amy thinks the ends justify the means.
2:34:00  Taqiyya
2:35:00  Dave Chapelle
2:37:00  My interpretation of the wife-beating verse, legalising prostitution and slavery
2:38:00  Identity politics and the obsession with Jews
2:39:00  People who want to believe in the Abrahamic God
2:40:00  Not all slave girls are sex slaves.
2:41:00  Comfort women
2:42:00  The rape of Nanking
2:43:00  Manumission
2:54:00  TJump and Leophilius
3:07:00  Hadith
3:08:00  Restoring patriarchy is the selling point of Secular Koranism
3:11:00  Marriage is for sex and children.
3:12:00  India is a fallen civilisation.
3:14:00  Degeneracy
3:17:00  Strong families
3:18:00  Unconditional love
3:20:00  Children need two parents.
3:21:00  Bonobos

What Is Authentic Judaism? (7-19-21)

11:00  Judaism is what the scripture of Judaism says, obviously. 

12:00  "Jews are gonna Jew" is a meaningless tautology.  

Tikkun olam for Jews is to teach the Noahide laws and rid the world of idolatry, but Doooovid doesn't want to martyr himself, which is why he denies that it is his duty to teach them, particularly when he is Hare Krishna himself. Idolatry attracts the death penalty for Jews according to the Torah. 

13:00  Luke Ford is a low status convert but has a higher status than the gentiles he panders to.

15:00 Jews and gentiles will be punished according to their just deserts by the Abrahamic God, if He exists.

2:12:00  Judas Maccabeus

2:15:00  Still doesn't get the purpose vaccination and got Covid.

2:17:00  His children are not vaccinated. 

2:18:00  He thought it was a time for a change from Bibi.  

2:19:00  Has blocked Doooovid on Messenger. 

2:20:00  Authentic Judaism

2:27:00  Jews are not regular Americans. 

2:28:00  Reform Jews are liberals. 

2:29:00  Reform Jews are enemies to gentiles, according to Judas Maccabeus.

2:31:00  Authenticity according to Luke. 

2:32:00  Authentic Judaism, according to Luke. 

2:34:00  Orthodox Jews are inward looking, according to Judas Maccabeus.

2:57:00  JM's conversation with an imam

Saturday, 17 July 2021

Should gentiles be concerned that Jews no longer want to be Jews?

0:30  Tisha B'Av

3:00  What is kosher is halal, but what is halal is not kosher.
4:00  Jews were made God's Chosen People giving them a higher status.
Why did God divide humanity into Jews and gentiles?
5:00  What Christianity represents
6:00  Jews forcibly converted the Edomites to Judaism.

Islam is Monotheism III.

7:00  Christianity and Islam are obsessed by Jews. 
8:00  Moses
Book of Judges
9:00  Jews are always subject to the bad influence of gentiles. 
The Kingdom of Israel declined after Solomon's death.
10:00  The problem of succession
11:00  Strength and wisdom
Caliphs are constitutional dictators.
12:00  The fall of the Moghul Empire
13:00  The American Republic
14:00  The last emperor of China
15:00  The corrupt morals of the Western mind
16:00  Secular Koranism as part of the dawah toolkit.

21:00  Jews who don't want to be Jews.
23:00  Jews were made God's Chosen People for a purpose.
24:00  Are we the slaves of God who don't know we are the slaves of God?
25:00  All the world religions defend marriage and patriarchy, and Christianity has clearly failed. 
26:00  Why Christians and Muslims are obsessed by Jews
27:00  Tisha B'Av
28:00  How many of the Noahide laws have the nations of the world broken?  
29:00  Secular Jews in the secular state of Israel

30:00  Is God burdening Jews with a greater burden than they can bear?

34:00  Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics

35:00  Jews in Iran
37:00  A one-party theocracy in Israel?
38:00  Did God intend Jews to live in Israel in the Tel Aviv way?  
39:00  Israeli Jews could still have their ethnostate under Secular Koranism.  
40:00  Secular Koranism with American Characteristics, the rest of the West would follow suit. 
41:00  Secular Koranism with Chinese Characteristics
42:00  There is no God worthy of worship than Allah. 
43:00  The pantheist God serves no moral purpose.
44:00  Church of Entropy's pantheism

The opportunity cost of not worshiping the Abrahamic God and following His laws is the difference between matriarchy and patriarchy.
45:00  Nationalists and Islamophobia
46:00  Richard Spencer
47:00  Western nations are a degenerate matriarchy.

48:00  Muslims should not waste time and energy on Christians and instead concentrate on engaging Orthodox rabbis on the Noahide laws asking them the following questions:

a)  Aren't the Noahide laws for the purpose of setting a minimum standard of morality?
b)  Shouldn't the gentile religions be ranked according to their conformity with the Noahide laws? 
c)  Shouldn't Christians be put on notice that their religion has failed?
d)  Is Christianity idolatry and blasphemy?
e)  Is the shituf of Christianity worse than the avodah zarah of Hinduism?
f)  Is shituf by definition worse than avodah zarah?
g)  If God exists, would He be more angered by shituf than avodah zarah, or vice versa? 
h)  Have rabbis been properly or at all teaching the Noahide laws in a way that Christians can understand?
i)  If rabbis have not been properly or at all teaching the Noahide laws in a way Christians can understand, how long have they been neglecting their religious obligation?
j)  If rabbis have not been properly or at all teaching the Noahide laws in a way Christians can understand, when will they start doing so?  
k)  If Jews for historic reasons of Christians antisemitism have been afraid of offending their Christian overlords before the First Amendment was passed, is it now finally time for them to face their fear in the name of Kiddish Hashem 230 years later?
l)  Are European rabbis aware that the European Convention of Human Rights also protects their freedom of expression to ask the religious leaders ie the Pope and Archbishop of Canterbury of their Christian overlords how Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy?
m)  If evil is punishment for sin and antisemitism is an evil and God created evil, is antisemitism and pogroms punishment from God to Jews for not doing what He chose them to do?

53:00  Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
54:00  Christianity is the religion of antisemites and Islamophobes.

55:00  Is Christianity worse than Hinduism?

56:00  Is Christianity the most powerful religion in the world but now a spent force?
57:00  Will Christians repent of their idolatry and blasphemy?
59:00  One-party state
1:00:00  Making Secular Koranism attractive to atheists and agnostics

1:02:00  Christians are not rational and are more invested in their idolatry than the correct worship of God.

1:03:00  Muslims are obliged to be nice about Jesus and Mary when dealing with Christians. 
1:04:00  The father of Jesus

1:05:00  If Israelis decide to adopt Secular Koranism, Muslims wouldn't be able to stop them.  

1:09:00  Questioning the Trinity
1:10:00  The Western political establishment reject the Trinity.

1:11:00  Jews and Muslims have not been making the point to Christians that they are idolaters in sufficiently strong terms. 

1:12:00  efdawah should focus on Orthodox rabbis. 
1:19:00  "true Christian"
1:22:00  Why be a Unitarian Christian when you could be Muslim? It must be Islamophobia.
1:24:00  Josephus
1:25:00  Interpolation
1:26:00  The compulsory idolatry of Christianity
1:28:00  The Christian definition of idolatry

Polygamy, Caliphs in republics, the failure of Christianity to protect the institution of marriage

Ralph and I on Amy Newman

Highlights of my appearance on Ralph's stream and how triggered Stella was about having it pointed out that Christianity is kaput

Me on efdawah

3:00  French and German birthrates since the French Revolution
5:00  Demographics is destiny.
6:00  The role of religion in keeping your group in existence
7:00  Schoolchildren made to pair up on school trips to look after each other. 
8:00  Patriarchy and matriarchy are different ways of organising different groups in your society.
9:00  Unwanted children
10:00  The African practice of denouncing children as witches
11:00  The many-headed hydra
12:00  The preference for sons
13:00  Polygamy
14:00  Muhammad marital relations
16:00  The polygamy of Chinese emperors and Caliphs
18:00  A Caliph is a constitutional dictator.
19:00  The Torah and Koran both support a republic.
20:00  One-party meritocracy

After being rejected seven times, Xi joined the Communist Youth League of China in 1971 by befriending a local official. He reunited with his father in 1972, because of a family reunion ordered by Premier Zhou Enlai. From 1973, he applied to join the Chinese Communist Party ten times and was finally accepted on his tenth attempt in 1974.

21:00  The problem of succession
Politburo Standing Committee

23:00  The US Vice President is a heartbeat away from being the next President.
24:00  Constitutional conventions
25:00  No confidence by voters in the political classes
26:00  The ever-changing rules of lockdown
27:00  Inflation and food shortages
28:00  The matriarchy is a danger to itself.
29:00  The degeneracy caused by tolerating unmarried parents
30:00  Feminism denies the reality of sex differences.
31:00  Scapegoating minorities
32:00  Women are not expected to be principled. 
33:00  The government no longer supports marriage.
34:00  Bad gender relations in the West
35:00  Muslims are programmed to have legitimate offspring while non-Muslim Westerners are not.
36:00  Non-Muslim Westerners habitually reject Truth, Logic and Morality.
37:00  The Age of Enlightenment
38:00  Mercantlism
39:00  Empiricism and Descartes
40:00  How to know God exists
41:00  The narrative of the Abrahamic God
44:00  The Yetzer Hara, the evil inclination
45:00  Rules are made to be broken.
48:00  The Noahide laws
49:00  Why God divided humanity into Jews and gentiles
50:00  Matriarchy rots your morals.
51:00  The nature and purpose of Jews
52:00  Jews are not allowed to retire from being Jews until and unless they reside in a righteous Noahide nation.
53:00  Rabbis who refuse to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
54:00  What we would do if we feared God
55:00  Islamophobes and Muslims
56:00  UKIP and Islamophobes
57:00  Western values is feminism, Western culture is fornication.
58:00  Inter-generational conflict
59:00  Repentance
1:00:00  The principles of Judaism and Islam
1:02:00  Abrahamic faiths not adhering to their religious principles
1:03:00  Muslims in the West are a warning and reminder to Westerners that Christianity has failed. 

Explaining Secular Koranism to a Muslim from efdawah

I start speaking from 2:00
3:00  Noahide laws
4:00  Sunday trading
5:00  The penalty for Sabbath breaking for Jews
6:00  How is Christianity not idolatry and blasphemy?
7:00  How Christianity was enforced
8:00  Islamophobia
9:00 White Nationalists inclining to Hinduism and other forms of European paganism
10:00  Ideas of the French Revolution
11:00  Communist Manifesto
12:00  Koranic principles in legislation, especially based on the First Amendment
14:99  Noahide laws

15:00  SHAH JAHANI joins.
16:00  Muslims should ask rabbis to rank the four gentle religions according to their conformity with Noahide laws so that Islam is ranked most Noahide and Christianity the least. 
18:00  The Third Principle of Judaism
19:00  Christians cannot answer how Jesus became God.
20:00  How and why Constantine the Great made Christianity the religion of the Roman Empire
Arian heresy
21:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
22:00  Secular Koranism
24:00  The Koran is silent on stoning.
25:00  I didn't really understand his question.
27:00  I explain why Secular Koranism would restore the patriarchy.
28:00  Secular Koranism would support marriage and family values. 

29:00  Allah is the Hypothetical Supreme Authority.

30:00  A Caliph is a constitutional dictator. 
31:00  A dictator has no right to bequeath his leadership position to his male descendants or relations. 
32:00  You don't have to be Muslim to adopt Secular Koranism. I am trying to sell it to the Israelis. 
33:00  There are four schools of sharia ie different interpretations of the Koran. 
34:00  Every country would have its own legal traditions for implementing Secular Koranism. 
35:00  How would differences in interpretation be resolved?
36:00  Why don't I convert to Islam?

37:00  There is no need to wait till most Westerners voluntarily accept Islam before implementing Secular Koranism. 

38:00  The conditions necessary for the implementation of sharia
40:00  Marketing Secular Koranism
41:00  Benefits of sharia to atheists
43:00  Implementing Secular Koranism is more important to me than being officially Muslim.
44:00  Believing in the product
45:00  I want people to understand that we can arrive at Islam using reason alone. 
50:00  Laws are not subjective.  
51:00  Global sharia
52:00  I am legally trained.
53:00  I already anticipate not having complete control over the interpretation of Secular Koranism.
57:00  efdawah
Dealing with Christians
58:00  Going for the jugular of the Trinity
59:00  My agnosticism
1:00:00  The religion closest to my beliefs
1:01:00  Jews and Muslims believe in the oneness of God.
1:03:00  13 Principles of Judaism
1:07:00  Principle 8
1:09:00  36 capital offences of the Torah
1:12:00  The status of being God's Chosen People
1:13:00  Ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
1:15:00  If only Jews would do what they are supposed to do! 
1:16:00  Jewish sources say Islam is Noahide.
1:17:00  Rabbis too terrified of discussing the Noahide laws with each other because they have a guilty conscience. 

1:18:00  Ollie Anisfeld who runs J-TV literally could not find a single rabbi prepared to discuss the ranking of the Noahide laws and I know he has been trying for ages because he did eventually say he was trying after I kept reminding him. 

1:19:00  How to deal with rabbis reluctant to rank the gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
1:21:00  White Nationalist Richard Spencer being pro-Islam
1:22:00  Gratitude to the internet
1:23:00  Pride and envy
1:25:00  Western media and the Hypothetical Supreme Authority

1:26:00  Making promises made to ourselves are less effective than promises made to others because a person who ties himself can easily unbind himself. AA understands how this works.

All promises are promises to a higher power over and above the beneficiary of the promise. That higher power could be God or to people not just the person making the promise and the person receiving the promise.

1:27:00  The promises of politicians
1:28:00  Nationalists have no idea how to behave towards each other.
1:29:00  The legal process of appeal works towards God.
1:32:00  I already submit to Truth, Logic and Morality. 
1:33:00  Hijab
1:35:00  Scripture is objective morality. 
1:36:00  Wife-beating in the Koran
1:40:00  Many rabbis are Islamophobes.
1:41:00  Jews are held to a higher standard for a reason. 
1:44:00  Secular Jews
1:45:00  The Babylonian Talmud contain the Seven Noahide laws.
1:47:00  The Noahide laws are useful to Muslims. 
Muslim money bribing rabbis to declare Islam most and Christianity least Noahide. 
1:48:00  Christian incoherence about how and why Jesus is God
1:53:00  The nature and purpose of Holy Spirit: the Agency of God
1:56:00  The Christian conception of God

The Koran is the Word of God while the New Testament is the word of mortal and fallible men.

1:58:00  Selling Secular Koranism to Israelis

1:59:00  Without Judaism, there would be no Jews.Without Judaism, there would only be Israelis. 

2:00:00  Israel could still be light unto the nations through adopting Secular Koranism.
2:01:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
2:02:00  Three global Christian empires

2:02:00  Islam is the Goldilocks religion for Jews and gentiles.
2:06:00  When things get worse
2:08:00  Ignorance and arrogance
2:09:00  It is not too late to repent.  
2:11:00  No writing, no law. 
2:12:00  The more well-constructed narrative is the one that is easier to believe. 
2:13:00  The first five Noahide laws as I classify them should be acceptable to all rational and moral atheists. 
2:14:00  Israel is hated by Arabs for its liberal democracy.
2:15:00  Westerners must first acknowledge that Christianity is kaput and liberalism is for losers before they will finally adopt Secular Koranism. 
2:16:00  The American Republic was founded on Islamic principles. 
Atheist secular Jews are useful too.  
2:17:00  Which theocracy would secular Israeli Jews choose? Not the one with 36 capital offences! 
2:18:00  No atheists in foxholes. 
2:19:00  Jews are no longer fit for the purpose of denouncing idolatry and blasphemy. 
2:20:00  How Muslims should deal with Orthodox rabbis
2:21:00  Jews and Muslims should be jointly asking the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury how and why Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy.

Secular Koranism should be part of every Muslims dawah toolkit. 

2:23:00  Arguing over whether Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy would be a better way of dealing with Christians than arguing over conflicting narratives. Jews and Muslims are going to win this argument because they believe in the oneness of God while Christians believe in the threeness of God but cannot explain this belief other than using it as a badge of Christian identity. 

2:24:00  Why Jews were given the Torah by God

2:26:00  But for Judaism, there would be no Jews. But for Jews, there would be no Jesus for Christians to worship. But for Christianity, there would be no Islam to improve on a defective adaptation of a religion for gentiles for the worship of the Abrahamic God.


2:29:00  Donald Rumsfeld
2:34:00  No point talking to Christians.
Rabbi Gavriel Krausz refused to discuss the Noahide laws with me
2:36:00  Joint letter by Jews and Muslims to Christians
2:37:00  The shituf Christianity is worse than the avodah zarah of Hinduism.
2:38:00  The religion of the children of Secular Koranists
2:40:00  Our duty to shorten the period of chaos in the transition from matriarchy to theocracy
2:41:00  Focusing on idolatry when dealing with Christians
2:44:00  The punishment should fit the crime. 
2:45:00  Secular Koranism would abolish no fault divorce.
2:46:00  Flat rate income tax of 20%

Friday, 16 July 2021

Secular Koranism as yet not explained on the Perfect Storm

2:31:00  I explain why I think Secular Koranism will help Muslims do their dawah better.
2:32:00  Jews and the Noahide laws
2:33:00  Christians associate partners with God.
2:34:00  How is Christianity not idolatry and blasphemy?
2:35:00  The New Testament is the word of mortal and fallible men. 
2:36:00  The Council of Nicaea
2:37:00  Christians don't give a damn that they are guilty of idolatry and blasphemy. 
2:38:00  Josephus and Jesus

2:42:00  Sadducees and Pharisees
2:44:00  Human sacrifice
2:45:00  Christian missionaries

Discussing Leviticus on the Amy Newman Show

3:40:00  Leviticus is for Jews.
3:41:00  The Koran is for gentiles.
3:42:00  Christians
3:43:00  Israel
3:44:00  Christians converting to Jews to Christianity in Israel
3:45:00  "an Orthodox Jew on the Far Right"
3:46:00  "a land-grabbing country"
3:47:00  Sabbath-breaking is a capital crime. 
3:49:00  The Koran
4:02:00  The Doctrine of the Trinity
4:07:00  Book of Genesis
4:08:00  Agnosticism
4:10:00  The Royal Plural
4:11:00  The oneness of God
5:18:00  My parting words

Thursday, 15 July 2021

The neurosis of the divided mind

1:00  Divisions of our society
2:00  Tudors, Victorians, Edwardians etc
3:00  Progress in human civilisation, regression, amnesia and dementia
4:00  The Chinese
5:00  The moral quality of Jews compared to Jews of previous ages
6:00  The expulsion of Jews

"Nothing is good or evil, only thinking makes it so."

7:00  Natural and moral evils
8:00  Evil and Hamlet
9:00  Is being depressed mental illness?
10:00  Jews are supposed to thank God for misfortune. 
11:00  The difference tastes and pleasures between adults and children
12:00  The Romans
13:00  How are we to govern ourselves?
14:00  The attributes of the Abrahamic God
15:00  Wisdom, being mad or silly
16:00  Is unhappiness mental illness?
17:00  Defining mental illness
18:00  Truth, Logic and Morality
19:00  Defining morality
20:00  Sane or insane? Good or evil?
22:00  Catatonia
22:00  Personality Disorder
23:00  M'naghten rule
24:00  Is the serial killer necessarily mentally ill?
28:00  Lying
29:00  Narcissistic Personality Disorder
31:00  An inconsistent answer
33:00  Supporting political leaders
34:00  Follow the leader.
36:00  Do you want to go out?
37:00  Do you want to marry me?
38:00  Doubt
39:00  Lockdown
40:00  Principle of the thing
42:00  What we should do
Noahide laws
43:00  Morality
44:00  Religions and secular political ideologies
45:00  Liberalism round the world
46:00  Official handbook/scripture
47:00  Antisemites, Islamophobes and racists
48:00  Giving up on kaput Christianity and replacing it with Secular Koranism
49:00  Nietzsche and Bismarck
50:00  Kulturkampf and Islam
51:00  Religious identity 
52:00  Group identity
53:00  Individual identity and spiritual needs
54:00  Logic based on truth restrained by principle
55:00  There is no God worthy of worship but Allah. 
Best behaviour
56:00  Principle should restrain our behaviour.
57:00  Everything is 50/50.
58:00  Divine law
59:00  Can governments be sad, mad and bad?
1:00:00  Why do I continue?
1:03:00  Atheists and nihilists are politically inert.
1:04:00  Tisha B'Av
1:10:00  Hypothetical Supreme Authority
1:11:00  Hatred and fear topped by the Seven Deadly Sins

Wednesday, 14 July 2021

The moral imperative of acknowledging the existence of a Hypothetical Supreme Authority AKA God

1:00  Emunah and Bitachon
2:00  Doctrine of the Trinity
3:00  Cosmological argument
4:00  Inquisitions and Crusades
5:00  Christianity is now Liberalism.

7:00  Denial is a feminine vice.
8:00  Larry Sanger
9:00  The Benedict Option
10:00  Wikipedia
11:00  Unprincipled Western men
12:00  Lies and nonsense
13:00  Politically inert cattle
14:00  Cattle that can only be bribed or threatened
15:00  The Hypothetical Supreme Authority would contain object Truth and Justice.
17:00  Going through the appeal process
18:00  Theoretical justice available from a Hypothetical Authority
19:00  Justice is a notional goal. 
20:00  Atheists and nihilists who cannot see beyond their own lives 
21:00  Posterity, the National Interest and the principle of the thing
22:00  Principled men who are part of a moral and religious system
23:00  Hypothetical Supreme Authority
24:00  Moral objectives 
25:00  The theory and practice of music
26:00  Unprincipled men cannot be commanded by the moral imperative.
27:00  The moral chaos of matriarchy 
28:00  The boy who cried wolf
29:00  Fight or flight?
30:00  Degenerate men who are frightened of a mouse, who are stupid, skint and scared.
31:00  Western men are chickens in a cage.
32:00  Morality
33:00  Conscience
34:00  Rules of morality
36:00  Mandate of Heaven
37:00  The Abrahamic God
38:00  Pantheism
39:00  The Abrahamic God or some other kind of deity
41:00  Reincarnation
42:00  Buddhism
43:00  Unprincipled atheists fighting for supremacy
45:00  Hinduism, Buddhism and the New Testament
46:00  Not the Torah
47:00  Confucian principles
48:00  The Fourth Estate
49:00  Theocracy
50:00  God is an instrument of government
52:00  Buddhism
54:00  The right laws of a theocracy
55:00  Nirvana
56:00  Buddhism is not about running a country.
57:00  Thirteen Principles of Judaism
1:01:00  The Koran
1:11:00  JEN WALLIS joins to discuss faith.
1:13:00  Faith and law
1:14:00  Speed limit
1:16:00  Buddhism
1:17:00  Intoxicants
1:18:00  Buddhist principles and rules
1:19:00  Popular and authoritative
1:22:00  The Buddha came before Jesus.
1:23:00  A higher authority than the mortal and fallible human
1:24:00  Faith in humanity
1:25:00  Breaking promises to ourselves
1:26:00  The next step from a promise is a contract.
1:27:00  The appeal process
1:28:00  Moral relativism
1:29:00  The generation gap
1:31:00  Fratricide and respect for one's elders
1:33:00  A Darwinian struggle of moral systems
1:34:00  Usury
1:35:00  Political activism is about changing the law.
1:36:00  Hitler
1:37:00  Every war is a gamble.
1:38:00  Islamic principles of warfare

The root of the problem

1:40:00  Who should become leader?

The Torah and the Koran does not endorse monarchy.

1:41:00  Caliphs behaved like emperors but should have been constitutional dictators.
1:42:00  The American Republic was founded on Islamic principles.
1:43:00  The First Amendment
1:44:00  Forced to believe

Jews do not have freedom of belief according to the Torah.

1:45:00  Why Muslims in the Middle East hate Jews and their liberal democracy
1:47:00  The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
1:48:00  Vigilance and principles

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Tikkun Olam And Other Great Jewish Ideas (7-12-21)

3:00  Richard Spencer
4:00  Tikkun Olam

Tikkun olam (Hebrew: תיקון עולם‎, lit. 'repair of the world') is a concept in Judaism, interpreted by some within Orthodox Judaism as the prospect of overcoming all forms of idolatry, and by other Jewish thinkers as an aspiration to behave and act constructively and beneficially.


11:00  Luke asks the most important question of all for Jews ie whether tikkun olam is teaching the Noahide laws, and Doooovid the Reform bar miztvah boy says no whose father is not Jewish, just says no, and that's the end of the matter.  

1:03:00  Kiddush Hashem is the obligation of Jews when their tikkun olam meets with the rejection and rage of idolatrous Christians. 

1:13:00  Jewish philosophy

Monday, 12 July 2021

The Koran is clearest on the prohibition against incest


“But if any man thinks that he is behaving himself unseemly toward his virgin daughter, if she be past the flower of her age, and if need so requires, let him do what he will; he is not sinning; let them marry” (1 Cor. 7:36).


"Prohibited to you [for marriage] are your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your father's sisters, your mother's sisters, your brother's daughters, your sister's daughters, your [milk] mothers who nursed you, your sisters through nursing, your wives' mothers, and your step-daughters under your guardianship [born] of your wives unto whom you have gone in. But if you have not gone in unto them, there is no sin upon you. And [also prohibited are] the wives of your sons who are from your [own] loins, and that you take [in marriage] two sisters simultaneously, except for what has already occurred. Indeed, Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful."

As for the Old Testament, we know from Genesis 19:30-38 that Lot had sex with his two daughters and had offspring.

Lot and His Daughters

30 Lot and his two daughters left Zoar and settled in the mountains, for he was afraid to stay in Zoar. He and his two daughters lived in a cave. 31 One day the older daughter said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is no man around here to give us children—as is the custom all over the earth. 32 Let’s get our father to drink wine and then sleep with him and preserve our family line through our father.”

33 That night they got their father to drink wine, and the older daughter went in and slept with him. He was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up.

34 The next day the older daughter said to the younger, “Last night I slept with my father. Let’s get him to drink wine again tonight, and you go in and sleep with him so we can preserve our family line through our father.” 35 So they got their father to drink wine that night also, and the younger daughter went in and slept with him. Again he was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up.

36 So both of Lot’s daughters became pregnant by their father. 37 The older daughter had a son, and she named him Moab[a]; he is the father of the Moabites of today. 38 The younger daughter also had a son, and she named him Ben-Ammi[b]; he is the father of the Ammonites[c] of today.

Friday, 9 July 2021

The religious purpose of identity

Amy Newman from 42:00

Me from 37:00

6:00  Our operating principles
7:00  Happiness
8:00  Meghan Markle
9:00  The purpose of our lives
Christopher Columbus
13:00  Suicide
14:00  Badges of identity
15:00  Absence of firm principles detracts from our identity.
16:00  Prohibitions ground our spirituality.
17:00  Principles are the furniture of our mind.
18:00  Religious identity should be the greater part of our identity.
19:00  Civic values and our national religion
20:00  Patriarchy and family values is a way of organising society.
21:00  Laws based on sound moral principles
22:00  Not getting the message through
23:00  Patriarchy
24:00  A rapidly ageing society
25:00  Our children are our wealth.
26:00  Those whose culture expect marriage
27:00  Patriarchy increases the likelihood of a successful war of self-defense.
30:00  The religious purpose of identity
31:00  Uhuru
33:00  Amy Newman

Me from 2:42:00

38:00  Moral principles

Not being well-received at the Dawah Clinic from 42:00

A woman in Pakistan discusses my proposal that rabbis rank the four gentile religions

2:00  Economic migrants and refugees follow the money.

3:00  Western foreign policy has destroyed the Muslim countries you mention.

4:00  Trump was representing the interests of Americans who fear uncontrolled immigration.

5:00  The chaos in Afghanistan was caused by Western foreign policy and Western invaders.

6:00  Islam supports marriage and family values.

7:00  Young people of all races and religions are understandably attracted to the culture of sex and shopping that is the Post-Christian West.

8:00  The West is Post-Christian.

10:00  Islam supersedes Judaism and Christianity.

13:00  All idolatry is blasphemy and blasphemy includes anything other than idol-worshiping that would offend God if He exists. Christianity is not only idolatry because Christians not only worship the idols of Jesus and Mary, they also blaspheme when they say Jesus lives and Mary is Mother of God. If they think Jesus is alive, they think he is immortal. If they think he is immortal then they think he is divine. If they think he is divine, they are guilty of idolatry. Not only do Christians worship Jesus as the co-equal of Allah, they also know that Jesus was convicted and crucified for blasphemy when he said his papa was God.  

14:00  It is assumed that Islam disapproves of idolatry and blasphemy. Is this assumption incorrect?

15:00  I am just saying that an atheist if forced to choose between a Torah theocracy and a sharia theocracy would choose the one that does not have 36 capital offences. I am also saying that Israel should be a theocracy, but more than half of Israel Jews are secular. However, if there were a referendum in Israel inviting secular Jews to choose between a Torah theocracy and Secular Koranism, they would choose Secular Koranism.

Secular Koranism on a one year grace period on the whipping of unmarried parents

Secular Koranism: Secular Koranism on a one year grace period on the... :    TABLE OF CONTENTS   Below is a detailed party pamphlet for the...