Tuesday, 15 March 2022

First conversation with Snorkelblog on censorship, feminism, suffrage and religion

Murdoch Murdoch

12:00  I introduce myself.
13:00  Trolling trolling trolling

18:00  Censorship
20:00  Nietzsche on interpretation
21:00  GI Joe soldier doll as opposed to branded Marvel dolls
23:00  Imagination
25:00  Woodworking skills
26:00  Specialisation as opposed to piece work
28:00  Loss of skills
29:00  MacDonald's business model of deskilling the workforce
32:00  Audiophile
34:00  Generation gap
36:00  Joel Davis
37:00  Keith Woods
40:00  Joseph Atwill
41:00  Degeneracy
43:00  Prioritising the female preference
44:00  Gender relations
46:00  Democracy
47:00  Ukraine
48:00  Jews
51:00  Minorities
Noahide laws
52:00  Noahide ranking of the four gentile religions
53:00  Narrowing the franchise
54:00  Why are Jews such a powerful minority?
56:00  The guest analogy
57:00  Hiroshima
58:00  Jews
1:02:00  Why do we do what we do?

1:03:00  Liberalism

The Abrahamic God is the most powerful being conceivable.

Will everyone eventually worship the God of Israel? Why not if most people wanted to  worship the most powerful being conceivable?

1:04:00  Tikkun olam
1:05:00  Christianity supporting the divine right of kings
1:06:00  Protestantism and gay marriage
1:07:00  Church spreading knowledge of the Abrahamic God
1:08:00  Henry VIII
1:09:00  Church now liberal.
1:10:00  National Socialism
1:12:00  Is rape worse than sodomy?
1:14:00  General degeneracy in the upper and lower strata of society
1:15:00  Glitter in the front pew in an evangelical church
1:16:00  Idolatry
1:18:00  Usury
1:19:00  The rule of law
1:20:00  Ability to think in the abstract
1:21:00  The Koran
1:22:00  Sermon on the Mount
1:23:00  The Ten Commandments
1:24:00  613 laws of Judaism
1:27:00  Our idolatry of the TV
1:28:00  Christianity and immigration
1:30:00  Constantine the Great
1:32:00  Political problems are problems morality.
Japanese women on the pill
1:33:00  Gay rights in China
1:34:00  Yin Yang
1:37:00  The Divine Plan of the Abrahamic God
1:38:00  The Book of Mormon
1:41:00  Jews are special
1:44:00  Ir nidachat
1:45:00  Jewish emancipation
1:45:00  A beheading in the afterlife
1:47:00  Who really believes in God?
1:49:00  The utility of God
1:51:00  Treating unmarried parents as sex offenders with quran.com/24/2
1:53:00  The last bird of its species
1:54:00  What sex really mean to men
1:55:00  Feminism
1:57:00  Dying to protect women
1:58:00  Truth, Beauty and Goodness
1:59:00  Non-Christian Truth, Beauty and Goodness
2:01:00  Christian culture and aesthetics

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Who are the 14 rabbis listed in Rabbi Mizrachi’s blacklist of non-kosher rabbis?

  Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, a controversial Haredi outreach speaker, along with his protégé Rabbi Yaron Reuven, publicized a "blacklist...