Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Irrefutable evidence of hypocrisy

The New Testament is conceptually inferior to both the Torah and Koran. By this I mean that even if Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all lies, Judaism and Islam at least claim that their scripture comes from the Abrahamic God while Christians only rely on the word of mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance claiming that Jesus died on the cross, which the Koran denies. 

This issue allows Muslims to make yet another thrust of the dagger into the body of nonsense Christianity relies on.  

Muslims can worship the oneness of the Abrahamic God without being guilty of idolatry and blasphemy while Christians believing in their own belief system would be guilty of idolatry and blasphemy.  

While they claim to love Jesus, they actually want him to have died for their sins and will be upset to be told that the Koran denies this. These hypocrites actually want the prophet they claim to love to have died horribly for their sins even as they are offered a more coherent and plausible belief system that does not involve idolatry and blasphemy.  

Not only do they believe in nonsense while practising idolatry and blasphemy, they are hypocrites who want to human sacrifice to have been practised on their behalves as well as being racists, chauvinists, antisemites and Islamophobes.

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