Saturday, 12 March 2022

Joel Davis on the behaviour of a certain tribe

Samuel T Francis

5:00  Pat Buchanan's book on the Unnecessary War

David Irving

My analysis of antisemistism

8:00  "I do not like thee, Dr Fell."

9:00  God's Chosen People
11:00  My conversation with Ali Dawah

Joel Davis:

'Sam Francis also isn't afraid to name the Jew, the reality of Jewish Power isn't a "conspiracy theory" - its a structural feature.

..because the new managerial elite rejects and destroys the mechanisms of the old elite that excluded other ethnic, racial, and religious groups, such groups are often able to permeate the managerial power structure and acquire levels of power unavailable to them in pre-managerial society and to advance their own interests and agendas by means of the managerial instruments of power. These ethnic forces, articulating their own strong racial, ethnic, cultural, or religious consciousness, invoke managerial liberal slogans of “equality,” “tolerance,” “diversity,” etc., to challenge traditional white dominance but increasingly aspire to cultural and political supremacy themselves, excluding whites and rejecting and dismantling the institutional fabric of their society

Kevin MacDonald has documented in immense detail how Jewish groups seeking to advance their own ethnically based agendas have accomplished this, and since a central part of those agendas include the eradication of the historic ethnic, racial, and religious barriers and beliefs that excluded Jews and were perceived as leading to their persecution, the Jewish agenda and that of the managerial elite are in this respect perfectly congruent with each other. Indeed, so prominent have Jews become within the elite (especially its cultural sector) that it is fair to say that Jews within the managerial elite serve as the cultural vanguard of the managerial class, providing ideological justification of its structure and policies, disseminating its ideological formulas to the mass population, formulating and often implementing specific policies, and providing much of the specialized educational training essential to the transmission and perpetuation of the technocratic skills of the elite. In this respect, Jews perform a support function (in this case, a cultural and ideological one rather than tax-collecting or money-lending) for the largely non-Jewish elite similar to those they performed for various European aristocracies in the past.

Thus the emergence of “neo-conservatism” in recent decades reflects not only the Jewish interests and identities of its principal formulators and exponents but also, unlike the older conservatism of the pre-managerial elite, the interests of the managerial class as a whole in conserving the new political and cultural order that class has created but rejecting and dismantling the pre-managerial order the older conservatism sought to defend.

The managerial elite, however, also has allied with other ethnic and racial groups, most of which share its interest in eliminating white racial identity and the cultural forces that support it. Like the Jewish allies of the elite and the elite itself, these non-white groups seek to eradicate white racial identity and its institutional expression, but unlike the elite, they also often seek to promote their own racial consciousness and identity. Thus, while explicitly white racial identity is virtually forbidden and strictly punished by the managerial eliteinstitutions that reflect explicit nonwhite or anti-white identities are tolerated and encouraged

In effect, the alliance between racially conscious non-white forces and the rising managerial elite in the last century represents a managerial partnership with a historical process that originally was entirely separate and different from the managerial revolution..the non-white racial forces with which it allied rejected white racial supremacy and identity in part to revolt against and overthrow (“liberate” themselves from) white domination (a phase of the racial revolution generally called by the benign label of the “civil rights movement”) but in part also to pursue their own racial power and aspirations.' 

  1. What is "the new managerial elite"?
  2. Who are "the new managerial elite" and can you name a member of this group?
  3. What are "the mechanisms of the old elite"?
  4. What was the "old elite"?
  5. Who are the "old elite" and can you name a member of this group?
  6. Can you describe the "managerial power structure"?
  7. How did Jews "acquire levels of power unavailable to them in "pre-managerial society"?
  8. What were these new levels of power?
  9. When did "pre-managerial society" end?
  10. What are "the managerial instruments of power"?
  11. When you refer to the "ethnically based agendas" of Jewish groups with the purpose of the "eradication of the historic ethnic, racial, and religious barriers and beliefs that excluded Jews and were perceived as leading to their persecution", do you mean Christianity and patriarchy?
  12. When you talk about Jews "implementing specific policies" as the "cultural vanguard of the managerial class", what policies do you mean?
  13. When you refer to "the technocratic skills of the elite", what skills do you mean?
  14. What do you understand by neoconservatism?
  15. How does neoconservatism "reflect Jewish interests and identities"?
  16. What is the "older conservatism"?
  17. Who were the "pre-managerial elite"?
  18. What are the interests of "the managerial class"?
  19. What is the "managerial class"?
  20. Who are the "managerial class"?
  21. What is the "new political and cultural order"?
  22. What is "pre-managerial order the older conservatism sought to defend"?
  23. When was the "pre-managerial order" rejected and dismantled?
  24. Who represented this "older conservatism£ and can you name one of its members?
  25. When you say "the managerial elite", do you mean Jews?
  26. Which racial and ethnic group share the interest of Jews "in eliminating white racial identity and the cultural forces that support it"?
  27. Which of "these non-white groups seek to eradicate white racial identity and its institutional expression"? 
  28. Can you name a non-white group seeking to "eradicate white racial identity and its institutional expression"?
  29. Can you give an example of this "institutional expression" of white racial identity such a group is seeking to eradicate?
  30. Can you give an example of an "institutional expression" of white racial identity which has been "strictly punished by the managerial elite"?
  31. Which "institutions that reflect explicit nonwhite or anti-white identities are tolerated and encouraged"?
  32. What is the "managerial revolution" and when did this revolution take place?
  33. What is the "historical process" to which you refer "that originally was entirely separate and different from the managerial revolution"?

35:00  Judaism has the biggest ideas know to humanity.

36:00  Having the last word.

37:00  The Koran acknowledges the Virgin Birth.

38:00  The cowardice of Jews, Christians and Muslims

42:00  Neoconservatism is an euphemism for American imperialism. 

44:00   Old Conservatism and New Conservatism

45:00  Neoconservatism = American imperialism

The last time Joel Davis and I spoke

49:00  Protected characteristics

50:00  The West is a degenerate matriarchy.

51:00  The liberal elite despise the absurdity of Christianity most of all.

52:00  Why would atheist men go to church?

56:00  Men too afraid of feminists to say the F word

58:00  My martyrdom points

1:01:00  Alison Chabloz

1:03:00  Jewish servants of liberalism

1:05:00  Joseph 

1:07:00  Israel is an American protectorate.

1:08:00  Abraham was not Jewish. 

1:09:00  References to Jews in the Koran

1:10:00  Christians have been worshiping an executed blasphemer for 2000 years.

1:11:00  Pontius Pilate

1:12:00  Pardon at Passover for Barabbas

1:13:00  My last conversation with Joel Davis

1:15:00  Why Western Man is neurotic

1:16:00  Dialectical materialism > The Trinity

Christianity is no longer fit for the purpose of maintaining morality. 

1:17:00  Men behaving like women not discussing ideas

1:19:00  Islam gives women many rights feminists would approve of. 

1:20:00  Coverture and the Married Women's Property Act 

1:21:00  The Generation Abyss created by liberal media

1:23:00  Feminism bribes men with fornication to distract from defending the practice of marriage.

1:24:00  The sin of idolatry and its own punishment.

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