Thursday, 10 March 2022

Why Jews are special and necessary to problem-solving gentiles because of their chosen status

1:00  Why would you be an idolater or a pantheist worshiping a lesser deity?
2:00  The purpose of religion is to instill morality.
3:00  The purpose of Jews
4:00  Why God divided into humanity into Jews and gentiles
5:00  The laws of God are inescapable.
6:00  Seeing reason before something worse comes along
7:00  Kevin MacDonald and E Michael Jones
8:00  The American Republic rang the death knell for Christendom. 
10:00  Jews do not have to obey God's laws to remain God's Chosen People.
11:00  Jews were chosen to be made an example of. 
12:00  Ir nidachat
13:00  Islam forbids usury which is related to Western banking.
14:00  John Calvin allowed usury while Martin Luther forbade it. 
18:00  The service I perform for Jews and Muslims

20:00  Jews have not properly taught the Noahide laws to their Christian overlords by informing them that Christianity is the religion of idolaters and blasphemers in denial that they are idolaters and blasphemers. 

23:00  Zelensky

30:00  Jews are not responsible for representative democracy.
31:00  George Washington disapproved of political parties. 
32:00  Liberalism is the problem.  
33:00  Christianity is a broken boiler. 
34:00  How Corporate America took over America
35:00  George Washington's farewell speech

38:00  Alison Chabloz should align her views on Jews with mine.
41:00  The narrative of the Abrahamic God
41:00  My message to Jews, Christians and Muslims
42:00  Secular Koranism is on the side of Truth and Justice.
43:00  Israel is an American Protectorate. 
44:00  If Israel became a theocracy, Muslims would respect Israelis.
45:00  Death by stoning for Jewish breakers of the Sabbath
46:00  Death for blasphemy
47:00  Pardon at Passover
Jesus cursing the fig tree
48:00  Sermon on the Mount
49:00  Constantine the Great
50:00  Trinitarians prevailed over Arians. 
51:00  Unitarian Christianity is not as good as the Koran. 
52:00  Unitarian Christians cannot agree on the Virgin Birth.
53:00  The opportunity cost of the Islamophobia that will deprive Westerners of being rightly-guided by the Koran is unsustainable in the long run.
54:00  Henry II
56:00  Mamzer
57:00  Jews have no control over the quality of their tribal membership.
58:00  William Tyndale burned at the stake for translating the Bible into English
59:00  North South Divide
1:00:00  Nick Griffin
1:01:00  I am using the rules of Jews, Christians and Muslims against them. 
1:04:00  Our spiritual needs
1:05:00  The harshness of the Torah makes it rational for Jews to choose the Koran as a guide for humanity towards heaven in the afterlife.  
1:06:00  Why God chose Jews
1:07:00  How Jews conquered Canaan
1:08:00  Decline of Israel after death of Solomon

1:09:00  Mecca
1:11:00  The harm of idolatry

1:12:00  Christians are very warlike. If there is WW3, all World Wars will have been started by Christian civilisations.
1:13:00  I radiate serenity.  
1:14:00  Secular Koranism all over the world 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent depiction of the origins of Christianity confirmed by by archeology. READ Creating Christ by James S. Valiant and Warren Fahey- How the Romans invented Christianity.


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